Monday, 28 December 2020

Fwd: Chinese Virus statistics week number 19 as at 25/12/20 since August 21st. 2020 (133 days). A nice post Christmas present!! The virus never sleeps.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: James Donald <>
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2020 at 09:15
Subject: Chinese Virus statistics week number 19 as at 25/12/20 since August 21st. 2020 (133 days). A nice post Christmas present!! The virus never sleeps.
To: Alex Donald <>

Hi to all,
We hope you all have had a great Christmas - albeit somewhat different from previous years. We make the usual disclaimer regarding the following Worldometre figures. The comparative figures in brackets relate to the 21st. August - 140 days ago.

MUNDO - World
Total cases - 80,012,892 - (21,168,111) - up 58,844,781 or 278.0%
Deaths - 1,753,955 - 2.2% (759,328 - 3.6%) - up 994,627 or 131.0%
Recoveries - 56,344,512 - 70.4% (13,984,843 - 66.1%) - up 42,359,664 or 302.9%
Therefore active cases - 21,914,425 - 27.4% - (6,425,939 - 30.3%) - up 15,488,486 or 241.0%. Of the total population of 7,834,515,067 (7,804,380,455), the percentage of active cases is 0.280% (0.082%) of the world population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,797 - (1,437).
Compared to last week, active cases are up 1,143,731 or 5.5%
The numbers are all going the wrong way.

ESTADOS UNIDOS - United States
Total cases - 19,141,356 - (5,429,115) - up 13,712,241 or 252.6%
Deaths - 337,399 - 1.8% (170,781 - 3.2%) - up 166,618 or 97.6%
Recoveries - 11,219,489 - 58.6% (2,844,535 - 52.4%) - up 8,374,954 or 294.4%
Therefore active cases - 7,584,468 - 39.6% (2,413,829 - 44.6%) - up 5,170,639 or 214.2%. Of the total population of 331,939,197 (331,236,184), the percentage of active cases is 2.285% (0.729%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 22,849 - (9,043).
Compared to last week the comparative figures are:
Total cases up 1,512,778 or 8.6%
Deaths up 19,470 or 6.1%
Recoveries up 924,515 or 9.0%
Active cases up 568,793 or 8.1%
Numbers continue to rise but perhaps a glimmer of hope is that over the past week, total cases and active cases have increased by a lesser amount than the week before. And of course the vaccines - they could be very effective, or they may not. Time alone will tell. But one has to commend the Trump Administration in rolling out the vaccines in record time - way ahead of any previous fake news "prediction".
The electoral saga rolls on. We won't go into all the issues that we've commented on in the past, except - 
Abraham Lincoln who emancipated the slaves and led America through a debilitating Civil War, once said: "if America is to be defeated, it will be from within". And this is exactly what is happening today with the Democrats trying to sneak into power by massive lying and cheating. This simply cannot be allowed to stand, otherwise the US will be no better than many banana republics around the world and Lincoln's prophecy will come true.
The 1887 Electoral Count Act which gives ability to Congress to overturn Electoral College votes, is gaining supporters all the time from the House and from the Senate. It has the potential to turn the whole election on its head - particularly as more and more egregious and numerically significant examples of criminal election fraud come to light. All we can say is - WATCH THIS SPACE on Jan. 6th. It will depend to a large extent on who wins the Georgia Senate run-offs the day before.
And a snippet we heard the other day - Zoom is owned by the Chinese and has the ability to detect anti-China comments from participants in Zoom conversations and shut down such conversations within 1 minute. This is another example of how far American culture and life has been infiltrated by the Communist Party of China. 
The Chinese Communist Party's tentacles in the US just get longer and longer. This is yet another example of attack from "within". Elaine Chao is Mitch McConnell's wife (married in 1993) and he is the Republican Senate Majority Leader. She was born in Taiwan and the family immigrated to the US when she was 8. Her father founded the Foremost Group in New York - a shipping company. He had ties to the top echelons of the Communist Party of China and his daughter now runs the family business. And Foremost is the top political donor to the GOP in Kentucky (McConnell's state). Just the other day McConnell was urging GOP Senators not to support Trump in his fight through the Electoral Count Act on Jan 6th. This is frightening and scary beyond belief. Who can trust anyone any more? Trump has got his hands full, and some. He MUST win. 
The above is just one example of attacks on Trump from former trusted associates from within the GOP. And including some top "aides" in the White House. The worst is the stonewalling the Trump Campaign has received from the entire US legal system, which surely is there to be the ultimate protector of justice. What a sick joke. The latest is Trump's last appeal to the Supreme Court to hear arguments on egregious electoral fraud in Pennsylvania. In spite of the obvious urgency for a hearing, the SC has declined to hear the case with urgency, which means that the case will not now be heard until after both Houses of Congress have met on Jan. 6th. to certify or de-certify Electoral College votes for each state. Many states are moving to de-certify the existing slates of votes and it is entirely possible that with the feeling running as high as it is, Congress and the Senate will uphold this decertification. Mainly on the basis that many states changed all sorts of electoral rules in direct violation of their own constitutions. This is one of the key issues that state courts and the Supreme Court have ignored or thrown out on spurious grounds such as bringing actions too late, or without "standing" as in the case of the Texas (and others) lawsuit. If decertification is upheld, Congress would select a temporary president pending a new election and if this scenario ensues without the massive fraud that characterised the Nov. 3rd. election, Trump would win again in the landslide that he actually earned in early November, only to see it overturned by the most massive and egregious fraud ever experienced in the US's 240 years of electoral history.  
Frankly, the Supreme Court is rapidly rendering itself irrelevant by its cowardly lack of positive action, so If it cannot be relied on to hand down any sort of a ruling, and  electoral justice cannot be achieved by either of these means (Supreme Court rulings or action by Congress under the Electoral Count Act), there is still the option of Martial Law under the 1807 Insurrection Act to prevent the United States from degenerating into a banana republic.
The 1807 Insurrection Act empowers the President of the United States to deploy US Military and federalised National Guard troops in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil  disorder, insurrection and rebellion. It allows a president to address an insurrection, domestic violence, or unlawful combinations of these, OR CONSPIRACY in any state which results in the deprivation of constitutionally secured rights and where the state is unable, fails, or refuses to protect said rights. This latter obviously would cover electoral fraud where it was aided and abetted by states' unlawful and unconstitutional actions.  
The 1807 Act had been modified twice. In 1861, a new section was added allowing the Federal Government to use the National Guard and armed forces against the will of the state government in the case of "rebellion against the authority of the government of the United States", in anticipation of continued unrest after the Civil War. In 1871 the Third Enforcement Act revised this section to protect black Americans from attacks by the Ku Klux Klan. The KKK was of course an extension of the Democrat Party at the time. The language added at that time allows the Federal Government to use the act to enforce the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th. Amendment to the United States Constitution. This section of the Act was invoked during the Reconstruction era, and again during desegregation fights during the Civil Rights Era.
If for any reason this is not an option, then Secession from the Union of all the "red" states is another possibility. States which would almost certainly be likely to secede are: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. This totals 32 out of 50 - 64%. Some of these states may not secede, or may secede later, but there is no doubt that there are sufficient feelings against any attempted fraudulent illegality of an illegitimate Biden presidency for such a scenario to develop. 
However, the Insurrection Act is probably the better alternative as a Biden presidency would no doubt use the Act against any secessionist states in the event of a Secession.. 
These options may be considered implausibly extreme, but with the appalling alternative of a Biden/Harris presidency, we believe that there would be sufficient momentum for both to be seriously considered.
These are last ditch efforts to save the Republic - and, as we have said many times before - by extension every citizen of the Free World. 

