Hi to all,
Once more hoping this finds everyone in the pink.
We have had an interesting week as regards the C Virus. Mainly because that Communist Chinese stooge, the World Health Organisation, which at Chinese direction back in January, deliberately misled the world about the lack of human to human transmission, then said the C Virus was no more than the flu, not to worry about masks, then masks are essential and now they're saying masks do almost nothing to stop transmission of the virus, and could even increase the risk of becoming infected! They are now also saying that the massive lockdowns throughout the world should never have been implemented, despite themselves saying at the time that they were essential. Probably they are now changing their lies in an attempt to blame individual countries for the widespread economic and humanitarian damage caused by the lockdowns. No doubt they will be hoping by this duplicitous means, to deflect blame for all the collateral economic damage from their masters, the Communist Party of China. The bottom line is that they are all incompetent liars with definite political agendas, and so unfortunately there ultimately appears to be no reliable source of information for any issue surrounding the Chinese Virus.
Communist China, meanwhile was actively spreading the C Virus world-wide by continuing to allow international flights to everywhere but at the same time disallowing any domestic travel. It took President Trump's prescience in late January to order the US border to be closed to all flights from China. Of course he was then accused of racism etc. But it has now been accepted that that one action saved tens of thousands of American lives. Now all the Dems can do is criticise him for not doing enough to control the virus, but he has been as effective as possible in controlling a situation that has never happened to the same extent in any of our lives.
Europe and the UK appear to be heading into a further Chinese Virus crisis. At this time there is great reluctance to shut down as comprehensively as before because it is generally realised that shutdowns do more humanitarian and financial damage than any lives they might save. We hope that this new found resolve is maintained.
In Colombia last week active cases had increased by 23,718 (3,388 per day) or 41.2% from 57,472 the week before to a new total of 81,190. How could there be an increase of 41.2% in just one week when it is being claimed that the C Virus situation is being controlled? Now the number of active cases is 81,694, which is another weekly increase of 504 or 0.62% - much less than the week before. What is going on? We guess that there is one consolation, inasmuch as the weekly rate of increase has itself decreased markedly. Let's hope that the previous rate of decline returns in coming weeks and a much larger weekly decline manifests itself as time goes on. But we think that the C Virus is here to stay, albeit at a much reduced rate. People will just have to learn to live their lives in a manner which deals with the new Chinese reality. Just don't buy anything made in China!!
Anyway, here we go again with another round of numbers, despite the considerable doubts. Note also that the figures in brackets relate to the comparative figures of 9 weeks ago.:
MUNDO - World - note that the total world population is now estimated at 7,818,938,147 - weekly increase is 1,557,692.
Total cases - 39,391,665 - (21,168,111) - up 18,223,554 or 86.09%
Deaths - 1,105,998 - 2.8% (759,329 - 3.6%) - up 346,669 or 45.7%
Recoveries - 29,510,661 - 74.9% (13,984,843 - 66.1%) - up 15,525,818 or 111.0%
Therefore active cases - 8,775,006 - 22.3% (6,425,939 - 30.3%) - up 2,349,067 or 36.6%. Of the total population of 7,818,938,147 (7,804,380,455), the percentage of active cases is 0.112% (0.082%) of the total world population.
Once again, the numbers give no cause for celebration or complacency - notwithstanding that there is no doubt considerable inaccuracy in their reporting. Active cases are up 36.6% compared to last week at 26.1%. As we said in the previous paragraph, the C Virus is here to stay and total elimination is a fantasy.
ESTADOS UNIDOS - United States
Total cases - 8,235,136 (5,429,115) - up 2,806,021 or 51.7%
Deaths - 223,045 - 2.7% (170,781- 3.2%) - up 52,264 or 30.6%
Recoveries - 5,329,170 - 64.7% (2,844,535 - 52.4%) - up 2,484,635 or 87.4%
Therefore active cases - 2,682,921 - 32.6% (2,413,829 - 44.6%) up 269,092 or 11.2%. Of the total population of 331,568,664 (331,236,184), the percentage of active cases is 0.809% (0.729%) of the total population.
