Monday, 5 July 2021

Chinese Virus (a.k.a. The Kung Flu) statistics for week number 46 (322 days) as at July 2nd. 2021 (plus political comment and our personal news) since 21/08/20. Greetings from Medellin, Colombia.

Hola a todos nuestros amigos y familiares,
Esperamos como siempre que todo el mundo este en rosa - 
CHINESE VIRUS STATISTICS and related comment - note that comparative figures in parenthesis relate to June 18th. (14 days ago).
The world is in panic mode once again with the Indian - ooops Delta - variant rampaging about the place. As an example, Australia has all of 400 odd active cases. This is 0.0016% of the whole population. And the country is now completely locked down, although some relaxations coming. Notwithstanding that the Delta variant is by all accounts much milder in its effect than the original Chinese Virus. And now there is another variant entering the scene. God knows what "attributes" this one will have and whether it will respond to current "vaccines", or whether there will need to be another completely new "vaccine".
For a reasonably sane view of the "crisis", listen to Skynews Australia (Alan Jones) dated 30/06. It is headed "the way we're going on earth, we might be better off in space"!! He describes what is happening right now as "full-scale totalitarian dictatorship" and that the current incompetent situation is characterised by "chaos, confusion and fear alarmism".   
But governments around the world who all appear to be in panic mode, seem only to continue pushing the various "vaccines" which are proved to have very serious side effects and some deaths. Far better to contract the Virus, take Hydroxychloroquine and/or Ivermectin, and achieve immunity that way than risk any of these "vaccine" side effects. Of course the other anti Virus measure being dredged up out of the past is the wholly discredited "lockdown". This has been proved time and again to be ineffective. It is much better to have people out and about in the sunlight and fresh air which is known to kill the Virus in any case. And of course the other burning question is how many of these "active cases" are a direct result of the "vaccines"? Lockdowns and the like have become a totalitarian tool of governments the world over to control their populations. They put the fear of God into people and then they queue, begging for the vaccination. This "Fear of God" has been used as a tool for as long as recorded history has existed in order to control populations - because fearful people will turn to their only known salvation - government or religion by people who "know best". Witness the adulation of the NZ Prime Minister, Jacinta Ardern - "Oh, Jacinta, save us from this dreaded Virus!!"
Where has Grandma's old recipe of - stay at home, go to bed and take aspirin, plenty of fluids and clear chicken soup - gone? Avoid hospitals and their ventilators like the plague. Add to that the recently discovered anti-inflammatory efficacy of old drugs like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.  
Governments are lying to us like flatfish, and are desperate to keep the "vaccine" hoax alive so that, among other things, the share markets around the world don't collapse under the weight of Big Pharma share writedowns as the realisation dawns upon the world that the "vaccine" which has been so hyped, is in fact a vicious  fraud. If this scenario of Big Pharma share collapses occurs, there will be a widespread crash with God knows what financial and political effects.  
And consider the known "vaccine" side-effect of blood clots. 4 British Airways pilots have died after taking the "vaccine" and there is apparently concern that "vaccinated" pilots could be at risk of thrombosis as they fly plane loads of passengers at normal operating altitude - to say nothing of the "vaccinated" passengers themselves. The "fact-checkers" are in full flight with denying that there was any connection between the deaths and the "vaccine". Time will tell of course as always, but is it another "coincidence" that a number of Air India pilots have also died? They claim that they had not yet been "vaccinated", and simply died of the Kung Flu! Claims and spurious self-interested counter-claims.
Finally, the only country which appears to be showing any sort of sense in this whole ghastly and propagandised business is Singapore. After having very strict controls, including on the border, they have realised that the Kung Flu is not going away and CANNOT be dealt with on an elimination basis. Therefore they are lifting all controls and restrictions and just getting on with life. It's such a pity that NZ and Australia don't exhibit the same degree of commonsense - because in the end, that's exactly all that it is - COMMONSENSE. But in this woke age of pushing computer buttons and just expecting something to happen, COMMONSENSE is a commodity in very short supply. 

