Saturday, 10 October 2020

Latest Chinese Virus statistics since 14/08 - 56 days (8 weeks) ago

Hi to all,
Hope this finds everyone in the pink!!
Below are the latest C Virus stats together with appropriate Chinese Virus as well as personal and political comment. Alternative comments welcomed by return. The comparative figures in brackets are as at 14/08/20.
The stats are derived from and as the figures are supplied by various government agencies, they must therefore be viewed with caution. 

MUNDO - World. Note that world population is estimated on the basis of a 1,557,692 net increase every week.
Total cases - 36,954,994 (21,168,111) - up 15,786,883 or 74.6%
Deaths - 1,069,611 - 2.9% (759,329 - 3.6%) - up 310,282 or 40.9%
Recoveries - 27,783,861 - 75.2% (13,984,843 - 66.1%) - up 13,799,018 or 98.7%
Therefore active cases - 8,101,522 - 21.9%  (6,425,939 - 30.3%) - up 1,675,583 or 26.1%. Of the total population of 7,817,380,455 (7,804,918,919) the percentage of active cases is 0.104% (0.082%) of the total world population.
Still not good. In 8 weeks total cases up by 74.6%, deaths up by 40.9%, recoveries up by 98.7% and therefore active cases up by 26.1%. As a percentage of population, active cases are actually increasing. High recovery figures are helping to keep a lid of sorts on active cases, but new infections keep increasing. It seems that President Trump's approach is the correct one. Don't hide in a basement!! Be sensible, but meet life head on and probably a reliance on therapeutics and maybe a vaccine is the only way forward.    