The US figures are still increasing. However, it is necessary to realise that the US has a federal political system which makes it impossible for the federal government to manage the virus on a consistent national level. All states have much political autonomy and it is clear that some states are better at managing the Chinese Virus than others. And there are political reasons as well for decisions that blue states take - to damage the president's re-election campaign. In New York some months ago the inept clown of a Governor managed to kill at least 11,000 more people by ordering that infected people be sent back into rest homes, in spite of Trump having sent a USN hospital ship as well as establishing a large Army hospital in Central Park. The murderous fool of a Governor hardly used these facilities which were there to be used and waiting on tap.
The best statistic is the active case one - up 11.2% this week against 26.1% last week.
Another issue is the deliberate mis-reporting of statistics. It has been shown that whenever there's a spike in C Virus cases, there's a corresponding decline in flu cases. This is another mis-reporting issue. Work that out for yourselves.
In fact, wherever you look, mis-reporting is rife - not only from the virus but also involved in mail-in ballots. The examples so far reported show a very disturbing trend for fraudulent practices. That is why the Democrats continue to badger Trump on the subject of a peaceful transfer of power, should, God forbid there's a Biden win - on paper. Trump has said that if he's satisfied that everything is fair and aboveboard, then there will be an unconditional transition, but the way things are going with widespread electoral fraud, it looks like chaos emerging. Unless the president wins by such a landslide, that the result cannot be in doubt. Then the Dems will be crying into their Chardonnays and Lattes once again.
There was a situation just this morning where in several counties in several states there have been more ballots returned than the total voting population! We are sure that you can work out exactly what is going on there.
We've had the Senate confirmation hearings for Judge Amy Barrett to the Supreme Court. The one thing everyone has taken away from that is that she is the finest person for the life-time position. She is a totally ethical, brilliantly qualified jurist, from both an academic standpoint and a legal experience standpoint. The other thing which unfortunately stood out was the Democrats' desperate attempts to smear her name. They failed so miserably that it just reinforced their hypocrisy to the usual ridiculous extent. It seems a certainty that she will be confirmed and that she will be a wonderful asset to the 3rd. branch of the US government.
President Trump has been having a punishing schedule again since recovering from the Chinese Virus. He has had many rallies all over the country and just recently in Florida he faced a "Town Hall" with a MSNBC host who was so blatantly hostile to him that it was disgraceful. Any political candidate must face tough questions, but not the two-faced behaviour meted out by this sad example of a TV woman presenter. To Trump's credit, he parried her at every turn and totally destroyed her credibility, which of course is why they hate him so much. His obvious good health and projected energy at 74 is an example to us all.
He has been holding very well attended rallies all over the country - often as many as 3 per day. His energy is prodigious. He and his staff fly in on Air Force One and usually hold the rally at the airport. Then they fly on to the next one. Tens of thousands of fans have been at these rallies which have lately been held at less well-known places - e.g. Ocala, Florida; Muskegon, Michigan; Madison, Wisconsin and Duluth, Minnesota. And many more.
And we've had the "Soviet Russian" spectacle of Twitter and Facebook blocking the accounts of the Trump Campaign and of the White House Press Secretary, Kayley McEnany. This is censorship at its worst, all on the flimsiest and most spurious grounds. The open hostility to Trump from the mainstream media and the powerful IT companies is approaching seditious behaviour and is so far from being democratic, it's just appalling.
The other issue that is now being exposed in spades is irrefutable evidence of the Biden Family's criminal corruption. Trump openly refers to them as a "crime family". Once more the mainstream media is ignoring it, but they cannot do so for much longer. It is such an example of Joe Biden's criminal character over many years, that we feel that it is almost inevitable that he will be forced to withdraw from the campaign. There's no time nor space to go into it in detail here, but you could access Newsmax or Judicial Watch or Fox News on the internet. You certainly won't find any of this in the Granny NZ Herald rag. Or on Colombian television! Suffice it to say that Joe Biden and his family have been bribed to the extent of at least 1.5 BILLION dollars by Communist China. Should he gain the presidency, America will belong to China. The US economy will tank and China will do whatever they like in SE Asia and the SW Pacific. Look out NZ. There is a raft of Hunter Biden emails being released into the public domain right now and they just confirm what has been well known for years.