Total cases - 1,559,766 - (433,805) - up 1,125,961 or 259.6%
Deaths - 41,454 - 2.7% -  (14,145 - 3.3%) - up 27,309 or 193.1%
Recoveries - 1,417,316 - 90.8% - (250,494 - 57.7%) - up 1,166,822 or 465.8%
Therefore active cases - 100,966 - 6.5% - (169,196 - 39.0%) - down 68,230 or 40.3%. Of the total population of 51,143,594 (50,948,628), the percentage of active cases is 0.197% (0.332%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,974 - (1,367).
Active cases since last week are up 15,777 or 18.5%
Following are this week's headlines from
Dec. 19th. WHO confirms Colombia's February COVID vaccines as infections reach record high
Dec. 21st. Homicides in Colombia reach historic low amid pandemic
Dec. 20th. Colombia's countercultures: Bogota's rock and roll gangs
Dec. 21st. Colombia suspends UK flights amid COVID surge
Dec. 21st. Colombia reinstates COVID restrictions during holidays
Dec. 22nd. Former Uribe aid remains silent in Colombia's 2018 election fraud probe
Dec. 23rd. Colombia's police purged in midst of corruption and abuse crisis
There is belated panic about rising active case numbers - if you can believe them. We now have a new version of Pico y Cedula where in supermarkets and malls you can only shop on even days if your ID ends in even numbers and vice versa for odd numbers. But we both went shopping  and no-one was checking anything - even temperatures!! And there's a curfew in place from 8 pm to 6 am just on the statutory days - Christmas and New Year. But the active case figures have varied so wildly week to week, that it's hard to give them or anything else much credibility.
The figure today (28/12) has reduced again to 96,000 from Friday's figure of 101,000 which is a big reduction in just 4 days. We hope that this new trend is in fact true and will herald a better direction for the country.  
We have also heard an unverified fact that unemployment has now been reduced by 80% from levels reached at the height of the pandemic. That is extremely good news in a country where the inequality gap is huge in any case and which is without any form of unemployment benefit. But a bigger problem for Colombia is the huge number of Venezuelans here - with most living on the edge of starvation. Fascinating that both Chavez and later Maduro, were fraudulently elected by the same Dominion counting machines as have been used now in 30 US states, including the 4 battleground states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Wisconsin. Venezuela must be viewed as a serious example of the results of rampant electoral corruption in order to elect illegitimate socialist/communist candidates. In fact these Dominion vote counting machines were originally developed in Venezuela for use there and ultimately for use in the US. We are seeing the results right now.
Christmas will be a muted affair this year as we suspect it will be for many people. For us really, we just want the year done and dusted and to look forward to the re-election of Donald Trump after the proper exposure of his opponents' electoral criminality.
We had our neighbour, Janet, for a late lunch of turkey legs, gratinated potato and peas plus other trimmings. European style, on Dec. 24th. Jean was very proud of her idea for Cranberry Sauce made from local berries and blueberries. tasted just like Cranberry!
There are some self-explanatory photos of this happy event appearing at the end of this blog.
Total cases - 28,273 - (23,035) - up 5,238 or 22.7%
Deaths - 908 - 3.2% - (370 - 1.7%) - up 538 or 145.4%
Recoveries - 25,722 - 91.0% - (13,634 - 59.2%) - up 12,088 or 88.7%
Therefore active cases - 1,643 - 5.8% - (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 7,379 or 81.8%. Of the total population of 25,641,999 (25,536,804), the total percentage of active cases is 0.006% (0.035%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 64  - (56).
Compared to last week active cases are up 157 or 10.6%.
Active cases have spiked up somewhat due to an outbreak of cases in Sydney's Northern Beaches.
We see that China is continuing to "punish" Australia for having the guts to speak out about researching the origins of the Chinese Virus. The latest is raw wood (logs). China is of course in a dire financial situation itself, and maybe they are using all this as a spurious excuse to reduce their expenditure on imports.

Total cases - 2,128 - (1,714) - up 414 or 24.2%
Deaths - 25 - 1.2% - (25 - 1.4%) - no change
Recoveries - 2,054 - 96.5% - (1,531 - 95.6%) - up 523 or 34.2%
Therefore active cases - 49 - 2.3% - (49 - 3.0%) - no change. Of the total population of 5,002,100 (5,002,100), the percentage of active cases is 0.001 % - (0.001%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 10 - (14).
Compared to last week active cases are down 2 or 3.9%
And another snippet - there are hundreds of Chinese fishing boats fresh from destroying what was left of SE Asia's fish resources headed NZ's way via Australia where they are likely to be given short shrift. So, they'll come on to NZ to pillage NZ's marine reserves just as they tried to do in the UNESCO world heritage site - the Galapagos. Until the US Coastguard chased them further south where the Peruvian Navy sank a few.
So, how will that play out - the Chinese Ambassador summoning the NZ Prime Minister or NZ's Foriegn Minister (her with the Moko) summoning the Chinese Ambassador? We wouldn't put money on it.
The Chinese reduction of imports won't help NZ either. Of all that NZ exports to China, only milk powder could be said to be in any way essential in China's straightened circumstances. Things like seafood, meat, Kiwifruit and baby formula could find themselves severely curtailed.
However, we have seen the news that the UK has now reached a "deal" with the EU with which they will leave the EU in 4 days time. Unfortunately the agreement seems likely to have largely sold out the British fishing industry which will allow EU boats to continue raping and pillaging British waters for another 5 years, albeit on a reducing basis. We have suggested on a couple of Youtube sites that the British fishermen should sail for the River Thames and anchor their boats opposite Parliament at Westminster and completely block the waterway until Boris caves and Britain leaves the EU on WTO terms, which is what was voted for way back in 2016. But this new "deal" is contained in a document that is in excess of 2,000 pages. British MP's are expected to read and understand it and vote on it by the 30th. This is typical of those who simply want to quickly ram questionable legislation through in an effort to minimise any criticism. The Parliament should refuse to vote, except provisionally so that the legislation can be ratified (or not) after sufficient time has elapsed in the New Year. The EU won't be voting until later in january and they must obtain the unanimous agreement of all remaining 27 countries. Will that be forthcoming?
Anyway, hopefully it will be possible for NZ to supplement any reduction in trade with China with a new trade agreement with the UK where there will be a restart of trade which was severely restricted back in 1973 when Britain joined the then European Economic Community. With any luck we will start to see a substantial re-set of trade away from the dogmatic ideological concept of Globalism at any cost. Conservatism must triumph over Socialism.
Well, that's it from us for another week. We hope everyone had a good Christmas and that 2021 is much better than the year about to end. However, it will have its challenges - that's for sure.
With lotsaluv from us from the City of Eternal Spring...................
Jim and Jean

Friday, 18 December 2020

Fwd: Coronavirus statistics week number 18 as at 18/12/20 since August 21st. 2020 - THE FIGHT FOR THE US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IS ON-GOING.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: James Donald <>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2020 at 15:14
Subject: Coronavirus statistics week number 18 as at 18/12/20 since August 21st. 2020 - THE FIGHT FOR THE US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IS ON-GOING.
To: Alex Donald <>

We hope that this finds everyone well and as always, IN THE PINK!!! And may we wish all our friends and family a Happy Christmas and a much better New Year than the one just past. That wouldn't be difficult!! 
And having said all that, the following figures must be taken with a grain of salt. There is so much misreporting, deliberate fraud for political purposes and "false positives", that we do not know what to believe any more. The best that one could say is that the Worldometre figures can perhaps be some sort of guide and no more. And the comparisons with the figures over the past 18 weeks (126 days) are "interesting" if nothing else.
Colombia's figures are a case in point with active cases up and down like the proverbial. Believable?????????
The figures in brackets refer to week 1 - 21/08/20

