Saturday, 9 January 2021

Chinese Virus statistics week number 21 as at 08/01/21 since August 21st. 2020 (147 days)

Hi to all,
As usual comparative figures relate to the 21st. August 2020.

MUNDO - World
Total cases - 88,723,714 - (21,168,111) - up 67,555,603 or 319.1%
Deaths - 1,910,616 - 2.2% - (759,328 - 3.6%) - up 1,151,288 or 151.6%
Recoveries - 63,766,927 - 71.8% - (13,984,843 - 66.1%) - up 49,782,084 or 356.0%
Therefore active cases - 23,046,171 - 26.0% - (6,425,939 - 30.3%) - up 16,620,232 or 258.6%. Of the total population (which is estimated to be increasing at the rate of 1,557,692 per week) of 7,837,630,451 (7,804,380,455), the percentage of active cases is 0.294% (0.082%) of the world population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,941 - (1,437)
Compared to last week, active cases are up 377,632 or 1.7% 
All the numbers continue to go the wrong way. The percentage of active cases to total population continues to increase, active cases per one million of total population has increased by 1.7% since the week before and active cases are up also by 1,7%.

ESTADOS UNIDOS - United States
Total cases - 22,166,149 - (5,429,115) - up 16,737,034 or 308.3%
Deaths - 374,624 - 1.7% - (170,781 - 3.2%) - up 203,843 or 119.4%
Recoveries - 13,149,021 - 59.3% - (2,844,535 - 52.4%) - up 10,304,486 or 362.3%
Therefore active cases - 8,642,504 - 39.0% - (2,413,829 - 44.6%) - up 6,228,675 or 258.0%. Of the total population of 332,013,304 (331,236,184), the percentage of active cases is 2.6% (0.729%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 26,031 - (9,043)
Compared to last week the comparative figures are:
Total cases up 1,717,448 or 8.4%
Deaths up 20,391or 5.8%
Recoveries up 1,020,152 or 8.4%
Active cases up 676,905 or 8.5%
All the numbers continue to go the wrong way. We can only hope that soon we see a reduction as the vaccines take effect, but we hear so many tales of total incompetence from the blue states in administering them, that it could be sometime. In Florida they have drive-through vaccination depots and it's all over in 10 minutes. However, our earlier expressed reservations re the vaccines and our earlier comments as regards inaccuracies in reporting stand.
We have been feeling fairly devastated after the provisional defeat of Republican Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Purdue in the Federal Senate run-off election in Georgia - no doubt using the same fraudulent counting which has still not been addressed. 
And the orchestrated debacle over once again the incompetent and illegal counting of Electoral College votes in the Senate. This is especially significant because it effectively now gives the criminal Democrats control of both houses of Congress (since the outcome of the Georgia Senate run-offs), and  now that Joe Biden has been finally elected President-elect, that constitutes the Trifecta. Which will be the end of democracy in the world's greatest democracy which has endured so far for 240 years. Not to mention the Free World - which we know we mention quite often!!!
Normally this might not matter too much, apart from some short lived political disappointment,  but this bunch are very radical and hellbent on destroying the US and imposing their extreme left wing agenda on the US and by extension the rest of us. 
China will be emboldened and will pressure NZ and Australia on trade and defence and in all probability will invade Taiwan. And a Biden/Harris administration will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. They say they will continue a hard line on China, but they are liars and Biden is totally compromised to China. The CCP will be calling in their dues - of that you may be sure.
