Friday, 18 December 2020

Fwd: Coronavirus statistics week number 18 as at 18/12/20 since August 21st. 2020 - THE FIGHT FOR THE US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IS ON-GOING.

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From: James Donald <>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2020 at 15:14
Subject: Coronavirus statistics week number 18 as at 18/12/20 since August 21st. 2020 - THE FIGHT FOR THE US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IS ON-GOING.
To: Alex Donald <>

We hope that this finds everyone well and as always, IN THE PINK!!! And may we wish all our friends and family a Happy Christmas and a much better New Year than the one just past. That wouldn't be difficult!! 
And having said all that, the following figures must be taken with a grain of salt. There is so much misreporting, deliberate fraud for political purposes and "false positives", that we do not know what to believe any more. The best that one could say is that the Worldometre figures can perhaps be some sort of guide and no more. And the comparisons with the figures over the past 18 weeks (126 days) are "interesting" if nothing else.
Colombia's figures are a case in point with active cases up and down like the proverbial. Believable?????????
The figures in brackets refer to week 1 - 21/08/20

MUNDO - World
Total cases - 75,442,194 - (21,168,111) - up 54,274,083 or 256.4%
Deaths - 1.671,555  - 2.2% (759,328 - 3.6%) - up 912,227 or 120.1%
Recoveries - 52,999,945 - 70.3% - (13,984,843 - 66.1%) - up 39,015,102 or 279.0%
Therefore active cases - 20,770,694 - 27.5% - (6,425,939 - 30.3%) - up 14,344,755 or 223.2%. Of the total population of 7,832,957,375 (7,804,380,455), the percentage of active cases is 0.265% (0.082%) of the total world population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,651 - (1,437).
Compared to last week active cases are up 786,433 or 3.9%
The overall numbers continue to show a worrying trend. 
There's a risible report that the WHO has gone to their masters in China to seek clarification of the origins of the Chinese Virus. They must assume that we are all morons; who do they think they are fooling?
ESTADOS UNIDOS - United States
Total cases - 17,628,578 - (5,429,115) - up 12,199,463 or 224.7%
Deaths - 317,929 - 1.8% (170,781 - 3.2%) - up 147,148 or 86.2%
Recoveries - 10,294,974 - 58.4% (2,844,535 - 52.4%) - up 7,450,438 or 261.9%
Therefore active cases - 7,015,675 - 39.8 % - (2,413,829 - 44.6%) - up 4,601,846 or 190.7%. Of the total population of 331,902,144 (331,236,184), the percentage of active cases is 2.114% (0.729%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 21,138 - (9,043).
Compared to last week the comparative figures are:
Total cases up 1,582,249 or 9.9%
Deaths up 18,174 or 6.1%
Recoveries up 958,413 or 10.3%
Active cases up 605,662 or 9.4%
These figures are not good of course and all involve personal tragedy of some sort. But it is clear that school closures (driven by left-wing unions as part of the effort to destroy the educational fabric of the USA), and draconian business closure orders (mostly in the socialist "blue" states), which are destroying the hopes and aspirations of hundreds of thousands of people, are simply not working. And the longer these restrictions continue, the more resistance will be generated. Already there are reports of restaurant owners who are trying to stay afloat and continue paying their staff, being arrested and taken away in handcuffs. None of this will end well.
If only the US could just nationally adopt some sensible procedures such as mask wearing in confined indoor spaces, social distancing, reduced capacity in restaurants, limits on numbers at gatherings, midnight closing of bars and restaurants, etc., then possibly with those "softer" restrictions more progress may be made and the population would become much more willing to co-operate. 
Just to reinforce our earlier remarks about fraudulent reporting of COVID patients and deaths - many deaths have been discovered as being recorded as caused by COVID when that certification was blatantly fraudulent and incorrect. No doubt all for political reasons and just another example of the left being prepared to exploit tragic situations for their own fraudulent and criminal political ends. It is never-ending, whether it is straight-out election fraud or false reporting of statistics to damage the Trump campaign, presidency and the country.
A Newsmax report on 15/12 gives a shocking account of a court-ordered forensic examination and audit of vote tabulating machines in Antrim County, Michigan. The forensic audit showed a more than 68% error rate, with auditors claiming the system intentionally creates the errors so the machine results can then be "adjudicated" - allowing individuals to change the result with no oversight.
The error rate is astounding considering the Federal Election Commission allows a maximum error rate of just 0.0008% for computerised voting systems.
It is concluded that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency and no audit trail.
The audit was released by state court Judge Kevin Elsenheimer of the 13th. Circuit Court of Michigan in a case brought by county resident William Bailey against Antrim County, Michigan.
