Hi to all,
As always we trust everyone is in the pink. Note that comparative figures in brackets relate to Aug. 21st. - 119 days ago.
MUNDO - World
Total cases - 70,878,093 - (21,168,111) - up 49,709,982 or 234.8%
Deaths - 1,591,638 - 2.2% - (759,328 - 3.6%) - up 832,310 or 109.6%
Recoveries - 49,302,200 - 69.6% - (13,984,843 - 66.1%) - up 35,317,357 or 252.5%.
Therefore active cases - 19,984,255 - 28.2% - (6,425,939 - 30.3%) - up 13,558,316 or 211.0%. Of the total population of 7,831,399,683 (7,804,380,455), the percentage of active cases is 0.255% (0.082%) of the total world population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,552 - (1,437).
Compared to last week active cases are up 1,233,012 or 6.6%.
The trends continue in a worrying direction.
ESTADOS UNIDOS - United States
Total cases - 16,046,329 - (5,429,115) - up 10,617,214 or 195.6%
Deaths - 299,755 - 1.9% - (170,781 - 3.2%) - up 128,974 or 75.5%
Recoveries - 9,336,561 - 58.2% - (2,844,535 - 52.4%) - up 6,492,026 or 228.2%
Therefore active cases - 6,410,013 - 40.0% - (2,413,829 - 44.8%) - up 3,996,184 or 165.6%. Of the total population of 331,865,090 (331,236,184), the percentage of active cases is 1.932 % (0.729%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 19,315 - (9,043).
Compared to last week the comparative figures are:-
Total cases up 1,444,360 or 9.9%
Deaths up 16,145 or 5.7%
Recoveries up 755,650 or 8.8%
Active cases up 672,565 or 11.7%
Once again the trends continue upwards. While no doubt "false positives" play a part in the increasing numbers the trend, like the world numbers, is of concern. And the numbers of active cases per million of population are soaring upwards. Maybe the vaccines will help?
Last Saturday night (05/12) we had the pleasure of watching President Trump's rally at Valdosta, Georgia which is just north of the Florida/Georgia state line. He and the First Lady flew in on Air Force One to find a crowd of at least 25,000. Valdosta has a population of less than 60,000. Watching the obvious adulation of the crowd it is impossible to believe that the President lost the state of Georgia. It just DID NOT HAPPEN. Statistically, as well as for many other reasons, it DID NOT HAPPEN.
The president was speaking mainly in support of the two Republican Senators who are in a run-off race for the Senate on January 5th. - Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue. These races are so important because if the extreme left were to win in these Georgia Senate elections, then the Democrats would control the Senate and America would be well advanced on a no-return road to Socialism.
The Democrats are bringing all the firepower that they can muster to the fore for these Senate run-offs. It's do or die. They knew that if they eventually lost the presidential election, all of their criminal actions would be exposed, which would not only result in criminal prosecutions and jail terms (incl. former heads of the FBI and CIA), but would destroy the Democrat Party. The party would splinter with the extreme left breaking off into oblivion where they belong. What is left may in time rehabilitate itself into the "old" Democrat Party that so many people remember. But that would be a long process after the dust of their corruption and criminality finally settles down. However, as a result of their criminal actions and the cowardice of the Supreme Court of the United States, it is now looking somewhat likely that the Democrats will actually win the White House.
The state of Texas had filed a lawsuit with the Supreme Court of the United States to request that unlawful votes in the elections in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia be rejected on the grounds that those states totally violated their own election laws and their own constitutions in running illegal electoral operations. The Texas lawsuit was simply based purely on considerations of constitutional and electoral law and so did not rely on accusations of infiltration of vote tabulating machines, ignoring of signature requirements, and many other instances of flagrant electoral malfeasance. Another nasty little example of this malfeasance is that at least some of these Dominion vote tabulating machines were set to count 1 Biden vote as 1.25 and 1 Trump vote as 0.75. Dominion denies this, but it is proved.
Texas was joined by 18 other states whose Attorneys-General had filed briefs in support of the Texas suit. Texas was seeking to prevent electors from Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania from participating in the Electoral College on December 14th. The SCOTUS had given the 4 defendant states until 3 pm Eastern Time on Thursday the 10th. to file responses. The other 18 states who joined Texas are Missouri, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Arizona and West Virginia.
The Texas lawsuit, which as we said, was purely based on electoral law violations, should have succeeded on common sense, legal and justice grounds. But the SCOTUS may have been swayed by considerations of civil unrest if Trump won, or they may have felt that they could have been overturning genuine Democrat voters' wishes - albeit illegal!!. But the Democrat majority had only been achieved by well documented and demonstrated electoral fraud. In view of this and other considerations, both of these arguments, if they were heard, should have fallen flat in our opinion because they are basically non-legal arguments being advanced against solid legal and constitutional arguments. And what about disenfranchising Republican voters in the 4 defendant states as well as the whole of the rest of the country? But the SCOTUS ignored all of these arguments in flagrantly avoiding their constitutional duty to at least hear the Texas and other states' arguments.