MUNDO - World
Total cases - 75,442,194 - (21,168,111) - up 54,274,083 or 256.4%
Deaths - 1.671,555  - 2.2% (759,328 - 3.6%) - up 912,227 or 120.1%
Recoveries - 52,999,945 - 70.3% - (13,984,843 - 66.1%) - up 39,015,102 or 279.0%
Therefore active cases - 20,770,694 - 27.5% - (6,425,939 - 30.3%) - up 14,344,755 or 223.2%. Of the total population of 7,832,957,375 (7,804,380,455), the percentage of active cases is 0.265% (0.082%) of the total world population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,651 - (1,437).
Compared to last week active cases are up 786,433 or 3.9%
The overall numbers continue to show a worrying trend. 
There's a risible report that the WHO has gone to their masters in China to seek clarification of the origins of the Chinese Virus. They must assume that we are all morons; who do they think they are fooling?
ESTADOS UNIDOS - United States
Total cases - 17,628,578 - (5,429,115) - up 12,199,463 or 224.7%
Deaths - 317,929 - 1.8% (170,781 - 3.2%) - up 147,148 or 86.2%
Recoveries - 10,294,974 - 58.4% (2,844,535 - 52.4%) - up 7,450,438 or 261.9%
Therefore active cases - 7,015,675 - 39.8 % - (2,413,829 - 44.6%) - up 4,601,846 or 190.7%. Of the total population of 331,902,144 (331,236,184), the percentage of active cases is 2.114% (0.729%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 21,138 - (9,043).
Compared to last week the comparative figures are:
Total cases up 1,582,249 or 9.9%
Deaths up 18,174 or 6.1%
Recoveries up 958,413 or 10.3%
Active cases up 605,662 or 9.4%
These figures are not good of course and all involve personal tragedy of some sort. But it is clear that school closures (driven by left-wing unions as part of the effort to destroy the educational fabric of the USA), and draconian business closure orders (mostly in the socialist "blue" states), which are destroying the hopes and aspirations of hundreds of thousands of people, are simply not working. And the longer these restrictions continue, the more resistance will be generated. Already there are reports of restaurant owners who are trying to stay afloat and continue paying their staff, being arrested and taken away in handcuffs. None of this will end well.
If only the US could just nationally adopt some sensible procedures such as mask wearing in confined indoor spaces, social distancing, reduced capacity in restaurants, limits on numbers at gatherings, midnight closing of bars and restaurants, etc., then possibly with those "softer" restrictions more progress may be made and the population would become much more willing to co-operate. 
Just to reinforce our earlier remarks about fraudulent reporting of COVID patients and deaths - many deaths have been discovered as being recorded as caused by COVID when that certification was blatantly fraudulent and incorrect. No doubt all for political reasons and just another example of the left being prepared to exploit tragic situations for their own fraudulent and criminal political ends. It is never-ending, whether it is straight-out election fraud or false reporting of statistics to damage the Trump campaign, presidency and the country.
A Newsmax report on 15/12 gives a shocking account of a court-ordered forensic examination and audit of vote tabulating machines in Antrim County, Michigan. The forensic audit showed a more than 68% error rate, with auditors claiming the system intentionally creates the errors so the machine results can then be "adjudicated" - allowing individuals to change the result with no oversight.
The error rate is astounding considering the Federal Election Commission allows a maximum error rate of just 0.0008% for computerised voting systems.
It is concluded that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency and no audit trail.
The audit was released by state court Judge Kevin Elsenheimer of the 13th. Circuit Court of Michigan in a case brought by county resident William Bailey against Antrim County, Michigan.
Dominion claimed that the discrepancies were the result of human error, but the auditor who has worked with NASA and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, disputed the claim. He wrote - "we disagree and conclude that the vote flip occurred because of machine error built into the voting software designed to create error".
Dominion Voting System machines are used across Michigan and in as many as 30 states, including in several disputed battleground states. 
The above is only one of many well documented massive instances of fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election. We have mentioned them in previous blogs as well.
We also refer you to the Newsmax website on 18/12 where there are many articles and interviews in which, if there was ever any previous doubt that the Trump claims of election fraud were without merit, lays those doubts well and truly to rest. Retired General Michael Flynn, Congressional Representative Mo Brooks (R-Alabama) and President Trump's chief trade negotiator, Peter Navarro among others.   
The Epoch Times is another website well worth some attention.
The claim is often made by the crooked Dems that many Trump campaign lawsuits have been thrown out as being without merit or late or some such spurious excuse. The fact is that most of them, including the Texas lawsuit to the Supreme Court, have simply been denied a hearing by mostly partisan and/or frightened courts, or that unfavourable decisions are hastily handed down by those same partisan or frightened courts. 
It is also often being claimed that the Trump Campaign's legal efforts are simply undermining trust in US democracy, but this absolutely ignores the fact that instead, Democrat orchestrated electoral fraud is the direct cause of this undermining of trust in democracy.
And we've had the Democrats and the formidable crooked Deep State machine spending 4 years and untold millions of taxpayer dollars trying to unseat a legitimately elected president.
Who therefore is undermining trust in democracy?
It therefore seems to us that there is little hope left for democracy in what was once the greatest democracy in the world and which has been dubbed "the Great Experiment: George Washington and the American Republic". 
Seven states, including Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Nevada, have sent alternative slates of electors to the Electoral College on the 14th. on the basis that the election was rigged and fraudulent in those states. These alternative slates will/should cast votes for Trump in both Houses of Congress  on Jan. 6th. in an effort to derail the Electoral College under the Electoral Count Act of 1887. In the meantime there are many other lawsuits pending on behalf of Trump and it's entirely possible that sufficient of these could succeed, which in turn would give standing to the alternative slates of electors. However, it's perhaps a long shot because the House is controlled by Democrats and the Senate is Republican by a thread, and there are a number of flakey Republican Senators who simply don't want to overturn the applecart. They have always been "never-trumpers" and covert members of the Deep State. They have this attitude, even if democracy itself is at stake. These people are a disgrace to their country. They and the Attorney-General have probably all been paid off.
But watch this space; there is much brewing behind the scenes.
Therefore, with all this in mind, it seems to us that, however risky and difficult, secession will ultimately be the only way in which at least part of the Republic can be preserved in order to fight the Deep State. The Republic would of course fracture, but it's fractured now, and with a theoretical Biden presidency commencing after Inauguration on Jan. 20th., this sense of disenfranchisement of the majority of Trump voters (75 million at last count) will only grow. And of course you also need to consider the Biden crime family scandal which is growing daily, together with Biden's growing physical frailty, and the consequent certainty of an extreme left-wing Harris presidency. This alarming state of affairs would automatically occur, either because Biden's health, or what is left of it, collapsed, and/or he was indicted for corruption in his dealings with foreign powers in conjunction with his family members. This sense of the majority of American voters being electorally and criminally shafted will finally boil over into Secession, especially with the reality of a Harris presidency finally being rammed home. Dark days indeed for the former USA. 
The criminality and sedition of the Democrats cannot be allowed to stand. Drastic alternative measures must be taken, otherwise the American Dream is totally finished - and by extension that of many other so far "free" countries around the world - including Australia and New Zealand.
Finally, wonderful news if it happens - there is a persuasive Youtube Indian news channel which is suggesting that there is a high possibility that President Trump will give diplomatic recognition to Taiwan (the ROC) and also to Tibet. That would be a huge slap in the face, along with already increased sanctions, against China. And apparently it would be very difficult for Biden/Harris to overturn. That's if they are ever in a position to do anything - let's hope not.   

Total cases - 1,468,795 - (433,805) - up 1,034,990 or 238.6%
Deaths - 39,787 - 2.7% - (14,145 - 3.3%) - up 25,642 or 181.3%
Recoveries - 1,343,819 - 91.5% - (250,494 - 57.7%) - up 1,093,325 or 436.5%
Therefore active cases - 85,189 - 5.8% - (169,196 - 39.0%) - down 84,007 or 49.7%. Of the total population of 51,133,227 (50,948,628), the percentage of active cases is 0.167% (0.332%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,666 - (1,367).
Active cases since last week are up 20,182 or 31.1%
Once again we are seeing the number of active cases changing upwards and massively - again - in just 7 days. Is this real or believable? But of course they are down by almost 50% since week one in late August. Let's hope that they start reducing again very soon.
Following are this week's headlines from
Dec. 13th. Fatal landslide blocks road between Colombia's capital and Medellin
Dec. 13th. Colombia promotes weedkiller as solution to armed conflict
Dec. 14th. DEA snitch sought to derail Colombia's peace process from the start
Dec. 14th. Police harassing Bogota Massacre victims as Colombia's authorities do nothing
Dec. 14th. Can Sergio Fajardo teach Colombia that negligence can be as harmful as corruption?
Dec. 14th. US Embassy took part in DEA plot to discredit Colombia's war crimes tribunal
Dec. 15th. The sins of Colombia's ruling class: the Ramos clan
Dec. 15th. Colombia seeks controversial new spy agency to confront "terrorist threat"
Dec. 15th. Colombia urges caution to prevent COVID surge during holidays
Dec. 15th. The blurring line between Colombia's mafia and government 
Dec. 16th. UN calls on Colombia to curb "appalling and pervasive violence"
Dec. 17th. Colombia wants paramilitary chiefs in prison, not testifying in court
Dec. 17th. Colombia's COVID vaccines "at risk of failure" or ready "early next year?
Dec. 17th. The systematic criminalisation of Colombia's youth: 2000 - 2018
Dec. 17th. US counternarcotics in Colombia: a prehistory
Otherwise not much to report, except that we had applied to upgrade our existing and compulsory medical insurance cover to the Sura Complementario Plan. Jean was accepted but yours truly was not - apparently because Sura were relying on some 2 year old out of date Diabetes 2 figures which derived from when we had just sold the boat in Turkey, moved to Medellin and were unable to finally move into our apartment until late that year. So, medical matters took a bit of a back seat for a while. And the figures were never high in the first place. Since then with a bit more diligence re exercise and lifestyle generally the figures are only just above "normal" as a rule. Sura's logic in all of this, especially with their Diabetes support programme only available under the Complementario Programme, is just non-existent. Probably the Chinese Virus has panicked them but that's not an excuse for incompetent decision-making. And there is apparently no appealing the decision.
Maybe once the C Virus finally settles down things may change. In the meantime visits to their EPS clinics are not an attractive idea because they are always crowded with obviously sick people all coughing away. So, it'll just be a continuation of private doctor's visits and paying for the medication. Very disappointing and not a good recommendation for Colombia's health system as far as we are concerned.   

Total cases - 28,094 - (23,035) - up 5,059 or 22.0%
Deaths - 908 - 3.2% -  (370 - 1.7%) - up 538 or 145.4%
Recoveries - 25,700 - 91.5% - (13,634 - 59.2%) - up 12,066 or 88.5%.
Therefore active cases  - 1,486 - 5.3% - (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 7,536 or 83.5%. Of the total population of 25,636,342 (25,536,804), the total percentage of active cases is 0.006% (0.035%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 58 - (56).
Compared to last week active cases are up 48 or 3.3%.
Apparently there is now a bit of a spike in infections happening in Sydney over the past few days. They'll probably lock the whole city down!! Otherwise the situation is under control..

