Hi to all,
As usual trust that you are all in the pink- and not in the red!! The usual Chinese Virus statistics follow:
MUNDO - World
Total cases - 65,921,383 - (21,168,111) - up 44,753,272 or 211.4%
Deaths - 1,518,657 - 2.3% (759,328 - 3.6%) - up 759,329 or 100.0%
Recoveries - 45,651,483 - 69.3% - (13,984,843 - 66.1%) - up 31,666,640 or 226.4%
Therefore active cases - 18,751,243 - 28.4% - (6,425,939 - 30.3%) - up 12,325,304 or 191.8%. Of the total population of 7,829,841,991 (7,804,380,455), the percentage of active cases is 0.239% (0.082%) of the total world population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,395 - (1,437).
Hopefully the vaccines will make a difference, albeit that we feel the need for a great deal of caution considering the time-line in which they have been produced. Some brighter stats - as percentages of total cases deaths are down, recoveries are up and active cases are down. Otherwise the figures continue to go in the wrong direction.
ESTADOS UNIDOS - United States
Total cases - 14,601,969 - (5,429,115) - up 9,172,854 or 169.0%
Deaths - 283,610 - 1.9% - (170,781 - 3.2%) - up 112,829 or 66.1%
Recoveries - 8,580,911 - 58.8% - (2,844,535 - 52.4%) - up 5,736,376 or 201.7%
Therefore active cases - 5,737,448 - 39.3% - (2,413,829 - 44.6%) - up 3,323,619 or 137.7%. Of the total population of 331,828,037 (331,236,184), the percentage of active cases is 1.729% (0.729%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 17,290 - (9,043).
Compared to last week the comparative figures are:
Total cases up 1,375,150 or 10.4%
Deaths up 13,918 or 5.2%
Recoveries up 728,496 or 9.3%
Active cases up 592,736 or 11.5%.
Another poor week. Although deaths, recoveries and active cases are all showing better percentages of total cases than 16 weeks ago. Probably the only hopeful sign lies with the vaccines, albeit developed at breakneck speed. All the publicity tells you not to worry about that; it's all perfectly safe. But we have been sent a disturbing article about the vaccines - the main points are as follows:
* Covid only kills 5 in 10,000 people below 70 years of age - a 0.05% fatality rate and even then usually combined with severe pre-existing health conditions.
* Lockdowns, masks and social distancing do not work and are being pushed onto populations to fear monger for political reasons - particularly by left wing tyrannical politicians. But business owners in New York and California in particular are standing up to these hypocrites and risking jail and heavy fines. These courageous business owners are also being supported by crowds numbering in the hundreds so far - the level of public anger is palpable and unless these Democrat clowns see sense, there is real potential for some very serious violence.
* The PCR test was never designed to be a diagnostic tool for diseases. It has a huge false positive rate and even a positive result only shows that a human has had a coronavirus at some previous time, even if it was only a cold.
* This is probably why "total cases" figures are almost certainly overstated in these Worldometre figures that we are compiling week by week.
* The term "Pandemic" was watered down by the WHO in 2009 so that big Pharma could sell more Tamiflu shots. The world's top medical experts and scientists do not recommend taking this Covid vaccine, not just because it is highly rushed and experimental, but because it's also unnecessary.
* The former VP and Chief Scientific Officer of Pfizer has explained why a Covid vaccine isn't necessary for healthy people and that it will likely be more harmful than Covid for them.
* If you want to protect yourself from Covid and the flu, increase your vitamin D3 levels, take Magnesium to help absorb it, and also maintain good Zinc levels. Check first to see that neither of these conflict with any existing medications.
* As Covid shares parts of its structure with other coronaviruses that most people have had, like the common cold, most people have the ability to develop antibodies and T cell immunity to Covid.
* Don't believe the scaremongering by the so-called mainstream media to push a vaccine on you!!
Our frustration with the aftermath of the presidential election 32 days ago is that simply by using common sense in listening to all the "irregularities" so far exposed, one would have to be mentally deficient not to realise that in many swing states in particular, substantial and material electoral fraud had taken place. Just by listening to or watching the websites - Newsmax, The Truth, Epoch Times and Judicial Watch among others, you could hardly escape the conclusion that widespread electoral fraud has occurred, sufficient to overturn the results in at least 6 swing states where the Democrat margin is thin enough to be vulnerable to an honest total audit and recount.