MUNDO - World
Population - 7,875,015,059 - (7,871,899,675) - up 3,115,384 or 0.040%
Active cases - 11,542,025 - (11,637,068) - down 95,043 or 0.8%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,466 - (1,478) - down 12 or 0.8% 
Considering the "vaccine" roll-out, this reduction is miniscule. It is equivalent to 0.4% per week over the last 2 weeks. This compares to a reduction of 5.7% for week no. 44. Not very encouraging and, although it is probably too early to draw absolute conclusions, it does not seem to bode very well.

Population - 45,609,321 - (45,593,473) - up 15,848 or 0.035%
Active cases - 304,726 - (316,265) - down 11,539 or 3.7%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 6,681 - (6,937) - down 256 or 3.7%
The rate of weekly decrease has declined from 7.8% in week 44 to 1.9% now. Still declining, but the rate needs to pick up.

Population - 25,794,730 - (25,783,417) - up 11,313 or 0.04%
Active cases - 416 - (130) - up 286 or 220.0%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 16 - (5) - up 11 or 323%
Substantially up, but by world standards the figures are still very low

Population - 11,831,617 - (11,825,525) - up 6,092 or 0.05%
Active cases - 61,033 - (68,609) - down 7,576 or 11.0%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 5,159 - (5,801) - down 642 or 11.1%
This equates to a reduction of 5.55% per week - a satisfactory increase over 1.2% in week no. 44

Population - 214,066,830 - (214,000,122) - up 66,708 or 0.03%
Active cases - 1,170,843 - (1,130,386) - up 40,457 or 3.6%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 5,470 - (5,282) - up 188 or 3.6%
Rate of increase much reduced from 2 weeks ago but still going in the wrong direction.

Population - 19,279,850 - (19,273,580) - up 6,270 or 0.033%
Active cases - 23,558 - (40,816) - down 17,258 or 42.3%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,222 - (2,118) - down 896 or 42.3%
A much faster rate of decrease than in previous weeks. Long may it continue. 

Population - 51,423,492 - (51,402,759) - up 20,733 or 0.04%
Active cases -198,086 - (171,773) - up 26,313 or 15.3%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 3,852 - (3,342) - up 510 or 15.3%
Rate of increase well up on that of 2 weeks ago. However, there are now signs that it may be slowly decreasing so let's hope that continues at an increasing rate. 

Population - 5,140,503 - (5,138,726) - up 1,777 or 0.035%
Active cases - 69,994 - (76,798) - down 6,804 or 8.9%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 13,616 - (14,945) - down 1,329 or 8.9%
At long last a reasonable decrease over 2 weeks. Still a long way to go.

Population - 10,956,361 - (10,952,203) - up 4,158 or 0.038%
Active cases - 54,957 - (53,759) - up 1,198 or 2.2%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 5,016 - (4,909) - up 107 or 2.2%
Active cases still continuing up but at a slightly reduced rate than that of 2 weeks ago. This has to be turned around.

Population - 17,909,788 - (17,899,534) - up 10,254 or 0.057%
Active cases - 14,245 - (13,654) - up 591 or 4.3%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 795 - (763) - up 32 or 4.2%
Disappointing to see an increase after so many good reductions. However, the figures are comparatively low so hopefully it will turn around again.

Population - 84,051,450 - (84,041,229) - up 10,221 or 0.012%
Active cases - 18,610 - (38,704) - down 20,094 or 51.9%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 221 - (461) - down 240 or 52.1%
Not as big a reduction as 2 weeks ago, but still very satisfactory

Population - 126,089,354 - (126,104,099) - down 14,745 or 0.012%
Active cases - 16,869 - (23,730) - down 6,861 or 28.9%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 134 - (188) - down 54 or 28.7%
Not as big a reduction as 2 weeks ago but still very definitely heading in the right direction.

