Sorry, we have to confess a mistake with the Green Party "Wealth tax". In defence we just took the figure from an article without checking it, but this pernicious tax is still bad enough. On net assets of one million dollars the tax at 1% would amount to $10,000 and on two million it would be $40,000. Not difficult these days to be caught by this wealth theft. Unclear about any proposal above 2 million. Of course this is totally unjust to say the least as it is directly equivalent to the old Death Duty which Jim's father's estate had to pay back in 1972. And it is a tax on tax paid assets. Totally iniquitous. Fortunately it doesn't affect us in NZ because our total assets are in Colombia, but we feel for anyone potentially affected.
The most dangerous situation would be if Labour needed to coalesce with the Greens, in which case the Greens would make a wealth tax a condition of coalition. Now is the time to wish for higher polling for NZ First!!! If Labour could govern on its own, it has said they would never introduce such a tax, but how much reliance can you place on political promises, especially when the idea has been placed into their thinking and when NZ's economic situation could well be dire in the near future due to the draconian Chinese Virus Socialist lockdowns?
That's enough of a rant for now but be very vigilant if you value keeping your own wealth.
Cheers and lotsaluv from the City of Eternal Spring.......
Jim and Jean
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