Monday, 16 November 2020

Essential viewing

Hi again to all,
We have today seen these Fox News clips which we think give a much deeper understanding of the scale of the Democrat corruption in the recent US Presidential election.
The scale of criminal offending in multiple states is such that we are starting to agree with some opinions that the only way to deal with it would be for some competent authority - the Supreme Court for instance? - to annul the election and order a new one, but only after all the illegal state laws and corrupt practices were finally removed from the electoral landscape. In many states more ballots have been received for counting than there are registered voters! 
Anyway, the details of the clips follow and we hope that you enjoy. All you need to do is go to or Youtube and select as follows:
1) Maria Bartiromo interviewing Rudi Giuliani on Nov. 15th.
2) Maria Bartiromo interviewing Sydney Powell on Nov. 15th. She was/is Marine General Michael Flynn's lawyer defending Flynn against the vicious prosecution by the FBI. An explosive interview during which she refers to the volume of electoral crookedness coming through as akin to the volume of a fire hose.
3) Mark Levin on Nov. 15th. with an opening monologue which is excellent, followed by an interview of Kayliegh McEnany who is the White House Press Secretary and a graduate of the Harvard Law School. A very impressive young woman.
4) A final interview on Sky News Australia by Paul Murray also on the electoral fraud on Nov. 16th.
After watching these interviews, you would certainly be forgiven for thinking that the only way to address this disgusting situation would be for the election to be cancelled and a new one ordered with appropriate safeguards.
Despite the NZ "toilet paper" Herald's untruthful rantings, we feel more and more confident that Donald Trump is heading for another 4 years. The only uncertainty is when the Inauguration would be because unravelling the mess will be very time consuming. Possibly in the circumstances the SC will need to extend the Inauguration date.   
Cheers and lotsaluv from us in the rainy City of Eternal Spring on Cartagena Independence Day......................................
Jim and Jean 

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