Population - 32,779,126 - (32,763,264) - up 15,862 or 0.048%
Active cases - 66,084 - (65,602) - up 482 or 0.7%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,016 - (2,002) - up 14 or 0.7%
Up very slightly but disappointing after previous solid reductions.

Population - 130,283,076 - (130,231,293) - up 51,783 or 0.04%
Active cases - 288,625 - (272,551) - up 16,074 or 5.9%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,215 - (2,093) - up 122 or 5.8%
A much bigger weekly increase. Not good.

Population - 5,002,100 - (5,002,100) - no change!!!!!
Active cases - 27 - (23) - up 4 or 17.4%
Active cases per 1 million of total population  - 5 - (5) - no change
All in managed isolation so no worries!!

Population - 4,382,382 - (4,379,782) - up 2,600 or 0.06%
Active cases - 12,760 - (10,029) - up 2,731 or 27.2%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,912 - (2,290) - up 622 or 27.2%
A slight decrease of that 2 weeks ago, but NOT GOOD.

Population - 7,219,834 - (7,216,483) - up 3,351 or 0.05%
Active cases - 38,728 - (54,092) - down 15,364 or 28.4%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 5,364 - (7,496) - down 2,132 or 28.4%
A much greater rate of decrease than 2 weeks ago. Very good to see.
Population - 33,429,296 - (33,411,923) - up 17,373 or 0.05%
Active cases and active cases per 1 million of total population N/A

Population - 111,033,906 - (110,978,111)  - up 55,795 or 0.05%
Active cases - 55,482 - (61,776) - down 6,294 or 10.2%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 500 - (557) - down 57 or 10.2%
Excellent to see a substantial reduction after previous increases.

Population - 23,859,832 - (23,858,188) - up 1,644 or 0.0.007%
Active cases - 2,586 - (5,211) - down 2,625 or 50.4%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 108 - (218) - down 110 or 50.5%
Not as big a reduction as that of 2 weeks ago, but still very solid.

Population - 69,974,894 - (69,968,217) - up 6,677 or 0.01%
Active cases - 54,440 - (32,795) - up 21,645 or 66.0%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 778 - (469) - up 309 or 65.9%
A worrying development after previous solid reductions

Population - 68,241,931 - (68,228,318) - up 13,613 or 0.02%
Active cases - 372,745 - (176,432) - up 196,313 or 111.3%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 5,462 - (2,586) - up 2,876 or 111.2%
Don't know what to make of this. The rate of weekly increase is well up, but it is likely that it is the Vindaflu which is much less virulent than the original Chinese Virus. Anyway, why aren't the "vaccinations" keeping it at bay???

Population - 332,939,657 - (332,865,530) - up 74,127 or 0.02%
Active cases - 4,888,671 - (5,119,749) - down 231,078 or 4.5%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 14,683 - (15,381) - down 698 or 4.5%
The weekly rate of decrease has halved. What is happening, given the high rate of "vaccinations". Cases per million are still well up compared to all other countries. Maybe it's the "vaccinated" people getting sick as has been widely predicted??

Population - 3,485,750 - (3,485,291) - up 459 or 0.01%
Active cases - 14,690 - (30,122) - down 15,432 or 51.2%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 4,214 - (8,643) - down 4,429 or 51.2%
Increased rate of reduction. VERY impressive after previous infection figures. 

