Hi again to all,
Firstly, as always we hope everyone is in the pink!! The following are the usual Chinese Virus figures for week no. 23 since we started recording these dismal figures on 21/08/20, but which we believe everyone should be aware of. The usual disclaimers about the accuracy of the figures stand.
Total cases - 98,188,110 - (21,168,111) - up 77,019,999 or 363.9%
Deaths - 2,102,744 - 2.1% - (759,328 - 3.6%) - up 1,343,416 or 176.9%
Recoveries - 70,591,341 - 71.9% - (13,984,843 - 66.1%) - up 64,165,402 or 458.8%
Therefore active cases - 25,494,025 - 26.0% - (6,425,939 - 30.3%) - up 19,068,086 or 296.7%. Of the total population (which is estimated to be increasing at the rate of 1,557,692 per week) of 7,840,745,835 (7,804,380,455), the percentage of active cases is 0.325% (0.082%) of the total world population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 3,251- (1,437)
Compared to last week, active cases are up 802,065 or 3.3%
Compared to last week (figures in parenthesis), the one encouraging figure is that active cases have increased this week by 802,065 (1,645,789). But active cases per 1 million of population have increased again by 2.9%.
ESTADOS UNIDOS - United States
Total cases - 25,196,086, - (5,429,115) - up 19,766,971 or 364.1%
Deaths - 420,285 - 1.7% - (170,781 - 3.2%) - up 249,504 or 146.1%
Recoveries - 15,100,991 - 59.9% - (2,844,535 - 52.4%) - up 12,256,456 or 430.9%
Therefore active cases - 9,674,810 - 38.4% - (2,413,829 - 44.6%) - up 6,830,275 or 283.0%. Of the total population of 332,087,410 (331,236,184) , the percentage of active cases is 2.913% (0.729%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 29,133 - (9,043)
Compared to last week, the comparative figures are:
Total cases up 1,347,676 or 5.7%
Deaths up 22,291 or 5.6%
Recoveries up 988,872 or 7.0%
Active cases up 336,513 or 3.6%
Well, the first thing to say is that there is no longer any need to worry about these phony figures. Now that the Socialist Biden/Harris cabal is in power and once again cozying up to the Communist WHO, these figures will stage a miraculous improvement.
But seriously, the best you can say is that the weekly rate of increase of active cases has come down by 359,280 or 51.6%. The beginning of the Socialist trend!!!
Like many of our American expat friends who we talk to from time to time, we have watched the takeover of the USA by the Socialist Biden/Harris cartel with shellshock and a feeling of total heartbreak, because we are witnessing the end of the USA and the end of the way of life and freedom that we all cherish.
Of course we knew that the unhappy events of the 20th. were inevitable, but it's what follows on from that which is of great concern.
"Sleepy Joe" and "Sleeping around Harris" have wasted no time since last Wednesday after the Inauguration in immediately promulgating on the same day 17 sweeping presidential orders undoing most of President Trump's achievements.
Included in these proclamations are the cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline which was to take oil from Alberta in Canada to the Texas Gulf coast. It is already substantially built so the cancellation will waste all the money spent so far and goodness only knows what will happen to infrastructure already built, as well as all the material - heaps of steel pipe as far as the eye can see. And 11,000 jobs which will just disappear. And when asked about the jobs, Pete Buttegieg, the new Transport Secretary ( as the former mayor of Southbend, Indiana what does he know about transport?), glibly said "get new jobs elsewhere". The Socialists do NOT care about people. Further to that we have just heard comment that Biden & Co. have in their first 3 days destroyed in excess of 70,000 jobs - so much for their concern for the working people. They don't give a damn - just their destructive Socialist agenda.They have the same attitude about the coal miners of West Virginia; they have re-joined the Paris Climate Accords which among other things prohibits the export of coal from the US. This is a totally one-sided agreement which works against the US and in favour of China. This is because China is still regarded as a "developing nation" and as such is not subject to any restraints in burning or importing coal. In fact the vast majority of China's energy is derived from coal-fired power plants which number in the hundreds. Good for Australia and its exports of coking coal!
Another no less important proclamation is that arrested foreign illegal immigrants, when apprehended, cannot be deported back over the border. And there are many "caravans" of more illegals as we speak heading to the southern border where they will be welcomed into the US - committing horrendous crime, including child trafficking, drug smuggling (Fentanyl gladly supplied by China) and taking jobs from desperate out of work Americans. And none of them will be tested for the Chinese Virus, so that will just intensify the problem north of the border - particularly in southern California.
Texas has 1,200 miles of border with Mexico. This is the longest border of any of the other Mexico border states, who are New Mexico, Arizona and California. And there is no doubt after listening to the Texas governor on Friday night, that Texas will defend their border.
Among many other states Texas contributed National Guard troops to DC to protect the Inauguration, but those troops (25-30,000 at last count) have been shamefully treated by the new administration, being forced to sleep in a cold Washington winter on the cold concrete floors of parking garages with totally inadequate toilet facilities. And you have to ask - why were that number of troops considered necessary just for a presidential inauguration? Was the Biden outfit fearing an armed insurrection this early?!!