This is huge because if the SCOTUS had agreed with this proposition - and it is difficult to see how they could not have - then 62 Electoral College votes would have gone to Trump which would be more than enough to confirm him as President for a 2nd term. There is also Nevada where similar accusations have been made, but they did not join the Texas lawsuit.
However, shockingly all of the above arguments which should at least have been heard by the Supreme Court, have come to naught because the SCOTUS in a total and cowardly abrogation of their responsibility, on Friday afternoon announced that it is refusing to hear the Texas suit. No arguments have been advanced to support this position. Except that they say that Texas and the other 18 states have no "standing" to bring this lawsuit. Of course they have "standing"; the Democrat fraud has effectively disenfranchised their voters - both Republican and Democrat.
In a Newsmax story just to hand it is stated that the Democrat National Committee and the Biden/Harris campaign fired a shot across the bows of the Supreme Court during the election campaign. To the effect that if an electoral case were to be brought by the Trump campaign, and if the SCOTUS heard the case, they could be sure that the court would be packed with partisan Democrat Justices. Of course if they heard the case and agreed with Trump the threat would go away because Trump would remain president. But the court blinked first and refused on very flimsy and spurious grounds to even hear the Trump campaigns persuasive arguments.
There are three branches of the US Federal Government. There is the Legislative (the Senate and the House of Representatives), the Executive (the White House and the President who is also commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces) and the Judicial which should adjudicate on disputes between the other two branches as part of the much touted "checks and balances". However, in this case the Judicial Branch in the form of its highest court - the Supreme Court of the United States - has declined to act. This cowardly inaction means that now Joe Biden will almost certainly be elected as President of the United States as a result of widespread and demonstrated electoral fraud and, unless the Republicans manage to win the Senate races in Georgia on Jan. 5th., the crooked Democrats will have total control of two branches of the Federal Government - the Executive and the Legislative. If that transpired, the Judicial branch would also be rapidly brought into their socialist orbit by stacking the Supreme Court with sufficient left-wing justices that all major lawsuits would be decided ad infinitum in favour of the Democrats, and by extension there would never be a Republican President ever again. This is how serious the present situation is.
The United States of America is now on a knife-edge. If the Senate was lost, then the USA would become a Socialist state.Then, almost certainly, given the background of the people being proposed for executive office, it would very soon after that become Communist. This is exactly what China has been working towards with their deliberate release of the Chinese Virus in early 2019, which has now killed over 1.6 million people world-wide. The strategy has been wildly successful for them beyond their wildest dreams in sabotaging the Trump Administration, which had been so successful in reigning in their world domination ambitions and creating jobs and a prosperous America again. A Socialist/Communist USA would then collaborate with China in destroying what is left of the USA and the free world.
In our opinion this grave situation rivals the enmity between the states before the Civil War of 1861 - 1865. Different circumstances of course though.
If the Republicans who simply want FREE and FAIR elections, cannot by transparent and fair legal means overturn the egregious results from the Nov. 3rd. election, then what is their alternative - especially if God forbid, the Democrats were to also control the Senate? The possibility of secession from the Union of all the "red" states is already being openly discussed and the GOP Leader in Texas - a black man! - is encouraging the conversation.
There would not be a civil war a la 160 years ago with standing armies being raised by both sides and then fighting pitched battles. It would simply be a case of the so-called "red" states conducting referenda in their states to assess public support for secession. This support is likely to be solid because the majority of people in those states - and others - are very angry at the obvious criminality which has effectively disenfranchised them. The fact is that these states control most of the energy production in America, so AOC & Co. will have their "Green New Deal" to themselves by default - and welcome.
In fact the seeds of this rift between the Democrats and the Republicans were sown as far back as 1960 when the Democrats (JFK) pulled America into the Vietnam War. What a vicious war that was with massive casualties on both sides. As an aside, when we were in Vietnam in 2015, we met a local who had endured a night time B52 bombing raid on the Ho Chi Minh Trail. He said it was of course terrifying, but he survived by going deep into the Viet Cong tunnel and bunker system. We met him at the War Museum in Ho Chi Minh City.
Anyway, it took a Republican (Nixon) to eventually extricate the US from the bottomless pit of what Vietnam had become. When we were there it was still known as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, but you've never seen such an openly capitalist society in your lives!! And their currency (the Dong) was firmly pegged to the USD! It may still be. They are very pragmatic - the Vietnamese!!
