Sunday, 31 January 2021

Chinese Virus Statistics week number 24 as at 29/01/21 since August 21st. 2020 (168 days)

Hi again to all. 
Trusting that everyone is in the pink - as always!! Our usual disclaimers remain concerning the accuracy of these figures, due to possible discrepancies for financial or political reasons.

MUNDO - World
Total cases - 102,144,523 - (21,168,111) - up 80,976,412 or 382.5%
Deaths - 2,203,253 - 2.2% - (759,328 - 3.6%) - up 1,443,925 or 190.2%
Recoveries - 73,998,240 - 72.4% - (13,984,843 - 66.1%) - up 60,013,397 or 429.1%
Therefore active cases - 25,943,030 - 25.4% - (6,425,939 - 30.3%) - up 19,517,091 or 303.7%. Of the total population (which is estimated to be increasing at the rate of 1,557,692 per week) of 7,842,303,527 (7,804,380,455), the percentage of active cases is 0.331% (0.082%) of the total world population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population  - 3,308 - (1,437)
Compared to last week, active cases are up 449,005 or 1.8%
Recoveries as a percentage of total cases are up (good), active cases as a percentage of total cases are down (good), total active cases per 1 million of total population are up (bad), and percentage of active cases increase over last week is down (good). So, mixed, but overall showing a small improvement. Let's hope the same trends continue for next week. 
It has been suggested for some time now that up to 90% of so-called "positive tests" are not C Virus at all and that the world has been lied to with God knows what in economic and human damage. China has done a great snow job on all of us.
Why are "normal" 'flu figures down everywhere?? Have they suddenly morphed into the Chinese Virus??

ESTADOS UNIDOS - United States
Total cases - 26,340,631 - (5,429,115) - up 20,911,516 or 385.2%
Deaths - 443,794 - 1.7% - (170,781 - 3.2%) - up 273,013 or 159.9%
Recoveries - 16,071,748 - 61.0% - (2,844,535 - 52.4%) - up 13,227,213 or 465.0%
Therefore active cases - 9,825,089 - 37.3% - (2,413,829 - 44.6%) - up 7,411,260 or 307.0%. Of the total population of 332,124,463 (331,236.184), the percentage of active cases is 2.958% (0.729%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 29,583 - (9,043)
Compared to last week, the comparative figures are:
Total cases up 1,144,545 or 4.5%
Deaths up 23,509 or 5.6%
Recoveries up 970,757 or 6.4%
Active cases 150,279 up or 1.6%
As percentages compared to last week, total case increases are down, deaths are the same, recoveries are down and active cases are well down. So, again a mixed bag but overall showing encouraging signs. The main change is coming from the fact that total case increases have reduced.
Again "false positive" figures are unknown, but how many deaths are attributed to the Chinese Virus, when perhaps they were caused by a bad flu?
An anecdotal aside - after Jean was registered as a nurse, she worked for a time at the old geriatric Cornwall Hospital in Greenlane, Auckland. In the winter of circa 1966 they were losing around 10 patients per day from the 'flu, and this carried on for 5-6 weeks. That's over 400 deaths during that period, and on one night Jean "laid out" 6 patients who had died. Nurses did that job in those days. These figures were not even remarked on, much less written about in newspapers.
As another aside, the Sisters were mainly ex WW2 NZ Army Sisters and were VERY strict. However, unlike many other nurses, Jean got on well with all of them and one, Sister Sumpter, even gave Jean a going away present when she transferred elsewhere. That at the time was unheard of and inspired much jealousy on the part of some other nurses!!
Anyway, unfortunately coming back to the present, it seems that there is so much political crookedness and misinformation, that it is difficult to know where to start!
Perhaps the main points of the past week - 
* Joe Biden was inaugurated on Jan. 20th. Since then he has signed 25 "executive orders", some of which are actually illegal and are the subject of legal action on the part of various states. By comparison Trump signed 6 and Obama 5.
* The main ones to be concerned about are the spurious attempts to open the southern border. In order from East to West the border states are Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. Texas has by far the longest border with Mexico - 1,200 miles. Biden & Co. have also halted all construction on the border wall as well as virtually cancelling normal asylum application procedures, so that illegals can just enter with almost nothing to stop them.
This all comes at a time when the Chinese Virus is still very difficult to control and "caravans" of tens of thousands of would-be migrants are congregating in Mexico, just waiting for their chance to pour uncontrollably across the border. There is virtually no mask wearing and certainly no "social distancing" and certainly no testing.
Opening the southern borders will increase the ease with which China can smuggle Fentanyl into the US again. This horrible drug is mixed with Heroin, Morphine or Cocaine which in turn makes those drugs much more lethal. The smuggling of all of these drugs is being carried out by the Mexican drug cartels who have entered into an unholy alliance with the Chinese murderers. The Chinese never let up in their efforts to attack the US - whether it be by releasing the Chinese Virus or these drug smuggling arrangements as above. And Biden wants to open the border. All he and his cohorts really want is to destroy the USA.
These southern border states will, after trying the softly softly approach, move to openly defy Washington. What else can they do - just sit back and allow their states to be ruined?
* Add to all this Biden & Co.'s attack on the oil and gas industry which among other effects, will ruin 60% of New Mexico's economy (not to mention other states), and you have an inflammatory situation to put it mildly.  
* In addition, the Attorneys-General of Texas, New Mexico, Arkansas, West Virginia, Indiana, Missouri, and Montana have written a joint letter to Biden to point out the illegality of many of his Executive Orders and again to reinforce the detrimental effects on the economies of their states of these orders. 
Biden is obviously not allowed to present himself directly to any searching questions. His minders make sure of that. He is hiding behind them and the executive orders that he does not (yet) have to defend. His Press Secretary never answers any questions either so it's government by decree.
There is so much more that we could write about but for now we'll just limit ourselves to the above. Except to say that all these affected states will not sit on their hands, nor on a bunch of lawsuits. If the Feds do not substantially pull these measures back, then we fear that Secession will result and all that will be left of the once great USA will be the bankrupt Democrat states of the East coast, the NE, the NW and California. These "blue" states will then just sink into bankruptcy and ineptitude. Where in fact they are now and have been for a considerable time.  
One positive note - the forensic examination of vote counting in Maricopa County, Phoenix, Arizona is due to begin in the middle of this coming week and will then take approximately 10 working days to complete. IF it is done properly and with integrity (2 big ifs!), it should overturn the Biden crooked vote there which would then be enough to give the state to Trump. Then with 3-4 other states at this stage almost certainly prepared to undertake the same exercise, and with quite possibly the same results, what happens then? Nobody knows because there is no precedent.
But surely if Trump then held more than 270 Electoral College votes, crooked Biden could not continue as president? He and many others would then be in jail, where they belong.
Time will tell.

Total cases - 2,067,575 - (433,805) - up 1,633,770 or 376.6%
Deaths  - 52,913 - 2.6% - (14,145 - 3.3%) - up 38,768 or 274.1%
Recoveries - 1,894,384 - 91.6% - (250,494 - 57.7%) - up 1,733,890 or 692.2%
Therefore active cases - 120,278  - 5.8% - (169,196 - 39.0%) - down 48,918 or 28.9%. Of the total population of 51,195,427 (50,948,628), the percentage of active cases is 0.235% (0.332%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,349 - (1,367)
Active cases since last week are down 746 or 0.6%
The most positive aspect is that active cases are down from last week, but during the week they spiked up to almost 130,000, so the reduction is even more significant - provided always that one can believe these wild swings. Another significant figure is that active cases as a percentage of total cases is also reasonably well down. Again, let's hope that it's the start of another downward trend. On the 30th. the active case figure is now down to 109,000 - a reduction of 11,000 in 2 days!!! Really??
Following are this week's headlines from
Jan. 25th. Colombia's demobilised guerillas abandon FARC brand
Jan. 25th. Colombia exceeds 2 million COVID infections month before planned vaccination drive
Jan. 26th. Colombia's defense minister dies of COVID
Jan.26th. Death of Colombia's defense minister spurs 3 days of mourning in honor of COVID deaths
Jan. 27th. Duque's misrule: Colombia in "perfect storm", heading towards "a river of blood".
Jan. 27th. Political vultures lurking after Colombia's defense minister dies
Jan. 27th. Will Duque drive Colombia into the ground for real this time?
Jan. 28th. Colombia set to charge former FARC commanders for kidnapping
It was yours truly's birthday on Wednesday (74 misspent years!) and so we went to the Restaurante Torittos La Fe, which is a steak restaurant "up the hill" about 30-40 minutes drive from home. We'd been there before, and once again they did not disappoint. We both had a cut of beef called "Punta de Anca" which is a deliciously moist and tasty cut from the posterior hip area, leg region - a soft, juicy and marbled cut. From long experience, we ordered a half portion as the normal full Colombian portions are HUGE!! Apart from the above noted benefits, this cut is very tasty indeed - far better than ordinary steak, although that is good too. We also had an excellent bottle of Argentinian Cabernet Sauvignon. We have come to the conclusion that Argentinian reds are better than Chilean - probably because they are grown in drier regions than may be available in Chile. And often at high altitude which again is very beneficial. And a side benefit is that the Argentinian Peso has depreciated over the last 12 months against the USD by 45% so that probably translates into good prices. The Colombian Peso over the same period has depreciated by 6% against the USD. That may all change quite quickly, given the level of counterfeit fiat money printing going on in the US right now!  We know a good wine shop in Poblado, so must see if we can get some through them.
A little annoyance. For the 2nd time we are falling foul of the law! The first time, which no doubt you don't remember, was back in April last year when yours truly at 1 am was on the way home from the hospital where Jean was seriously ill. 2 motorcycle cops observed the miscreant going down a one-way street the wrong way and gave chase. It became quite nasty and it took a bribe of COP200,000 to extricate said miscreant. Now we find ourselves having forgotten to pay the fee for an emissions certificate for the car. All cars over a certain age have to be inspected every 12 months, because of Medellin's pollution issues,  but at the time that ours expired last November, the car was in the workshop. We have since discovered  that the inspection is at least equivalent to part of a full NZ Warrant of Fitness check, which is actually quite re-assuring. 
At that stage we only had a vague idea where to go and kept forgetting about it. Then the car was photographed in Las Palmas on the outskirts of Medellin on Jan. 15th. and the certificate expiration must have come up on the computer! So, today we received a notice informing us of the matter and that we had to pay a discounted fine of COP223,778 (NZD93). So, tomorrow we will go to a place (many in Medellin) and have the car inspected to get a new one. Hopefully it passes - no reason to think that it won't. Maybe we can pay the fine there as well!!