NUEVA ZELANDA - New Zealand 
Total cases - 2,110 - (1,714) - up 396 or 23.1%
Deaths - 25 - 1.18% - (25 - 1.4%) - no change
Recoveries - 2,034 - 96.5% - (1,531 - 95.6%) - up 503 or 32.9%
Therefore active cases - 51 - 2.5% - (49 - 3.0%) - up 2 or 4.1%. Of the total population of 5,002,100 (5,002,100), the percentage of active cases is 0.001% - (0.001%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 10 - (14).
Compared to last week active cases are down 6 or 10.5%.
Holding their own, but as we've said before, at what economic cost?
There are news reports of at least 2 cyclones developing in the Vanuatu/Fiji region at the moment. One in particular is likely to become at least Category 4. Neither pose any threat to NZ, but for any yachts forced to endure the cyclone season in the S Pacific, because of NZ's selfish and completely unreasonable intransigence in keeping its borders closed even as it knew of the threat, the results could well be catastrophic. We can only hope that there are not many yachts in this area of cyclones and that most of them are still in French Polynesia where the risk is lower. 
In fact the owners and crews of these cruising yachts would have represented a far less virus risk than for example the crew of a Chinese cargo vessel which yesterday caught fire at the port of Napier. The crew had to be evacuated for their own safety before they had completed the mandatory 14 day quarantine on board.
Yacht crews would have been far less of a problem. Once again NZ's mindless and ignorant bureaucracy comes up trumps!!!!
We have read today a report that NZ has failed the 5 Eyes loyalty test and that it will no longer enjoy any trust on-going from the other 4 members.
It was also reported that Canada is likely to follow the same fate, because of its cozying up to the CCP - a la NZ. Canada has been hosting members of the Peoples' Liberation Army in its frozen winter in order to teach them battle skills in these harsh conditions. No doubt to then use these skills against India, a fellow Commonwealth member, on the Sino/Indian border in the Himalayas.
But the 5 Eyes under a Harris presidency will probably disappear into oblivion in any case, and NZ (unlike Australia which has always displayed an admirable amount of sheer guts) will just become a vassal state of Communist China.
We hear today that Britain is now almost certainly going to leave the European Union after 47 years with no deal having been struck - in other words on World Trade Organisation terms. Jim remembers the Blue Star and Port LIne ships coming into Opua in the Bay of Islands in the 1950's to pick up mainly frozen mutton carcasses from the AFFCO plant at Moerewa. Also the ubiquitous slabs of frozen butter. 
That it's taken 4 years to get to this point since the referendum to leave in 2016 is nothing short of scandalous with British MP's constantly trying to sabotage the clear will of the British people as expressed in the referendum. And if it had not been for Nigel Farage who formed the Brexit Party and was a Member of the European Parliament himself along with several of his fellow Brexit Party MEP's, Brexit would have been dead and buried. But Farage kept the pressure on and at 11pm. on December 31st. the bells of Big Ben will be ringing out over London in celebration of the United Kingdom being a free and sovereign nation once again.
And what an opportunity for NZ - well presented cuts of Canterbury lamb and all varieties of cheeses to name but a few of the items that NZ can begin to export to the mother country once again. Probably also fish, since the Fisheries Policy of the EU has shockingly cleaned out all the traditional fishing grounds of the EU, which explains why they were so desperate to retain access to UK waters. The EU fishing fleet will now have no fish to catch and since they single-handedly decimated the British fishing fleet in the 1970's, it couldn't happen to nicer people!! 

Merry Christmas - while it's still possible to say these timeless words!!!
With all best wishes for Christmas and 2021 and lotsaluv from us in the City of Eternal Spring.....................
Jim and Jean
The photos will be self-explanatory. The Bougainvillea is orange/yellow and has been growing on our balcony since about September 2019. A very prolific flowerer and often gets admiring comments from people walking past 8 floors below!!

Monday, 14 December 2020

THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE FREE WORLD ARE ALL BUT FINISHED!! Plus Chinese Virus statistics for week number 17 as at 11/12/20 since August 21st 2020

Hi to all,
As always we trust everyone is in the pink. Note that comparative figures in brackets relate to Aug. 21st. - 119 days ago.

MUNDO - World
Total cases - 70,878,093 - (21,168,111) - up 49,709,982 or 234.8%
Deaths - 1,591,638 - 2.2% - (759,328 - 3.6%) - up 832,310 or 109.6%
Recoveries - 49,302,200 - 69.6% - (13,984,843 - 66.1%) - up 35,317,357 or 252.5%.
Therefore active cases - 19,984,255 - 28.2% - (6,425,939 - 30.3%) - up 13,558,316 or 211.0%. Of the total population of 7,831,399,683 (7,804,380,455), the percentage of active cases is 0.255% (0.082%) of the total world population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,552 - (1,437). 
Compared to last week active cases are up 1,233,012 or 6.6%.
The trends continue in a worrying direction.

