Hi to all,
Once again here are the latest cheerful figures according to Worldometres of the latest Chinese Virus situation. We hope as usual that everyone is in the pink and that life in these Chinese Virus times is not treating you too badly....................... We have the usual disclaimers as to the accuracy of these figures which can occur as a result of financial or political imperatives, or simply procedural inefficiencies in some countries.
MUNDO - World
Total cases - 93,641,101 - (21,168,111) - up 72,472,990 or 342.4%
Deaths - 2,004,994 - 2.1% - (759,328 - 3.6%) - up 1,245,666 or 164.1 %
Recoveries - 66,944,147 - 71.5% - (13,984,843 - 66.1%) - up 52,959,304 or 378.7%
Therefore active cases - 24,691,960 - 26.4% - (6,425,939 - 30.3%) - up 18,266,021 or 284.3%. Of the total population (which is estimated to be increasing at the rate of 1,557,692 per week),of 7,839,188,143 (7,804,380,455), the percentage of active cases is 0.315% (0.082%) of the total world population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 3,150 - (1,437)
Compared to last week, active cases are up 1,645,789 or 7.1%
The weekly active case increase is up from 377,632 last week - up 1,268,157 or 335.8%. A very steep rise. Also active cases per 1 million are up from last week by 7.1%. Other figures also not encouraging.
ESTADOS UNIDOS - United States
Total cases - 23,848,410 - (5,429,115) - up 18,419,295 or 339.3%
Deaths - 397,994 - 1.7% - (170,781 - 3.2%) - up 227,213 or 133.0%
Recoveries - 14,112,119 - 59.2% - (2,844,535 - 52.4%) - up 11,267,584 or 396.1%
Therefore active cases - 9,338,297 - 39.1% - (2,413,829 - 44.6%) - up 6,924,468 or 286.9%. Of the total population of 332,050,357 (331,236,184), the percentage of active cases is 2.812% (0.729%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 28,123 - (9,043)
Compared to last week the comparative figures are:
Total cases up 1,682,261 or 7.6%
Deaths up 23,370 or 6.2%
Recoveries up 963,098 or 7.3%
Active cases up 695,793 or 8.1%
Before making any further comments, there is one that we need to correct from last week. We refer to using the 25th. Amendment to remove a sitting President. The criminal Democrats formally asked Vice President Pence to certify that President Trump was unfit for office, but Pence already said that he would not do that. The only justifications under the Constitution for removing a sitting president under the 25th. Amendment are unfitness for office for health reasons - such as accident or serious illness.
Therefore, as this is demonstrably not going to work, their next underhand and ignorant move is to threaten Impeachment - with only 9 days as at 11/01 left in office!! The Senate could not even begin to consider such a motion until after Inauguration Day and at least 2 Constitutional Law professors have been on record just recently saying just that and including:
1) Impeachment is meant to be considered carefully and deliberatively and only to be used in cases of "high crimes and misdemeanours" This charge here would be "incitement to riot" and Trump did no such thing. In fact the same 2 Constitutional Law Professors have both stated, having reviewed his speech, that the President committed no such "crime". We also heard Trump's speech in full and can attest that this is just another lie from the crooked Dims.
2) Impeachment charges under the Constitution can only be brought against a SITTING PRESIDENT. Therefore once President Trump has left office (if he leaves!!), he CANNOT BE IMPEACHED!!!!! The Dims are so criminally STUPID that, like criminals everywhere, they make these utterly false statements and claims which just incriminate them more in an orgy of deliberate false statements. They give an excellent impression of Kindergarten children having a collective tantrum. Maybe it's a way of appeasing the extreme left of the party.
What are the Dims so frightened of that they resort to running around like headless chooks chasing moonbeams?!!! Is it the alleged theft of Pelosi's laptop? What does it contain?? Now we see that they say it wasn't stolen at all. Who would know?