Following are the "cases per 1 million of total population" for each country nominated above. Figures in parenthesis are for the previous week:
Mexico - 2,268 - (2,214) - up 54 or 2.4% - 6th.
Costa Rica - 7,549 - (7,860) - down 311 or 4.0% - 2nd.
Panama - 9,641 - (11,624) - down 1,983 or 17.1% - WORST.
Ecuador - 1,526 - (1,255) - up 271 or 21.6% - 8th.
Peru - 1,379 - (1,395) - down 16 or 1.2% - 9th.
Brazil - 4,289 - (4,240) - up 49 or 1.2% - 3rd.
Chile - 1,334 - (1,322) - up 12 or 0.9% - BEST.
Argentina - 3,627 - (3,763) - down 136 or 3.6% - 4th.
Uruguay - 2,059 - (2,217) - down 158 or 7.1% - 7th.
Colombia - 2,349 - (2,364) - down 15 or 0.6%  - 5th.
Interesting to observe the North-South divide between Panama and Chile. Not sure whether that's coincidence or what..........

Total cases - 28,800 - (23,035) - up 5,765 or 25.0%
Deaths - 909 - 3.2% - (370 - 1.7%) - up 539 or 145.7%
Recoveries - 26,035 - 90.4% - (13,634 - 59.2%) - up 12,401 or 91.0%
Therefore active cases - 1,856 - 6.4% - (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 7,166 or 79.4%. Of the total population of 25,670,282 (25,536,969), the percentage of active cases is 0.007% (0.035%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 72 - (56)
Compared to last week, active cases are down 29 or 1.5%
There still seem to be isolated outbreaks with the latest being Perth, W Australia. Only ONE infection detected and the whole city is locked down  for 5 days.
This disease CANNOT be eradicated; it's yet to be shown whether the vaccines will be effective in dealing with most of it and the balance will become just another flu.
Total cases - 2,305 - (1,714) - up 591 or 34.5%
Deaths - 25 - 1.1% - (25 - 1.4%) - no change
Recoveries - 2,208 - 95.8% -  (1,531 - 95.5%) - up 674 or 44.2%. 
Therefore active cases - 72 - 3.1% - (49 - 3.0%) - up 23 or 46.9%. Of the total population of 5,002,100 (5,002,100), the percentage of active cases is 0.001% (0.001%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 14 - (14)
Compared to last week, active cases are down 1 or 1.4%
We have been intrigued and considerably amused at the incompetent and panicked antics of the NZ health authorities, due to ONE supposedly positive (and now 2 more) community C Virus cases who recently returned from overseas and endured 14 days of quarantine. During that time the first quarantinee (is there such a word?) tested negative twice, but then travelled extensively in southern Northland visiting at least 30 business establishments before finally testing positive. Quelle horreur or que horror!!! All under control now, EXCEPT for one quarantine facility staff member who engaged in intimate relations with another detainee!! With the detainee's consent we presume, although that was not made clear. The staff member has now been summarily dismissed from their job - hope it was worth it!!
The NZ "toilet paper" Herald headlines scream national calamity - 
"Covid 19 coronavirus: Northland residents concerned over Govt. border "failure""
"3.5 hour wait for Covid testing as officials urge patience"
"Covid 19 coronavirus: were businesses told first about Northland community case's movements?" Several businesses visited by the woman were not told they were on the list before their names were published on a Facebook page of the Health Dept. of the NZ Govt.!! Talk about courtesy - or the lack of it. Typical Socialist don't care attitude to private business. 
And now we have the spectacle of local Maoris in Northland establishing their own roadblocks to keep these dastardly C Virus infected Aucklanders out of their territory during this holiday weekend - Auckland Province Anniversary Holiday. Talk about hysterical and irrational behaviour. But more seriously, it just shows the constant abrasive relations between Maoris and Pakehas (white people) which is being constantly taken advantage of and fed by these types of actions and opportunities. There is no end in sight, even taking into account the over generous Treaty of Waitangi settlements over the years. Appeasement NEVER works, as Britain found out in dealing with Herr Hitler 83 years ago.
Talking of that sort of thing, there is hardly any history being taught in schools or universities any more. There's an old saying that without knowledge of history, it will be destined to be repeated, and that is exactly what is happening to the world right now.
On that happy note we will leave you for another week.
Hope you are all well...................................
Cheers and lotsaluv from the City of Eternal Spring,
Jim and Jean

Saturday, 23 January 2021

Chinese Virus statistics week number 23 as at 22/01/21 since August 21st. 2020 (161 days)

Hi again to all, 
Firstly, as always we hope everyone is in the pink!! The following are the usual Chinese Virus figures for week no. 23 since we started recording these dismal figures on 21/08/20, but which we believe everyone should be aware of. The usual disclaimers about the accuracy of the figures stand.

Total cases - 98,188,110 - (21,168,111) - up 77,019,999 or 363.9%
Deaths - 2,102,744 - 2.1% - (759,328 - 3.6%) - up 1,343,416 or 176.9%
Recoveries - 70,591,341 - 71.9% - (13,984,843 - 66.1%) - up 64,165,402 or 458.8%
Therefore active cases - 25,494,025 - 26.0% - (6,425,939 - 30.3%) - up 19,068,086 or 296.7%. Of the total population (which is estimated to be increasing at the rate of 1,557,692 per week) of 7,840,745,835 (7,804,380,455), the percentage of active cases is 0.325% (0.082%) of the total world population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 3,251- (1,437)
Compared to last week, active cases are up 802,065 or 3.3%
Compared to last week (figures in parenthesis), the one encouraging figure is that active cases have increased this week by 802,065 (1,645,789). But active cases per 1 million of population have increased again by 2.9%.  