Of course Nixon and his Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, were the architects of denouement with China in the early 70's in the naive belief that as China became more prosperous, they would develop politics more in tune with the western world. China certainly prospered at the expense of and incredibly with the encouragement of the rest of the world. But China retained a well disguised enmity towards the US in particular and this implacable enmity of the murderous Communist Party of China is now openly flaunted with their aggression in the South China Sea and in particular towards the Republic of China - the ROC - a.k.a. Taiwan. And let's not forget their deliberate and murderous release of the Chinese Virus world-wide from early 2019. This has now killed more than 1.6 million people world-wide. A deliberate and successful strategy to cripple and throw into chaos all other countries in the world, with their main target the USA.
Under Obama/Biden in particular, the rift became wider with the export of traditional jobs to China and the "coastal elites" ruling the country while the heartland population suffered the consequences. Trump reversed much of that destructive policy, but it is now likely to return and even escalate.
One of Trump's other achievements has been to expose the Obama Administration for what it espoused, with all the seditious attempts to unseat him during his 1st. term.
Now - what happens? We think that for all the reasons above, that secession is probably going to be seen as the only alternative for reasonable, freedom-loving people.. Whether that would lead to violence is a moot point, but as we said, it's a vastly different situation from that of 1861.
The new country thus created could be known as the Confederated States of America and may even include much of the industrial powerhouse states of the North American midwest. The new country would have energy and nearly all the industry, whereas the "blue states" would just have the results of decades of financial impropriety and fecklessness and they would sink into a pit of impoverished poverty a la Venezuela and Cuba - to name only two! Tesla, Oracle and Hewlett Packard are just 3 of major businesses leaving California and its ruinous taxes for Texas - not to mention the huge numbers of people fleeing mainly New York, California and the two NW states of Washington and Oregon for well-run no-tax states like Florida. It is said that over the last 8 months or so, there are 1,000 people PER DAY moving to Florida!
We cannot of course predict how all this will eventually play out, but we think that unless the Supreme Court does its job and develops a backbone, the secession scenario is the most likely. Simply because most Americans are fair-minded people and now that the electoral fraud is well exposed and publicised, they will not accept it.
Consider this: President Trump received a minimum of 75 million votes - more than any other sitting president in history - and he still lost?? He also won the bellwether states of Ohio and Florida. No president who won these states ever lost the main presidential election. This just exposes the Democrat criminal fraud on another level altogether. Something has to happen to bring justice to the American people. Secession is starting to look better and better.
And do not forget the Electoral Count Act of 1887 referred to in our last week's blog. This will be brought into play on Jan. 6th.
Another wild card - the sleazy Hunter/Joe/Jim Biden allegations of financial impropriety and outright bribery with foreign governments (Ukraine, China, etc.) came to light on one of Hunter's laptops around October. The fake news media immediately shut the story down prior to the election which in itself constituted blatant election interference. The stories are appalling and absolutely reveal the purchase of Joe Biden by foreign governments - particularly China.
Since the November "election", the stories are re-surfacing because they can no longer conceal them, and also because the Democrat endgame is to get rid of Biden and install Kamala Harris as president in his place. The Hunter scandal and likely indictment will assist in advancing their scheme. They would not want to do this until after the phony Jan. 20th. inauguration, when if Biden had to then resign in disgrace, Harris would automatically assume the presidency. She was the first to drop out of the Democrat Presidential Primaries and she is universally disliked, except by the extreme left, so has absolutely no credentials whatsoever for becoming president. If this happened, it would be the most undemocratic election result in US history and would immediately enable the US's slide into the morass of Venezuelan style Socialism/Communism.
We believe that such a likely outcome would absolutely ensure that Secession would become a certainty. This is because a Harris presidency is definitely a major part of the Democrat political plan and it demonstrates how close the US is to a form of Civil War. The vast majority of Americans who believe in democratic and fair elections would never stand for the success of the Democrat crooked election scheme which would absolutely result in the destruction of the United States as we have come to know it.
We have never been in the habit of decrying election results if they have been the result of a free and fair election, and whether or not we might have been disappointed by them. But this November presidential election has achieved results in favour of Biden & Co. as a result of Democrat criminal malfeasance in manipulating the results. And the Trump campaign has been denied its legal right to effectively challenge a situation which otherwise will destroy democracy in what still could be the greatest democracy in the world.
Total cases - 1,399,911 - (433,805) - up 966,106 or 222.7%
Deaths - 38,484 - 2.7% - (14.145 - 3.3%) - up 24,339 or 172.1%
Recoveries - 1,296,420 - 92.6% - (250,494 - 57.7%) - up 1,045,926 or 417.6%
Therefore active cases - 65,007 - 4.7% - (169,196 - 39.0%) - down 104,189 or 61.6%. Of the total population of 51,122,861 (50,948,628), the percentage of active cases is 0.127% (0.332%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,272 - (1,367).
Compared to last week active cases are down 7,895 or 10.8%.