These political public statements concerning the 25th. Amendment and Impeachment are certainly the most irresponsible statements that we have ever heard emanating from someone who is supposed to be a senior elected official - Speaker of the US House of Representatives. They complain of President Trump allegedly "inciting riots"; in our humble opinion Nancy Pelosi is definitely guilty of the same thing. The main encouragement of any type of insurrection is in fact the Democrat organisation of electoral fraud, which has now left over 75 million Americans extremely angry. And, with Sleepy Joe blathering on about "unity", which of course is nonsense, it is even more reprehensible. Not that Sleepy Joe is actually in charge of anything. He's just a senile old figurehead. They talk on about Trump being dangerous; Biden is far more so because no-one knows who exactly is in charge, although we can hazard a guess. Whose finger will be on the nuclear button? At least with Trump there was never any doubt!!
Now we hear that the FBI is warning of armed insurrections in all 50 states on the 20th. Why did they not warn of election fraud and possibly do something about that, and all the Antifa and BLM riots not so long ago? The FBI is absolutely corrupt, and has been for a long time. With the Democrat political shenanigans re impeachment and the 25th. Amendment, these potential incidents will only intensify with God knows what consequences.
And the by-line on the Laura Ingraham show on Fox News on 11/01, was "Big tech uses Capitol Hill chaos for power grab".It is all part of a comprehensive plan that was hatched months ago - something has to be done to stop the Communist Chinese led takeover of America.
There is a cleverly encouraged line which is rapidly gaining ground, to the effect that while there has been some fraud in the recent election, what we - the Republicans, but definitely without Donald Trump - need to do is make sure that subsequent elections are fair. This is an entirely disingenuous lie, because it ignores the fact that the election was stolen, and the American People have become the victims of the most gigantic fraud ever perpetrated. 75 million people feel entirely disenfranchised. The lie that is spread around about this is that the lawsuits alleging fraud have all been thrown out by the courts. In fact very few were even heard, with the majority being refused hearings, even a key one brought by the state of Texas (and other states) to the Supreme Court. When the Democrats have finished with the Supreme Court and the Senate, there will be NO ability for anyone to fix ANY future elections; the "fix" has to be NOW.
The Socialist takeover of the USA with the active involvement of the CCP of China, is now more or less complete thanks to the Supreme Court refusing to hear vital cases, and to the Vice President for not rejecting slates of votes from various states. Contrary to much ignorant comment, the VP certainly DID HAVE the authority to merely request reconsideration by those states, whereas the line being taken by the flaky Republicans and the crooked Dims is that he did not have the authority to change the votes himself, but that is NOT what he was contemplating. He should have quite justifiably sent the votes back to the states involved and asked for them to be reconsidered, as explained above. The Deep State in the form of the entire legal system and of the Vice President along with a number of Republicans, has done a number on President Trump, and in the process has betrayed their country for their own selfish and reprehensible ends. History, if it is allowed to be written truthfully which is doubtful, will bear us out, but by then it will be far too late.
Another quote worth bearing in mind given recent events - by the author, Ayn Rand - "you can easily vote your way into Socialism, but you must shoot your way out". She was actually born in Soviet Russia and had intimate knowledge of the evilness of that regime.
There is now underway a totally ruthless and vicious campaign against President Trump and his supporters. Denial of internet coverage (FB and Twitter) is nothing less than totalitarian control reminiscent of Soviet Russia or the CCP in China right now. The Dim's aim is to destroy Trump and his businesses and make sure that he is never able to re-enter the political arena again. They are very frightened by Trump and his popularity, so they are starting to go after Trump supporters as well. This will rebound violently - perhaps sooner than anyone realises.
The internet right now is replete with rumours of President Trump taking some action to deny the criminal Dims and the head of the Biden Crime Family from taking office. We don't intend to speculate on these rumours except to say that there is clearly a huge amount of justification for Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act. The Act provides that, if there is reasonable cause to suspect unlawful actions in various states which threaten the integrity of the Federal Government, then that is sufficient reason to invoke Martial Law. In the present circumstances of electoral fraud, it would provide the ONLY method of properly investigating that fraud when the normal legal mechanisms refuse to even hear the arguments.