ESTADOS UNIDOS - United States
Total cases - 25,196,086, - (5,429,115) - up 19,766,971 or 364.1%
Deaths - 420,285 - 1.7% - (170,781 - 3.2%) - up 249,504 or 146.1%
Recoveries - 15,100,991 - 59.9% - (2,844,535 - 52.4%) - up 12,256,456 or 430.9%
Therefore active cases - 9,674,810 - 38.4% - (2,413,829 - 44.6%) - up 6,830,275 or 283.0%. Of the total population of 332,087,410 (331,236,184) , the percentage of active cases is 2.913% (0.729%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 29,133 - (9,043)
Compared to last week, the comparative figures are:
Total cases up 1,347,676 or 5.7%
Deaths up 22,291 or 5.6%
Recoveries up 988,872 or 7.0%
Active cases up 336,513 or 3.6%
Well, the first thing to say is that there is no longer any need to worry about these phony figures. Now that the Socialist Biden/Harris cabal is in power and once again cozying up to the Communist WHO, these figures will stage a miraculous improvement.
But seriously, the best you can say is that the weekly rate of increase of active cases has come down by 359,280 or 51.6%. The beginning of the Socialist trend!!!
Like many of our American expat friends who we talk to from time to time, we have watched the takeover of the USA by the Socialist Biden/Harris cartel with shellshock and a feeling of total heartbreak, because we are witnessing the end of the USA and the end of the way of life and freedom that we all cherish.
Of course we knew that the unhappy events of the 20th. were inevitable, but it's what follows on from that which is of great concern.
"Sleepy Joe" and "Sleeping around Harris" have wasted no time since last Wednesday after the Inauguration in immediately promulgating on the same day 17 sweeping presidential orders undoing most of President Trump's achievements.
Included in these proclamations are the cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline which was to take oil from Alberta in Canada to the Texas Gulf coast. It is already substantially built so the cancellation will waste all the money spent so far and goodness only knows what will happen to infrastructure already built, as well as all the material - heaps of steel pipe as far as the eye can see. And 11,000 jobs which will just disappear. And when asked about the jobs, Pete Buttegieg, the new Transport Secretary ( as the former mayor of Southbend, Indiana what does he know about transport?), glibly said "get new jobs elsewhere". The Socialists do NOT care about people. Further to that we have just heard comment that Biden & Co. have in their first 3 days destroyed in excess of 70,000 jobs - so much for their concern for the working people. They don't give a damn - just their destructive Socialist agenda.They have the same attitude about the coal miners of West Virginia; they have re-joined the Paris Climate Accords which among other things prohibits the export of coal from the US. This is a totally one-sided agreement which works against the US and in favour of China. This is because China is still regarded as  a "developing nation" and as such is not subject to any restraints in burning or importing coal. In fact the vast majority of China's energy is derived from coal-fired power plants which number in the hundreds. Good for Australia and its exports of coking coal!
Another no less important proclamation is that arrested foreign illegal immigrants, when apprehended, cannot be deported back over the border. And there are many "caravans" of more illegals as we speak heading to the southern border where they will be welcomed into the US - committing horrendous crime, including child trafficking, drug smuggling (Fentanyl gladly supplied by China) and taking jobs from desperate out of work Americans. And none of them will be tested for the Chinese Virus, so that will just intensify the problem north of the border - particularly in southern California.  
Texas has 1,200 miles of border with Mexico. This is the longest border of any of the other Mexico border states, who are New Mexico, Arizona and California. And there is no doubt after listening to the Texas governor on Friday night, that Texas will defend their border.
Among many other states Texas contributed National Guard troops to DC to protect the Inauguration, but those troops (25-30,000 at last count) have been shamefully treated by the new administration, being forced to sleep in a cold Washington winter on the cold concrete floors of parking garages with totally inadequate toilet facilities. And you have to ask - why were that number of troops considered necessary just for a presidential inauguration? Was the Biden outfit fearing an armed insurrection this early?!! 
Troops from Texas, Florida and New Hampshire have so far been ordered home by their governors in defiance of the Feds. Texas in particular needs them to defend their border with Mexico, regardless of decrees from Biden & Co. Texas has also filed an urgent lawsuit against the Federal Government to counter the decree concerning deportation of illegals which apparently are unconstitutional. But since when did the Dims care a fig for the Constitution?
Interesting asides concerning the military in general - they are sworn to defend the US Constitution, so as the Dims are hellbent on destroying the Constitution, it will be interesting to see how things develop on that front. Another telling situation - when Biden/Harris were being driven to Arlington to lay a wreath the troops lining the route had their backs turned to the motorcade. Compare that to the enthusiastic crowds lining Trump's motorcade routes for miles during the election campaign.
It has been clear for weeks that the presidential election was stolen by the Dims, and in fact there is right now at long last a full forensic examination of the results in Maricopa County - which covers most of the city of Phoenix, Arizona, with a population of 4.5 million. This is the first such examination that the Trump team has been able to achieve and has only been possible after the Arizona Senate took a lawsuit to the Arizona Supreme Court against the Maricopa Electoral Board. Why are such measures necessary and what are they hiding to take such extreme measures to prevent any legal scrutiny? At the time of writing it is not known what the result of this examination will be, but there are 300,000 votes in question. 16 other states whose results were also highly questionable, are looking at this very closely. If sufficient "irregularities" are found in Arizona and sufficient other states to prove that Trump won in a landslide, God knows what happens then.  Maybe a new election or maybe the crooks, Biden and Harris, are placed under arrest and escorted from the White House!!
Just dwell on the following:
There were 135 million registered voters in the US at the time of the election.
Trump received 75 million legal votes by the end of the day of the vote count - 56%. This is more than he received in 2016 and more than Obama ever received in any election.
Biden claims through fraudulent tallying of election results to have received 80 million. 
This theoretically would amount to a total of 155 million - 20 million more than were even registered!
If this doesn't spell total and egregious electoral fraud, we don't know what does. 
There is chilling censorship happening, starting with the cancellation of President Trump's Twitter, Instagram and FB accounts. Anyone who posts anything on the internet favourable to Trump risks similar action. And there is an active campaign now to root out any Trump supporters and severely harass them, including making sure they never get another job and ensuring that they are sacked from any that they already have. This is the beginning of Soviet-style Communist persecution.  Make no mistake - this is where the US is headed fairly rapidly and the situation AMOUNTS TO WAR. Different if the Dims had been fairly elected, but more than 50% of the American voting public know that they are absolutely illegitimate, and not worthy of any consideration or loyalty - especially from the Military.
Twitter accounts still enabled are those of the Chinese Embassy - spouting Chinese Communist propaganda, Antifa spouting their anti-American rhetoric and President Maduro of Venezuela, but Twitter has cancelled Conservative voices. Where are they going to go - Parler, once they overcome Google's determined attempt to stifle them for good. And Parler is already starting to operate again, albeit with many illegal restrictions. Twitter is losing accounts in droves - deservedly.
Prominent voices in the Dim establishment are now openly saying that Conservative voices need to be restrained and the people "de-programmed". People should be going around enquiring into peoples' private lives with paid informers reporting on any "seditious" attitudes or opinions. This might sound far-fetched but is being openly promoted right now.
There is endless speculation in the media about what might happen next. We are not going to be drawn into that, except to say that the more egregious moves that the Dims make. or attempt to make, the more enraged the population together with "red" state governments are going to become, mainly because everyone knows the real electoral situation. And this doesn't just include Trump supporters - it also includes those moderate Democrats who are horrified at the direction the extreme leftist Dims have taken and who will be drawn to the proposed new Trump political party - the Patriots Party. Trump had an extraordinary connection to hard-working middle-class Americans - whether blue collar factory workers in Michigan, etc. or small business owners throughout the country. But top echelons of the Republicans and the Democrats are so frightened by and preoccupied by President Trump and his support in the country, that they are obsessed with criminal and unconstitutional moves to impeach Trump yet again - with entirely predictable results. The sooner the traitor, McConnell, and other flaky Republicans are kicked out the better. They'll get their comeuppance when they find themselves standing in 2022 or 2024 against new candidates from the Patriots.  
But there is one thing for sure in all of this sorry mess; the Dims and the old Republican Party which has deserted its roots will not last long and they will just eventually disintegrate. And once again President Trump under the Patriots banner will be back in power to repair the unholy and considerable damage caused by the Dims and complete his second term.         
Total cases - 1,972,345 - (433,805) - up 1,538,540 or 354.7%
Deaths - 50,187 - 2.5% - (14,145 - 3.3%) - up 36,042 or 254.8%
Recoveries - 1,801,134 - 91.3% - (250,494 - 57.7%) - up 1,550,640 or 619.0%
Therefore active cases - 121,024 - 6.1% - (169,196 - 39.0%) - down 48,172 or 28.5%. Of the total population of 51,185,060 (50,948,628), the percentage of active cases is 0.236% (0.332%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,364 - (1,367)
Active cases since last week are up 3,269 or 2.8%
At the time of writing Colombia now has 129,678 active cases. How can you give any credibility to figures like this when we are being fed stories like this? This represents a 11,923 case increase since the 15th. - 8 days ago (an increase of 10.1%) and an increase in 3 days since the date of this newsletter of 7.2% of that 10.1%. We know it's not good, but with these wild fluctuations one has to call into question the competence of those who are supposed to be managing the pandemic. 
Following are this week's headlines from
Jan. 16th. Colombia's main cities shut down as COVID threatens to collapse healthcare
Jan. 19th. Colombia's defense minister in critical care after COVID-19 infection
Jan. 19th. The war on drugs 50th. Anniversary Part 1: applying cocaine to a CIA penis
Jan. 21st. Duque praises Biden as future of US - Colombia relations remains uncertain
Jan. 21st. Colombia's prosecution asks court to revoke indictment Uribe
Jan. 21st. From left to right, Colombia's political leaders warmly welcome Biden
Jan. 21st. Far-right Duque supporters say "we will finish" one of Colombia's worst massacres
Jan. 21st. Colombia exceeds 50,000 COVID - 19 deaths
Jan. 22nd. Colombia's corporate media taking part in possibly illegal intelligence operations
Nothing much has been happening; we are planning a trip up the hill around the middle of next week just for the day to a restaurant at La Fe to celebrate yours truly's 74th. birthday on the 27th. Another year, another milestone!!

Following are the "cases per 1 million of total population" for each country nominated above: Figures in parenthesis are for the previous week's figures.
Mexico - 2,214 - (2,195) up 19 or 0.9% - 7th
Costa Rica - 7,860 - (7,866) down 6 or 0.08% - 2nd
Panama - 11,624 - (12,854) down 1,230 or 9.6% - 1st
Ecuador - 1,255 - (1,022) up 233 or 22.8% - 10th
Peru - 1,395 - (1,020) up 375 or 36.8% - 8th
Brazil - 4,240 - (3,652) up 588 or 16.1% - 3rd
Chile - 1,322 - (2,732) down 1,410 or 106.7%!!! - 9th
Argentina - 3,763 - (3,878) down 115 or 3.0% - 4th
Uruguay - 2,217 - (2,306) down 89 or 3.9% - 6th
Colombia  - 2,364 - (2,307) up 57 or 2.5% - 5th
Colombia is exactly in the middle; it will be interesting to see how the placings change next week.