The frustration arises from the inability in the time available for the legal teams to undertake adequate and sufficient investigation in the manner in which the FBI should have done. Especially when until very recently, the legal teams have not been supported by the FBI or the Attorney-General. Those dubious characters have only undertaken a very half-hearted investigation since and said that there is no evidence. How they could come up with such a dangerously disingenuous statement in view of everything that at least 50 million Americans are up in arms about, is totally beyond us - except for the obvious explanation that they are all secretly part of the Deep State and appear prepared to even betray their country's democracy for their own nefarious ends. However, within hours the AG recanted that position and said their investigations were on-going. Someone kicked his rear end - hard!! But, following the fraudulent Russia probe from 2015 to 2019, how can you believe a word the DOJ says? The Deep State is very much alive and their tentacles are everywhere.
Actually Trump received at least 74 million votes on election night. This is 10 million more than he received in 2016 and more than Obama's total in 2012 of 68 million. And he still lost?? C'mon man!!! No wonder Biden stayed in his basement; he knew the fix was in. He probably spent his time printing bogus basement ballots!! 😁
The Democrat refrain is constantly that "there is no evidence". This is manifestly and obviously a blatant lie, and Team Trump must be given the time that they need to legally prove this evidence. If necessary this will mean going to the Supreme Court because it has been obvious that lower courts in many states are totally partisan and corrupt. We have seen videos of hearings and court cases being held including hundreds, if not thousands by now, of sworn affidavits from people (would-be scrutineers) who have witnessed outrageous fraud taking place in all of the swing states. And security CCTV footage of illegal ballots being produced and counted around midnight after the scrutineers were sent home on election night. These were part of the whole secret illegal ballot dump that was produced in many states in the early hours away from any scrutiny to skew the vote to the crooked Dems. We saw it happening.
We heard an interview with a constitutional law expert yesterday to the effect that the Trump Team only needs to show "just cause" and the burden of proof that there was no fraud actually rests with the various state legislatures.
And this is not entirely about who is finally elected. It is primarily about electoral integrity, and the fraud of this election needs to be dealt with, followed by the necessary legislation to ensure that this situation can never happen again. However, the other point to be made is that it is another Democrat refrain that this election should go to Biden from the point of view of public order (imagine how the Dems would react if Trump was declared the winner - they'd have a collective meltdown!). But that is not the point. The law must be followed if there is to be any hope that the American Republic can continue past its present 240 years. Disorder can in any case be dealt with by a resolute president by invoking the Insurrection Act.
We are not there yet, but an obscure law could be Trump's last resort bid to challenge the crooked election results if all legal appeals fail, due to the investigative constraints on the legal teams referred to above.
Congress has to certify the results of the election after the Electoral College casts the official vote for President-elect on December 14th. An 1887 law mandates that Congress must meet on Jan. 6th. to take action. The House and Senate must meet in joint session on that day to certify the results. But if a House member and Senator team together, they are able to object to entire slates of presidential electors on the grounds that the elections in those states are obviously fraudulent - or that there are sufficient grounds for believing that to be the case. And there are multiple legal opportunities for lengthy delays in the certification process since each state's electors must then be certified separately.
If a slate of electors is challenged, the House and Senate must go back to their chambers and debate the outcome before voting.
And if the Senate upholds a challenge to some presidential electors, it would almost certainly put the chamber at odds with the Democrat-run House.
Still, several Republican lawmakers in the House acknowledge that they are considering the option to challenge. In fact right now there is a Republican Congressman from Alabama who is getting ready if necessary to mount such a challenge. He has already been promised far more support than he needs. You can see his interview on Newsmax.com today.
Nothing is off the table.
And until the Electoral College actually votes on December 14th., THERE IS NOT a President-elect.