SELECTED FINANCIAL AND COMMODITY INFORMATION as at July 2nd. 2021 with comparisons in parenthesis to January 4th. 2021.
S & P 500 - US - 4352 - (3701) - up 651 or 17.6%
FTSE - UK - 7123 - (6752) - up 371 or 5.5%
NZX50 - NZ - 12712 - (13238) - down 526 or 4.0%
COLCAP - Colombia Bolsa de Valores - 1289 - (1418) - down 129 or 9.1%
NZD/USD - .7033 - (.7174) - down .0141 or 2.0% 
NZD/COP (Colombian Peso) - 2654 - (2475) - up 179 or 7.2%
NZD/EURO - .5926 - (.5855) - up .0071 or 1.2%
NZD/CHF (Swiss Franc) - .6476 - (.6320) - up .0156 or 2.5%
NZD/JPY - 78.07 - (73.97) - up 4.1 or 5.5%
NZD/CNY (Chinese Yuan) - 4.55 - (4.64) - down .09 or 1.9%
NZD/AUD - .9343 - (.9355) - down .0012 or 0.1%
USD/NZD - 1.42 - (1.39) - up .03 or 2.2%
USD/COP (Colombian Peso) - 3773 - (3450) - up 323 or 9.4%
USD/EURO - .8426 - (.8156) - up .027 or 3.3%
USD/CHF (Swiss Franc) - .9209 - (.8813) - up .0396 or 4.5%
USD/JPY - 111.01 - (103.11) - up 7.9 or 7.7%
USD/CNY (Chinese Yuan) - 6.47 - (6.46) - up .01 or 0.2%
USD/AUD - 1.33 - (1.30) - up .03 or 2.3%
GOLD - (USD per Troy Ounce) - 1787 - (1,939) - down 152 or 7.8%
SILVER - (USD per Troy Ounce) - 26.59 - (27.14) - down .55 or 2.0%
OIL WTI - (USD per Barrel) - 75.19 - (47.80) - up 27.39 or 57.3% 
COPPER - (USD per metric ton) - 9297 - (7972) - up 1325 or 16.6%

In the country town of Bowral in SW New South Wales, the owners of a natural health shop were refusing to allow entry to anyone wearing a mask! This is entirely reasonable, since masks are known to harbour all kinds of bacteria and are ineffective in any case in protecting against the Chinese Virus or indeed in passing it on. Some busy-body local called the police who after a period of discussion, then proceeded to arrest the 60 year old owner and his female partner. Both of them were manhandled in a disgraceful way and literally thrown into the back of a police van. This illustrates so well the pettiness and straight out abuse being perpetrated by the Australian police on their citizens. The circumstances of this case are mind-blowing. Unfortunately it is not confined to Australia - witness the Nottingham Police against the broadcaster, Alex Belfield in the UK. 

Following are this week's headlines from the English language You may need to go to the desktop version to read most of these:
June 28th. Colombia steps up COVID-19 vaccination as pandemic rages
June 28th. Colombia investigating attack on presidential helicopter
June 29th. Did Facebook CEO try to murder Colombia's president?
June 29th. How Colombia turned US support for protests into support for violent repression
July 1st. US Congress adds condition to aid to Colombia's police
July 2nd. Colombia's government apparently abandons basic economics
July 2nd. ICE embroiled in major fraud scandal in Colombia
July 3rd. Colombia jails alleged superspider in mafia web
It is difficult to believe the official Kung Flu statistics in Colombia. Apparently the figures are way higher than at the height of the Virus in 2020, but you wouldn't know here. All restrictions have been removed - travel, shopping etc - and the only restriction now is the wearing of masks. However, when you are out you see many instances of flouting the rules!! Including us. Restaurants no longer have paper menus, although they will produce them if pressed. Instead you have to photograph an icon on the table, but yours truly hasn't been able to make it work yet!!  There is so much ignorant, hypocritical nonsense about the place these days - and it's not confined to Colombia by any means.
One piece of good news is that we are in the final stages of renewal of our 3 year visas. Went to Migracion Colombia last week thinking that that would be the final act in this bureaucratic drama, but no - we now find we have to return after 10 working days to collect our new Cedulas d'Extranjerias. The visas are approved and issued but we need the plastic ID (c/e) cards - about the size of a credit card and which you carry in your wallet.It is surprising just how often the requirement to produce it comes up.