Troops from Texas, Florida and New Hampshire have so far been ordered home by their governors in defiance of the Feds. Texas in particular needs them to defend their border with Mexico, regardless of decrees from Biden & Co. Texas has also filed an urgent lawsuit against the Federal Government to counter the decree concerning deportation of illegals which apparently are unconstitutional. But since when did the Dims care a fig for the Constitution?
Interesting asides concerning the military in general - they are sworn to defend the US Constitution, so as the Dims are hellbent on destroying the Constitution, it will be interesting to see how things develop on that front. Another telling situation - when Biden/Harris were being driven to Arlington to lay a wreath the troops lining the route had their backs turned to the motorcade. Compare that to the enthusiastic crowds lining Trump's motorcade routes for miles during the election campaign.
It has been clear for weeks that the presidential election was stolen by the Dims, and in fact there is right now at long last a full forensic examination of the results in Maricopa County - which covers most of the city of Phoenix, Arizona, with a population of 4.5 million. This is the first such examination that the Trump team has been able to achieve and has only been possible after the Arizona Senate took a lawsuit to the Arizona Supreme Court against the Maricopa Electoral Board. Why are such measures necessary and what are they hiding to take such extreme measures to prevent any legal scrutiny? At the time of writing it is not known what the result of this examination will be, but there are 300,000 votes in question. 16 other states whose results were also highly questionable, are looking at this very closely. If sufficient "irregularities" are found in Arizona and sufficient other states to prove that Trump won in a landslide, God knows what happens then. Maybe a new election or maybe the crooks, Biden and Harris, are placed under arrest and escorted from the White House!!
Just dwell on the following:
There were 135 million registered voters in the US at the time of the election.
Trump received 75 million legal votes by the end of the day of the vote count - 56%. This is more than he received in 2016 and more than Obama ever received in any election.
Biden claims through fraudulent tallying of election results to have received 80 million.
This theoretically would amount to a total of 155 million - 20 million more than were even registered!
If this doesn't spell total and egregious electoral fraud, we don't know what does.
There is chilling censorship happening, starting with the cancellation of President Trump's Twitter, Instagram and FB accounts. Anyone who posts anything on the internet favourable to Trump risks similar action. And there is an active campaign now to root out any Trump supporters and severely harass them, including making sure they never get another job and ensuring that they are sacked from any that they already have. This is the beginning of Soviet-style Communist persecution. Make no mistake - this is where the US is headed fairly rapidly and the situation AMOUNTS TO WAR. Different if the Dims had been fairly elected, but more than 50% of the American voting public know that they are absolutely illegitimate, and not worthy of any consideration or loyalty - especially from the Military.
Twitter accounts still enabled are those of the Chinese Embassy - spouting Chinese Communist propaganda, Antifa spouting their anti-American rhetoric and President Maduro of Venezuela, but Twitter has cancelled Conservative voices. Where are they going to go - Parler, once they overcome Google's determined attempt to stifle them for good. And Parler is already starting to operate again, albeit with many illegal restrictions. Twitter is losing accounts in droves - deservedly.
Prominent voices in the Dim establishment are now openly saying that Conservative voices need to be restrained and the people "de-programmed". People should be going around enquiring into peoples' private lives with paid informers reporting on any "seditious" attitudes or opinions. This might sound far-fetched but is being openly promoted right now.
There is endless speculation in the media about what might happen next. We are not going to be drawn into that, except to say that the more egregious moves that the Dims make. or attempt to make, the more enraged the population together with "red" state governments are going to become, mainly because everyone knows the real electoral situation. And this doesn't just include Trump supporters - it also includes those moderate Democrats who are horrified at the direction the extreme leftist Dims have taken and who will be drawn to the proposed new Trump political party - the Patriots Party. Trump had an extraordinary connection to hard-working middle-class Americans - whether blue collar factory workers in Michigan, etc. or small business owners throughout the country. But top echelons of the Republicans and the Democrats are so frightened by and preoccupied by President Trump and his support in the country, that they are obsessed with criminal and unconstitutional moves to impeach Trump yet again - with entirely predictable results. The sooner the traitor, McConnell, and other flaky Republicans are kicked out the better. They'll get their comeuppance when they find themselves standing in 2022 or 2024 against new candidates from the Patriots.
But there is one thing for sure in all of this sorry mess; the Dims and the old Republican Party which has deserted its roots will not last long and they will just eventually disintegrate. And once again President Trump under the Patriots banner will be back in power to repair the unholy and considerable damage caused by the Dims and complete his second term.
Total cases - 1,972,345 - (433,805) - up 1,538,540 or 354.7%
Deaths - 50,187 - 2.5% - (14,145 - 3.3%) - up 36,042 or 254.8%
Recoveries - 1,801,134 - 91.3% - (250,494 - 57.7%) - up 1,550,640 or 619.0%
Therefore active cases - 121,024 - 6.1% - (169,196 - 39.0%) - down 48,172 or 28.5%. Of the total population of 51,185,060 (50,948,628), the percentage of active cases is 0.236% (0.332%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,364 - (1,367)
Active cases since last week are up 3,269 or 2.8%
At the time of writing Colombia now has 129,678 active cases. How can you give any credibility to figures like this when we are being fed stories like this? This represents a 11,923 case increase since the 15th. - 8 days ago (an increase of 10.1%) and an increase in 3 days since the date of this newsletter of 7.2% of that 10.1%. We know it's not good, but with these wild fluctuations one has to call into question the competence of those who are supposed to be managing the pandemic.