Rapidly approaching is the Georgia Senatorial run-off election to be held on Jan. 5th. If the 2 extreme left Democrat candidates were to win along with the possibility of Biden in the White House, the Senate would become Democrat controlled and then with the White House and Congress as well, the extreme left would have unfettered control. A commentator has said - "bye bye America". And by extension "bye bye the Free World". It's a knife-edge situation right now as a direct result of Democrat electoral criminal malfeasance. Already we are seeing the beginnings of the same electoral fraud that plagued the presidential election in the state, despite the fact that legal action is well advanced to challenge the many instances of electoral fraud in the presidential election. This is NOT a normal democratic election. The Democrats will use any means, including criminal means, to achieve victory.
Make no mistake: the US and the rest of us are in a war situation and what is at stake is the survival of not only the 240 year old Republic of the United States of America, but the Free World.
It's been a real rollercoaster ride since Nov. 4th. when the mainly statistically impossible election results came to light. Since then so many varieties of blatant and substantial electoral fraud have arisen that it makes one head spin. Thankfully after a slow start these are now being taken seriously, albeit shamefully without in the early stages any Dept. of Justice involvement.
As a result of having seen much of this evidence and parts of the court actions and hearings in front of state legislatures, we feel increasingly confident that the fraud will be legally exposed and where necessary, illegal ballots cancelled.
As a result, President Trump will have the election awarded in his favour. The disputed states carry more than enough Electoral College votes to achieve this outcome. We are quietly confident that this will be the final result.
Total cases - 1,343,322 - (433,805) - up 909,517 or 209.7%
Deaths - 37,305 - 2.8% - (14,145 - 3.3%) - up 23,160 or 163.7%
Recoveries - 1,233,116 - 91.8% - (250,494 - 57.7%) - up 982,622 or 392.3%
Therefore active cases - 72,902 - 5.4% - (169,196 - 39.0%) - down 96,294 or 56.9%. Of the total population of 51,112,494 (50,948,628), the percentage of active cases is 0.143% (0.332%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,426 - (1,367).
Compared to last week, in terms of percentages of total cases, deaths are the same, recoveries are down, and active cases are up.
The figures are deteriorating.
The active cases figures are up and down like a bride's pyjamas over the past few weeks!!16 weeks ago they stood at 169,196, week 4 at 102,910 - down 39.2%, week 5 at 104,823 - up 1.9%, week 7 at 57,472 - down 45.2%, week 8 at 81,190 - up 41.3%, week 9 at 81,694 - up 0.9%, week 10 at 66,922 - down 18.1%, week 11 at 69,308 - up 3.6%, week 12 at 74,602 - up 7.6%, week 13 at 58,830 - down 21.1%, week 14 at 59,934 - up 1.9%, week 15 at 62,715 - up 4.6% and this week 16 at 72,902 - up 16.2%. Can these figures be believable if the pandemic was being aggressively and competently managed? These figures are all over the place. You'd normally expect a constant trend up or down, or at least staying more or less the same.
Latest headlines from the English language www. colombiareports.com:-
Nov. 29th. Duque claims Colombia's opposition defending FARC dissidents
Nov. 30th. 2 dead, 250 homeless after fire ravages impoverished town in Colombia northwest
Nov. 30th. Colombia's defense minister on crash course with farmers over aerial fumigation
Nov. 30th. Colombia's banks: not evading taxes, but making it irresistible
Dec. 1st. White supremacy in Colombia Part 2: migratory racism
Dec. 1st. Colombia's "music and soccer patronised by drug money"
Dec. 1st. Colombia arrests Senator on bribery charges
Dec. 2nd. Colombia's military denies systematic support to paramilitaries
Dec. 2nd. Colombia set to order first 10 million COVID vaccines: report
Dec. 4th. Colombia's Comptroller-General holds politicians responsible for 1 billion USD dam debacle.
Dec. 4th. How Colombia's failing security is killing FARC members taking part in peace process
Dec 4th. Colombia's Providencia Island: two weeks and some after Iota
Dec. 4th. Colombia's government rejects court order demanding COVID tests from incoming travellers
Still haven't got the car back yet, but the starter motor is now rebuilt and hopefully re-installed. There is a small air hose that was damaged when things were being dismantled and a replacement is unavailable from Mercedes. However, Audi has an identical item so we should be pretty much back together by Tuesday! Fingers crossed. Fancy using an Audi part in a Mercedes. What is the world coming to??
