Saturday, 31 October 2020

This week's Chinese Virus news - (77 days or 11 weeks) since we started compiling these statistics.

Hi to all,
We hope you all remain well and in the pink. More Chinese Virus and electioneering news for your delectation!! Note that the comparative figures in brackets refer to the situation 11 weeks ago.

MUNDO - World - note that the total world population is now estimated at 7,822,053,531 - weekly net increase is 1,557,692
Total cases  45,496,613 - (21,168,111) - up 24,328,502 or 114.93%
Deaths  1,188,444 - 2.6% (759,328 - 3.6%) - up 429,116 or 56.51%
Recoveries  33,066,115 - 72.68% (13,984,843 - 66.1%) - up 19,081,272 or 136.44%
Therefore active cases 11,242,054 - 24.71% (6,425,939 30.3%) - up 4,816,115 or 74.95%. Of the total population of 7,822,053,531 (7,804,380,455), the percentage of active cases is 0.144% (0.082%) of the total world population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,437 
We have entered a new statistic this week - total active cases per 1 million of total population. For the World the figure is 1,437.
Here is a list of other countries which provide a useful comparison, especially to the US figures, which are constantly and completely unjustifiably being used to damage President Trump's re-election chances. The US figure at 9,043 is comparatively high nonetheless.
Brazil  1,768                                               
France 16,616
Spain 396                                                  
Argentina 3,735
UK 294                                                      
Mexico 1,182
Peru 1,326
Italy 4,575
Chile 448
Germany 1,627
Netherlands 612                                
Poland 4,884
Canada 705
Ecuador 595
Switzerland 8,962
Panama 4,887
Sweden 296                                             
Japan 44
Austria 3,272
Singapore 13
Denmark 2,420
Malaysia 310
Belgium 28,709

ESTADOS UNIDOS - United States
Total cases  9,217,960 - (5,429,115) - up 3,788,845 or 69.79%
Deaths  234,225 - 2.5% - (170,781 - 3.2%) - up 63,444 or 37.15%
Recoveries  5,984,864 - 64.93% - (2,844,535 -52.4%) - up 3,140,329 or 110.40%
Therefore active cases  2,998,871 - 32.53% - (2,413,829 - 44.6%) - up 585,042 or 24.24%. Of the total population of 331,642,770 (331,236,184), the percentage of active cases is 0.904% (o.729%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 9,043 
First some comments on the C Virus. "Cases" keep rising, but we increasingly believe that there are 2 factors which artificially magnify these figures - mainly in an attempt to adversely influence electors against the President. "Cases" can be simply those testing positive, but asymptomatic. And the unfavourable comparison with many other countries whose testing would be suspect, to say the least, is simply a result of the US testing more than any other country. 
And of course there is always the misreporting of C Virus cases and deaths, because the medical establishment receives far more money for C Virus related events, than if they were honest and simply recorded the main underlying causes of hospitalisations or deaths.
It's just a further example of unrelenting attempts to de-rail the Trump campaign. One other which came to light this week is the rally Trump held in Rochester, northern Minnesota on the 30th. The Governor and Attorney-General of Minnesota are rabid Democrats and restricted the campaign venue to only 250 people when it could handle tens of thousands. Of course they used the spurious excuse of the dreaded lurgi, but it all blew up in their faces. Immediately outside the venue, thousands of fans gathered, all cheering for Trump. It was inspiring and Trump actually talked to them as well. A great boost for the Trump campaign - all thanks to the brainless and crooked Democrats.
A further comment - the unconscionable delay to the latest relief bill is being deliberately obfuscated and obstructed by the Democrat Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. All in order to deny any credit to the President and to do her best to further damage his campaign. This is unconscionable, as it means that deserving families are being left out in the cold - for solely political reasons. A further example of the Democrats being prepared to stoop to the lowest level of ignoring their own peoples' needs, to achieve their nefarious ends.
And with the Democrats' proven intention to "stack" the SCOTUS and remove the Fillibuster from the Senate and to create 2 more Democrat "states" - Puerto Rico and Washington DC - all in order to get more Democrat Senators into the Senate, it is obvious that their endgame is to make it virtually impossible for any Republican President to ever hold power again.
Another comment - it seems crazy to us where there are different rules pertaining to voting and counting of votes in a national election. Different perhaps for state elections, but the rules should be consistent state by state for a Presidential election. Where there is widespread electoral fraud, it makes it very difficult to counter the crooked Democrats, who can only possibly win an election by telling outrageous lies and committing electoral fraud.     
The big news this week are the continuing revelations concerning Hunter Biden's laptop containing compromising emails proving the Biden Family's corrupt connection to China in particular - and implicating Sleezy Joe. It is said that the computer also contains sexual material well beyond any pornographic content, possibly verging on paedophilia. 
This proves sedition involving the Democrat candidate for President of the United States. Just how all that would play out in the unlikely and horrifying possibility that he was elected is far from clear, but our suspicion is that he would be forced to resign and Kamala Harris would become President. This is in spite of the fact that she was a very early withdrawal from the Democrat Presidential Primary, because she had virtually no electoral support. If she became President, apart from the horrific consequences to the US economy and foreign policy, this would be the least democratic outcome of any election in US history over the past 240 years since the Republic was founded.
If either of the Biden/Harris faction ever became president, the US would be fatally compromised to China in respect of the Biden "crime family's" sellout. 
One of Hunter's partners in the "cash for influence" scheme involving his father is now in jail on money laundering charges and the other, former Secretary of State John Kerry's step-son, having been convicted on similar charges, is also awaiting a jail sentence. The person that Hunter hired and misled to help steer the family through the minefield of establishing these sleezy relations with the Chinese, Tony Bobulinski, has now gone public, having realised just what the Bidens were really up to. He has directly contradicted Joe Biden and implicated him in those negotiations.  It must be said that he is an honourable man and has gone public taking enormous public risk in doing so. He had no idea just what was the underlying Biden motivation in these relations with the Chinese Communist Party. Once he did realise he resigned from the sorry business forthwith. At a meeting in HongKong, Biden's brother, Jim,laughed when asked how they thought they'd get away with their criminality, and he just said "plausible deniability".
The other even bigger news on Monday was the confirmation of (now) Justice Amy Barrett to the United States Supreme Court. The Democrats have been enraged and have made the usual fools of themselves. Justice Barrett will be needed if there is widespread electoral fraud as expected, and also if there is a difficult constitutional situation arising out of Joe Biden's seditious corruption. 
President Trump's energy at 74 years of age is prodigious and such a contrast to Biden. Trump engages with his crowds who often exceed 20,000 and chats in a way that involves the people, whereas Biden by comparison, with his wooden and energy deficient delivery, seems to find raising any engagement with his sparse crowds almost impossible. He simply harangues often almost empty venues whenever he can raise sporadic bursts of energy. Probably whenever whatever drug he is being fed, occasionally kicks in. Not the way to win friends and influence people. Recently the DNC has felt forced to enlist former President Obama to support the flagging Biden campaign. But Obama projects an air of reluctance and lack of enthusiasm which is palpable and to use a former president in this way is unheard of. They must be desperate.
When you see these televised events, it is very difficult to believe that any polls are accurate. We think it's just the same as in 2016 and that there is a great groundswell of support for Trump.
Another issue is a major move to Trump by the black community. The Democrats have virtually kept the black voters in servitude in cities like Baltimore and they have been awakened by Trump's actions in drawing attention to their plight. Trump has overhauled the criminal justice legislation which was an Obama creation which saw many blacks jailed for minor drug offences. Trump has also reduced black unemployment to unprecedented levels and all this is resonating with the previous Democrat base.
Trump cannot and MUST NOT lose, either the presidency, or the Senate. There are some very tight races in the Senate, but again reality hopefully will prove the polls wrong. There will be 4 more years of a Trump Presidency as leader of the Free World - which includes every country with even a modicum of democracy - even NZ!. The alternative is a sellout to China, which would carry serious consequences for NZ, as well as many other countries. The first thing we would see is a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, which is now heavily armed with US armaments - thanks to Trump. Under the corrupt Biden the US would not lift a finger, with unimaginable human carnage.