All the more sophisticated polls we've seen just recently point to a Trump victory because he is actually further ahead now than in his campaign against Crooked Hillary at the same time in 2016. You can't help but feel the support and approval of the crowds Trump generates everywhere; it's infectious - and not with the C Virus!!!! This support is not reflected in the polls, because people will not divulge their voting intentions because they fear repercussions.
The American people are more and more realising the lies and blatant attempts to destroy Trump's campaign and of course the Dems and their cohorts tried the same in 2016. The most egregious example of that was the notorious "Russian dossier" - paid for by Crooked Hillary to the tune of 9 million dollars. These people are so crooked they should all be in jail.
Total cases - 936,982 (433,805) - up 503,174 or 116.0 %
Deaths - 28,457 - 3.0% (14,145, - 3.3%) - up 14,312 or 101.2%
Recoveries - 826,831 - 88.2% (250,494 - 57.7%) up 576,337 or 230.1%
Therefore active cases - 81,694 - 8.7% (169,196 - 39.0%) - down 87,502 or 51.7%. Active cases only one week ago were 81,190 so there has been an increase of 504 in one week. Of the total population of 51,039,928 (50,948,628), the percentage of active cases is 0.16% (0.332%)
As indicated in the introduction, the active cases increased sharply 2 weeks ago, but last week had shown a dramatic reduction, albeit still with a much smaller increase. The inconsistency must increase the lack of credibility of these figures - something we've commented on in the past.
In two days' time, a march of thousands of indigenous people whose ancestors were (and still are) suffering land thefts and outright murderous attacks, will arrive in Bogota in their quest to meet the president, who has a legal obligation to meet them and grant them rights already agreed. If he doesn't meet them he will be breaking the law (but what's new?), and if he does meet, he risks considerable wrath from his own Democratic Centre Party who could force his resignation. This would usher in a further constitutional crisis - but again, what's new? But with 1000's of people who have marched a considerable distance, if their immediate demands for a meeting are not met, the chances for a very nasty situation developing are high. The Interior Minister has rescinded permission for them to camp on the National University's grounds - another not so subtle attempt to stifle free speech. So the leftist Mayor of Bogota is finding another site for them to camp on. This government is appalling in their narrow-minded and childish attempts to avoid any discussion with these groups. It's therefore only a matter of time before there is really serious trouble unless there's a big change in attitude.
The government is getting very sensitive to criticism. They are now apparently blocking the renewal of foreign journalists' visas.
It seems clear that this right wing government is determined to push on with their agenda, regardless of justice or simply listening to people and responding to their situations. This is the way in which you carry people with you - not by being totally authoritarian. That simple lesson is hard for some people to learn. Past wrongs need to be addressed, otherwise the potential for increasing bloody conflict must remain high. But former President Uribe has been involved in leasing some of this stolen land to a wealthy media mogul, so as usual the government has been dealing illegally with the land and this will just inflame the situation further.
This corrupt and duplicitous behaviour is ruining Colombia which is otherwise a wonderful country with warm and friendly people.
On a personal level, we are well and life has more or less returned to normal, but it seems that commercial activity, particularly in the real estate area, has a way to go. We've only had one nibble on our apartment in 6 months and there is no sign of activity for the development at Llanogrande that we have been interested in. The most significant thing though, is that the swimming pool has opened at long last in our building on a booking basis. This system was suggested by yours truly back in March/April, so it's taken 7 months for our suggestions to be adopted. We have permanent bookings 3 times a week for 1 hour at 9 am. It has now been proved that Vitamin D has a strong anti Chinese Virus effect and of course the main source is sunlight. We've been taking D vitamin capsules, but people have been denied access to the natural variety for all of that time. Utter nonsense and stupidity to deny healthy exercise in the fresh air where the risk of contracting the C Virus is almost negligible. Mask wearing is quite another subject which we have commented on before.