Dominion claimed that the discrepancies were the result of human error, but the auditor who has worked with NASA and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, disputed the claim. He wrote - "we disagree and conclude that the vote flip occurred because of machine error built into the voting software designed to create error".
Dominion Voting System machines are used across Michigan and in as many as 30 states, including in several disputed battleground states. 
The above is only one of many well documented massive instances of fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election. We have mentioned them in previous blogs as well.
We also refer you to the Newsmax website on 18/12 where there are many articles and interviews in which, if there was ever any previous doubt that the Trump claims of election fraud were without merit, lays those doubts well and truly to rest. Retired General Michael Flynn, Congressional Representative Mo Brooks (R-Alabama) and President Trump's chief trade negotiator, Peter Navarro among others.   
The Epoch Times is another website well worth some attention.
The claim is often made by the crooked Dems that many Trump campaign lawsuits have been thrown out as being without merit or late or some such spurious excuse. The fact is that most of them, including the Texas lawsuit to the Supreme Court, have simply been denied a hearing by mostly partisan and/or frightened courts, or that unfavourable decisions are hastily handed down by those same partisan or frightened courts. 
It is also often being claimed that the Trump Campaign's legal efforts are simply undermining trust in US democracy, but this absolutely ignores the fact that instead, Democrat orchestrated electoral fraud is the direct cause of this undermining of trust in democracy.
And we've had the Democrats and the formidable crooked Deep State machine spending 4 years and untold millions of taxpayer dollars trying to unseat a legitimately elected president.
Who therefore is undermining trust in democracy?
It therefore seems to us that there is little hope left for democracy in what was once the greatest democracy in the world and which has been dubbed "the Great Experiment: George Washington and the American Republic". 
Seven states, including Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Nevada, have sent alternative slates of electors to the Electoral College on the 14th. on the basis that the election was rigged and fraudulent in those states. These alternative slates will/should cast votes for Trump in both Houses of Congress  on Jan. 6th. in an effort to derail the Electoral College under the Electoral Count Act of 1887. In the meantime there are many other lawsuits pending on behalf of Trump and it's entirely possible that sufficient of these could succeed, which in turn would give standing to the alternative slates of electors. However, it's perhaps a long shot because the House is controlled by Democrats and the Senate is Republican by a thread, and there are a number of flakey Republican Senators who simply don't want to overturn the applecart. They have always been "never-trumpers" and covert members of the Deep State. They have this attitude, even if democracy itself is at stake. These people are a disgrace to their country. They and the Attorney-General have probably all been paid off.
But watch this space; there is much brewing behind the scenes.
Therefore, with all this in mind, it seems to us that, however risky and difficult, secession will ultimately be the only way in which at least part of the Republic can be preserved in order to fight the Deep State. The Republic would of course fracture, but it's fractured now, and with a theoretical Biden presidency commencing after Inauguration on Jan. 20th., this sense of disenfranchisement of the majority of Trump voters (75 million at last count) will only grow. And of course you also need to consider the Biden crime family scandal which is growing daily, together with Biden's growing physical frailty, and the consequent certainty of an extreme left-wing Harris presidency. This alarming state of affairs would automatically occur, either because Biden's health, or what is left of it, collapsed, and/or he was indicted for corruption in his dealings with foreign powers in conjunction with his family members. This sense of the majority of American voters being electorally and criminally shafted will finally boil over into Secession, especially with the reality of a Harris presidency finally being rammed home. Dark days indeed for the former USA. 
The criminality and sedition of the Democrats cannot be allowed to stand. Drastic alternative measures must be taken, otherwise the American Dream is totally finished - and by extension that of many other so far "free" countries around the world - including Australia and New Zealand.
Finally, wonderful news if it happens - there is a persuasive Youtube Indian news channel which is suggesting that there is a high possibility that President Trump will give diplomatic recognition to Taiwan (the ROC) and also to Tibet. That would be a huge slap in the face, along with already increased sanctions, against China. And apparently it would be very difficult for Biden/Harris to overturn. That's if they are ever in a position to do anything - let's hope not.   