ESTADOS UNIDOS - United States
Total cases - 16,046,329 - (5,429,115) - up 10,617,214 or 195.6%
Deaths - 299,755 - 1.9% - (170,781 - 3.2%) - up 128,974 or 75.5%
Recoveries - 9,336,561 - 58.2% - (2,844,535 - 52.4%) - up 6,492,026 or 228.2%
Therefore active cases - 6,410,013 - 40.0% - (2,413,829 - 44.8%) - up 3,996,184 or 165.6%. Of the total population of 331,865,090 (331,236,184), the percentage of active cases is 1.932 % (0.729%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 19,315 - (9,043).
Compared to last week the comparative figures are:-
Total cases up 1,444,360 or 9.9%
Deaths up 16,145 or 5.7%
Recoveries up 755,650 or 8.8%
Active cases up 672,565 or 11.7%
Once again the trends continue upwards. While no doubt "false positives" play a part in the increasing numbers the trend, like the world numbers, is of concern. And the numbers of active cases per million of population are soaring upwards. Maybe the vaccines will help?
Last Saturday night (05/12) we had the pleasure of watching President Trump's rally at Valdosta, Georgia which is just north of the Florida/Georgia state line. He and the First Lady flew in on Air Force One to find a crowd of at least 25,000. Valdosta has a population of less than 60,000.  Watching the obvious adulation of the crowd it is impossible to believe that the President lost the state of Georgia. It just DID NOT HAPPEN. Statistically, as well as for many other reasons, it DID NOT HAPPEN.
The president was speaking mainly in support of the two Republican Senators who are in  a run-off race for the Senate on January 5th. - Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue. These races are so important because if the extreme left were to win in these Georgia Senate elections, then the Democrats would control the Senate and America would be well advanced on a no-return road to Socialism.
The Democrats are bringing all the firepower that they can muster to the fore for these Senate run-offs. It's do or die. They knew that if they eventually lost the presidential election, all of their criminal actions would be exposed, which would not only result in criminal prosecutions and jail terms (incl. former heads of the FBI and CIA), but would destroy the Democrat Party. The party would splinter with the extreme left breaking off into oblivion where they belong. What is left may in time rehabilitate itself into the "old" Democrat Party that so many people remember. But that would be a long process after the dust of their corruption and criminality finally settles down. However, as a result of their criminal actions and the cowardice of the Supreme Court of the United States, it is now looking somewhat likely that the Democrats will actually win the White House.     
The state of Texas had filed a lawsuit with the Supreme Court of the United States to request that unlawful votes in the elections in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia be rejected on the grounds that those states totally violated their own election laws and their own constitutions in running illegal electoral operations. The Texas lawsuit was simply based purely on considerations of constitutional and electoral law and so did not rely on accusations of infiltration of vote tabulating machines, ignoring of signature requirements, and many other instances of flagrant electoral malfeasance. Another nasty little example of this malfeasance is that at least some of these Dominion vote tabulating machines were set to count 1 Biden vote as 1.25 and 1 Trump vote as 0.75. Dominion denies this, but it is proved.
Texas was joined by 18 other states whose Attorneys-General had filed briefs in support of the Texas suit. Texas was seeking to prevent electors from Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania from participating in the Electoral College on December 14th. The SCOTUS had given the 4 defendant states until 3 pm Eastern Time on Thursday the 10th. to file responses. The other 18 states who joined Texas are Missouri, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Arizona and West Virginia.  
The Texas lawsuit, which as we said, was purely based on electoral law violations, should have succeeded on common sense, legal and justice grounds. But the SCOTUS may have been swayed by considerations of civil unrest if Trump won, or they may have felt that they could have been overturning genuine Democrat voters' wishes - albeit illegal!!. But the Democrat majority had only been achieved by well documented and demonstrated electoral fraud. In view of this and other considerations, both of these arguments, if they were heard, should have fallen flat in our opinion because they are basically non-legal arguments being advanced against solid legal and constitutional arguments. And what about disenfranchising Republican voters in the 4 defendant states as well as the whole of the rest of the country? But the SCOTUS ignored all of these arguments in flagrantly avoiding their constitutional duty to at least hear the Texas and other states' arguments.
This is huge because if the SCOTUS had agreed with this proposition - and it is difficult to see how they could not have - then 62 Electoral College votes would have gone to Trump which would be more than enough to confirm him as President for a 2nd term. There is also Nevada where similar accusations have been made, but they did not join the Texas lawsuit.
However, shockingly all of the above arguments which should at least have been heard by the Supreme Court, have come to naught because the SCOTUS in a total and cowardly abrogation of their responsibility, on Friday afternoon announced that it is refusing to hear the Texas suit. No arguments have been advanced to support this position. Except that they say that Texas and the other 18 states have no "standing" to bring this lawsuit. Of course they have "standing"; the Democrat fraud has effectively disenfranchised their voters - both Republican and Democrat.
In a Newsmax story just to hand it is stated that the Democrat National Committee and the Biden/Harris campaign fired a shot across the bows of the Supreme Court during the election campaign. To the effect that if an electoral case were to be brought by the Trump campaign, and if the SCOTUS heard the case, they could be sure that the court would be packed with partisan Democrat Justices. Of course if they heard the case and agreed with Trump the threat would go away because Trump would remain president. But the court blinked first and refused on very flimsy and spurious grounds to even hear the Trump campaigns persuasive arguments.
There are three branches of the US Federal Government. There is the Legislative (the Senate and the House of Representatives), the Executive (the White House and the President who is also commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces) and the Judicial which should adjudicate on disputes between the other two branches as part of the much touted "checks and balances". However, in this case the Judicial Branch in the form of its highest court - the Supreme Court of the United States -  has declined to act. This cowardly inaction means that now Joe Biden will almost certainly be elected as President of the United States as a result of widespread and demonstrated electoral fraud and, unless the Republicans manage to win the Senate races in Georgia on Jan. 5th., the crooked Democrats will have total control of two branches of the Federal Government - the Executive and the Legislative. If that transpired, the Judicial branch would also be rapidly brought into their socialist orbit by stacking the Supreme Court with sufficient left-wing justices that all major lawsuits would be decided ad infinitum in favour of the Democrats, and by extension there would never be a Republican President ever again. This is how serious the present situation is.  
The United States of America is now on a knife-edge. If the Senate was lost, then the USA would become a Socialist state.Then, almost certainly, given the background of the people being proposed for executive office, it would very soon after that become Communist. This is exactly what China has been working towards with their deliberate release of the Chinese Virus in early 2019, which has now killed over 1.6 million people world-wide. The strategy has been wildly successful for them beyond their wildest dreams in sabotaging the Trump Administration, which had been so successful in reigning in their world domination ambitions and creating jobs and a prosperous America again. A Socialist/Communist USA would then collaborate with China in destroying what is left of the USA and the free world. 
In our opinion this grave situation rivals the enmity between the states before the Civil War of 1861 - 1865. Different circumstances of course though. 
If the Republicans who simply want FREE and FAIR elections, cannot by transparent and fair legal means overturn the egregious results from the Nov. 3rd. election, then what is their alternative - especially if God forbid, the Democrats were to also control the Senate? The possibility of secession from the Union of all the "red" states is already being openly discussed and the GOP Leader in Texas - a black man! - is encouraging the conversation.
There would not be a civil war a la 160 years ago with standing armies being raised by both sides and then fighting pitched battles. It would simply be a case of the so-called "red" states conducting referenda in their states to assess public support for secession. This support is likely to be solid because the majority of people in those states - and others -  are very angry at the obvious criminality which has effectively disenfranchised them. The fact is that these states control most of the energy production in America, so AOC & Co. will have their "Green New Deal" to themselves by default - and welcome.
In fact the seeds of this rift between the Democrats and the Republicans were sown as far back as 1960 when the Democrats (JFK) pulled America into the Vietnam War. What a vicious war that was with massive casualties on both sides. As an aside, when we were in Vietnam in 2015, we met a local who had endured a night time B52 bombing raid on the Ho Chi Minh Trail. He said it was of course terrifying, but he survived by going deep into the Viet Cong tunnel and bunker system. We met him at the War Museum in Ho Chi Minh City.
Anyway, it took a Republican (Nixon) to eventually extricate the US from the bottomless pit of what Vietnam had become. When we were there it was still known as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, but you've never seen such an openly capitalist society in your lives!! And their currency (the Dong) was firmly pegged to the USD! It may still be. They are very pragmatic - the Vietnamese!! 
Of course Nixon and his Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, were the architects of denouement with China in the early 70's in the naive belief that as China became more prosperous, they would develop politics more in tune with the western world. China certainly prospered at the expense of and incredibly with the encouragement of the rest of the world. But China retained a well disguised enmity towards the US in particular and this implacable enmity of the murderous Communist Party of China is now openly flaunted with their aggression in the South China Sea and in particular towards the Republic of China - the ROC - a.k.a. Taiwan. And let's not forget their deliberate and murderous release of the Chinese Virus world-wide from early 2019. This has now killed more than 1.6 million people world-wide. A deliberate and successful strategy to cripple and throw into chaos all other countries in the world, with their main target the USA. 
Under Obama/Biden in particular, the rift became wider with the export of traditional jobs to China and the "coastal elites" ruling the country while the heartland population suffered the consequences. Trump reversed much of that destructive policy, but it is now likely to return and even escalate. 
One of Trump's other achievements has been to expose the Obama Administration for what it espoused, with all the seditious attempts to unseat him during his 1st. term.
Now - what happens? We think that for all the reasons above, that secession is probably going to be seen as the only alternative for reasonable, freedom-loving people.. Whether that would lead to violence is a moot point, but as we said, it's a vastly different situation from that of 1861.
The new country thus created could be known as the Confederated States of America and may even include much of the industrial powerhouse states of the North American midwest. The new country would have energy and nearly all the industry, whereas the "blue states" would just have the results of  decades of financial impropriety and fecklessness and they would sink into a pit of impoverished poverty a la Venezuela and Cuba - to name only two! Tesla, Oracle and Hewlett Packard are just 3 of major businesses leaving California and its ruinous taxes for Texas - not to mention the huge numbers of people fleeing mainly New York, California and the two NW states of Washington and Oregon for well-run no-tax states like Florida. It is said that over the last 8 months or so, there are 1,000 people PER DAY moving to Florida!
We cannot of course predict how all this will eventually play out, but we think that unless the Supreme Court does its job and develops a backbone, the secession scenario is the most likely. Simply because most Americans are fair-minded people and now that the electoral fraud is well exposed and publicised, they will not accept it. 
Consider this: President Trump received a minimum of 75 million votes - more than any other sitting president in history - and he still lost?? He also won the bellwether states of Ohio and Florida. No president who won these states ever lost the main presidential election. This just exposes the Democrat criminal fraud on another level altogether. Something has to happen to bring justice to the American people. Secession is starting to look better and better. 
And do not forget the Electoral Count Act of 1887 referred to in our last week's blog. This will be brought into play on Jan. 6th.
Another wild card - the sleazy Hunter/Joe/Jim Biden allegations of financial impropriety and outright bribery with foreign governments (Ukraine, China, etc.) came to light on one of Hunter's laptops around October. The fake news media immediately shut the story down prior to the election which in itself constituted blatant election interference. The stories are appalling and absolutely reveal the purchase of Joe Biden by foreign governments - particularly China.
Since the November "election", the stories are re-surfacing because they can no longer conceal them, and also because the Democrat endgame is to get rid of Biden and install Kamala Harris as president in his place. The Hunter scandal and likely indictment will assist in advancing their scheme. They would not want to do this until after the phony Jan. 20th. inauguration, when if Biden had  to then resign in disgrace, Harris would automatically assume the presidency. She was the first to drop out of the Democrat Presidential Primaries and she is universally disliked, except by the extreme left, so has absolutely no credentials whatsoever for becoming president. If this happened, it would be the most undemocratic election result in US history and would immediately enable the US's slide into the morass of Venezuelan style Socialism/Communism. 
We believe that such a likely outcome would absolutely ensure that Secession would become a certainty. This is because a Harris presidency is definitely a major part of the Democrat political plan and it demonstrates how close the US is to a form of Civil War. The vast majority of Americans who believe in democratic and fair elections would never stand for the success of the Democrat crooked election scheme which would absolutely result in the destruction of the United States as we have come to know it.
We have never been in the habit of decrying election results if they have been the result of a free and fair election, and whether or not we might have been disappointed by them. But this November presidential election has achieved results in favour of Biden & Co. as a result of Democrat criminal malfeasance in manipulating the results. And the Trump campaign has been denied its legal right to effectively challenge a situation which otherwise will destroy democracy in what still could be the greatest democracy in the world.

