Friday, 6 November 2020

This week's Chinese Virus news as at Nov. 6th. - 84 days or 12 weeks since August 21st.

Hola to all,
Again hoping everyone is well and in the pink. More Chinese Virus and the most important political news for at least 4 years. Note the comparative figures in brackets refer to the situation 12 weeks ago. Except for active cases per 1 million population where the comparative figures date from 30/10/20.

MUNDO - World - note that the total world population is now estimated at 7,823,611,223 - weekly net increase is 1,557,692
Total cases 49,175,951 - (21,168,111) - up 28,007,840 or 132.31%
Deaths - 1,241,939 - 2.5% (759,328 - 3.6%) - up 482,611 or 63.6%
Recoveries - 35,074,424 - 71.3% (13,984,843 - 66.1%) - up 21,089,581 or 150.8%
Therefore active cases - 12,859,588 - 26.2% (6,425,939 - 30.3%) - up 6,433,649 or 100.1%.  Of the total population of 7,823,611,223 (7,804,380,455), the percentage of active cases is 0.164% (0.082%) of the total world population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,643 (1,437)
All the statistics are heading in the wrong direction, always providing that you can believe them. However, when looking at the World, there should be enough of a balance to be able to perceive some sort of average. Disquieting nonetheless.

ESTADOS UNIDOS - United States
Total cases 9,926,637 - (5,429,115) - up 4,497,522 or 82.8%
Deaths - 241,026 - 2.4% (170,781- 3.2%) - up 70,245 or 41.1%
Recoveries - 6,341,604 - 63.9% (2,844,535 - 52.4%) - up 3,497,069 or 122.9%
Therefore active cases - 3,344,007 - 33.7% (2,413,829 - 44.6%) - up 930,178 or 38.5%. Of the total population of 331,679,824 (331,236,184), the percentage of active cases is 1.01% (0.729%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 10,082 (9,043)
For reasons already expressed we do not have much confidence in these figures. Mainly because of misreporting and excessive testing. Some weeks ago we recounted the case of a Florida woman who for some reason was tested 15 times and all tests were recorded as "active". How many more times has that happened? Deaths as a percentage of total cases are down; recoveries are up and active cases are down, so that's all encouraging. But active cases per million are up by 10.3%. Overall not very encouraging.
We now have preliminary, albeit totally crooked and otherwise erroneous, results in from the presidential election. As predicted, the fraudulent examples already identified and predicted from the counting procedure are continuing to increase. 
In Nevada there are possibly 10,000 voters who were ineligible to vote because they do not live in the state.
So many cases of "dead" people voting - including the grandmother of a Nevada resident - who had died some time before the election. 
In many states Trump was handily leading the field, only to have his lead destroyed in increments at the last minute by ballots suddenly appearing in the early hours and most earmarked for Biden.
In Pennsylvania independent observers who were legally entitled to observe the counting process, were either blocked from the counting area totally, or were prevented from being any nearer than 10-20 feet from the counters. And this was in spite of a ruling from a Pennsylvania Court arising from an action brought by the GOP, so the organisers were not only breaking existing law - they were openly defying a court ruling telling them to desist. What are they hiding? One guess.
It now also appears that in Antrim County, Michigan - due to a software issue 6,000 votes were awarded to Democrats instead of the GOP. This is a net error of 12,000. 47 counties use the same software so this error could be multiplied 47 times! And what about other states? 
These late Biden ballots seem to be the problem as they are appearing out of thin air - even after counting had been suspended for several hours, and then lo and behold, these ballots come from nowhere. Probably the organisers were just holding things up to see how many Biden ballots they needed to win, but at the same time make it "look good".
There is so much fraud already, that we would think that there are grounds for at least cancelling the whole election in Nevada (6 Electoral College votes), Wisconsin (10), Michigan (16), Pennsylvania (20), Georgia (16), North Carolina (15), and Arizona (11). This represents a total of 94 EC votes. So far in Wisconsin and Georgia recounts have been ordered, but to be effective, EVERY ballot needs to be scrutinised for validity - signatures and meeting the voting deadlines, etc. -  especially with the unprecedented number of mail-in ballots. It would seem that there has been so much fraud and "irregularity" that there could be a case to declare the entire election null and void and order a completely new one in the near future - but only after the necessary steps had been taken to secure the validity of any new election.
This all depends on the Supreme Court and this is the great unknown. Due to the length of time that this would all take, the Inauguration date of January 20th. would need to be "cancelled" and whether this is constitutionally possible is definitely a moot point. We doubt whether even the US Supreme Court could answer that question at this stage. January 20th. is constitutionally protected, but in view of the unprecedented criminal circumstances of this election, maybe the SC could take precedence from that and change the necessary rules - even temporarily.
The American people, and indeed the people of the Free World, are entitled to see an outcome that they can trust. There is absolutely no trust right now and this trust will be eroded even more as more disgracefully fraudulent situations are exposed.  
