Hi to all,
This week for a variety of reasons - including that yours truly had a routine Endoscopy plus Colonoscopy last Monday and we have an otherwise busy week with Visa (now approved) matters, other meetings, and a friend staying here - mean that it is just too difficult to fit the normal blog all in. HOORAY, we can hear you say, but never fear; next week the stats will be back with a vengeance, plus news of the medical procedures and all sorts of other fascinating stuff.
For now, we'll confine ourselves to various bits of news that have come to our attention -
** We have been horrified to learn that a new "double-pronged" Chinese "vaccine" is scheduled to be tried as a human trial on mainly young New Zealanders because New Zealand and its inhabitants are apparently viewed as "compliant". This is without any consideration for the fact that heart inflammation (Myocarditis) is a known side-effect of the "vaccine" mainly in younger people under 30, but not necessarily confined to that demogrphic!!
Now we have just learnt that the USFDA has finally moved to add warnings to all "vaccines" being used in the US that Myocarditis (heart inflammation) is a known side-effect - particularly for younger people.
** Keep all that in mind with the fact that in the US alone, let alone other "vaccinated" countries, over 5,000 people have died (and over 13,000 in the EU) as a known and proved direct result of having received the jab. The real figures will certainly be much higher with disastrous health effects being shown a week or more after the jabs.
If you can still access it, you really should watch an interview with Tucker Carlson of Fox News on 23/04 when he is interviewing Dr. Robert Malone who is actually a co-inventer of the mRNA "vaccine". Dr. Malone is an extremely worried man and said that he had expected normal human and animal trials with the vaccine before it was released to the public. This of course did not happen and now in some cases there are almost immediate side-effects - one of which is death (fairly terminal!! - not to mention unknown longer-term effects which could affect many millions of people down the track.
** Also go to www.nzdsos.com where you can co-sign the petition and read just what a number of concerned NZ medical practitioners are saying about the "vaccine". You MUST be as informed as possible before considering accepting the "vaccine".
** Even President Trump has now said that he doesn't think that "young" people should get the jab - no doubt because of the fact that under 20 yr olds usually do not get sick and do not transmit the disease. He would also have had in his mind that under 30 yr olds (and possibly older) can suffer from Myocarditis with God alone knows what longer term other side-effects that may occur.
We also believe that Trump did a good thing by ensuring that the vaccine was rolled out in such a short time, but he was absolutely lied to in regard to efficacy and untested mid to long-term side-effects. Also the likelihood of the necessity for regular booster shots indefinitely into the future. Hence his latest comments amid the fact that the "vaccines" were produced in record time.
Many professional people who are prepared to think and make their concerns public have been censured, threatened and had their platforms disestablished. Censorship at its absolute worst with real lives at stake.
We read in the NZ "toilet paper" Herald that many doctors who have dared to even voice mild concern over the "vaccine" have been not only threatened with loss of employment, but that their practising certificates could be withdrawn. This is the worst kind of forcibly imposed state control of a kind that we have read about in Socialist and Communist countries in the past, but which is now occurring in NZ, the US and other supposedly "free" countries where free speech is sancrosanct - or used to be. It's even worse when you consider the potential human costs. We don't doubt that Dr. Damian Wojcik of Whangarei is probably one of those principled doctors who are being outrageously targeted.
What the hell is happening to us in this world?
** One piece of good news is that the Fillibuster in the US Senate has been preserved in spite of determined Dim efforts, which will mean that it will be all but impossible for the Dims to push through their worst radically excessive measures and at least the situation can be held until the 2022 mid-terms when both Houses will once again be Republican.
** The Maricopa County (Phoenix, Arizona) electoral forensic audit is nearing its end. Officials from other swing states - elected and otherwise - have toured the forensic audit facility and have shown much interest in duplicating this enormous effort in their own states. Note that the Dims have pulled out all legal stops, and also not even short of defamation, to try and stop the audit and even now the Justice Dept. is suing the State of Georgia to try and overturn the recently passed electoral reform law there which insists on things like voter ID and proof of citizenship and residence - among other reasonable things. Of course the Dims are once again trying desperately to preserve the situation where outrageous voter fraud was rife in order to maintain their disgusting hold on power.