Total cases - 1,399,911 - (433,805) - up 966,106 or 222.7%
Deaths - 38,484 - 2.7% - (14.145 - 3.3%) - up 24,339 or 172.1%
Recoveries - 1,296,420 - 92.6% - (250,494 - 57.7%) - up 1,045,926 or 417.6%
Therefore active cases - 65,007 - 4.7% - (169,196 - 39.0%) - down 104,189 or 61.6%. Of the total population of 51,122,861 (50,948,628), the percentage of active cases is 0.127% (0.332%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,272 - (1,367).
Compared to last week active cases are down 7,895 or 10.8%.
Reasonable trends on the face of it, but we note with concern that active cases today (Monday the 14th.) are again almost at 72,000. This represents an almost 11% increase in 4 days. Are any of these figures believable????????????????? 
The following are the headlines for the week. There are a couple on Dec. 7th. worth a read!!
Dec. 7th. Southwest Colombia indigenous leaders threatened after 4 dead in killing spree
Dec. 7th. Colombia's counternarcotics efforts "not a failure": Defense Minister
Dec. 7th. Colombia seeking presidential powers to meddle with elections
Dec. 7th. How 2022 elections could end Colombia's "left right" dilemma once and for all
Dec. 7th. Colombia's police inspector threatened as chief submerged in corruption scandals
Dec. 8th. DEA bungled conspiracy against Colombia's war crimes tribunal: report
Dec. 8th. Colombia considering 20% minimum wage cut for new jobs
Dec. 10th. Colombia's allegedly criminal former chief prosecutor to help fight crime
Dec. 10th. Colombia vows universal access to free COVID vaccines
Dec. 10th. Pandemic leaves Colombia's victims of domestic violence at mercy of their victimisers
Dec. 11th. Colombia's central bank elects IMF executive as new president 
Dec. 11th. FARC reveals details of 1995 assassination of legendary conservative leader
Main news from last week is that our car was finally ready on Friday after a very difficult job. It was only the starter motor but extricating it and then re-installing it was the issue. Fortunately they devised a method which avoided removing the engine and just meant the removal of the exhaust manifold. They did a great job and the car is fine now. We can certainly recommend the expertise and service of Grupo LePont France in Manila. Contact us if you want their contact details. The cost was in our opinion very reasonable, considering all that needed to be done. It was 2.1 million Colombian Pesos - approximately NZD875 or USD618 - and that included the cost of an Audi derived hose and the re-building of the starter motor itself.

Total cases - 28,011 - (23,035) - up 4,976 or 21.6%%
Deaths - 908 - 3.2% - (370 - 1.7%) - up 538 or 145.4%
Recoveries - 25,665 - 91.7% - (13,634 - 59.2%) - up 12,031 or 88.2%
Therefore active cases - 1,438 - 5.1% - (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 7,584 or 84.1%. Of the total population of 25,630,685 (25,536,804), the total percentage of active cases is 0.006% (0.035%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 56 - (56).
Compared to last week active cases are up 26 or 1.8%
Reasonable figures except that active cases are up.
Total cases - 2,092 - (1,714) - up 378 or 22.1%
Deaths - 25 - 1.2% - (22 - 1.4%) - up 3 or 13.6%
Recoveries - 2,010 - 96.1% - (1,531 - 95.6%) - up 479 or 31.3%
Therefore active cases - 57 - 2.7% - (49 - 3.0%) - up 8 or 16.3%. Of the total population of the inaccurate figure of 5,002,100 (5,002,100), the percentage of active cases is 0.001% - (0.001%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 11  - (14).
Compared to last week active cases are down 4 or 6.6%.
No change from last week really. But borders remain tightly closed and then there was the spectacle of the entire crew of a cargo ship having been allowed ashore BY MISTAKE. If the government wishes to maintain strict border closure with all the economic costs involved, then they should at least back that up by having competently executed controls. This was an unacceptable failure.
And to top it all off we read that little old NZ has declared a "climate emergency". What is this, if it isn't a sop to the Globalist World Order? NZ plans for its vehicle fleet to be entirely electric in a relatively few years, but they appear wilfully ignorant of the fact that few people can afford to just scrap their old vehicle and then assume the cost of a new electric vehicle, and also that NZ, like many countries, lacks the electricity generating capacity to charge all these batteries!   
Just another Socialist hare-brained scheme.
And please note that while China may be a signatory to the Paris Climate Accords, they are actually exempt from any obligations to reduce emissions under the Accords. Unlike the US which these onerous provisions were affecting the US economy badly and in what amounted to a targeted attempt to damage the US economy and other western economies.Trump was absolutely correct in withdrawing the United States from this crooked and totally one-sided deal.

Some good news to comment on which we normally do not include - it now looks ever more likely that the UK will leave the EU on WTO terms on December 31st. Couldn't be better news. Let's hope that the British Government doesn't lose its nerve and actually LEAVES in totality. If anyone is to be blamed for this happy state of affairs, it is the EU with their unreasonable and laughable (according to a British Cabinet Minister) last-minute demands. Macron and Merkel appear to be panicking. Fingers crossed; it's only 17 days away now.

Well, that's probably enough from us for another momentous week. Let's hope that as a result of the many on-going but still unresolved legal actions, we will be able to comment on better news for the American election for the coming week.
With all best wishes from us in the City of Eternal Spring and stay well wherever you are........................................
Jim and Jean

Saturday, 5 December 2020

Chinese Virus week no. 16 since 21/08/20 - 112 days as at 04/12/20

Hi to all,
As usual trust that you are all in the pink- and not in the red!! The usual Chinese Virus statistics follow:

MUNDO - World
Total cases - 65,921,383 - (21,168,111) - up 44,753,272 or 211.4%
Deaths - 1,518,657 - 2.3% (759,328 - 3.6%) -  up 759,329 or 100.0%
Recoveries - 45,651,483 - 69.3% -  (13,984,843 - 66.1%) - up 31,666,640 or 226.4%
Therefore active cases - 18,751,243 - 28.4% - (6,425,939 - 30.3%) - up 12,325,304 or 191.8%. Of the total population of 7,829,841,991 (7,804,380,455), the percentage of active cases is 0.239% (0.082%) of the total world population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,395 - (1,437). 
Hopefully the vaccines will make a difference, albeit that we feel the need for a great deal of caution considering the time-line in which they have been produced. Some brighter stats - as percentages of total cases deaths are down, recoveries are up and active cases are down. Otherwise the figures continue to go in the wrong direction.