Total cases - 28,755- (23,035) - up 5,720 or 24.8%
Deaths - 909 - 3.2% - (370 - 1.7%) - up 539 or 145.7%
Recoveries - 25,961 - 90.3% - (13,634 - 59.2%) - up 12,327 or 90.4%
Therefore active cases - 1,885 - 6.5% - (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 7,137 or 79.1%. Of the total population of 25,664,626 (25,536,969), the percentage of active cases is 0.007% (0.035%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 73 - (56).
Compared to last week, active cases are up 9 or 0.5%.
No change from last week in terms of active cases per 1 million of population. Keep fighting the murderous CCP - Australia is now the SW Pacific's only hope. If Biden & Co. remain in power, it will only be a matter of time before China carries out its 72 year old vow to "re-unite" Taiwan. We have a Chinese friend who we met in Vietnam 6 years ago; she and her husband and young family are Taiwanese and live on Taiwan. Our fingers are firmly crossed for their safety.  

Total cases - 2,276 - (1,714) - up 562 or 32.8%
Deaths  - 25 - 1.1% - (25 - 1.4%) - no change
Recoveries - 2,178 - 95.7% - (1,531 - 95.5%) - up 647 or 42.3%
Therefore active cases - 73 - 3.2% - (49- 3.0%) - up 24 or 49.0%. Of the total population of 5,002,100 (5,002,100), the percentage of active cases is 0.002% (0.001%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - - (14).
Compared to last week, active cases are down 3 or 3.9%
After last week, the figures are going the right way again, but of course ONLY at the expense of total lock-down of the border with on-going massive cost to the overall economy.
Our comments as of last week still stand. Better pray that somehow the criminal Biden & Co. are unseated and exposed as the criminals that they are.

We hope that this coming week treats everyone well and we would look forward to hearing some news - whenever you can manage.
Cheers and lotsaluv from the City of Eternal Spring,
Jim and Jean
P.S. We have not commented on the UK - either from the C Virus or political points of view, but we do keep a watching brief on events there. We would include the C Virus figures but for some reason complete UK figures are not published on Worldometres. 
It is great that the UK is finally out of the clutches of the EU, except for some on-going legal issues and some less than satisfactory fishing issues which will be phased out over the next 5 years. But at least the UK has managed to stop the EU factory fishing boats from coming into British waters and hoovering up the entire UK fish stock. RULE BRITANNIA!!! 
And we see that the Spanish Navy is getting belligerent about Gibraltar. Just as well that the new Spanish Navy ships were built with glass bottoms - so that they can be reminded of what happened to the old Spanish Navy.
And let's hope that a NZ/UK Free Trade Agreement is not far away.  

Saturday, 16 January 2021

Chinese Virus statistics week number 22 as at 15/01/21 since August 21st. 2020 (154 days).

Hi to all,
Once again here are the latest cheerful figures according to Worldometres of the latest Chinese Virus situation. We hope as usual that everyone is in the pink and that life in these Chinese Virus times is not treating you too badly....................... We have the usual disclaimers as to the accuracy of these figures which can occur as a result of financial or political imperatives, or simply procedural inefficiencies in some countries. 

MUNDO - World
Total cases - 93,641,101  - (21,168,111) - up 72,472,990 or 342.4%
Deaths - 2,004,994 - 2.1% - (759,328 - 3.6%) - up 1,245,666 or 164.1 %
Recoveries - 66,944,147 - 71.5% - (13,984,843 - 66.1%) - up 52,959,304 or 378.7%
Therefore active cases - 24,691,960 - 26.4% - (6,425,939 - 30.3%) - up 18,266,021 or 284.3%. Of the total population (which is estimated to be increasing at the rate of 1,557,692 per week),of 7,839,188,143 (7,804,380,455), the percentage of active cases is 0.315% (0.082%) of the total world population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 3,150 - (1,437)
Compared to last week, active cases are up 1,645,789  or 7.1%
The weekly active case increase is up from 377,632 last week - up 1,268,157 or 335.8%. A very steep rise. Also active cases per 1 million are up from last week by 7.1%. Other figures also not encouraging.

ESTADOS UNIDOS - United States
Total cases - 23,848,410 - (5,429,115) - up 18,419,295 or 339.3%
Deaths - 397,994 - 1.7% - (170,781 - 3.2%) - up 227,213 or 133.0%
Recoveries - 14,112,119 - 59.2% - (2,844,535 - 52.4%) - up 11,267,584 or 396.1%
Therefore active cases - 9,338,297 - 39.1% - (2,413,829 - 44.6%) - up 6,924,468 or 286.9%. Of the total population of 332,050,357 (331,236,184), the percentage of active cases is 2.812% (0.729%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 28,123 - (9,043)
Compared to last week the comparative figures are:
Total cases up 1,682,261 or 7.6%
Deaths up 23,370 or 6.2%
Recoveries up 963,098 or 7.3%
Active cases up 695,793 or 8.1%
Before making any further comments, there is one that we need to correct from last week. We refer to using the 25th. Amendment to remove a sitting President. The criminal Democrats formally asked Vice President Pence to certify that President Trump was unfit for office, but Pence already said that he would not do that. The only justifications under the Constitution for removing a sitting president under the 25th. Amendment are unfitness for office for health reasons - such as accident or serious illness. 
Therefore, as this is demonstrably not going to work, their next underhand and ignorant move is to threaten Impeachment - with only 9 days  as at 11/01 left in office!! The Senate could not even begin to consider such a motion until after Inauguration Day and at least 2 Constitutional Law professors have been on record just recently saying just that and including:
1) Impeachment is meant to be considered carefully and deliberatively and only to be used in cases of "high crimes and misdemeanours" This charge here would be "incitement to riot" and Trump did no such thing. In fact the same 2 Constitutional Law Professors have both stated, having reviewed his speech, that the President committed no such "crime".  We also heard Trump's speech in full and can attest that this is just another lie from the crooked Dims.
2) Impeachment charges under the Constitution can only be brought against a SITTING PRESIDENT. Therefore once President Trump has left office (if he leaves!!), he CANNOT BE IMPEACHED!!!!! The Dims are so criminally STUPID that, like criminals everywhere, they make these utterly false statements and claims which just incriminate them more in an orgy of deliberate false statements. They give an excellent impression of Kindergarten children having a collective tantrum. Maybe it's a way of appeasing the extreme left of the party. 
What are the Dims so frightened of that they resort to running around like headless chooks chasing moonbeams?!!! Is it the alleged theft of Pelosi's laptop? What does it contain?? Now we see that they say it wasn't stolen at all. Who would know?
These political public statements concerning the 25th. Amendment and Impeachment are certainly the most irresponsible statements that  we have ever heard emanating from someone who is supposed to be a senior elected official - Speaker of the US House of Representatives. They complain of President Trump allegedly "inciting riots"; in our humble opinion Nancy Pelosi is definitely guilty of the same thing. The main encouragement of any type of insurrection is in fact the Democrat organisation of electoral fraud, which has now left over 75 million Americans extremely angry. And, with Sleepy Joe blathering on about "unity", which of course is nonsense, it is even more reprehensible. Not that Sleepy Joe is actually in charge of anything. He's just a senile old figurehead. They talk on about Trump being dangerous; Biden is far more so because no-one knows who exactly is in charge, although we can hazard a guess. Whose finger will be on the nuclear button? At least with Trump there was never any doubt!!
Now we hear that the FBI is warning of armed insurrections in all 50 states on the 20th. Why did they not warn of election fraud and possibly do something about that, and all the Antifa and BLM riots not so long ago? The FBI is absolutely corrupt, and has been for a long time. With the Democrat political shenanigans re impeachment and the 25th. Amendment, these potential incidents will only intensify with God knows what consequences.
And the by-line on the Laura Ingraham show on Fox News on 11/01, was "Big tech uses Capitol Hill chaos for power grab".It is all part of a comprehensive plan that was hatched months ago - something has to be done to stop the Communist Chinese led takeover of America. 
There is a cleverly encouraged line which is rapidly gaining ground, to the effect that while there has been some fraud in the recent election, what we - the Republicans, but definitely without Donald Trump - need to do is make sure that subsequent elections are fair. This is an entirely disingenuous lie, because it ignores the fact that the election was stolen, and the American People have become the victims of the most gigantic fraud ever perpetrated. 75 million people feel entirely disenfranchised. The lie that is spread around about this is that the lawsuits alleging fraud have all been thrown out by the courts. In fact very few were even heard, with the majority being refused hearings, even a key one brought by the state of Texas (and other states) to the Supreme Court. When the Democrats have finished with the Supreme Court and the Senate, there will be NO ability for anyone to fix ANY future elections; the "fix" has to be NOW.
The Socialist takeover of the USA with the active involvement of the CCP of China, is now more or less complete thanks to the Supreme Court refusing to hear vital cases, and to the Vice President for not rejecting slates of votes from various states. Contrary to much ignorant comment, the VP certainly DID HAVE the authority to merely request reconsideration by those states, whereas the line being taken by the flaky Republicans and the crooked Dims is that he did not have the authority to change the votes himself, but that is NOT what he was contemplating. He should have quite justifiably sent the votes back to the states involved and asked for them to be reconsidered, as explained above. The Deep State in the form of the entire legal system and of the Vice President along with a number of Republicans, has done a number on President Trump, and in the process has betrayed their country for their own selfish and reprehensible ends. History, if it is allowed to be written truthfully which is doubtful, will bear us out, but by then it will be far too late.    
Another quote worth bearing in mind given recent events - by the author, Ayn Rand - "you can easily vote your way into Socialism, but you must shoot your way out". She was actually born in Soviet Russia and had intimate knowledge of the evilness of that regime.
There is now underway a totally ruthless and vicious campaign against President Trump and his supporters. Denial of internet coverage (FB and Twitter) is nothing less than totalitarian control reminiscent of Soviet Russia or the CCP in China right now. The Dim's  aim is to destroy Trump and his businesses and make sure that he is never able to re-enter the political arena again. They are very frightened by Trump and his popularity, so they are starting to go after Trump supporters as well. This will rebound violently - perhaps sooner than anyone realises.
The internet right now is replete with rumours of President Trump taking some action to deny the criminal Dims and the head of the Biden Crime Family from taking office. We don't intend to speculate on these rumours except to say that there is clearly a huge amount of justification for Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act. The Act provides that, if there is reasonable cause to suspect unlawful actions in various states which threaten the integrity of the Federal Government, then that is sufficient reason to invoke Martial Law. In the present circumstances of electoral fraud, it would provide the ONLY method of properly investigating that fraud when the normal legal mechanisms refuse to even hear the arguments.      
We felt that it was worth repeating an interview between Lou Dobbs (a Fox News presenter - and definitely one of the better ones!) and Pastor Robert Jeffress of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas - who has been a constant outspoken supporter of President Trump The transcript is as follows:
"Except for Abraham lincoln's assassination, the vicious "assault" aimed at president Donald Trump is the worst in American history on a man holding the top office.
Dobbs referred to Trump's enemies and opponents as "the corrupt forces within our government who worked against him for more than 4 years".
It is the most vile, venomous assault ever conducted against a president in our country's history, short of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
This is a nation that can't heal, that cannot come together until we understand the truth and the reality of what we have witnessed over the course of the past 4 years of this man's presidency.
Jeffress told Dobbs that the Democrats were attacking Trump's loyalists, not just the president.
Jeffress told the president this week that he believed that Trump is the greatest president of his lifetime and he will go down as the most pro-life, pro-religious liberty president in American history. And nothing that anyone says can change that.
Dobbs said Trump compiled an extraordinary legacy, especially when one considers the challenges he has faced since the 2016 campaign.
He accomplished more than any president in the first year, first three years of his term. His four years are remarkable in achievement, all the more so because of the naked, corrupt opposition of the Radical Left and the Deep State". 
Finally - we have to say that the CCP couldn't have done a better snow job on the world - and the US - if they'd tried. They've disrupted commerce and life in general to a remarkable degree. Lockdowns and travel restrictions, peoples' life plans, etc. Mask wearing which is a propaganda exercise to sow fear and put normal people against each other. Albeit that there may be some justification in confined indoor spaces. Not to mention severe disruption/cancellation of sporting tournaments (eg. the Heineken Tennis Open in Auckland) and destruction of businesses and peoples' livelihoods. We have just listened to a Financehub clip on Youtube in which excerpts of a Sean Hannity (Fox News) interview were played, but they could only play about 20% due to the imminent threat of takedown of Financehub by Youtube. Censorship openly being practised as never before. There needs to be severe retribution and an accounting imposed on the CCP and many other criminal collaborators.

