Sunday, 22 November 2020

China finally showing its true colours

Hi to all,
We were deeply disturbed to read the headline in the NZ tp Herald to the effect that China (the CCP) has warned NZ and the rest of the Five Eyes partnership of the UK, Canada, Australia and the USA that, in the light of NZ's and the other 5 Eyes partners' condemnation of China's trashing what remained of democracy in Hong Kong, the CCP would "poke the eyes" of NZ and its allies.
To the uninitiated, this may even sound laughable, but to anyone who knows China and its culture, this is a serious threat and is just a precursor of things to come as China becomes more emboldened if Sleepy Joe/Kamala Harris form the next US administration.
And God help Taiwan - the US will throw them to the wolves.
The future of NZ and the rest of the SW Pacific will be grim if the corrupt Biden regime steals the election and takes office. They will offer no help whatsoever and will absolutely cave to China.
NZ had better prepare for a very rough future.
We hope that we are wrong but......................
Jim and Jean

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