ESTADOS UNIDOS - United States
Total cases - 7,861,227 (5,429,115) - up 2,432,112 or 44.8%
Deaths - 218,125 - 2.8% (170,781 - 3.2%) - up 47,344 or 27.7%
Recoveries - 5,041,020 - 64.1% (2,844,525 - 52.4%) - up 2,196,495 or 77.2%
Therefore active cases 2,602,082 - 33.1% (2,413,829 - 44.6%) up 188,253 or 7.8%. Of the total population of 331,531,610 (331,236,184) the percentage of active cases is 0.785% (0.729%) of the total population.
Compared to world figures as percentages, total cases are better, also deaths, but recoveries not as high and active case increase is much less. So, a mixed bag but as a percentage of the total population, active cases remain higher at 0.785% compared to the total world figure of 0.104%. So, a long way to go, but as noted under the World, the non-lockdown approach is probably the only way forward. Certainly total lockdowns, as seem to be favoured by the blue states and cities for purely political reasons, are DEFINITELY NOT the way forward. NZ take note with borders shut tight. All this also encourages polarised attitudes which are only going to increase violent disagreement and crime as we've seen in the last 24 hours with the attempted kidnap plan for the socialist Governor of Michigan, who is still forcibly imposing draconian lockdowns in her state with no justification. There has been enough of that over the past months with arson and riots throughout the blue (Democrat) states and cities.
It has been proved that some cash-strapped hospitals have been fraudulently recording many deaths as Covid deaths when the cause of death is actually some other cause. The reason for doing this is that the government pays them MORE for a Covid death and of course it causes the Covid figures to artificially inflate, which in turn discredits Trump.
This fraud is considered widespread, but under a Trump proposal they will probably lose their Medicaid and Medicare reimbursements. They may develop a latent case of honesty as a result!! There are other frauds as well, some of which have been documented in previous blogs.
So of course there must be serious doubt as to the reliability of the country's figures.
The SWAMP is pulling out all their crooked stops to prevent Trump's re-election - no matter what!!
We had the uplifting experience on Wednesday night of seeing Vice President Mike Pence completely demolishing the outright lies of Democrat Vice Presidential candidate, Kamala Harris.
Pence had a very apt line when addressing Harris - "you are entitled to your opinion, but not to your facts". She blatantly lied like a flatfish!!
One of Harris's more memorable lies occurred when she claimed that President Abraham Lincoln back in 1864 refused to nominate his preferred appointee for a Supreme Court Justice vacancy - apparently because he considered that such a nomination should not be made so close to an election - an obvious dig at Trump with Judge Barrett. However, the REAL reason was that the Senate was not in session at the time and in the total absence of rapid means of transport, electronic communication and Zoom, etc., it obviously wasn't possible to hold a hearing prior to the presidential election. In the event, Honest Abe was then re-elected and his choice as the newest nomination for the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) was nominated and confirmed in one day once the Senate was back in session.
Selective history indeed. You cannot believe a word the Democrats say.
We have, starting Monday, the Senate hearings to confirm Judge Amy Barrett as the newest appointment to the Supreme Court. The Democrats are screaming and tearing their collective hair out because they know that she will be confirmed. We can only hope that she is not subjected to the vile hate rantings that accompanied Justice Kavanaugh's hearing 2 years ago. Next week there will probably be plenty to say on that subject.
Neither Harris nor Biden will answer the legitimate question that in the unlikely event that they won the election - would they "stack" the Supreme Court with additional liberal left-leaning Justices, who will follow their own politically left ideologies instead of the law and the US Constitution? Of course this would be in order to guarantee that their pernicious legislation can survive any challenge. The SCOTUS has had nine justices for the last 150 years. This has maintained the 3 branches of government in a workable status quo for all of that time, but if they increased the number of Justices to (say) 15, the judicial branch would then become just a rubber stamp for the legislative branch. This would destroy democracy in America and it would make it impossible for the Conservatives (Republicans) to ever win another election. This is what's at stake in this election, but unfortunately there are so many people who are influenced by personalities - e.g. dislike of Trump - that they are blind to the real issues. The Democrats are expert in taking advantage of these people, except that it seems that the Dem's longstanding hold on the black and hispanic populations is now also weakening considerably. This is an encouraging trend due to President Trump's achievements in reducing unemployment for those groups and also his significant work in reforming the criminal justice system, which previously badly disadvantaged these minority racial groups. And the Dems have the absolute cheek to denigrate Trump as a racist!! The Dems have historically needed 85% minimum of the black vote to attain power, but this figure is likely to be very much eroded.  
The other thing which at the very least has the potential to upend the election results, and by extension democracy in the US, is the expected widespread election fraud surrounding the pernicious practice, encouraged by the Democrats, of mail-in voting. 81 million ballots have been mailed out, in some cases to deceased persons. The US Postal Service is totally unable to cope with such a sudden flood of mail and the states themselves lack the capacity to actually count the votes from returned ballots. Given this chaotic situation, Trump will be totally within his rights to refuse to accept a close result, or even a close Biden win as a result of already well documented examples of fraud, which will only get much worse. So far just as an example, 50,000 voters in Ohio have received totally incorrect ballot forms. This is only the tip of a very murky iceberg. The worry then with a contested election result is that civil unrest will increase with some suggesting the beginning of another civil war. History would repeat itself because the Democrats also started the first one in 1861. And everyone these days has plenty of guns!  
We also have the spectre of the 80 yr old House Speaker (and that is just what she is - a spectre!!) of attempting to invoke legislation based on the 25th. Amendment to the Constitution. This deals with physical or mental inability on the part of a president to carry out his/her duties satisfactorily, and a corresponding ability for Congress to follow a legal procedure to remove the president from office. She is engaging in this overtly political activity, to  discredit President Trump, although she well knows that she wouldn't have a leg to stand on with any attempt to remove him. 
Instead of this insane political posturing, she should be spending her time working constructively with the White House on a further stimulus package to actually help Americans who are still hurting from job losses and former business owners who have lost their livelihoods for good. Trump wants this to go through as a matter of urgency, but is being stymied by the Democrats and Nervous Nancy who can only make herself a figure of fun with all her futile rantings. More importantly though the main motive of the Democrats is to clear the way to remove Biden from the presidency, should he, God forbid, win the election. His age (78) and declining cognitive ability are his Achilles Heels. The Democrats have never really wanted him, because his 48 yr Senate record is lacklustre and actually demonstrably racist. However, he presented the only slightly electable face to voters in the whole sorry Democrat primary lineup, so he was chosen as the best of a bad bunch. Kamala Harris dropped out of the primary contention very early on having been rejected by the voter based Democrat selection machine, but now the system is being set up to insert her as the United States President at the earliest opportunity. In spite of the fact that she was rejected in the primaries, she will almost certainly become president early into Biden's 1st term, free to enact her destructive policies. All they need is some crooked doctors (not difficult), and then she would be the US President, although having previously been rejected in the Primaries.
This, along with election fraud, which is just stage one in this evil plan, will all enable their overall plan which is to destroy the Supreme Court along with the 240 year old American democratic dream, the like of which the world has never seen and will probably never see again.   
The economy is already in bad shape due to years of neglect by successive administrations since Nixon (1972), as well as the Chinese Virus, so such a move would see America become a shadow of her former self resulting in a total Chinese takeover of the world. This is what the Democrats want. Their position that they would deny the UK a Free Trade Deal is just part of this Globalist World Order. Britain must be punished for daring to overturn the World Order by leaving EU control.
And now there's a new word in the English language - or should that be Americanese? The word is "mansplaining". Think that's the correct spelling but yours truly is open to correction. Apparently the term specifically refers to a man telling a woman something. Doesn't matter what it is; you must not tell them anything because they know everything and the delicate flowers must not be upset by your mansplaining. Another skillfully propagated Democrat propagandist lie.