Total cases  1,053,122 (433,805) - up 619,317 or 142.76%
Deaths  30,026 - 2.9% (14,145 - 3.3%) - up 15,881 or 112.27%
Recoveries  950,348 - 90.24% (250,494 - 57.7%) - up 699,854 or 279.39%
Therefore active cases  69,308 - 6.58% (169,196 - 39.0%) - down 99,888 or 59.04%.  Of the total population of 51,060,661 (50,948,628), the percentage of active cases is 0.136% (0.332%).
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,357
It is still concerning, as far as one can believe these figures, that active cases in particular are still high, although lower than when we started collating these results. But the latest figures have risen since only 4 weeks ago when they stood at 57,472. This increase of 11,836 represents a 20.6% increase in that time. Let's hope that the weekly reductions resume.    
The government has re-introduced some elements of the previous restrictions, such as a curfew on weekends and weekend bans on alcohol sales - as if any of that will work. It seems to be a question of inept denial and hope for the best. None of it will worry us; we do not go out raging at night- any night! - and we just buy our booze at other times. 
Anyway, rather than try to talk about Colombian political news in any sort of detail, here is more mesmerising reading for you from
Oct. 30th. Colombia's central bank at risk of government takeover 
Oct. 30th. Colombia,'s opposition seeks referendum to remove Duque from office
Oct. 30th. Duque dismissed after slamming Colombia's war crimes tribunal
Oct. 30th. Copper mafia kicking Medellin off the grid: internet provider
Oct. 30th. Opposition senator survives assassination attempt in south west Colombia
Oct.29th. Colombia's prosecution ordered to investigate censorship, not whistleblower
Oct. 29th  Medellin imposes curfew as Colombia enters 2nd. Coronavirus wave.
Oct. 26th. Did top Mafia boss outsmart US and Colombia again?
Oct. 26th. Colombia's opposition threatened with "systemic extermination"
Oct. 26th. Tensions between US and Colombia over "counternarcotics disaster"
Oct 25th. Colombia claims killing "Uriel", ELN's most media-savvy guerilla
Oct. 25th. Colombia's 34th. massacre this year: 5 Indigenous murdered amid land dispute
Oct. 25th. US officials in Colombia suspected of seeking Narco bribes
Oct. 25th. Coronavirus in Colombia: 30,000 dead, million infected
On a personal note - although we have experienced a recovery from our bad colds, we are still finding it difficult to fight off the last vestiges.  Maybe the weather doesn't help; it's been quite rainy over the past few weeks, which is in line with normal seasonal weather patterns here. And we are going into winter, such as it is only 6 degrees north of the Equator. 
And the car has developed an annoying starting issue. Very occasionally, it won't start when warm, but after 30 minutes or so it starts normally. So, armed with some homegrown diagnostic information, yours truly is taking it to our mechanic - hopefully it's just a loose connection, possibly affected by heat. Mercedes B Class models of this era do have starting issues, but it's usually more serious, such as the starter motor itself. But when that happens, it's usually at a much higher mileage and we are sure that's not the case as, if it was, it wouldn't start at all. Monday is ANOTHER holiday here so it will have to wait until Tuesday. Apart from that, we have found the car to be absolutely ideal for driving around here and would also be great for longer trips out of town when we can make them healthwise. You can even find recent road tests of 2007/08 MB B Class B200 turbos on the internet and they receive rave reviews. Bears out yours truly's feelings back in 2007 when the MB dealer on Auckland's North Shore lent a B Class diesel version to us while the transmission on the venerable 420SEC 1987 coupe was being rebuilt. The B Class was very impressive and, although this one isn't a diesel and consequently uses a bit more fuel, it is no less impressive - as long as it starts when required!!  
Also on Tuesday morning, Jean is having a follow-up chest x-ray, which has been scheduled for some time. Hopefully that is now all clear.    