Total cases - 1,849,101 - (433,805) - up 1,415,296 or 326.3%
Deaths - 47,491 - 2.6% - (14,145 - 3.3%) - up 33,346 or 235.7%
Recoveries - 1,683,835 - 91.1% - (250,494 - 57.7%) - up 1,433,341 or 572.2%
Therefore active cases - 117,755 - 6.3% - (169,196 - 39.0%) - down 51,441 or 30.4%. Of the total population of 51,174,694 (50,948,628), the percentage of active cases is 0.230% (0.332%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,307 - (1,367)
Active cases since last week are up 5,760 or 5.1%
From an earlier decline, the key number of active cases is on the rise again. Maybe it's just a hangover from the Latin Christmas and New Year celebrations? But from the above figures, the number of active cases today (Saturday) now 123,854 - an increase of 6,099 (5.2%) in 3 days! We simply don't know what to believe.
Following are this weeks' headlines from
Jan. 11th. Colombia trying to mend strained relations with US after election meddling claims
Jan. 11th. Colombia discards new Covid lockdown as new surge continues
Jan. 11th. Colombia's late president ordered extermination of leftist party: report
Jan. 13th, Colombia's police responsible for 289 murders between 2017 and 2019: report
Jan. 13th. Colombia's capital, Bogota, to lock down for another weekend
Jan. 14th. Colombia reveals first specifics of COVID vaccination campaign
Jan. 14th. Joe Biden and Colombia Part 1: Duque "optimistic" about relations
Jan. 14th. Fear in northern Colombia over former paramilitary leader's return
Jan. 14th. What COVID taught Colombia about Cocaine Part 1: the tsunami
Jan. 15th. Joe Biden and Colombia Part 2: ending the "War on Drugs"
On Wednesday last week we set off on our first motoring trip since early last year. We spent 2 nights at the MG Hotel at Llanogrande which is on the same property as the apartment development we were looking at before the Chinese Virus struck. Still, there is no work commencing, although they now have a sales office on-site so they certainly seem to be trying. But we need to have a definite contract on our apartment here in Envigado before we could make a move. Generally, it seems that since the advent of the C Virus, there has been quite a movement away from the city and to the open spaces "up the hill" to where the perception is of less risk of catching the Virus. Coupled with that, as in many other places world-wide, there is also a discovery that "working from home" is a possibility for a number of people. So, all these changes in working habits are fuelling the movement out of cities generally. So we may remain here for the duration, but we are very comfortable with everything we need close at hand. We don't feel any urgency.
We also went to a small rural services town called La Union, whose main claim to fame was that it was the site of an aircraft crash some years ago. It was a charter flight from Brazil carrying a Brazilian football team and most of them were killed. The cause was that the pilot made an error of Judgement that he could get to Medellin without re-fuelling. He almost made it but was proved wrong. He was supposed to make a re-fuelling stop in Paraguay, but decided to carry on, with disastrous results. 
But La Union itself was delightful. We liked it much better than La Ceja which is bigger and nearby. The usual attractive town square with  a dominating cathedral. And the main claim to fame; an old Ford tractor atop a 10 foot plinth all painted in Ford Blue!! Just like our old 1964 Fordson in "Tiare Taporo III" - before we repainted it black in Penang in 2017. We had a typical Colombian lunch (Cordon "Blue" chicken) which we could hardly eat because it was such a big portion. This is typical of most Colombian meals; we must remember in future to ask for half portions. The restaurant was full of locals most in their farming working gear and all shouting at the tops of their voices!  A real immersive experience!!
The drive up there was wonderful - good but windy road and great views back over the valley towards La Ceja. Beautiful rolling country with lots of trees and very reminiscent of NZ. Trucks driving far too fast and leaning dangerously on corners. We had a situation earlier in the day where we became stuck behind a loaded truck, but it was moving reasonably quickly. However, the usually impatient Colombians behind us would pass us and the truck on blind bends and crests of rises. Every time it happened we were getting ready to hit the brakes so that we did not become involved in the fallout from what seemed inevitable head-on collisions. They say the driving in Ecuador is worse, so that's something to look forward to!!
Back at the hotel at Llanogrande later and then we were having dinner with our real estate guy, Miguel, who has an office in El Retiro. We hadn't seen him for a few months and had a good chat about US politics!! He had lived in NY for a long time. We went to the local Crepes and Waffles Restaurant which is always good value, but annoyingly they have this icon in the middle of the table which you have to photograph and get the menu on your cellphone. There are no menus because they are considered to be a vector for C Virus transmission!! And Jean was a bit put out because, although they had their renowned salad bar, she wasn't allowed to go and browse - you had to order from the waitress. Overkill and ridiculous nonsense.  And everyone from the person who meets you at the entrance and insists on an alcoholic wipe which dehydrates your skin, to the waitresses are quite brusque. Not how Colombia used to be. We carry our own Colloidal Silver spray for hands, supermarket trolley handles, etc but they usually won't accept that assurance. We're getting to the stage where we'd rather stay at home.
Then yesterday (Friday) back home to Envigado where we slept well.     

We have decided that in view of the difficulty of obtaining comparative figures since last August for these countries, that we would simply show their "total active cases per 1 million of total population", as that will provide a useful comparison throughout Central and South America with "our" country of Colombia. Therefore, the following are these figures from 9 countries:
Mexico   2,195 3rd.
Costa Rica   7,866 8th.
Panama   12,854 9th.
Ecuador   1,022 2nd
Peru     1,020 1st (best)
Brazil      3,652 6th.
Chile      2,732 5th.
Argentina      3,878 7th.
Uruguay       2,306 4th.
Colombia at 2,307 falls just behind Uruguay.

