Monday 20 November 2017

Recent blog

Hi again,
We should have included a reference to which is a blog written by an Englishman (Hugh Steadman) living in NZ, on political subjects. It seems well researched and educated. In particular I was interested in the reference to the NZ taxpayers' money that has been given to the Clinton Foundation via the Clinton Foundation's Health Access Initiative. This is a thinly veiled slush fund and the deal was no doubt cooked up between Key and Obama on the Honolulu golf course. In fact Key's effect on NZ has been described by an Arabic saying - "abu samm barid" - which means cold poison. This is something you imbibe over a period without noticing any ill-effects - until you wake up one day to find that you are dead!
Steadman is a Sandhurst graduate who saw the light and emigrated to NZ where he lives in Marlborough. Key orchestrated a donation to the CF of 7.7 million NZD with a further 5.5 million to be paid during this and next year. The Clinton Foundation has been so widely discredited that this is an absolute scandal. It's all ben done through the MFAT.
This has been John Key all over and when Trump came to power his dreams of world domination together with Obama and David Cameron turned to ashes and he resigned. Pure and simple. Read the blogsite - it's informative and inspirational.
Cheers again,
Jim and Jean

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