In spite of totally confused reporting over the powers of the President of the Senate (Mike Pence) over the treatment of Electoral College votes in the Senate, and his earlier statements that he would do "the right thing", he in fact did exactly the wrong thing and allowed the Senate approval of existing slates of fraudulent votes to proceed. THIS WAS SEDITIOUS in itself. All he had to do, and should have done, was to say that in view of the serious allegations of voter fraud in several states' slates of votes, he would request that they be sent back to the state legislatures for reconsideration. By all accounts, many of the states in question, in the light of electoral fraud exposures, were ready to reconsider their votes. But in view of Pence's traitorous actions, 75 million Americans have been disenfranchised and there will now be an illegitimate president inaugurated on Jan. 20th. Biden has made a great and false show of uniting the country, but this will have exactly the opposite effect with consequences we can only speculate about. 
But we were greatly heartened to hear President Trump's speech to hundreds of thousands of supporters who converged on Washington DC in a show of genuine support on the 6th. Genuine Trump supporters were certainly NOT involved in the storming of the Capitol Building, although they did march to show support for the upcoming Electoral College voting - and hopefully rejection of slates of votes from corrupt states' vote counting. 
The storming of the Capitol now seems almost certainly orchestrated by Antifa/BLM. There is a photo of a rioter wearing an Antifa T-shirt. There has been a concerted Deep State attempt to implicate the Trump supporters and even to accuse Trump of inciting violence. We watched the entirety of Trump's original speech to his faithful and there was certainly no hint of anything other than Trump laying out exactly how the election had been stolen - just the same as in his recent rally in Georgia and there was certainly no violence there either. Antifa infiltrated the otherwise peaceful march on the Capitol and thereafter embarked on their invasion of the building, albeit that there may have been some foolish Trump demonstrators who could have become carried away in the heat of the moment. The instigating rioters were equipped with ropes and other paraphernalia for breaking and entering. All part of the masterful plan to intimidate the Congress and falsely vilify Trump - again. The Capitol Police stood back and allowed it all to happen at first and there are videos to prove it. Who paid them? The professional rioters' tactics have been remarkably successful and at the very least have now resulted in Trump being permanently banned from Facebook and Instagram and now from Twitter as well. This type of censorship violates the 1st Amendment and  is certainly nothing new, but just emphasises yet again the total domination of the big IT companies with censorship and lack of freedom of speech in the US. It shows just how we are all subject to surveillance and censorship. We have also all witnessed at first-hand the various eliminations of Youtube articles which "violate" their ideas of just how society should be. That is, quiet and compliant, and not questioning the agenda of the extreme left. We have just read on that Youtube (owned by Google) has decided to ban any posts which refer to the recent electoral fraud in the presidential election. We all know that there was fraud and that it has been impossible to obtain any sort of justice. So, Youtube is simply doubling down on that position and is obviously hoping that if they censor and stifle any reporting or comment, the matter will disappear. They need to think again. This is a disgraceful breach of the First Amendment to the US Constitution and should be prosecuted, but what court would agree to hear the issue, much less rule in favor of the 1st. Amendment?  
Apparently Twitter is losing subscribers in droves world-wide.  Couldn't happen to nicer people.  
Biden and Pelosi call Trump supporters "thugs", but the real political thugs are Biden and Pelosi themselves together with their henchmen - Antifa and BLM and all the  rioting over previous months during which Pelosi said "well, people will do what they do"!!! That's what the Capitol protesters do as well!!!!! 