Total cases - 28,665 - (23.035) - up 5,630 or 24. %
Deaths - 909 - 3.2% - (370 - 1.7%) - up 539 or 145.7%
Recoveries - 25,880 - 90.3% - (13,634 - 59.2%) - up 12,246 or 89.8%
Therefore active cases - 1,876 - 6.5% - (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 7,146 or 79.2%. Of the total population of 25,658,969 (25,536,804), the total percentage of active cases is 0.007% (0.035%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 73 - (56).
Compared to last week, active cases are up 31 or 1.7%
Looks as though things Covid are more or less under control, except that the Australian Open Tennis Tournament in Melbourne is being badly affected with the Scottish player, Andy Murray, pulling out with a positive C Virus diagnosis. In addition to that there are now 47 players locked up in quarantine after some passengers on flights that they were on tested positive. The Open is scheduled to run from Feb. 8th. to 21st. so let's hope that it can actually go ahead.

Total cases - 2,246 - (1,714) - up 532 or 31.0%
Deaths - 25 - 1.1% - (25 - 1.4%) - no change 
Recoveries - 2,145 - 95.5% - (1,531 - 95.5%) - up 614 or 40.1%
Therefore active cases - 76 - 3.4% - (49 - 3.0%) - up or %. Of the total population of 5,002,100 (5,002,100), the percentage of active cases is 0.002% (0.001%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 15 - (14)
Compared to last week, active cases are up 14 or 22.6%
Another article in the rag NZ Herald referred to what would happen if one or more of the "new" strains of the Chinese Virus got loose in the community. There would immediately be another total commercially destructive lockdown and we are sure that these threatening articles are simply another way of frightening the population as is beloved of Socialist regimes a la Adern with the toothy grin!
We also see in the rag NZ Herald that there is an op-ed by Richard Prebble on the subject of "China silencing NZ". Believe us, this is only the beginning. China is a bully and is starting to flex its muscles - something it was very reticent about doing while Trump was President. You may wonder why we continue to read the rag from time to time - just put it down to eccentric masochism!!!
On the subject of China, we have just heard a very disturbing interview with American Thought Leaders (Benedict Rogers) on Epoch Times. It dealt with human rights in China - or rather the lack thereof!
Very briefly, the main points talked about were:
* there are 83 global brands which are directly associated with slavery mainly involving the Uighur people of Xinjiang
* it is estimated that there are up to 3 million Uighurs detained in labour camps where they are subject to abuse  - sexual and everything else. 
* there is planned genocide against the Uighurs being carried out right now
* as part of the above, there is the shockingly barbarous practice of human organ harvesting being carried out in China to a greater and greater extent as time goes on
The interview specifically mentions NZ's willingness to compromise its principles and existing alliances in perpetrating trade with China. A very unflattering comparison was also made with Australia. This message goes out globally. There was also a reference to the CCP's Belt and Road Initiative which it was claimed NZ had signed. Does anyone in NZ know what is going on there? Is it signed? And why the secrecy - as if we didn't know. NZ's trust will be, if not already, totally destroyed with its traditional allies - the US, Canada, the UK and Australia. 
NZ is behaving in a craven and cowardly way in respect of its kowtowing to the murderous regime of the CCP of China. Compare this with Australia which has the guts at least to resist China's bullying, whereas NZ just rolls over with its feet in the air playing "dead flies". It makes us ashamed to be New Zealanders. NZer's should be aware of just what depths of dishonest depravity their country is prepared to sink to in prioritising trade with a regime which absolutely rivals that of Nazi Germany. God knows how many Uighurs have been disposed of so far, but the numbers will undoubtedly rival that of the Jews who were murdered in Nazi concentration camps during World War 2.
New Zealand - where are you going and what do you think you're doing? We know that there are trade concerns, but somehow, somewhere there has to be an old-fashioned word - integrity. It's not as if China is NZ's only export customer. Wake up and be prepared to exercise some of the principles for which our heroes died. You think that none of these unsavoury issues can happen in Godzone - you are about to find out otherwise. BE AWARE!!!

On that happy note we wish you all a good week to come and that the past week has not been too onerous.
Cheers and lotsaluv from the City of Eternal Spring.........................
Jim and Jean

Saturday, 9 January 2021

Chinese Virus statistics week number 21 as at 08/01/21 since August 21st. 2020 (147 days)

Hi to all,
As usual comparative figures relate to the 21st. August 2020.

MUNDO - World
Total cases - 88,723,714 - (21,168,111) - up 67,555,603 or 319.1%
Deaths - 1,910,616 - 2.2% - (759,328 - 3.6%) - up 1,151,288 or 151.6%
Recoveries - 63,766,927 - 71.8% - (13,984,843 - 66.1%) - up 49,782,084 or 356.0%
Therefore active cases - 23,046,171 - 26.0% - (6,425,939 - 30.3%) - up 16,620,232 or 258.6%. Of the total population (which is estimated to be increasing at the rate of 1,557,692 per week) of 7,837,630,451 (7,804,380,455), the percentage of active cases is 0.294% (0.082%) of the world population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,941 - (1,437)
Compared to last week, active cases are up 377,632 or 1.7% 
All the numbers continue to go the wrong way. The percentage of active cases to total population continues to increase, active cases per one million of total population has increased by 1.7% since the week before and active cases are up also by 1,7%.