All of the so-called mainstream media, which has been attacking Trump ever since he was first inaugurated, are weighing in with as many false and denigrating stories as they can find - even attacking such people as Hayley McEnany (the White House Press Secretary) and Sarah Huckabee-Sanders (the previous Press Secretary and daughter of former Arkansas Governor and GOP presidential candidate, Mike Huckabee). It is absolutely disgusting and Youtube would be one of the main perpetrators - not surprising since they are owned by Google. Another example we became aware of today - Trump giving Ivanka a peck on the cheek and it was suggested that they had an incestuous relationship. How low can you go? The hate that's around is increasing it seems day by day, and it ALL comes from the screaming lunatic left. But of course Trump will get the blame.     
In the meantime Trump will NOT concede and there will be increasing violence on the streets. All down to the criminal Democrats who have a belief in their divine right to rule, and they will achieve it by hook or by crook. All Trump and the GOP want is a free and fair election; not one so obviously rigged to favour the left. 
Our information now is that the legal team for the Trump campaign and the GOP has gone to ground in order to collect as much evidence of malfeasance as possible so that they can mount multiple legal actions across multiple strategic states. Then, as expected when these actions are thrown out by partisan Democrat judges, the way would be clear to go to the partisan state Appeals Courts where it is likely that the suits would be thrown out again - then after appealing for leave - to the United States Supreme Court. The scale and complexity and sheer time-frame needed to fully examine all the detail would probably lead to either an order for cancellation of the election in the states involved, or a total election cancellation. Actions without precedent have been taken before by the Supreme Court, probably because, as in this case, crooked management of election results on this scale has never been experienced before, so there is no precedent.
The more that comes to light, it seems the worse it gets. 
How can the USA who put men on the Moon, get such a simple thing as an election so wrong? Drastic action to get to the bottom of this gigantic mess needs urgently to be taken, however long it takes.  
We can only wait and see, but it is inconceivable that with the GOP holding the Senate and gaining many more seats in Congress, that Trump could statistically lose. We saw his raw energy and the sheer exuberance of his rallies - as much as 5 in a day - compared with Biden hiding in his basement, or at best addressing largely empty parking lots. It makes no sense whatsoever, so we can only hope that justice finally prevails. If this cannot happen in the greatest democracy in the world, then we are all heading down a very dark path.
Total cases 1,117,977 - (433,805) - up 684,172 or 157.7%
Deaths - 32,209 - 2.9% (14,145 - 3.3%) - up 18,604 or 127.7%
Recoveries - 1,011,166 - 90.5% (250,494 - 57.7%) - up 760,672 or 303.7%
Therefore active cases - 74,602 - 6.7% (169,196 - 39.0%) - down 94,594 or 55.9%. Of the total population of 51,071,028 (50,948,628), the percentage of active cases is 0.15% (0.332%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,461 (1,367).
Disappointing to see active cases continuing to rise (up by 17,130 or 29.8% in just 4 weeks). The management of this country, with the possible exception of cities, particularly like Medellin, is so inept and corrupt, it is scarcely believable - like these figures.
And now with the uncertainty surrounding the US election, the idea of manufacturing coming to Colombia from China may just turn out to be a pipe dream, especially if Biden prevails.
Life here continues much the same - we are getting our 4 year old lounge suite re-upholstered due to unbelievably poor foam used originally. Another black mark for FAR!! And new cushions on our outdoor chairs so we won't know ourselves. The starting issue for the car cannot at this stage be traced, so we'll just have to wait for it to do it again! These things are very frustrating, especially in modern cars with all their electronic gizmos. We're thinking of going to the States and buying a vintage Model A  Ford. 2 seater with a rumble seat out in the weather. Ideal for los nietos! These cars are indestructible and increasing in value - not depreciating like everything else.  
More hair-raising news from
Oct. 30th. FARC invades Colombia's cities!!! (asking for nothing but peace).
Nov. 1st. Duque rules out "indefinite" lockdown as Coronavirus in Colombia resurges
Nov. 2nd. Peace activist becomes Colombia's most popular politician: poll
Nov 2nd. Colombia's military loses public support as Defense Minister bungles
Nov. 2nd. Uribe suggests to undo Colombia's peace process by decree
Nov. 2nd. Did Trump's Colombia drug policy fail because of Mafia collusion?
Nov. 3rd. How long will 7 million starve before hell breaks loose in Colombia,?
Nov. 4th. FARC admits responsibility for assassination attempts on Colombia's former VP
Nov. 4th. Colombia's central bank slightly more optimistic about coronavirus recession
Nov. 4th. Colombia's war crimes tribunal receives back-up after far-right attacks
Nov. 4th. Colombia vows measures to curb mass killing of demobilised guerillas
Nov. 5th. Ramon Isaza, the warlord who made peace with FARC 43 years after taking up arms 
Nov. 5th. Colombia's TV news argues Biden should let Trump win US elections
Nov. 5th. Colombia's slowly restarting international air travel
Nov. 6th. How Colombia's Stasi-like informant network adds to terror
Nov. 6th. Colombia doubles down on trying to make president's narco ties go away
As this is being written, we are being serenaded by a male vocalist and guitar from the street. This is a fairly common occurrence, except that this morning the music is electrifying - absolutely wonderful - makes us want to dance in the street. So uplifting after the horrible news out of the US. More on that under Estados Unidos.
Our health remains reasonable.Jim underwent a treatment for parasites and things have improved!! Apparently they are common wherever there is very little seasonal change month to month.But we lived in Thailand and Malaysia too and don't recall any problems there. Early start in the morning as Jean has an appointment at 0730 for a blood test. 