Total cases - 1,468,795 - (433,805) - up 1,034,990 or 238.6%
Deaths - 39,787 - 2.7% - (14,145 - 3.3%) - up 25,642 or 181.3%
Recoveries - 1,343,819 - 91.5% - (250,494 - 57.7%) - up 1,093,325 or 436.5%
Therefore active cases - 85,189 - 5.8% - (169,196 - 39.0%) - down 84,007 or 49.7%. Of the total population of 51,133,227 (50,948,628), the percentage of active cases is 0.167% (0.332%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,666 - (1,367).
Active cases since last week are up 20,182 or 31.1%
Once again we are seeing the number of active cases changing upwards and massively - again - in just 7 days. Is this real or believable? But of course they are down by almost 50% since week one in late August. Let's hope that they start reducing again very soon.
Following are this week's headlines from
Dec. 13th. Fatal landslide blocks road between Colombia's capital and Medellin
Dec. 13th. Colombia promotes weedkiller as solution to armed conflict
Dec. 14th. DEA snitch sought to derail Colombia's peace process from the start
Dec. 14th. Police harassing Bogota Massacre victims as Colombia's authorities do nothing
Dec. 14th. Can Sergio Fajardo teach Colombia that negligence can be as harmful as corruption?
Dec. 14th. US Embassy took part in DEA plot to discredit Colombia's war crimes tribunal
Dec. 15th. The sins of Colombia's ruling class: the Ramos clan
Dec. 15th. Colombia seeks controversial new spy agency to confront "terrorist threat"
Dec. 15th. Colombia urges caution to prevent COVID surge during holidays
Dec. 15th. The blurring line between Colombia's mafia and government 
Dec. 16th. UN calls on Colombia to curb "appalling and pervasive violence"
Dec. 17th. Colombia wants paramilitary chiefs in prison, not testifying in court
Dec. 17th. Colombia's COVID vaccines "at risk of failure" or ready "early next year?
Dec. 17th. The systematic criminalisation of Colombia's youth: 2000 - 2018
Dec. 17th. US counternarcotics in Colombia: a prehistory
Otherwise not much to report, except that we had applied to upgrade our existing and compulsory medical insurance cover to the Sura Complementario Plan. Jean was accepted but yours truly was not - apparently because Sura were relying on some 2 year old out of date Diabetes 2 figures which derived from when we had just sold the boat in Turkey, moved to Medellin and were unable to finally move into our apartment until late that year. So, medical matters took a bit of a back seat for a while. And the figures were never high in the first place. Since then with a bit more diligence re exercise and lifestyle generally the figures are only just above "normal" as a rule. Sura's logic in all of this, especially with their Diabetes support programme only available under the Complementario Programme, is just non-existent. Probably the Chinese Virus has panicked them but that's not an excuse for incompetent decision-making. And there is apparently no appealing the decision.
Maybe once the C Virus finally settles down things may change. In the meantime visits to their EPS clinics are not an attractive idea because they are always crowded with obviously sick people all coughing away. So, it'll just be a continuation of private doctor's visits and paying for the medication. Very disappointing and not a good recommendation for Colombia's health system as far as we are concerned.   

Total cases - 28,094 - (23,035) - up 5,059 or 22.0%
Deaths - 908 - 3.2% -  (370 - 1.7%) - up 538 or 145.4%
Recoveries - 25,700 - 91.5% - (13,634 - 59.2%) - up 12,066 or 88.5%.
Therefore active cases  - 1,486 - 5.3% - (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 7,536 or 83.5%. Of the total population of 25,636,342 (25,536,804), the total percentage of active cases is 0.006% (0.035%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 58 - (56).
Compared to last week active cases are up 48 or 3.3%.
Apparently there is now a bit of a spike in infections happening in Sydney over the past few days. They'll probably lock the whole city down!! Otherwise the situation is under control..