ESTADOS UNIDOS - United States
Total cases - 14,601,969 - (5,429,115) - up 9,172,854 or 169.0%
Deaths - 283,610 - 1.9% - (170,781 - 3.2%) - up 112,829 or 66.1%
Recoveries - 8,580,911 - 58.8% -  (2,844,535 - 52.4%) - up 5,736,376 or 201.7%
Therefore active cases - 5,737,448 - 39.3% - (2,413,829 - 44.6%) - up 3,323,619 or 137.7%. Of the total population of 331,828,037 (331,236,184), the percentage of active cases is 1.729% (0.729%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 17,290 - (9,043).
Compared to last week the comparative figures are:
Total cases up 1,375,150 or 10.4%
Deaths up 13,918 or 5.2%
Recoveries up 728,496 or 9.3%
Active cases up 592,736 or 11.5%.
Another poor week. Although deaths, recoveries and active cases are all showing better percentages of total cases than 16 weeks ago. Probably the only hopeful sign lies with the vaccines, albeit developed at breakneck speed. All the publicity tells you not to worry about that; it's all perfectly safe. But we have been sent a disturbing article about the vaccines - the main points are as follows: 
* Covid only kills 5 in 10,000 people below 70 years of age - a 0.05% fatality rate and even then usually combined with severe pre-existing health conditions.
* Lockdowns, masks and social distancing do not work and  are being pushed onto populations to fear monger for political reasons - particularly by left wing tyrannical politicians. But business owners in New York and California in particular are standing up to these hypocrites and risking jail and heavy fines. These courageous business owners are also being supported by crowds numbering in the hundreds so far - the level of public anger is palpable and unless these Democrat clowns see sense, there is real potential for some very serious violence.  
* The PCR test was never designed to be a diagnostic tool for diseases. It has a huge false positive rate and even a positive result only shows that a human has had a coronavirus at some previous time, even if it was only a cold. 
* This is probably why "total cases" figures are almost certainly overstated in these Worldometre figures that we are compiling week by week.
* The term "Pandemic" was watered down by the WHO in 2009 so that big Pharma could sell more Tamiflu shots. The world's top medical experts and scientists do not recommend taking this Covid vaccine, not just because it is highly rushed and experimental, but because it's also unnecessary.
* The former VP and Chief Scientific Officer of Pfizer has explained why a Covid vaccine isn't necessary for healthy people and that it will likely be more harmful than Covid for them.
* If you want to protect yourself from Covid and the flu, increase your vitamin D3 levels, take Magnesium to help absorb it, and also maintain good Zinc levels. Check first to see that neither of these conflict with any existing medications.
* As Covid shares parts of its structure with other coronaviruses that most people have had, like the common cold, most people have the ability to develop antibodies and T cell immunity to Covid.
* Don't believe the scaremongering by the so-called mainstream media to push a vaccine on you!!   
Our frustration with the aftermath of the presidential election 32 days ago is that simply by using common sense in listening to all the "irregularities" so far exposed, one would have to be mentally deficient not to realise that in many swing states in particular, substantial and material electoral fraud had taken place. Just by listening to or watching the websites - Newsmax, The Truth, Epoch Times and Judicial Watch among others, you could hardly escape the conclusion that widespread electoral fraud has occurred, sufficient to overturn the results in at least 6 swing states where the Democrat margin is thin enough to be vulnerable to an honest total audit and recount.
The frustration arises from the inability in the time available for the legal teams to undertake adequate and sufficient investigation in the manner in which the FBI should have done. Especially when until very recently, the legal teams have not been supported by the FBI or the Attorney-General. Those dubious characters have only undertaken a very half-hearted investigation since and said that there is no evidence. How they could come up with such a dangerously disingenuous statement in view of everything that at least 50 million Americans are up in arms about, is totally beyond us - except for the obvious explanation that they are all secretly part of the Deep State and appear prepared to even betray their country's democracy for their own nefarious ends. However, within hours the AG recanted that position and said their investigations were on-going. Someone kicked his rear end - hard!! But, following the fraudulent Russia probe from 2015 to 2019, how can you believe a word the DOJ says? The Deep State is very much alive and their tentacles are everywhere.
Actually Trump received at least 74 million votes on election night. This is 10 million more than he received in 2016 and more than Obama's total in 2012 of 68 million. And he still lost?? C'mon man!!! No wonder Biden stayed in his basement; he knew the fix was in. He probably spent his time printing bogus basement ballots!! 😁 
The Democrat refrain is constantly that "there is no evidence". This is manifestly and obviously a blatant lie, and Team Trump must be given the time that they need to legally prove this evidence. If necessary this will mean going to the Supreme Court because it has been obvious that lower courts in many states are totally partisan and corrupt. We have seen videos of hearings and court cases being held including hundreds, if not thousands by now, of sworn affidavits from people (would-be scrutineers) who have witnessed outrageous fraud taking place in all of the swing states. And security CCTV footage of illegal ballots being produced and counted around midnight after the scrutineers were sent home on election night. These were part of the whole secret illegal ballot dump that was produced in many states in the early hours away from any scrutiny to skew the vote to the crooked Dems. We saw it happening.  
We heard an interview with a constitutional law expert yesterday to the effect that the Trump Team only needs to show "just cause" and the burden of proof that there was no fraud actually rests with the various state legislatures. 
And this is not entirely about who is finally elected. It is primarily about electoral integrity, and the fraud of this election needs to be dealt with, followed by the necessary legislation to ensure that this situation can never happen again. However, the other point to be made is that it is another Democrat refrain that this election should go to Biden from the point of view of public order (imagine how the Dems would react if Trump was declared the winner - they'd have a collective meltdown!). But that is not the point. The law must be followed if there is to be any hope that the American Republic can continue past its present 240 years. Disorder can in any case be dealt with by a resolute president by invoking the Insurrection Act.   
We are not there yet, but an obscure law could be Trump's last resort bid to challenge the crooked election results if all legal appeals fail, due to the investigative constraints on the legal teams referred to above.
Congress has to certify the results of the election after the Electoral College casts the official vote for President-elect on December 14th. An 1887 law mandates that Congress must meet on Jan. 6th. to take action. The House and Senate must meet in joint session on that day to certify the results. But if a House member and Senator team together, they are able to object to entire slates of presidential electors on the grounds that the elections in those states are obviously fraudulent - or that there are sufficient grounds for believing that to be the case. And there are multiple legal opportunities for lengthy delays in the certification process since each state's electors must then be certified separately.
If a slate of electors is challenged, the House and Senate must go back to their chambers and debate the outcome before voting.
And if the Senate upholds a challenge to some presidential electors, it would almost certainly put the chamber at odds with the Democrat-run House.
Still, several Republican lawmakers in the House acknowledge that they are considering the option to challenge. In fact right now there is a Republican Congressman from Alabama who is getting ready if necessary to mount such a challenge. He has already been promised far more support than he needs. You can see his interview on today.
Nothing is off the table.
And until the Electoral College actually votes on December 14th., THERE IS NOT a President-elect.  
Rapidly approaching is the Georgia Senatorial run-off election to be held on Jan. 5th. If the 2 extreme left Democrat candidates were to win along with the possibility of Biden in the White House, the Senate would become Democrat controlled and then with the White House and Congress as well, the extreme left would have unfettered control. A commentator has said - "bye bye America". And by extension "bye bye the Free World". It's a knife-edge situation right now as a direct result of Democrat electoral criminal malfeasance.  Already we are seeing the beginnings of the same electoral fraud that plagued the presidential election in the state, despite the fact that legal action is well advanced to challenge the many instances of electoral fraud in the presidential election. This is NOT a normal democratic election. The Democrats will use any means, including criminal means, to achieve victory. 
Make no mistake: the US and the rest of us are in a war situation and what is at stake is the survival of not only the 240 year old Republic of the United States of America, but the Free World.
It's been a real rollercoaster ride since Nov. 4th. when the mainly statistically impossible election results came to light. Since then so many varieties of blatant and substantial electoral fraud have arisen that it makes one head spin. Thankfully after a slow start these are now being taken seriously, albeit shamefully without in the early stages any Dept. of Justice involvement. 
As a result of having seen much of this evidence and parts of the court actions and hearings in front of state legislatures, we feel increasingly confident that the fraud will be legally exposed and where necessary, illegal ballots cancelled.
As a result, President Trump will have the election awarded in his favour. The disputed states carry more than enough Electoral College votes to achieve this outcome. We are quietly confident that this will be the final result. 

Total cases - 1,343,322 - (433,805) - up 909,517 or 209.7%
Deaths - 37,305 - 2.8% - (14,145 - 3.3%) - up 23,160 or 163.7%
Recoveries - 1,233,116 - 91.8% -  (250,494 - 57.7%) - up 982,622 or 392.3%
Therefore active cases - 72,902 - 5.4% - (169,196 - 39.0%) - down 96,294 or 56.9%. Of the total population of 51,112,494 (50,948,628), the percentage of active cases is 0.143% (0.332%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,426 - (1,367).
Compared to last week, in terms of percentages of total cases, deaths are the same, recoveries are down, and active cases are up.
The figures are deteriorating. 
The active cases figures are up and down like a bride's pyjamas over the past few weeks!!16 weeks ago they stood at 169,196, week 4 at 102,910 - down 39.2%, week 5 at 104,823 - up 1.9%, week 7 at 57,472 - down 45.2%, week 8 at 81,190 - up 41.3%, week 9 at 81,694 - up 0.9%, week 10 at 66,922 - down 18.1%, week 11 at 69,308 - up 3.6%, week 12 at 74,602 - up 7.6%, week 13 at 58,830 - down 21.1%, week 14 at 59,934 - up 1.9%, week 15 at 62,715 - up 4.6% and this week 16 at 72,902 - up 16.2%. Can these figures be believable if the pandemic was being aggressively and competently managed? These figures are all over the place. You'd normally expect a constant trend up or down, or at least staying more or less the same. 
Latest headlines from the English language www.
Nov. 29th. Duque claims Colombia's opposition defending FARC dissidents
Nov. 30th. 2 dead, 250 homeless after fire ravages impoverished town in Colombia northwest
Nov. 30th. Colombia's defense minister on crash course with farmers over aerial fumigation
Nov. 30th. Colombia's banks: not evading taxes, but making it irresistible
Dec. 1st. White supremacy in Colombia Part 2: migratory racism
Dec. 1st. Colombia's "music and soccer patronised by drug money"
Dec. 1st. Colombia arrests Senator on bribery charges
Dec. 2nd. Colombia's military denies systematic support to paramilitaries
Dec. 2nd. Colombia set to order first 10 million COVID vaccines: report
Dec. 4th. Colombia's Comptroller-General holds politicians responsible for 1 billion USD dam debacle.
Dec. 4th. How Colombia's failing security is killing FARC members taking part in peace process
Dec 4th. Colombia's Providencia Island: two weeks and some after Iota
Dec. 4th. Colombia's government rejects court order demanding COVID tests from incoming travellers
Still haven't got the car back yet, but the starter motor is now rebuilt and hopefully re-installed. There is a small air hose that was damaged when things were being dismantled and a replacement is unavailable from Mercedes. However, Audi has an identical item so we should be pretty much back together by Tuesday! Fingers crossed. Fancy using an Audi part in a Mercedes. What is the world coming to??
And now a human interest story!! - 
Jim badly stubbed a little toe on our coffee table the other day and the toe and surrounding foot area turned black and blue. Don't think it's broken but it has inhibited the exercise programme. However, much better now 4 days on..............

Total cases - 27,949 - (23,035) - up 4,914 or 21.3%
Deaths - 908 - 3.3% -  (370 - 1.7%) - up 538 or 145.4%
Recoveries - 25,629 - 91.7% - (13,634 - 59.2%) - up 11,995 or 88.0%
Therefore active cases - 1,412 - 5.1% - (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 7,610 or 84.4%. Of the total population of 25,625,028 (25,536,804), the total percentage of active cases is 0.006% (0.035%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 55 - (56).
Things appear to be reasonably under control, although active cases have risen somewhat in the last week. 