We felt that it was worth repeating an interview between Lou Dobbs (a Fox News presenter - and definitely one of the better ones!) and Pastor Robert Jeffress of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas - who has been a constant outspoken supporter of President Trump The transcript is as follows:
"Except for Abraham lincoln's assassination, the vicious "assault" aimed at president Donald Trump is the worst in American history on a man holding the top office.
Dobbs referred to Trump's enemies and opponents as "the corrupt forces within our government who worked against him for more than 4 years".
It is the most vile, venomous assault ever conducted against a president in our country's history, short of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
This is a nation that can't heal, that cannot come together until we understand the truth and the reality of what we have witnessed over the course of the past 4 years of this man's presidency.
Jeffress told Dobbs that the Democrats were attacking Trump's loyalists, not just the president.
Jeffress told the president this week that he believed that Trump is the greatest president of his lifetime and he will go down as the most pro-life, pro-religious liberty president in American history. And nothing that anyone says can change that.
Dobbs said Trump compiled an extraordinary legacy, especially when one considers the challenges he has faced since the 2016 campaign.
He accomplished more than any president in the first year, first three years of his term. His four years are remarkable in achievement, all the more so because of the naked, corrupt opposition of the Radical Left and the Deep State".
Finally - we have to say that the CCP couldn't have done a better snow job on the world - and the US - if they'd tried. They've disrupted commerce and life in general to a remarkable degree. Lockdowns and travel restrictions, peoples' life plans, etc. Mask wearing which is a propaganda exercise to sow fear and put normal people against each other. Albeit that there may be some justification in confined indoor spaces. Not to mention severe disruption/cancellation of sporting tournaments (eg. the Heineken Tennis Open in Auckland) and destruction of businesses and peoples' livelihoods. We have just listened to a Financehub clip on Youtube in which excerpts of a Sean Hannity (Fox News) interview were played, but they could only play about 20% due to the imminent threat of takedown of Financehub by Youtube. Censorship openly being practised as never before. There needs to be severe retribution and an accounting imposed on the CCP and many other criminal collaborators.
Total cases - 1,849,101 - (433,805) - up 1,415,296 or 326.3%
Deaths - 47,491 - 2.6% - (14,145 - 3.3%) - up 33,346 or 235.7%
Recoveries - 1,683,835 - 91.1% - (250,494 - 57.7%) - up 1,433,341 or 572.2%
Therefore active cases - 117,755 - 6.3% - (169,196 - 39.0%) - down 51,441 or 30.4%. Of the total population of 51,174,694 (50,948,628), the percentage of active cases is 0.230% (0.332%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,307 - (1,367)
Active cases since last week are up 5,760 or 5.1%
From an earlier decline, the key number of active cases is on the rise again. Maybe it's just a hangover from the Latin Christmas and New Year celebrations? But from the above figures, the number of active cases today (Saturday) now 123,854 - an increase of 6,099 (5.2%) in 3 days! We simply don't know what to believe.
Following are this weeks' headlines from www.colombiareports.com
Jan. 11th. Colombia trying to mend strained relations with US after election meddling claims
Jan. 11th. Colombia discards new Covid lockdown as new surge continues
Jan. 11th. Colombia's late president ordered extermination of leftist party: report
Jan. 13th, Colombia's police responsible for 289 murders between 2017 and 2019: report
Jan. 13th. Colombia's capital, Bogota, to lock down for another weekend
Jan. 14th. Colombia reveals first specifics of COVID vaccination campaign
Jan. 14th. Joe Biden and Colombia Part 1: Duque "optimistic" about relations
Jan. 14th. Fear in northern Colombia over former paramilitary leader's return
Jan. 14th. What COVID taught Colombia about Cocaine Part 1: the tsunami
Jan. 15th. Joe Biden and Colombia Part 2: ending the "War on Drugs"
On Wednesday last week we set off on our first motoring trip since early last year. We spent 2 nights at the MG Hotel at Llanogrande which is on the same property as the apartment development we were looking at before the Chinese Virus struck. Still, there is no work commencing, although they now have a sales office on-site so they certainly seem to be trying. But we need to have a definite contract on our apartment here in Envigado before we could make a move. Generally, it seems that since the advent of the C Virus, there has been quite a movement away from the city and to the open spaces "up the hill" to where the perception is of less risk of catching the Virus. Coupled with that, as in many other places world-wide, there is also a discovery that "working from home" is a possibility for a number of people. So, all these changes in working habits are fuelling the movement out of cities generally. So we may remain here for the duration, but we are very comfortable with everything we need close at hand. We don't feel any urgency.