And now a human interest story!! -
Jim badly stubbed a little toe on our coffee table the other day and the toe and surrounding foot area turned black and blue. Don't think it's broken but it has inhibited the exercise programme. However, much better now 4 days on..............
Total cases - 27,949 - (23,035) - up 4,914 or 21.3%
Deaths - 908 - 3.3% - (370 - 1.7%) - up 538 or 145.4%
Recoveries - 25,629 - 91.7% - (13,634 - 59.2%) - up 11,995 or 88.0%
Therefore active cases - 1,412 - 5.1% - (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 7,610 or 84.4%. Of the total population of 25,625,028 (25,536,804), the total percentage of active cases is 0.006% (0.035%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 55 - (56).
Things appear to be reasonably under control, although active cases have risen somewhat in the last week.
Total cases - 2.069 - (1,714) - up 355 or 20.7%
Deaths - 25 - 1.2% - (22 - 1.4%) - up 3 or 13.6%
Recoveries - 1,983 - 95.8% - (1,531 - 95.6%) - up 452 or 29.5%
Therefore active cases - 61 - 3.0% - (49 - 3.0%) - up 12 or 24.5%. Of the total population of the inaccurate figure of 5,002,100 (5,002,100), the percentage of active cases is 0.001% - (0.001%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 12 - (14).
There was a report that airlines are saying that the longer that NZ's borders remain shut, the more costly and time consuming it will be to resume previous flight schedules. This would have the effect of further delaying economic recovery and is just another example of the economic destruction resulting from border closures and lockdowns in general.
Again, another warning for NZ as regards the CCP of China's Belt and Road Initiative (B&RI) - Malaysia has just expelled 3 major Chinese companies that were to be involved in re-development of a new port at Malacca which occupies a very strategic position on the Straits of Malacca. Via their ownership of such a port, China would control the most strategic waterway in the world. Malacca in colonial times was a major port for the Malayan Peninsula - first in the Portuguese era and then later with the Dutch. Britain used it too, but by then Singapore and Johor in the southern Malayan Peninsula were becoming more important. Since those days Malacca has silted up and become useless without extensive dredging and expansion. Even for yachts with average drafts it is currently inaccessible. We sailed past there in 2014 and would have liked to have gone in, but obviously it wasn't an option.
This is the type of strategic option that the CCP of China is always seeking out. The B&RI is an evil instrument for eventual CCP world domination. NewZealand - HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!!!!!!!
Finally a comment on Brexit. We have been following the 4 years of negotiations with the EU which have now degenerated into the total farce that they always were. It now looks certain that the UK will walk away from the EU with NO DEAL. YAY!!! The Globalist EU crooks always wanted just to expand their globalist empire which began innocently enough as a free trade deal in 1973 known as the European Economic Community (EEC). But of course it morphed into a political monster taking sovereign rights from its members. And by imposing a common currency (Euro) without political union has always been a flawed policy. Now that Britain has left, there is a certainty that other states which have already voiced extreme dissatisfaction will take steps to leave and the whole corrupt edifice will come crumbling down. Can't happen too soon.
Anyway, there is now an opportunity for NZ to resume free trade with the UK which was largely abandoned 47 years ago. Our trade minister of all those years ago, Jack Marshall, would be dancing with glee.The wheel has turned full circle.
Well, that's it for another week. Stay well.........................
With lotsaluv from Medellin, the City of Eternal Spring, Colombia
Jim and Jean
P.S. Explanation of photos:-
1) Los silleteros - these people are flower growers in the hills about 1,000 feet above Medellin. They carried their flowers in large wooden frames on their backs. You can clearly see the frame on the statue. They would carry these loads at night for 1,000 feet down into the city, sell the flowers and then load up with supplies to take back home - e.g. cooking oil. What a life!! Tough people.
2) We visited Jerico with Linda last year and Jean made a friend!! A lovely donkey!!
3) Taken during our stay at the Royal Langkawi Yacht Club on Langkawi Island, northwest Malaysia and only 120 miles south of Phuket and Krabi in Thailand. Many happy times there. We were there in between visits to Thailand and/or NZ (by plane!!) for 3 years.
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