ESTADOS UNIDOS - United States
Total cases - 22,166,149 - (5,429,115) - up 16,737,034 or 308.3%
Deaths - 374,624 - 1.7% - (170,781 - 3.2%) - up 203,843 or 119.4%
Recoveries - 13,149,021 - 59.3% - (2,844,535 - 52.4%) - up 10,304,486 or 362.3%
Therefore active cases - 8,642,504 - 39.0% - (2,413,829 - 44.6%) - up 6,228,675 or 258.0%. Of the total population of 332,013,304 (331,236,184), the percentage of active cases is 2.6% (0.729%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 26,031 - (9,043)
Compared to last week the comparative figures are:
Total cases up 1,717,448 or 8.4%
Deaths up 20,391or 5.8%
Recoveries up 1,020,152 or 8.4%
Active cases up 676,905 or 8.5%
All the numbers continue to go the wrong way. We can only hope that soon we see a reduction as the vaccines take effect, but we hear so many tales of total incompetence from the blue states in administering them, that it could be sometime. In Florida they have drive-through vaccination depots and it's all over in 10 minutes. However, our earlier expressed reservations re the vaccines and our earlier comments as regards inaccuracies in reporting stand.
We have been feeling fairly devastated after the provisional defeat of Republican Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Purdue in the Federal Senate run-off election in Georgia - no doubt using the same fraudulent counting which has still not been addressed. 
And the orchestrated debacle over once again the incompetent and illegal counting of Electoral College votes in the Senate. This is especially significant because it effectively now gives the criminal Democrats control of both houses of Congress (since the outcome of the Georgia Senate run-offs), and  now that Joe Biden has been finally elected President-elect, that constitutes the Trifecta. Which will be the end of democracy in the world's greatest democracy which has endured so far for 240 years. Not to mention the Free World - which we know we mention quite often!!!
Normally this might not matter too much, apart from some short lived political disappointment,  but this bunch are very radical and hellbent on destroying the US and imposing their extreme left wing agenda on the US and by extension the rest of us. 
China will be emboldened and will pressure NZ and Australia on trade and defence and in all probability will invade Taiwan. And a Biden/Harris administration will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. They say they will continue a hard line on China, but they are liars and Biden is totally compromised to China. The CCP will be calling in their dues - of that you may be sure.
In spite of totally confused reporting over the powers of the President of the Senate (Mike Pence) over the treatment of Electoral College votes in the Senate, and his earlier statements that he would do "the right thing", he in fact did exactly the wrong thing and allowed the Senate approval of existing slates of fraudulent votes to proceed. THIS WAS SEDITIOUS in itself. All he had to do, and should have done, was to say that in view of the serious allegations of voter fraud in several states' slates of votes, he would request that they be sent back to the state legislatures for reconsideration. By all accounts, many of the states in question, in the light of electoral fraud exposures, were ready to reconsider their votes. But in view of Pence's traitorous actions, 75 million Americans have been disenfranchised and there will now be an illegitimate president inaugurated on Jan. 20th. Biden has made a great and false show of uniting the country, but this will have exactly the opposite effect with consequences we can only speculate about. 
But we were greatly heartened to hear President Trump's speech to hundreds of thousands of supporters who converged on Washington DC in a show of genuine support on the 6th. Genuine Trump supporters were certainly NOT involved in the storming of the Capitol Building, although they did march to show support for the upcoming Electoral College voting - and hopefully rejection of slates of votes from corrupt states' vote counting. 
The storming of the Capitol now seems almost certainly orchestrated by Antifa/BLM. There is a photo of a rioter wearing an Antifa T-shirt. There has been a concerted Deep State attempt to implicate the Trump supporters and even to accuse Trump of inciting violence. We watched the entirety of Trump's original speech to his faithful and there was certainly no hint of anything other than Trump laying out exactly how the election had been stolen - just the same as in his recent rally in Georgia and there was certainly no violence there either. Antifa infiltrated the otherwise peaceful march on the Capitol and thereafter embarked on their invasion of the building, albeit that there may have been some foolish Trump demonstrators who could have become carried away in the heat of the moment. The instigating rioters were equipped with ropes and other paraphernalia for breaking and entering. All part of the masterful plan to intimidate the Congress and falsely vilify Trump - again. The Capitol Police stood back and allowed it all to happen at first and there are videos to prove it. Who paid them? The professional rioters' tactics have been remarkably successful and at the very least have now resulted in Trump being permanently banned from Facebook and Instagram and now from Twitter as well. This type of censorship violates the 1st Amendment and  is certainly nothing new, but just emphasises yet again the total domination of the big IT companies with censorship and lack of freedom of speech in the US. It shows just how we are all subject to surveillance and censorship. We have also all witnessed at first-hand the various eliminations of Youtube articles which "violate" their ideas of just how society should be. That is, quiet and compliant, and not questioning the agenda of the extreme left. We have just read on that Youtube (owned by Google) has decided to ban any posts which refer to the recent electoral fraud in the presidential election. We all know that there was fraud and that it has been impossible to obtain any sort of justice. So, Youtube is simply doubling down on that position and is obviously hoping that if they censor and stifle any reporting or comment, the matter will disappear. They need to think again. This is a disgraceful breach of the First Amendment to the US Constitution and should be prosecuted, but what court would agree to hear the issue, much less rule in favor of the 1st. Amendment?  
Apparently Twitter is losing subscribers in droves world-wide.  Couldn't happen to nicer people.  
Biden and Pelosi call Trump supporters "thugs", but the real political thugs are Biden and Pelosi themselves together with their henchmen - Antifa and BLM and all the  rioting over previous months during which Pelosi said "well, people will do what they do"!!! That's what the Capitol protesters do as well!!!!! 
The Capitol invasion may finally bring home the reality of the dangerous Socialist-led attack on the Republic to the many spineless Republicans in the House and Senate, but we wouldn't hold our breath. This is the political catastrophe presently engulfing the US, courtesy of the criminal electoral fraud of the Democrats who would normally never have a hope of winning any election in any other way. These spineless Republicans and of course all the crooked Democrats, say that Trump and his supporters who number in the millions, are undermining US democracy by objecting to the fraudulent way in which votes were "counted". What hypocrisy - the people who undermined democracy are the Democrats with their criminal acts. And they complain about the Trump supporters storming the Capitol Building, when in fact they were mainly Antifa whose sole purpose was to discredit and blame Trump and his supporters. But, apart from breaking through windows and a door into the Senate Chamber, they did little damage. Compare that to the Antifa and BLM riots throughout the country where property was destroyed, including family businesses which had been built up over years by blood, sweat and tears - for the owners only to see their life's work torn down and destroyed in an orgy of vicious and ignorant violence.
And now we have the ultimate act of disunity on the part of Democrats. Pelosi and her gang of Socialist thugs are clamouring firstly for the President to be removed from office by use of the 25th. Amendment. This is only intended to be used if a president is incapacitated through accident or illness and certainly none of that applies here. Interestingly, there was a seditious conspiracy on the part of the then Director of the FBI and the Deputy Director of the Dept. of Justice to attend a meeting in the Oval Office back in 2017 with the DOJ guy wired so that they could prove Trump's "unfitness for office". That was obviously another lie and a criminal act and backfired badly, but still no-one has been prosecuted for this crime, nor for many others including numerous lies to obtain search warrants from the FISA Courts.
Secondly the Dems have promised to introduce an Article of Impeachment to the House no later than the 11th. on the basis of "incitement to insurrection". This is demonstrably a total lie (again!). We've said it before, but we heard the president's address to his supporters and he was encouraging just the opposite of insurrection and violence. There is no way that any impeachment trial could be heard before crooked Biden's inauguration, but if it were to succeed as it probably would in a Democrat dominated Congress, It would have the effect of preventing Trump from ever holding office again. Such is their visceral hatred and complete fear of him exposing their criminality for prosecution, that they will continue to waste Congress's time and at the same time divide America further as never before.
This is something that very few people seem to understand, but it is real and we have real fears that it could escalate into something major - which we have alluded to in the past. We live in hope that the President still has something up his sleeve - God knows that there is enough, but of course there is a complete legal and media blackout to prevent any serious action until the head of the Biden crime family is spuriously, illegitimately and fraudulently inaugurated.  
The populations of the bankrupt and incompetent "blue" Democrat states have been forced into extensive lockdowns with consequent massive economic damage, where the importance of communication by social media is suddenly much more significant, only to find that political comment is systematically and rapidly being banned. An egregious violation of the 1st. Amendment.
We are not religious, but we have to say - God help the USA. It doesn't seem that anyone else will.

Total cases - 176,407 - (31,075) - 145,332 up or 467.7%
Deaths - 2,286 - 1.3% - (333 - 1.1%) - up 1,953 or 586.5%
Recoveries - 149,346 - 84.7% - (30,207 - 97.2%) - up 119,139 or 394.4%
Therefore active cases - 24,775 - 14.0% - (535 - 1.7%) - up 24,240 or 4,530.8 %. Of the total population of 5,118,283 (5,094,118), the percentage of active cases is 0.005% (0.011%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 4,841 - (105)
We have decided to include Costa Rica in our figures as it is representative of Central America and is another country from our part of the world with comparable living and medical conditions. Not completely sure about the August 2020 comparable figures as it was difficult to go back there and our research may have been flawed.

Total cases - 1,737,347 - (433,805) - up 1,303,542 or 300.5%
Deaths - 45,067 - 2.6% - (14,145 - 3.3%) - up 30,922 or 218.6%
Recoveries - 1,580,285 - 91.0% - (250,494 - 57.7%) - up 1,329,791 or 530.9%
Therefore active cases - 111,995 - 6.4% - (169,196 - 39.0%) - down 57,211 or 33.8%. Of the total population of 51,164,327 (50,948,628), the percentage of active cases is 0.219% (0.332%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,189 - (1,367)
Active cases since last week are up 20,852 or 22.9%
Once again weekly active case figures are wildly fluctuating - but this time upwards which must be concerning - if you can actually believe them!! This weekend is another 3 day one - Monday the 11th. is Epiphany - and the powers that be have seen fit to impose an absolute lockdown for the entire 3 days, notwithstanding a mountain of evidence that lockdowns do NOT work. You only have to look at New York and California to see the overwhelming evidence of that. But we have no choice of course, and must once again submit to crackpot and authoritarian policies. This policy was introduced at short notice at the end of last week, which was inconvenient as we had to suddenly go shopping for 3 days amid crowds all doing the same thing in far more dangerous circumstances than normal. And to add insult to injury, our pool bookings all over the weekend have been cancelled because we are not allowed to use the pool during the lockdown!! In fact exercise in the sunshine is the best health measure that can be taken - whoever instigated this nonsense are ignorant fools. Especially as the numbers at any one time are limited to the occupants of one apartment at a time. Where is their head space??? Have they never heard of vitamin D which is  proven as an effective treatment in helping to prevent the onset and alleviating the symptoms of the Chinese Virus? 
Pico y Cedula still operates, although there is some indication that it might end on the morning of the 12th. 
Following are this week's headlines from
Jan. 4th. Colombia restricts incoming travel, partially locks down capital over new COVID fears
Jan. 4th. Key ministers rumoured to resign from Colombia's cabinet
Jan. 4th. Painful start of 2021 for Colombia's former FARC guerillas
Jan. 4th. Colombia's degenerate banking system vs. economic recovery
Jan. 5th. Colombia not considering new Coronavirus lockdown
Jan. 5th. Duque apparently determined to continue sinking Colombia into violent chaos
Jan. 5th. Colombia arrests alleged money launderer twice in one month
Jan. 5th. Colombia's largest banking corporation fined over corrupting free market
Jan. 6th. Colombia condemns pro-Trump assault on US Congress
Jan. 6th. Jaime Gilinski: Colombia's ghost banker
Jan. 6th. Bogota and Medellin lock down as COVID saturates Colombia's hospitals
Jan. 8th. Colombia discovers local coronavirus mutation

Total cases - 28,571 - (23,035) - up 5,536 or 24.0%
Deaths - 909 - 3.2% - (370 - 1.7%) - up 539 or 145.7%
Recoveries - 25,817 - 90.4% - (13,634 - 59.2%) - up 12,183 - 89.4%
Therefore active cases - 1,845 - 6.4% - (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 7,177 or 79.6%. Of the total population of 25,653,312 (25,536,804), the total percentage of active cases is 0.007% (0.035%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 72 - (56).
Compared to last week, active cases are up 89 or 5.1%
The effects of the Sydney Northern Beaches outbreak are still being felt but it seems as though things are more or less under control.
We have been applauding the Australian Government with their determined and aggressive resistance to outrageous Chinese trade threats - some of which have been carried out. Then the CCP imposed import restrictions on Australian coking coal, without appearing to realise that it would affect their coal dependent industries, including steel making. One of the effects of all these shenanigans has been to cause significant price rises since the middle of last year of iron ore (106 USD per ton to USD169 now) and coal (50 USD per ton to USD69 now). We can only hope that all this hits the Chinese economy hard, which will add to their already well publicised woes.
The only problem with this - again as we have alluded to before - is that if they become sufficiently desperate, they could react the same way that the Japanese did at the end of 1941. The advent of a Biden/Harris presidency will only embolden the CCP. Look out, Taiwan, SE Asia, Australia and NZ. 