Total cases 1,974 (1,714) - up 260 or 15.2%
Deaths - 25 - 1.3% (22 - 1.4%) - up 3 or 13.6%
Recoveries - 1,905 - 96.5% (1,531 - 95.6%) up 374 or 24.4%
Therefore active cases 44 - 2.2% (49 - 3.0%) - down 5 or 10.2%. Of the total population (same now for the last 12 weeks (!) WOT IS GOING ON?????) of 5,002,100, the percentage of active cases is 0.0009% (0.001%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of population - 9 (14)
What's to say? NZ continues to live in its isolated S Pacific bubble at the bottom of the world. The socialist government needs to grapple with a severe debt crisis. And if, God forbid, there is an eventual Biden presidency, there will be no support against China from the US as Biden is hopelessly corrupted to the tune of 1.5 billion USD to China. Better pray that Trump remains president, which could easily happen given the Democrat corruption in rigging the recent Federal election - details of which continue to emerge.

Total cases 27,645 (23,035) - up 4,610 or 20.0%
Deaths - 907 - 3.3% (370 - 1.7%) - up 537 or 145.14%
Recoveries 25,428 - 92.0% (13,634 - 59.2%) - up 11,794 or 86.5%
Therefore active cases 1,310 - 4.7% (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 7,712 or 85.5%. Of the total population of 25,602,402 (25,536,804), the percentage of active cases is 0.005% (0.04%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of population - 51 (56).
Figures continue to look good, but again it will be a matter of learning to live with this damned Chinese Virus for the foreseeable future.

Again with lotsaluv and all very best wishes to our family and friends.......................stay well
Jim and Jean
Medellin (the City of Eternal Spring)


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