Total cases  1,950 (1,714) - up 236 or 13.77%
Deaths  25 - 1.28%  (22 - 1.4%) - up 3 or 13.64%
Recoveries  1,857 - 95.23% (1,531 - 95.6%) - up 326 or 21.29%
Therefore active cases  68 - 3.49% (49 - 3.0%) - up 19 or 38.78%. Of the total population (and this number is impossible to obtain because the population never changes- God knows what is happening in Godzone!! Except that Jim's eldest midwife daughter tells him that she's never been so busy???), of 5,002,100 the percentage of active cases is %0.0014% (0.001%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 14
NZ is experiencing continued quarantine cases from the fishing boat crews who obviously were inadequately screened before they left Russia. Otherwise the border lockdown is working fine, except for the ongoing severe damage to the economy.
Biggest news - for us - this week was an article in Granny Herald indignantly condemning comments on NZ's draconian border shutdown by Laura Ingraham of Fox News. She is a favourite of ours and we watch her show most nights. She,along with most of the other female presenters on Fox, is a highly qualified lawyer who in the past clerked on the Supreme Court for Clarence Thomas, a Supreme Court Justice. 
She erroneously said that people in quarantine in NZ who refused C Virus tests were "thrown into quarantine camps"!!! Of course they just continue to stay in luxurious hotels. We have written to Laura explaining this, but also referring to the shameful situation of the offshore cruising yachts and assuring her of our undying support and also support for President Trump.
NZ is altogether too precious when it comes to criticism, even when it's deserved as in this case. The unrelenting border shutdown is too uncompromising and needs to be relaxed, albeit with adequate precautions, where necessary. 
Tourism is now a dead duck and Air NZ is laying off another 400 cabin staff. When will NZ's Socialist madness end? Probably when things get so bad that the love affair with the toothy grin finally ends.
The other comment we'd make concerns property values. They are on a roll in NZ and the US - mainly due to almost zero interest rates. And the insane counterfeit money printing going on - 100 billion in NZ and trillions in the US. But as economic reality starts to really be felt, perhaps not until next year, things may be different and all the economic laws would point to substantial inflation at some point soon with the money supply having been so drastically increased. But normal economic expectations may be somewhat "out" as the whole world is in the same boat and separate economies may work tosupport each other. Who knows - fascinating times we live in.

Total cases 27,580 (23,035) - up 4,545 or 19.73%
Deaths 907 - 3.29% (370 - 1.7%) - up 537 or 145.14%
Recoveries 25,240 - 91.52%(13,634 - 59.2%) - up 11,606 or 85.13%
Therefore active cases 1,437 -  5.21% (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 7,585 or 84.07%. Of the total population of 25,596,745 (25,536,804), the percentage of active cases is 0.0056% (0.04%) of the total population. .
Total active cases per 1 million of population - 56 
The stats look good - all that needs to happen now is arrest that Victorian Premier and throw away the key!!

With lotsaluv and all very best wishes to our family and friends ................stay well,
Jim and Jean


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