Total cases - 886,179 (433,805) - up 452,374 or 104.3%
Deaths - 27,331 - 3.1% (14,145 - 3.3%) - up 13,186 or 93.2%
Recoveries - 777,658 - 87.8% (250,494 - 57.7%) up 527,164 or 210.5%
Therefore active cases - 81,190 - 9.2% (169,196 - 39.0%) - down 88,006 or 52.0 %. However, active cases only one week ago were 57,472 so there is an increase of 23,718 in one week, or 3,388 per day. Of the total population of 51,029,561 (50,948,628), the percentage of active cases is 0.159% (0.332%).
New infections seem to be rising considerably. They are up by 50,000 last week alone. Deaths as a percentage are rising also. Not surprising if new cases are rising. Recoveries, although numerically up, are down as a percentage of total cases. Active cases down by 52.0% over 8 weeks, are also well down as a percentage of total cases, but are up by 23,000 in one week. The percentage of active cases to total cases has also risen from 6.9% to 9.2% this week. This completely reverses the previous trend which was continuing substantial weekly reductions. Disquieting, and such is the scale of the reversal, hard to believe - either previous figures or these ones. Next week may be the key.
Just completed our 2019 tax returns - 2nd for Jim and 1st for Jean. Certainly something we haven't been used to during our itinerant lifestyle on the boat! But the local rates are way less than in NZ. 
Other than that, nothing much to report. 
Except that politically nothing has changed. The Defence Minister has at long last obeyed a 12 month old Supreme Court order to apologise to victims' families for the police brutality during peaceful demonstrations back then, although there is no sign of a Court ordered apology in relation to the killing of 14 demonstrators in Bogota just a few weeks ago.
And there are disturbing reports that many foreign journalists have been having problems in renewing their visas - most probably because they have been publishing well researched anti Government articles. No doubt using the Chinese Virus excuse for more draconian restrictions on free expression.
Total cases - 1,866 (1,714) - up 152 or 8.9%
Deaths - 25 - 1.3% (22 - 1.4%) - no change.
Recoveries - 1,800 - 96.5% (1,531 - 95.6%) - up 269 or 17.6%
Therefore active cases - 41 - 2.2% (49 - 3.0%) - down 8 or 16.3%. Of the total population of 5,002,100 (STILL NO CHANGE), the percentage of active cases is 0.001% (.001%) of the total population.
Active cases are down, but at the moment all attributable to returning citizens/permanent residents (mainly from India) and all in isolation.
The national election is due next Saturday the 17th. It seems likely that Labour(Socialists) will be the front runner, but may need the support of the Greens to form a workable coalition government. That will cause a big problem for many people, because the Greens are insisting on a Wealth Tax as their price for agreeing to coalesce. This tax will be calculated on NET assets at the rate of 1% up to one million dollars ($10,000) and 2% on two million dollars ($40,000). It is not clear whether there are any higher thresholds with even higher tax rates. This will affect thousands of older homeowners who typically may own a debt-free home, but very little in the way of liquid assets. So they will be forced to sell their houses just in order to pay the tax. This is outright theft. Labour has said that they will not institute such a tax, but of course will be forced to if they need the Greens. And, given NZ's parlous debt situation after a severe lockdown and continuing border closure, Labour in truth will welcome the extra tax income.
And now NZ's relationship with Communist China. Has the NZ Government signed the CCP's Belt and Road Initiative. This subject is now never mentioned in any news reporting and that in itself indicates that the agreement is in fact signed. Bit like Biden and Harris refusing to answer whether they will "stack" the Supreme Court - the judicial branch of the US Government. There are three branches of government in the US - designed to interact, but at the same time providing checks and balances. These are the Legislative - the 2 Houses of Congress, the Executive - the President and the White House management, and the Judicial - the Supreme Court.  
When information is hidden, voters should become very suspicious. We won't go into the detail of the B&RI here because it has already been well covered in previous blogs, but it will only increase NZ's dependence on China and there are many examples of what happens then. People need to do some homework.
And just a brief mention of the yachting situation covered extensively in last week's blog. The prohibition to entry remains with a shocking anti-humanitarian situation just reported. A British yacht in French Polynesia suffered a horrendous loss when their 14 yr old son was killed while snorkelling when a boat hit him. His remains have since been repatriated to the UK and the family wish to get their yacht to NZ so that they can sell her and return home themselves. 
The only realistic jurisdiction where such a sale might be possible, is NZ. But the NZ Government is maintaining its stance of barring entry to yachts. 
So, there is now the situation of a grieving family with their son's body having been repatriated home on the other side of the world.
This is a perfect example of draconian rules maintained by inflexible, ignorant bureaucrats. Unfortunately right now the world is full of them, and the Chinese Virus has been the perfect excuse. Just like Germany's situation in the 1930's created the perfect storm to allow the rise of Hitler and the Nazis.

Total cases - 27,229 (23,035) - up 4,194 or 18.2%
Deaths - 897 - 3.3% (370 - 1.7%) - up 527 or 142.4%
Recoveries - 24,972 - 91.7% (13,634 - 59.2%) - up 11,338 or 83.2%
Therefore active cases - 1,360 - 5.0% (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 7,662 or 84.9%. Of the total population of 25,579,775 (25,536,804), the percentage of active cases is 0.005% (0.04%) of the total population.
New cases are showing a small rise but recoveries are easily dealing with that. As a result active cases are now way down.
We wonder how their export trade is faring with China very early on taking repressive action against their beef and barley exports to China. And all because they had the temerity to demand a proper inquiry into the circumstances of the source of the Chinese Virus. At least they haven't signed the B&RI with the Communists.
With lotsaluv and all very best wishes to our family and friends                      stay well.
Jim and Jean

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