Following are this week's headlines from www.colombiareports.com:
Jan. 16th. Colombia's main cities shut down as COVID threatens to collapse healthcare
Jan. 19th. Colombia's defense minister in critical care after COVID-19 infection
Jan. 19th. The war on drugs 50th. Anniversary Part 1: applying cocaine to a CIA penis
Jan. 21st. Duque praises Biden as future of US - Colombia relations remains uncertain
Jan. 21st. Colombia's prosecution asks court to revoke indictment Uribe
Jan. 21st. From left to right, Colombia's political leaders warmly welcome Biden
Jan. 21st. Far-right Duque supporters say "we will finish" one of Colombia's worst massacres
Jan. 21st. Colombia exceeds 50,000 COVID - 19 deaths
Jan. 22nd. Colombia's corporate media taking part in possibly illegal intelligence operations
Nothing much has been happening; we are planning a trip up the hill around the middle of next week just for the day to a restaurant at La Fe to celebrate yours truly's 74th. birthday on the 27th. Another year, another milestone!!
Following are the "cases per 1 million of total population" for each country nominated above: Figures in parenthesis are for the previous week's figures.
Mexico - 2,214 - (2,195) up 19 or 0.9% - 7th
Costa Rica - 7,860 - (7,866) down 6 or 0.08% - 2nd
Panama - 11,624 - (12,854) down 1,230 or 9.6% - 1st
Ecuador - 1,255 - (1,022) up 233 or 22.8% - 10th
Peru - 1,395 - (1,020) up 375 or 36.8% - 8th
Brazil - 4,240 - (3,652) up 588 or 16.1% - 3rd
Chile - 1,322 - (2,732) down 1,410 or 106.7%!!! - 9th
Argentina - 3,763 - (3,878) down 115 or 3.0% - 4th
Uruguay - 2,217 - (2,306) down 89 or 3.9% - 6th
Colombia - 2,364 - (2,307) up 57 or 2.5% - 5th
Colombia is exactly in the middle; it will be interesting to see how the placings change next week.
Total cases - 28,755- (23,035) - up 5,720 or 24.8%
Deaths - 909 - 3.2% - (370 - 1.7%) - up 539 or 145.7%
Recoveries - 25,961 - 90.3% - (13,634 - 59.2%) - up 12,327 or 90.4%
Therefore active cases - 1,885 - 6.5% - (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 7,137 or 79.1%. Of the total population of 25,664,626 (25,536,969), the percentage of active cases is 0.007% (0.035%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 73 - (56).
Compared to last week, active cases are up 9 or 0.5%.
No change from last week in terms of active cases per 1 million of population. Keep fighting the murderous CCP - Australia is now the SW Pacific's only hope. If Biden & Co. remain in power, it will only be a matter of time before China carries out its 72 year old vow to "re-unite" Taiwan. We have a Chinese friend who we met in Vietnam 6 years ago; she and her husband and young family are Taiwanese and live on Taiwan. Our fingers are firmly crossed for their safety.
Total cases - 2,276 - (1,714) - up 562 or 32.8%
Deaths - 25 - 1.1% - (25 - 1.4%) - no change
Recoveries - 2,178 - 95.7% - (1,531 - 95.5%) - up 647 or 42.3%
Therefore active cases - 73 - 3.2% - (49- 3.0%) - up 24 or 49.0%. Of the total population of 5,002,100 (5,002,100), the percentage of active cases is 0.002% (0.001%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - - (14).
Compared to last week, active cases are down 3 or 3.9%
After last week, the figures are going the right way again, but of course ONLY at the expense of total lock-down of the border with on-going massive cost to the overall economy.
Our comments as of last week still stand. Better pray that somehow the criminal Biden & Co. are unseated and exposed as the criminals that they are.
We hope that this coming week treats everyone well and we would look forward to hearing some news - whenever you can manage.
Cheers and lotsaluv from the City of Eternal Spring,
Jim and Jean
P.S. We have not commented on the UK - either from the C Virus or political points of view, but we do keep a watching brief on events there. We would include the C Virus figures but for some reason complete UK figures are not published on Worldometres.
It is great that the UK is finally out of the clutches of the EU, except for some on-going legal issues and some less than satisfactory fishing issues which will be phased out over the next 5 years. But at least the UK has managed to stop the EU factory fishing boats from coming into British waters and hoovering up the entire UK fish stock. RULE BRITANNIA!!!
And we see that the Spanish Navy is getting belligerent about Gibraltar. Just as well that the new Spanish Navy ships were built with glass bottoms - so that they can be reminded of what happened to the old Spanish Navy.
And let's hope that a NZ/UK Free Trade Agreement is not far away.
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