The Capitol invasion may finally bring home the reality of the dangerous Socialist-led attack on the Republic to the many spineless Republicans in the House and Senate, but we wouldn't hold our breath. This is the political catastrophe presently engulfing the US, courtesy of the criminal electoral fraud of the Democrats who would normally never have a hope of winning any election in any other way. These spineless Republicans and of course all the crooked Democrats, say that Trump and his supporters who number in the millions, are undermining US democracy by objecting to the fraudulent way in which votes were "counted". What hypocrisy - the people who undermined democracy are the Democrats with their criminal acts. And they complain about the Trump supporters storming the Capitol Building, when in fact they were mainly Antifa whose sole purpose was to discredit and blame Trump and his supporters. But, apart from breaking through windows and a door into the Senate Chamber, they did little damage. Compare that to the Antifa and BLM riots throughout the country where property was destroyed, including family businesses which had been built up over years by blood, sweat and tears - for the owners only to see their life's work torn down and destroyed in an orgy of vicious and ignorant violence.
And now we have the ultimate act of disunity on the part of Democrats. Pelosi and her gang of Socialist thugs are clamouring firstly for the President to be removed from office by use of the 25th. Amendment. This is only intended to be used if a president is incapacitated through accident or illness and certainly none of that applies here. Interestingly, there was a seditious conspiracy on the part of the then Director of the FBI and the Deputy Director of the Dept. of Justice to attend a meeting in the Oval Office back in 2017 with the DOJ guy wired so that they could prove Trump's "unfitness for office". That was obviously another lie and a criminal act and backfired badly, but still no-one has been prosecuted for this crime, nor for many others including numerous lies to obtain search warrants from the FISA Courts.
Secondly the Dems have promised to introduce an Article of Impeachment to the House no later than the 11th. on the basis of "incitement to insurrection". This is demonstrably a total lie (again!). We've said it before, but we heard the president's address to his supporters and he was encouraging just the opposite of insurrection and violence. There is no way that any impeachment trial could be heard before crooked Biden's inauguration, but if it were to succeed as it probably would in a Democrat dominated Congress, It would have the effect of preventing Trump from ever holding office again. Such is their visceral hatred and complete fear of him exposing their criminality for prosecution, that they will continue to waste Congress's time and at the same time divide America further as never before.
This is something that very few people seem to understand, but it is real and we have real fears that it could escalate into something major - which we have alluded to in the past. We live in hope that the President still has something up his sleeve - God knows that there is enough, but of course there is a complete legal and media blackout to prevent any serious action until the head of the Biden crime family is spuriously, illegitimately and fraudulently inaugurated.  
The populations of the bankrupt and incompetent "blue" Democrat states have been forced into extensive lockdowns with consequent massive economic damage, where the importance of communication by social media is suddenly much more significant, only to find that political comment is systematically and rapidly being banned. An egregious violation of the 1st. Amendment.
We are not religious, but we have to say - God help the USA. It doesn't seem that anyone else will.

