Please read and pass on. Subscribing could be a good idea as well to support truthful and honest reporting and to make people aware generally of the destruction that is being wrought on New Zealand.
Jim and Jean in Medellin
Begin forwarded message:
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: lorraine littlefield <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2021 at 05:04
Subject: Fwd: "We will continue to be your single source of truth." – Jacinda Ardern
To: <>, James Donald <>, Tracie Hancock <>, Sue &Dave Goodege <>, Alan Dodunski <>, Robert Gordon <>, <>, Valda May McMullen <>
From: lorraine littlefield <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2021 at 05:04
Subject: Fwd: "We will continue to be your single source of truth." – Jacinda Ardern
To: <>, James Donald <>, Tracie Hancock <>, Sue &Dave Goodege <>, Alan Dodunski <>, Robert Gordon <>, <>, Valda May McMullen <>
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Begin forwarded message:
From: Advance NZ News <>
Date: July 15, 2021 at 11:21:44 AM GMT+12
To: Lorraine Bunning <>
Subject: "We will continue to be your single source of truth." – Jacinda Ardern
Reply-To: Advance NZ News <>
Hi Lorraine,
"We will continue to be your single source of truth." – Jacinda Ardern
Jacinda Ardern has said many hair brained things about her government's Covid policies, but this one ranks up there with the rankest.
And having uttered this little totalitarian meme to her assembled stenographers – er, reporters – who were doubtless salivating at the prospect of sharing in the $55 million her government had recently doled out to New Zealand's "trusted media", she left to have another coiffure on her rapidly tarnishing image.
Not once in New Zealand's history has arrogance this egregious been superseded, at least to my knowledge.
Even Robert Muldoon in his best rendition of Benito Mussolini never topped it, and at least he had a sense of humour, something sadly lacking in our current lame "be kind" political leader.
(She's not looking, or acting, very "kind" today with the announcement that a new "order" will mean that people who work in border-related jobs – evn those who are NOT government employees – will have to submit to being injected with the still-experimental Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA Covid jab or lose their jobs. Medsafe now is asking doctors to report cases of heart inflammation after this jab but that does not seem to matter to Jacinda or her government.)
The question many of Kiwis are now asking themselves, ardently I may add (pun intended), is exactly where is Dear Leader leading us to? ![]()
And, more telling still, is who is pulling Dear Leader's strings?
She has been religiously aligning with a worldwide movement answerable to the largest pharmaceutical companies and others working to disembowel the constitutional guarantees of what were recently known as western democracies.
Her government, unbeknownst to the majority of the people of this country, has been backing some of the most odious legislation in our history, in addition to pushing one of the most dangerous, dare I say murderous, vaccines ever rolled out to any population.
She is on record as pushing 5G technology, "late term" abortions (read: pre-natal "infanticide") and de facto land confiscation via the "Significant Natural Areas" – SNAs – designation which strips from owners the ability to make productive use of their own land (even though owners must pay the rates).
She is pushing legislation to end Council jurisdiction over water, which she then intends to poison with fluoride-based chemicals derived from industrial waste, and the wishes of the people be damned.
So much for "following science" – now nothing more than a slogan for people who don't (or won't) understand that science is a method, not a religious belief.
And the "science" behind masks, social distancing and vaccines?
There is none. It's all money, power and control.
The emperess has no clothes (a horrible thought in itself), and that's the reason she is desperate to claim to be the "single source of truth".
She has no truth on her side, a fact to which millions of Kiwis are at last waking up to.
The Real News ( is a magazine devoted to ... the real news. Uncensored, unfiltered and beholden to no government or private interest group.
Our first two issues were devoted to revealing the truth about the Covid "pandemic" and the rollout of the dodgy, dangerous and in many cases lethal vaccines.
With our third issue, coming soon, we reveal the real reasons for the suppression of actual cures and preventions for Covid-19 – why the NZ government has bought into and pushed the lie that there was nothing that could stop the disease other than vaccines.
We reveal what those cures and preventions are and hold up the evidence for all New Zealands to see and judge for themselves, just how badly this government has sold us out to Bill Gates and the rest of the parasitic elite.
We urge you to go to to download the magazine for yourself. (PDFs of Issue 1 and Issue 2 may be downloaded for FREE - please share them.)
And we implore you to subscribe. (If you would like to pre-order multiple copies of Issue 3 so that you have these available to share with friends, family and neighbours, there is an option to do this on our website shop, too.)
You won't find this information in mainstream.
But it's all true, nonetheless.
And you will see that Jacinda is not your single source of truth.
Not at all.
Issues 1 and 2 of The Real News are now available as FREE PDF downloads at
Thanks for reading. See you soon!
The Real News Editor
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Authorised by M Kelly, L2, 71 Symonds St, Auckland. ![]()
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