We also went to a small rural services town called La Union, whose main claim to fame was that it was the site of an aircraft crash some years ago. It was a charter flight from Brazil carrying a Brazilian football team and most of them were killed. The cause was that the pilot made an error of Judgement that he could get to Medellin without re-fuelling. He almost made it but was proved wrong. He was supposed to make a re-fuelling stop in Paraguay, but decided to carry on, with disastrous results.
But La Union itself was delightful. We liked it much better than La Ceja which is bigger and nearby. The usual attractive town square with a dominating cathedral. And the main claim to fame; an old Ford tractor atop a 10 foot plinth all painted in Ford Blue!! Just like our old 1964 Fordson in "Tiare Taporo III" - before we repainted it black in Penang in 2017. We had a typical Colombian lunch (Cordon "Blue" chicken) which we could hardly eat because it was such a big portion. This is typical of most Colombian meals; we must remember in future to ask for half portions. The restaurant was full of locals most in their farming working gear and all shouting at the tops of their voices! A real immersive experience!!
The drive up there was wonderful - good but windy road and great views back over the valley towards La Ceja. Beautiful rolling country with lots of trees and very reminiscent of NZ. Trucks driving far too fast and leaning dangerously on corners. We had a situation earlier in the day where we became stuck behind a loaded truck, but it was moving reasonably quickly. However, the usually impatient Colombians behind us would pass us and the truck on blind bends and crests of rises. Every time it happened we were getting ready to hit the brakes so that we did not become involved in the fallout from what seemed inevitable head-on collisions. They say the driving in Ecuador is worse, so that's something to look forward to!!
Back at the hotel at Llanogrande later and then we were having dinner with our real estate guy, Miguel, who has an office in El Retiro. We hadn't seen him for a few months and had a good chat about US politics!! He had lived in NY for a long time. We went to the local Crepes and Waffles Restaurant which is always good value, but annoyingly they have this icon in the middle of the table which you have to photograph and get the menu on your cellphone. There are no menus because they are considered to be a vector for C Virus transmission!! And Jean was a bit put out because, although they had their renowned salad bar, she wasn't allowed to go and browse - you had to order from the waitress. Overkill and ridiculous nonsense. And everyone from the person who meets you at the entrance and insists on an alcoholic wipe which dehydrates your skin, to the waitresses are quite brusque. Not how Colombia used to be. We carry our own Colloidal Silver spray for hands, supermarket trolley handles, etc but they usually won't accept that assurance. We're getting to the stage where we'd rather stay at home.
Then yesterday (Friday) back home to Envigado where we slept well.
We have decided that in view of the difficulty of obtaining comparative figures since last August for these countries, that we would simply show their "total active cases per 1 million of total population", as that will provide a useful comparison throughout Central and South America with "our" country of Colombia. Therefore, the following are these figures from 9 countries:
Mexico 2,195 3rd.
Costa Rica 7,866 8th.
Panama 12,854 9th.
Ecuador 1,022 2nd
Peru 1,020 1st (best)
Brazil 3,652 6th.
Chile 2,732 5th.
Argentina 3,878 7th.
Uruguay 2,306 4th.
Colombia at 2,307 falls just behind Uruguay.