We read that the NZ Police have now over 4 years seized over 500 million Kiwi dollars worth of property, vehicles, cash, and illicit drugs from gangs. A notable milestone, but at the same time the draconian new Chinese Virus laws allow Police unfettered access to private property of ANYONE without a search warrant - you and I who are for the most part law - abiding citizens. These laws need to be repealed  - but they won't be. 
And of course the on-going saga of the devolution of political power to "indigenous" racial groups. This has largely been carried out in secret by our Socialist toothy grin PM and her government and the apathetic NZ population seems to us to be in complete denial and ignorance of this theft of democracy being perpetrated right under their noses in their own country.
And finally Hate Speech - the scope of this legislation which will form part of the Crimes Act, already includes matters of religion, gender, sexuality, age, disability, and employment status. The penalties for being convicted of an offence under the Hate Speech legislation can be 3 years in jail plus a $50,000 fine!! And now it seems likely that political opinion will be included as well.
The only saving grace is that the PM realises there is considerable public backlash building and she is trying to walk back some of the above. But none of this disguises the fact that the Socialists want all of this to become law. Ardern is facing revolt from her more extreme left-wing colleagues and of course opposition from the majority of conservative ordinary voters who may at long last be waking up to these proposals to quite simply stop free speech altogether. With any luck these divisions may eventually destroy the leftists - as seems to be the case in the US right now with all the partisan manoeuvering over the so-called Infrastructure Bill where the Democrats want to spend 6 Trillion dollars on anything but "Infrastructure" when US Government debt is already approaching 30 Trillion - 1 Trillion is 1,000 Billion and 1 Billion is 1,000 Million. 

The Chinese Virus numbers keep going up - when are people going to start openly asking the obvious questions, or have the dictatorships we all seem to live under these days completely snuffed out the human spirit? Alex Belfield seems to be the only person with sufficient guts to question all the lies being promulgated with increasingly desperate frequency. The most obvious question is of course - why are infection rates rising when a sizeable proportion of the population has been "vaccinated"?? The next thing will be that everyone will need "booster" shots every 3 months, and/or a completely new "vaccine" to counter these new variants which always seem to show up just when the fear factor is diminishing! 

The Maricopa County election audit is still progressing as it has turned into a far bigger job than was initially expected. The Dims are continuing to try to discredit the process by whatever crooked means they can dredge up but even they seem to have run out of ideas. The idea of electoral fraud is still only to be mentioned in hushed tones and you won't even hear it mentioned on the increasingly woke Fox News. The consequences of finding extensive fraud are going to be huge and will at the very least result in a constitutional crisis. 

Now here is an excellent commentary on the George Floyd saga which has been so deliberately distorted by the so-called media and which has been used to whip up racial hatred and frenzy - 
"Subject - the Low-life hero
After 6 burglaries, 3 car thefts, multiple illegal trepasses, ongoing Cocaine and alcohol addiction, committing 2 violent home invasions, 3 armed robberies, dealing Fentanyl and Meth, passing counterfeit money, beating 4 victims senseless and being arrested 23 times since 1998, George Floyd hasn't committed a crime in over 1 year!
And he's been recognised by the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States of America, as one of the bravest people who gave his life for the cause of Racial Injustice in our country.
Do you think that the family would return all that money if they could have their beloved George back????" 