Total cases - 1,880 (1,714) - up 166 or 9.7%
Deaths - 25 - 1.3% (22 - 1.4%) - no change from last week
Recoveries - 1,809 - 96.3% (1,531 - 95.6%) - up 278 or 18.2%
Therefore total active cases - 46 - 2.4% (49 - 3.0%) - down 3 or 6.1%. Of the total population of 5,002,100, the percentage of active cases is 0.0009% (0.001%) of the total population.
New Zealand has just dodged a very nasty bullet. The Socialist Government of Jacinda Ardern has just been re-elected for another 3 years in a landslide. This fortunately means that they will not need the Greens to govern; they can govern alone. This also means that they will not be subject to potential blackmail by the Greens to institute a Wealth Tax - as referred to in our last blog. If that was ever implemented, NZ would be in an even worse situation than it currently is and many people who have worked all their lives - and paid tax - would be largely ruined. That's the Greens bottom line so let's hope that they never get into any position of power.
Voters have even deserted other parties to vote for the Ardern toothy grin. Shows how utterly shallow most people are. And NZer's are more and more it seems, determined to live in their own little cocoon of border closure at the bottom of the S Pacific. The country is obsessed by a cowardly attitude of avoiding ANY risk at all costs as evidenced by the unconscionable decision to exclude up to 300 cruising yachts from the S Pacific, who would have brought much needed money into the country via the need to maintain their boats. We know a little about this!! They also need the traditional refuge of NZ during the cyclone season and this has been denied them in a shameful display of a cowardly lack of humanitarianism.
This attitude of no risk and hiding from the world, has come at massive economic cost and damage. The consequences have yet to be even partially felt, but felt they will be.
Total cases - 27,371 (23,035) - up 4,336 or 18.8%
Deaths - 904 - 3.3% (370 - 1,7%) - up 534 or 144.3%
Recoveries - 25,062 - 91.6% (13,634 - 59.2%) - up 11,428 or 83.8%
Therefore active cases - 1,405 - 5.1% (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 7,617 or 84.4%. Of the total population of 25,585,431 (25,536,804), the percentages of active cases is 0.0055% (.04%) of the total population.
The figures are all going in the right direction. But once again, Victoria and Queensland are still shut down with God knows what economic damage. They should start listening to the WHO!!!!!!!!! Should at least be appealing to the Socialist Premier of Victoria - he can listen to his Communist masters.
Well, that's it for another week - only another 16 days to the most momentous democratic election in the world's history. Leaves the toothy grin in the shade. We are still quietly confident of a Trump victory. We've said it before, but anything else is absolutely unthinkable. If that happened China would be running NZ from the Chinese Embassy in Wellington and the B&RI would be a fait accompli. Is it actually signed yet? No-one is saying. So, keep your fingers crossed with us for 4 more years of President Trump.
And finally we couldn't end without recording a Clint Eastwood sketch at a Republican convention:
He was addressing the gathering with an empty chair beside him. He said to an imaginary person in the chair - "what did you want me to tell Romney?" Then after a short imaginary conversation - "I can't tell him that - I can't tell him to do that to himself! You're crazy. You're gettin' as bad as Biden!"
For those who don't know - Mitt Romney is a Republican Senator who is a bit of a snowflake; he doesn't often take Trump's side. There is no love lost.
Lotsaluv from the City of Eternal Spring..................
Jim and Jean
P.S. Chinese Virus deaths per 1M of population country by selected country:
Peru 1,018 Belgium 893 Spain 722 Bolivia 720 Chile 709 Ecuador 698 USA 676
Mexico 663 UK 641 Italy 604 Panama 590 Sweden 585 Argentina 576 Colombia 564
France 511 Canada 258 Costa Rica 232 Portugal 212 World 143 Germany 117 Turkey 109
Poland 93 Australia 35 Japan 13 New Zealand 5
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