Total cases - 2,188 - (1,714) - up 474 or 27.7%
Deaths - 25 - 1.1% -  (25 - 1.4%) - no change
Recoveries - 2,101 - 96.1% - (1,531 - 95.5%) - up 570 or 37.2%
Therefore active cases - 62 - 2.8% - (49 - 3.0%) - up 13 or 26.5%. Of the total population of 5,002,100 (5,002,100), the percentage of active cases is 0.001%  (0.001%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 12 - (14).
Compared to last week active cases are up 7 or 12.7%
Not much to say about these figures - they hardly change!! We can only repeat our comments about China.

Well, that's all for another week - momentous to say the least. We hope that everyone is well and that life is as good as it can be in these Chinese Virus times,
Lotsaluv from us in the City of Eternal Dreams.............
Jim and Jean

Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Fwd: A trifecta of catastrophic “mistakes”

In the aftermath of the disastrous Georgia Senatorial election result, we have just read this prescient message from Bill Bonner, whose messages  we have sent to you before. One thing we would say before turning the devastating message to you is that President Trump is not responsible for any of this. After he took office in 2017, he embarked on the most far reaching programme aimed at containing a rampant and aggressive China and in the process he "made America great again". Job creation and building up the military to resist the evil and malign Marxist forces that confront America and the Free World today.
Anyway, read the attached and we hope that it helps to understand the sad world, that no-one is immune from, that we live in today.
Cheers from the City of Eternal Spring,
Jim and Jean 
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Bill Bonner <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2021 at 12:31
Subject: A trifecta of catastrophic "mistakes"
To: <>

Bill Bonner's Diary

A Trifecta of Catastrophic "Mistakes"

By Bill Bonner

Wednesday, January 6, 2021 – Epiphany

We had your f*****g back, but we ain't got your back no more!

– Trump supporter to D.C. police

Bill Bonner

WEST RIVER, MARYLAND – We're spending this week in the morgue. That is, we're cutting open the dead year – 2020 – to better understand the new, live one.

So far, we've seen that the brain and heart were both diseased. In the brain, people were delusional… living in a fantasy world, where they thought they could shut down the wealth-producing economy and then make up for it by printing bits of paper, calling it "money."

And the rot appears to have spread to the heart, where the fake money was used to reward cronies, bail out mismanaged businesses, and pay off the elite.

That's how former Federal Reserve chief Janet Yellen – now in the bullpen, warming up to be our next Treasury Secretary – came to earn $7 million in fees for delivering forgettable speeches.

The $7 million was merely chump change. While Ms. Yellen was at the Federal Reserve, from 2010 to 2018, the money-printers added $2.2 trillion, doubling the Fed's balance sheet… with almost all of it going to Wall Street. That's a 31,000 times return, far more than the money spinners would get from honest capitalism.

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Modest Reveal

Today, we continue our unkind cuts. What happened in 2020? What does it mean? And since this is Epiphany… today, we offer a modest "reveal."

Last year, the feds completed a trifecta of major, catastrophic "mistakes." We put the word mistakes in quotes, signaling that there is something fishy about them. Indeed there is.

These "mistakes" cost the public dearly… But they served the elite well.

In 2001, George W. Bush might have left the police to deal with the 9/11 miscreants. At trivial cost, those who were still alive might have been brought to justice.

Instead, he made a federal case of it. Cost? $7 trillion and as many as a million lives.

Consequence? Millions of refugees… a much more dangerous and unstable Middle East… more potential "terrorists" than ever before. And a much deeper Swamp… filled with lobbyists, lawyers, and apologists for the U.S. military/industrial/surveillance industry.

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Huge Distortion

Then, after 2008, the Bush and Obama administrations – along with the Bernanke/Yellen Fed – might have let markets do their thing.

Mortgage finance companies, big banks, and common households had over-bought the housing market. Many were on the brink of bankruptcy.

But instead of letting the chips fall where they ought, the feds bailed out Wall Street – at a cost of $3.6 trillion.

Doing so, they distorted the whole ball of capitalism's wax. American stocks, for example – as measured by the Dow Jones Industrial Average – rose from under 8,000 in 2009 to over 28,000 10 years later.

These prices no longer tell us what the companies were worth; they just show how willing the Fed was to push their stock prices up.

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Bad Situation Made Worse

And finally, in 2020, the attack of the COVID-19 bug might have been treated like a medical challenge.

Again, at very little cost, those most likely to die – the sick, the old, and the medically vulnerable – might have been protected.

Instead, the elite flexed its muscles. 30 million jobs were lost… thousands of businesses went bust… and the whole economy was transformed in ways no one anticipated.

In addition, according to epidemiologist Dr. Knut Wittkowski, locked-down populations were turned into slow-motion virus incubators, resulting in more deaths, not fewer.

And then, to make a bad situation worse, the feds flooded the economy with fake money, as if that would offset the real damage.

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These three "mistakes" – made over the course of the last 20 years – sealed America's fate. The feds are condemned in their own cockamamie prison.

For now, not just Wall Street, but Main Street, too, with its 300 million mouths to feed, look to the feds for their daily bread. They count on the feds' fake money to pay rent and mortgages… to pay for holidays and autos… and even to put food on the table.

Today's news reports tell us that Mitch McConnell's refusal to allow $2,000 giveaways might have cost the GOP the Senate. Won't the handouts soon become routine?

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For a century, Wall Street has locked YOU out of ultra-lucrative pre-IPO deals. On Wednesday, January 13, everything changes. Jeff Brown is going to reveal a new way for you to… invest in the top IPOs of 2021 – BEFORE IPO day.

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All-Round Failure

And so, the year 2020 ended in disgrace.

Donald Trump didn't make America great again. The Federal Reserve didn't make it more prosperous. The Supreme Court didn't make it honest. The news media didn't make it better informed. The universities didn't make it smarter. The medical industry didn't make it healthier. The tech industry didn't lead us into a glorious future.

Our elite institutions failed. Congress, for example, is a laughingstock. (Yesterday, it passed a new rule eliminating the use of gender-based terms such as "mother" or "aunt." That should do it… we're all equal now!)

The universities act as training camps for the elite, prohibiting free speech and closing minds. More and more, what they teach is politically correct propaganda, not free inquiry.

The press blissfully reports what the elite wants us all to believe, favoring more war, more government spending, and more official meddling.

Wall Street no longer allocates real capital to deserving businesses; it merely grabs the fake dollars for itself.

And poor Main Street, left behind by financialization, fake money, offshoring, and claptrap economics, now clamors for bread and circuses…

Someone who would never win a spelling bee scrawls "Weres my money" on Mitch McConnell's door, blaming him for blocking the $2,000 giveaway.

And today, die-hard MAGA fans, left behind and betrayed by the elite, gather in Washington, fantasizing that Donald Trump will lead an uprising against them.

Yes, that's just the way the empire's cookie crumbled in 2020. Badly.

But what's ahead?

Stay tuned…




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Debt Problems Are on the Horizon for World Economy
The American Economic Association met for its annual meeting Tuesday, analyzing the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Questions arose, such as: Is the world in a debt "doom loop"? And: What will be the debt burden from here on out?

Where Bitcoin Is Headed in 2021
Bill and his Rogue Economics colleagues Dan Denning and Tom Dyson see bitcoin as a speculation. But cryptocurrency expert Teeka Tiwari believes it is the future of finance. If you're curious about crypto or have a small stake invested, click here to learn what Teeka expects for bitcoin this year…


One dear reader thanks Bill for the Diary

Bill, I have been reading your emails for some time now and have very much appreciated the content and style. I live down in Southern Maryland and am a program manager at a local defense contractor. I am also an aspiring investor, who desires a life free of the 9-5 chains that are slowly draining my will to do something greater.

– Jacob M.

Meanwhile, another dear reader disagrees with Bill's position on bitcoin

You have some scathing things to say about bitcoin. You say it has no profits, no CEO, no press secretary, no coffee breaks, no enlightened, gender-conscious management, no sales, no office. This completely describes gold as well, something that you and Tom Dyson so passionately support.

I'll admit there is a physical presence. However, transferring value from one place to another is a royal pain with gold. If it's a little bit, you can use coins. If it's a large amount, you need a truck and security to transport it. Contrast that with bitcoin – you can actually move value from one place to another, instantly. I'm willing to wait as large financial institutions buy bitcoin and my investment goes up!

– Brian T.

How has Bill's Diary impacted your financial life? What are your thoughts on bitcoin? Write us at


An Urgent Briefing from Tom Dyson

On November 3rd, America changed directions. But most investors are unaware that the country has already passed a point of no return. A Great Divide separates the insiders from the outsiders.

Investment expert Tom Dyson has criss-crossed the country in a camper with his family, exploring these two Americas. What he's found may surprise you. Some will be shocked and saddened.

But others will see that NOW is the time to take steps to preserve your money, instead of losing it in the midst of what could be the worst crisis of our lifetime.

To hear Tom's report from the road, and find out what you can do to profit, click here.


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