Reasonable trends on the face of it, but we note with concern that active cases today (Monday the 14th.) are again almost at 72,000. This represents an almost 11% increase in 4 days. Are any of these figures believable?????????????????
The following are the www.colombiareports.com headlines for the week. There are a couple on Dec. 7th. worth a read!!
Dec. 7th. Southwest Colombia indigenous leaders threatened after 4 dead in killing spree
Dec. 7th. Colombia's counternarcotics efforts "not a failure": Defense Minister
Dec. 7th. Colombia seeking presidential powers to meddle with elections
Dec. 7th. How 2022 elections could end Colombia's "left right" dilemma once and for all
Dec. 7th. Colombia's police inspector threatened as chief submerged in corruption scandals
Dec. 8th. DEA bungled conspiracy against Colombia's war crimes tribunal: report
Dec. 8th. Colombia considering 20% minimum wage cut for new jobs
Dec. 10th. Colombia's allegedly criminal former chief prosecutor to help fight crime
Dec. 10th. Colombia vows universal access to free COVID vaccines
Dec. 10th. Pandemic leaves Colombia's victims of domestic violence at mercy of their victimisers
Dec. 11th. Colombia's central bank elects IMF executive as new president
Dec. 11th. FARC reveals details of 1995 assassination of legendary conservative leader
Main news from last week is that our car was finally ready on Friday after a very difficult job. It was only the starter motor but extricating it and then re-installing it was the issue. Fortunately they devised a method which avoided removing the engine and just meant the removal of the exhaust manifold. They did a great job and the car is fine now. We can certainly recommend the expertise and service of Grupo LePont France in Manila. Contact us if you want their contact details. The cost was in our opinion very reasonable, considering all that needed to be done. It was 2.1 million Colombian Pesos - approximately NZD875 or USD618 - and that included the cost of an Audi derived hose and the re-building of the starter motor itself.
Total cases - 28,011 - (23,035) - up 4,976 or 21.6%%
Deaths - 908 - 3.2% - (370 - 1.7%) - up 538 or 145.4%
Recoveries - 25,665 - 91.7% - (13,634 - 59.2%) - up 12,031 or 88.2%
Therefore active cases - 1,438 - 5.1% - (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 7,584 or 84.1%. Of the total population of 25,630,685 (25,536,804), the total percentage of active cases is 0.006% (0.035%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 56 - (56).
Compared to last week active cases are up 26 or 1.8%
Reasonable figures except that active cases are up.
Total cases - 2,092 - (1,714) - up 378 or 22.1%
Deaths - 25 - 1.2% - (22 - 1.4%) - up 3 or 13.6%
Recoveries - 2,010 - 96.1% - (1,531 - 95.6%) - up 479 or 31.3%
Therefore active cases - 57 - 2.7% - (49 - 3.0%) - up 8 or 16.3%. Of the total population of the inaccurate figure of 5,002,100 (5,002,100), the percentage of active cases is 0.001% - (0.001%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 11 - (14).
Compared to last week active cases are down 4 or 6.6%.
No change from last week really. But borders remain tightly closed and then there was the spectacle of the entire crew of a cargo ship having been allowed ashore BY MISTAKE. If the government wishes to maintain strict border closure with all the economic costs involved, then they should at least back that up by having competently executed controls. This was an unacceptable failure.
And to top it all off we read that little old NZ has declared a "climate emergency". What is this, if it isn't a sop to the Globalist World Order? NZ plans for its vehicle fleet to be entirely electric in a relatively few years, but they appear wilfully ignorant of the fact that few people can afford to just scrap their old vehicle and then assume the cost of a new electric vehicle, and also that NZ, like many countries, lacks the electricity generating capacity to charge all these batteries!
Just another Socialist hare-brained scheme.
And please note that while China may be a signatory to the Paris Climate Accords, they are actually exempt from any obligations to reduce emissions under the Accords. Unlike the US which these onerous provisions were affecting the US economy badly and in what amounted to a targeted attempt to damage the US economy and other western economies.Trump was absolutely correct in withdrawing the United States from this crooked and totally one-sided deal.
Some good news to comment on which we normally do not include - it now looks ever more likely that the UK will leave the EU on WTO terms on December 31st. Couldn't be better news. Let's hope that the British Government doesn't lose its nerve and actually LEAVES in totality. If anyone is to be blamed for this happy state of affairs, it is the EU with their unreasonable and laughable (according to a British Cabinet Minister) last-minute demands. Macron and Merkel appear to be panicking. Fingers crossed; it's only 17 days away now.
Well, that's probably enough from us for another momentous week. Let's hope that as a result of the many on-going but still unresolved legal actions, we will be able to comment on better news for the American election for the coming week.
With all best wishes from us in the City of Eternal Spring and stay well wherever you are........................................
Jim and Jean
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