And finally an email we received from Retired Patriot which we feel sums up all the issues affecting the USA right now - and by extension everyone in the so-called Free World. In our view it completely sums up the present State of the Union on this July the 4th. 2021, 245 years after the Declaration of Independence - 
"If I were leading president Joe Biden's central committee and my goal were to destroy America as founded and ensure that it lose its distinction as the world's freest and most powerful nation, I doubt I could concoct a superior strategy than adopting the Biden administration's message and policy agenda.
The administration is creating total societal chaos, fomenting disorder and undermining the rule of law at every turn. As the first duty of government is to protect and defend its citizens, we might be alarmed to consider that the administration is engaged in a multi-pronged strategy to do the opposite. It is shrinking our military, which defends against foreign threats, it is at war with law enforcement, which ensures domestic tranquility, and it is destrying our southern border. It is systematically destroying our liberty and prosperity.
Could there be a better formula for societal and and national destruction? Most of these matters are not debatable.
Yes, we are emasculating our military at warp speed and converting it into a playground for social experiments and racial disharmony, just when China is hellbent on world domination and aggressively expanding its military and technological budgets and flexing its muscles around the globe. Never mind the militant designs of Russia and Iran, to name a few, and disregard that other freedom-friendly nations are hardly in a position to pick up the slack.
While our Democrat-controlled cities are descending into craven crime centres, much of the Democrat Party is doubling down on the police-bashing and defunding policies that created this anarchy. Their inflammatory racial rhetoric is obliterating race relations in the cities and harming most the people that they pretend to protect. Almost laughably, their leaders are now pretending they aren't the ones who clamoured for defunding, exposing themselves as liars and revealing they now realise how utterly ludicrous their policies have been.
In deliberately erasing our southern border, we are making a mockery of our sovereignty and national security and gutting what once might have been considered the unique American culture - a culture, by the way, that respected God and promoted individual liberty, personal responsibility and human dignity, irrespective of race.
While our border is now a Biden - charged magnet for the infusion of millions of illegal aliens, Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris brazenly attempt to blame it on former President Donald Trump and daftly suggest we explore "root causes" for the mass migration, as if we don't know the exact, direct and proximate cause of this disaster and as if we can solve this by throwing money at liberty-deprived and corrupt nations. Does anyone really believe the reckless nonsense our pseudo leaders are mouthing? Have they no shame, self-awareness or capacity for embarrassment?
We are spending federal money as if there were no tomorrow, and incidentally, thereby ensuring that there might not be. Indeed, while our national debt is hyper-stratospheric, these White House lunatics are determined to make it higher permanently, all under the fraudulent auspices of racial justice and equity.
This Democrat Party doesn't even aspire to reduce spending. Having ingested the sweet narcotic of endless government spending, they continue behaving as if they really believe we'll never have to experience the consequences of their profligacy. We are already seeing alarming inflation across the board as a direct result of this madness. But our self-important clowns cavalierly dismiss these concerns, proudly believing they can fool reality by artificially tinkering with interest rates from their ivory towers.
While gas prices are soaring because of Biden's war on domestic energy and quixotic pursuit of environmental utopia, he and his handlers are doubling down here, too - with the unconcealed aim of destroying our only realistic, reliable and affordable sources of energy.
Our ruling class is behaving as a group of adolescent children whose parents are on permanent vacation and left them their chequebook along with the keys to the car and liquor cabinet. Where are the adults?
On top of all this, while patriotic Olympians gratefully honour the flag, a leftist activist one spits on it - as the cowardly (or unpatriotic) Biden administration stays silent about this disgrace, just like it stays silent as Israel-and-America-hating Rep. Ilhan Omar retracts her retraction of her latest anti-semitic slur.
Honestly, I can barely stand to watch the unfolding horror show, which gets more chilling with every real-life scene. But I can't change the channel, nor can you. As a once self-ruling people, we are effectively impotent, at least in the short term, to alter our collision course with Dante's Ninth Circle of Hell.
I know I'm not the only one who feels this way and who is seeing this nightmare with eyes wide open. In fact, I'd bet that most Americans sense something is drastically wrong and that this nation is rapidly slipping away right before our eyes as we squander the legacy of liberty bequeathed to us by preceding generations of patriots who toiled and bled to secure and preserve for themselves and us the things that we once knew matter the most.
I realise the race-baiters and gaslighters believe they have us finally muzzled, but they will soon find we haven't given up. They haven't deflated us; they haven't weakened our resolve. They have emboldened us to take our country back, and I believe we will, I truly believe we will." 
We have just listened to an emotional Toby Keith singing for the 4th. of July, 2021 -  "Happy Birthday America - all the broken down cities by the left's design - I get to wake up in your freedom; sometimes I wonder why. Happy Birthday America - whatever's left of you". Made us feel emotional too.
That's it for this week - hope everyone has had a good week..........................
Cheers and lotsaluv from us in the City of Eternal Spring,
Jim and Jean

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