NUEVA ZELANDA - New Zealand 
Total cases - 2,110 - (1,714) - up 396 or 23.1%
Deaths - 25 - 1.18% - (25 - 1.4%) - no change
Recoveries - 2,034 - 96.5% - (1,531 - 95.6%) - up 503 or 32.9%
Therefore active cases - 51 - 2.5% - (49 - 3.0%) - up 2 or 4.1%. Of the total population of 5,002,100 (5,002,100), the percentage of active cases is 0.001% - (0.001%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 10 - (14).
Compared to last week active cases are down 6 or 10.5%.
Holding their own, but as we've said before, at what economic cost?
There are news reports of at least 2 cyclones developing in the Vanuatu/Fiji region at the moment. One in particular is likely to become at least Category 4. Neither pose any threat to NZ, but for any yachts forced to endure the cyclone season in the S Pacific, because of NZ's selfish and completely unreasonable intransigence in keeping its borders closed even as it knew of the threat, the results could well be catastrophic. We can only hope that there are not many yachts in this area of cyclones and that most of them are still in French Polynesia where the risk is lower. 
In fact the owners and crews of these cruising yachts would have represented a far less virus risk than for example the crew of a Chinese cargo vessel which yesterday caught fire at the port of Napier. The crew had to be evacuated for their own safety before they had completed the mandatory 14 day quarantine on board.
Yacht crews would have been far less of a problem. Once again NZ's mindless and ignorant bureaucracy comes up trumps!!!!
We have read today a report that NZ has failed the 5 Eyes loyalty test and that it will no longer enjoy any trust on-going from the other 4 members.
It was also reported that Canada is likely to follow the same fate, because of its cozying up to the CCP - a la NZ. Canada has been hosting members of the Peoples' Liberation Army in its frozen winter in order to teach them battle skills in these harsh conditions. No doubt to then use these skills against India, a fellow Commonwealth member, on the Sino/Indian border in the Himalayas.
But the 5 Eyes under a Harris presidency will probably disappear into oblivion in any case, and NZ (unlike Australia which has always displayed an admirable amount of sheer guts) will just become a vassal state of Communist China.
We hear today that Britain is now almost certainly going to leave the European Union after 47 years with no deal having been struck - in other words on World Trade Organisation terms. Jim remembers the Blue Star and Port LIne ships coming into Opua in the Bay of Islands in the 1950's to pick up mainly frozen mutton carcasses from the AFFCO plant at Moerewa. Also the ubiquitous slabs of frozen butter. 
That it's taken 4 years to get to this point since the referendum to leave in 2016 is nothing short of scandalous with British MP's constantly trying to sabotage the clear will of the British people as expressed in the referendum. And if it had not been for Nigel Farage who formed the Brexit Party and was a Member of the European Parliament himself along with several of his fellow Brexit Party MEP's, Brexit would have been dead and buried. But Farage kept the pressure on and at 11pm. on December 31st. the bells of Big Ben will be ringing out over London in celebration of the United Kingdom being a free and sovereign nation once again.
And what an opportunity for NZ - well presented cuts of Canterbury lamb and all varieties of cheeses to name but a few of the items that NZ can begin to export to the mother country once again. Probably also fish, since the Fisheries Policy of the EU has shockingly cleaned out all the traditional fishing grounds of the EU, which explains why they were so desperate to retain access to UK waters. The EU fishing fleet will now have no fish to catch and since they single-handedly decimated the British fishing fleet in the 1970's, it couldn't happen to nicer people!! 

Merry Christmas - while it's still possible to say these timeless words!!!
With all best wishes for Christmas and 2021 and lotsaluv from us in the City of Eternal Spring.....................
Jim and Jean
The photos will be self-explanatory. The Bougainvillea is orange/yellow and has been growing on our balcony since about September 2019. A very prolific flowerer and often gets admiring comments from people walking past 8 floors below!!

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