Total cases - 176,407 - (31,075) - 145,332 up or 467.7%
Deaths - 2,286 - 1.3% - (333 - 1.1%) - up 1,953 or 586.5%
Recoveries - 149,346 - 84.7% - (30,207 - 97.2%) - up 119,139 or 394.4%
Therefore active cases - 24,775 - 14.0% - (535 - 1.7%) - up 24,240 or 4,530.8 %. Of the total population of 5,118,283 (5,094,118), the percentage of active cases is 0.005% (0.011%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 4,841 - (105)
We have decided to include Costa Rica in our figures as it is representative of Central America and is another country from our part of the world with comparable living and medical conditions. Not completely sure about the August 2020 comparable figures as it was difficult to go back there and our research may have been flawed.

Total cases - 1,737,347 - (433,805) - up 1,303,542 or 300.5%
Deaths - 45,067 - 2.6% - (14,145 - 3.3%) - up 30,922 or 218.6%
Recoveries - 1,580,285 - 91.0% - (250,494 - 57.7%) - up 1,329,791 or 530.9%
Therefore active cases - 111,995 - 6.4% - (169,196 - 39.0%) - down 57,211 or 33.8%. Of the total population of 51,164,327 (50,948,628), the percentage of active cases is 0.219% (0.332%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,189 - (1,367)
Active cases since last week are up 20,852 or 22.9%
Once again weekly active case figures are wildly fluctuating - but this time upwards which must be concerning - if you can actually believe them!! This weekend is another 3 day one - Monday the 11th. is Epiphany - and the powers that be have seen fit to impose an absolute lockdown for the entire 3 days, notwithstanding a mountain of evidence that lockdowns do NOT work. You only have to look at New York and California to see the overwhelming evidence of that. But we have no choice of course, and must once again submit to crackpot and authoritarian policies. This policy was introduced at short notice at the end of last week, which was inconvenient as we had to suddenly go shopping for 3 days amid crowds all doing the same thing in far more dangerous circumstances than normal. And to add insult to injury, our pool bookings all over the weekend have been cancelled because we are not allowed to use the pool during the lockdown!! In fact exercise in the sunshine is the best health measure that can be taken - whoever instigated this nonsense are ignorant fools. Especially as the numbers at any one time are limited to the occupants of one apartment at a time. Where is their head space??? Have they never heard of vitamin D which is  proven as an effective treatment in helping to prevent the onset and alleviating the symptoms of the Chinese Virus? 
Pico y Cedula still operates, although there is some indication that it might end on the morning of the 12th. 
Following are this week's headlines from
Jan. 4th. Colombia restricts incoming travel, partially locks down capital over new COVID fears
Jan. 4th. Key ministers rumoured to resign from Colombia's cabinet
Jan. 4th. Painful start of 2021 for Colombia's former FARC guerillas
Jan. 4th. Colombia's degenerate banking system vs. economic recovery
Jan. 5th. Colombia not considering new Coronavirus lockdown
Jan. 5th. Duque apparently determined to continue sinking Colombia into violent chaos
Jan. 5th. Colombia arrests alleged money launderer twice in one month
Jan. 5th. Colombia's largest banking corporation fined over corrupting free market
Jan. 6th. Colombia condemns pro-Trump assault on US Congress
Jan. 6th. Jaime Gilinski: Colombia's ghost banker
Jan. 6th. Bogota and Medellin lock down as COVID saturates Colombia's hospitals
Jan. 8th. Colombia discovers local coronavirus mutation

Total cases - 28,571 - (23,035) - up 5,536 or 24.0%
Deaths - 909 - 3.2% - (370 - 1.7%) - up 539 or 145.7%
Recoveries - 25,817 - 90.4% - (13,634 - 59.2%) - up 12,183 - 89.4%
Therefore active cases - 1,845 - 6.4% - (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 7,177 or 79.6%. Of the total population of 25,653,312 (25,536,804), the total percentage of active cases is 0.007% (0.035%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 72 - (56).
Compared to last week, active cases are up 89 or 5.1%
The effects of the Sydney Northern Beaches outbreak are still being felt but it seems as though things are more or less under control.
We have been applauding the Australian Government with their determined and aggressive resistance to outrageous Chinese trade threats - some of which have been carried out. Then the CCP imposed import restrictions on Australian coking coal, without appearing to realise that it would affect their coal dependent industries, including steel making. One of the effects of all these shenanigans has been to cause significant price rises since the middle of last year of iron ore (106 USD per ton to USD169 now) and coal (50 USD per ton to USD69 now). We can only hope that all this hits the Chinese economy hard, which will add to their already well publicised woes.
The only problem with this - again as we have alluded to before - is that if they become sufficiently desperate, they could react the same way that the Japanese did at the end of 1941. The advent of a Biden/Harris presidency will only embolden the CCP. Look out, Taiwan, SE Asia, Australia and NZ. 

Total cases - 2,188 - (1,714) - up 474 or 27.7%
Deaths - 25 - 1.1% -  (25 - 1.4%) - no change
Recoveries - 2,101 - 96.1% - (1,531 - 95.5%) - up 570 or 37.2%
Therefore active cases - 62 - 2.8% - (49 - 3.0%) - up 13 or 26.5%. Of the total population of 5,002,100 (5,002,100), the percentage of active cases is 0.001%  (0.001%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 12 - (14).
Compared to last week active cases are up 7 or 12.7%
Not much to say about these figures - they hardly change!! We can only repeat our comments about China.

Well, that's all for another week - momentous to say the least. We hope that everyone is well and that life is as good as it can be in these Chinese Virus times,
Lotsaluv from us in the City of Eternal Dreams.............
Jim and Jean

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