They cannot fight fair in a normal electoral campaign; they can only rely on their crooked methods to gain or hold power. But slowly and surely they are being exposed.
** There have been appalling scenes at School Board Meetings in the State of Virginia where concerned parents have vociferously challenged these woke boards in their imposition of Critical Race Theory on their children. Not to mention revisionist history teaching. Many parents stood up to speak until the Board members, unable to advance any countering arguments, declared the meeting over and walked out with thunderous looks on their faces!! What a bunch of pathetic cowards. Whereupon the parents continued talking to themselves and discussing future protests until the local police moved in and arrested several for trespassing. This is all over Fox News on film on Tucker Carlson, Hannity and Laura Ingraham. What a disgusting travesty and trashing of 1st. Amendment rights of free speech. This is cementing the Dims downfall in 2022 and no doubt that of these appalling school board members who are prepared to prejudice the childrens' education to advance their own traitorous agenda. Watch the same thing happening in NZ.
** Then there is another thing - Along with all this LBGT nonesense, biological males who now "identify as females" are being allowed to compete in womens' sports events. The latest travesty is that of a NZ weightlifter who has been allowed to become a member of the womems' weightlifting team for the Olympic Games in Tokyo. Understandably the women members of the team are outraged and driven to despair to see their hard-won places in the team undermined. This has been all over Fox News in the US and no doubt will cause similar outrage at the Games themselves. Can you imagine the NZ weightlifter winning gold and the other two women on the podium putting up with that?? Possibly murder might be done. And NZ is not the only country; trans-genderism is rife in the US at all levels of womens' sports.
** We have read a very unsettling article by a former White House doctor on the subject of the current president's mental health which is obviously failing rapidly - even to lay people such as us watching him stumble through the most simple sentences or questions. That he was ever elected was due to the most egregious and massive fraud in the world's history and the VP (Harris) polled at the bottom of the Democrat Primary. Now it's looking more and more likely that she will become president. She was the most left-wing Senator that the Senate has ever seen and will soon head the Free World. Fervent prayer, as recommended in the article, is perhaps the only course open right now - apart from outright Secession!
** Just thought we'd mention Biden's appallingly incompetent and traitorous conduct and total lack of negotiating skills when he met the Russian President, Vladimir Putin. You will be aware that so far there have been 2 hacking incidents from Russian hackers (widely believed to be supported by the Kremlin) on US domestic operations. One was the Colonial Pipeline which supplies a sizeable amount of fuel to all of the US East Coast and the other was a major meat processing plant. In both cases the operations were forced to shut down. When Biden met Putin he actually gave Putin a list of 16 targets which he said were "off-limits". And wagged a stern finger under Putin's nose!! In other words, "you can't attack these, but everything else is ok". This is impeachable conduct through sheer incompetence and deliberate sabotage of his country. Including giving Putin with the "list of 16" some more potential targets. Wonder if they include some or all of the US Military?
** And Vice President Harris's (finally) trip to the border, but only because President Trump is going there on 30/06 and conducting a Townhall there along with Governor Abbot of Texas. Harris's "trip" was nothing less than an absolute insult as all she did was touch down at El Paso International Airport some miles from the actual border, and then continue her trip on to California. This illustrates more than anything the sheer malevolence and deliberate destruction of the US and everything President Trump achieved during his time in office. But don't worry - he will be back - and possibly sooner than anyone imagines.
** We are also separately sending an article sent to us by a friend in NZ on the subject of "the Trashing of NZ's Democracy". You will see that there is a petition attached which we ask all our NZ friends and family to sign and send to the address shown - if you have not already done so. In addition to this please read Dr. Muriel Newman's weekly newsletter, and also a very worthwhile way to spend just a little over an hour is to listen to Leighton Smith's weekly podcasts on Newstalk ZB. They are both examples of "a breath of fresh air" in these Socialist and extreme woke times. At the end of Leighton's podcast he reads emails that have been received from concerned citizens and it is encouraging to realise that there are still a few of us patriotic and reasonably democratic souls left and still breathing.
Well, that's it for this week - hope everyone is still in good health...................
Cordial saludos y mucho amor de nuestra parte en la Ciudad de la Eterna Primavera.............
Jim y Jean
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