Total cases - 28,665 - (23.035) - up 5,630 or 24. %
Deaths - 909 - 3.2% - (370 - 1.7%) - up 539 or 145.7%
Recoveries - 25,880 - 90.3% - (13,634 - 59.2%) - up 12,246 or 89.8%
Therefore active cases - 1,876 - 6.5% - (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 7,146 or 79.2%. Of the total population of 25,658,969 (25,536,804), the total percentage of active cases is 0.007% (0.035%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 73 - (56).
Compared to last week, active cases are up 31 or 1.7%
Looks as though things Covid are more or less under control, except that the Australian Open Tennis Tournament in Melbourne is being badly affected with the Scottish player, Andy Murray, pulling out with a positive C Virus diagnosis. In addition to that there are now 47 players locked up in quarantine after some passengers on flights that they were on tested positive. The Open is scheduled to run from Feb. 8th. to 21st. so let's hope that it can actually go ahead.
Total cases - 2,246 - (1,714) - up 532 or 31.0%
Deaths - 25 - 1.1% - (25 - 1.4%) - no change
Recoveries - 2,145 - 95.5% - (1,531 - 95.5%) - up 614 or 40.1%
Therefore active cases - 76 - 3.4% - (49 - 3.0%) - up or %. Of the total population of 5,002,100 (5,002,100), the percentage of active cases is 0.002% (0.001%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 15 - (14)
Compared to last week, active cases are up 14 or 22.6%
Another article in the rag NZ Herald referred to what would happen if one or more of the "new" strains of the Chinese Virus got loose in the community. There would immediately be another total commercially destructive lockdown and we are sure that these threatening articles are simply another way of frightening the population as is beloved of Socialist regimes a la Adern with the toothy grin!
We also see in the rag NZ Herald that there is an op-ed by Richard Prebble on the subject of "China silencing NZ". Believe us, this is only the beginning. China is a bully and is starting to flex its muscles - something it was very reticent about doing while Trump was President. You may wonder why we continue to read the rag from time to time - just put it down to eccentric masochism!!!
On the subject of China, we have just heard a very disturbing interview with American Thought Leaders (Benedict Rogers) on Epoch Times. It dealt with human rights in China - or rather the lack thereof!
Very briefly, the main points talked about were:
* there are 83 global brands which are directly associated with slavery mainly involving the Uighur people of Xinjiang
* it is estimated that there are up to 3 million Uighurs detained in labour camps where they are subject to abuse - sexual and everything else.
* there is planned genocide against the Uighurs being carried out right now
* as part of the above, there is the shockingly barbarous practice of human organ harvesting being carried out in China to a greater and greater extent as time goes on
The interview specifically mentions NZ's willingness to compromise its principles and existing alliances in perpetrating trade with China. A very unflattering comparison was also made with Australia. This message goes out globally. There was also a reference to the CCP's Belt and Road Initiative which it was claimed NZ had signed. Does anyone in NZ know what is going on there? Is it signed? And why the secrecy - as if we didn't know. NZ's trust will be, if not already, totally destroyed with its traditional allies - the US, Canada, the UK and Australia.
NZ is behaving in a craven and cowardly way in respect of its kowtowing to the murderous regime of the CCP of China. Compare this with Australia which has the guts at least to resist China's bullying, whereas NZ just rolls over with its feet in the air playing "dead flies". It makes us ashamed to be New Zealanders. NZer's should be aware of just what depths of dishonest depravity their country is prepared to sink to in prioritising trade with a regime which absolutely rivals that of Nazi Germany. God knows how many Uighurs have been disposed of so far, but the numbers will undoubtedly rival that of the Jews who were murdered in Nazi concentration camps during World War 2.
New Zealand - where are you going and what do you think you're doing? We know that there are trade concerns, but somehow, somewhere there has to be an old-fashioned word - integrity. It's not as if China is NZ's only export customer. Wake up and be prepared to exercise some of the principles for which our heroes died. You think that none of these unsavoury issues can happen in Godzone - you are about to find out otherwise. BE AWARE!!!
On that happy note we wish you all a good week to come and that the past week has not been too onerous.
Cheers and lotsaluv from the City of Eternal Spring.........................
Jim and Jean
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