Total cases - 2.069 - (1,714) - up 355 or 20.7%
Deaths - 25 - 1.2% - (22 - 1.4%) - up 3 or 13.6%
Recoveries - 1,983 - 95.8% - (1,531 - 95.6%) - up 452 or 29.5%
Therefore active cases - 61 - 3.0% - (49 - 3.0%) - up 12 or 24.5%. Of the total population of the inaccurate figure of 5,002,100 (5,002,100), the percentage of active cases is 0.001% - (0.001%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 12 - (14).
There was a report that airlines are saying that the longer that NZ's borders remain shut, the more costly and time consuming it will be to resume previous flight schedules. This would have the effect of further delaying economic recovery and is just another example of the economic destruction resulting from border closures and lockdowns in general.      
Again, another warning for NZ as regards the CCP of China's Belt and Road Initiative (B&RI) - Malaysia has just expelled 3 major Chinese companies that were to be involved in re-development of a new port at Malacca which occupies a very strategic position on the Straits of Malacca. Via their ownership of such a port, China would control the most strategic waterway in the world. Malacca in colonial times was a major port for the Malayan Peninsula - first in the Portuguese era and then later with the Dutch. Britain used it too, but by then Singapore and Johor in the southern Malayan Peninsula were becoming more important. Since those days Malacca has silted up and become useless without extensive dredging and expansion. Even for yachts with average drafts it is currently inaccessible. We sailed past there in 2014 and would have liked to have gone in, but obviously it wasn't an option. 
This is the type of strategic option that the CCP of China is always seeking out. The B&RI is an evil instrument for eventual CCP world domination. NewZealand - HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!!!!!!!
Finally a comment on Brexit. We have been following the 4 years of negotiations with the EU which have now degenerated into the total farce that they always were. It now looks certain that the UK will walk away from the EU with NO DEAL. YAY!!! The Globalist EU crooks always wanted just to expand their globalist empire which began innocently enough as a free trade deal in 1973 known as the European Economic Community (EEC). But of course it morphed into a political monster taking sovereign rights from its members. And by imposing a common currency (Euro) without political union has always been a flawed policy. Now that Britain has left, there is a certainty that other states which have already voiced extreme dissatisfaction will take steps to leave and the whole corrupt edifice will come crumbling down. Can't happen too soon.
Anyway, there is now an opportunity for NZ to resume free trade with the UK which was largely abandoned 47 years ago. Our trade minister of all those years ago, Jack Marshall, would be dancing with glee.The wheel has turned full circle.  
Well, that's it for another week. Stay well.........................
With lotsaluv from Medellin, the City of Eternal Spring, Colombia 
Jim and Jean
P.S. Explanation of photos:-
1) Los silleteros - these people are flower growers in the hills about 1,000 feet above Medellin. They carried their flowers in large wooden frames on their backs. You can clearly see the frame on the statue. They would carry these loads at night for 1,000 feet down into the city, sell the flowers and then load up with supplies to take back home - e.g. cooking oil. What a life!! Tough people.
2) We visited Jerico with Linda last year and Jean made a friend!! A lovely donkey!!
3) Taken during our stay at the Royal Langkawi Yacht Club on Langkawi Island, northwest Malaysia and only 120 miles south of Phuket and Krabi in Thailand. Many happy times there. We were there in between visits to Thailand and/or NZ (by plane!!) for 3 years.  

Saturday, 28 November 2020

Fwd: Coronavirus week no 15 since 21/08/20 as at 27/11/20 - 105 days plus associated political homilies

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: James Donald <>
Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2020 at 18:33
Subject: Coronavirus week no 15 since 21/08/20 as at 27/11/20 - 105 days plus associated political homilies
To: Alex Donald <>

Hi to all,
As usual hope you are all in the pink - but not in the red!! The following are the usual Chinese Virus statistics:- 

MUNDO - World
Total cases - 61,526,030 - (21,168,111) - up 40,357,919 or 190.7%
Deaths - 1,441,419 - 2.3% -  (759,328 - 3.6%) - up 682,091 or 89.8%
Recoveries - 42,556,973 - 69.2% - (13,984,843 - 66.1%) up 28,572,130 or 204.3%
Therefore active cases - 17,527,638 - 28.5% - (6,425,939 - 30.3%) - up 11,101,699 or 172.8%. Of the total population of 7,828,284,299 (7,804,380,455), the percentage of active cases is 0.224% (0.082%) of the total world population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,239 - (1,437).
The figures are still going in the wrong direction, which is still a concern for overall recovery in the world.

ESTADOS UNIDOS - United States
Total cases - 13,266,819 - (5,429,,115) - up 7,837,704 or 144.4%
Deaths - 269,692 - 2.0% -  (170,781 - 3.2%) - up 98,911 or 57.9%
Recoveries - 7,852,415 - 59.2% -  (2,844,535 - 52.4%) - up 5,007,880 or 176.1%
Therefore active cases - 5,144,712 - 38.8% -  (2,413,829 - 44.6%) - up 2,730,883 or 113.1%. Of the total population of 331,790,984 (331,236,184), the percentage of active cases is 1.551% (0.729%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 15,506 - (9,043).
The figures are not improving. Maybe the vaccine(s) will help, but we're not holding our breath - mainly because the approval period is far too short and there could well be so far unknown adverse health effects which develop over time - even a relatively short time.. 
Compared to last week the figures are:
Total cases up 1,027,943 or 8.4%
Deaths up 9,746 or 3.8%
Recoveries up 560,698 or 7.7%
Active cases up 457,499 or 9.8%
However, we must also comment on lockdowns and masks. It's now been shown time and again that lockdowns do not stop the C Virus spread, except that places like theatres and anywhere where there is potential for large groups to gather, should maintain effective crowd control and adequate distancing. Then it's a question of whether the various establishments can be financially viable with these restrictions.
As regards masks, we think that there is a case for them indoors wherever larger groups are present, but that any insistence on wearing them outside, or in vehicles, except for public transport, is just nonsense. Here we see people jogging, riding pushbikes or driving their own cars, wearing them and it's ridiculous and prejudicial to good health in the long run.
Then you have various states in the US with their own various rules, which in the case of Democrat controlled states, are usually the most draconian and ludicrous, and we strongly suspect are designed to cow and control an already frightened population. It of course suits the extreme left's plans for further control and can be seen as a "softening-up" process. For example, 25 people at a gathering have to wear masks, but 18 don't!!  To which planet do these people belong? Wherever it is, they should return toute de suite (imediatemente)!!  
Finally some words about the election on which we have already commented in detail in the past. We still do not accept that Trump has lost. With the plethora of lawsuits being raised by the Trump Team lawyers and with credible figures involving many instances of blatant electoral fraud (many of which are headed for the Supreme Court, after being thrown out by lower Democrat controlled and crooked judges), anything could happen. In fact a judge in Pennsylvania who ordered the crooked Secretary of State for Pennsylvania to stop any vote confirmation process, has said that in her opinion Trump will win the state after an initial Biden "majority" of 80,000. When you add in Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada, all with the same issues,Trump looks a certainty. And of course if these fraudulent situations are finally confirmed by the Supreme Court - or even some of them - then for democracy's sake alone, Trump should be confirmed.
The problem though is that the Trump Team is running out of time as the Electoral College sits on Dec. 20th. We don't know, and we suspect no-one knows as this is unprecedented, whether the Supreme Court would have the constitutional ability to order variation to these dates, but such is the blatant and massive scale of fraud that certainly appears to have occurred, the greatest democracy in the world would become at least a very sad laughing stock if they allowed such a situation to be ratified without absolute legal proof one way or the other. Regardless of how much time it takes.
For further reliable details you could check out the Epoch Times and Newsmax websites. Even Fox News is worth a look, but Fox News has disgracefully already declared Biden as the President-elect, which along with CNN et al, they have no legal right to do. In fact the Electoral College is the ONLY body with the legal authority to declare a President-elect, and this has NOT occurred.
There have been increasing naval skirmishes in disputed waters where the latest is that the Royal Malaysian Navy opened fire on a Chinese Coastguard vessel. This is one of many such actions involving Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Brunei in very recent times. In addition there is also extensive naval presence in these waters by the US, Australia and the UK. 
And China is threatening the members of the 5 Eyes Intelligence countries of NZ, Australia, the US, Canada and the UK with "eye gouging" if they continue to criticise the Uighur genocide in Xinjiang and removal of all democratic rights in Hong Kong. In Chinese culture this constitutes a serious threat. We would not like to be NZ nationals in Communist China right now.
On top of that China is in serious financial trouble with several very major companies defaulting on their debt obligations in recent days. And there are again serious floods in the Yangtze Valley with the 3 Gorges Dam again under major threat with the risk of over-topping the dam itself. That means that the water depth on the upside of the dam is at least 175 metres, way above its safe operating limit. Many experts are saying that it is only a matter of time before this dam (2.3 kms across the river) collapses. If a massive failure such as this were to occur, 400 million Chinese living and working downstream would be at serious risk. This also includes the city of Shanghai.
So, God knows what to make of all this. All we can be sure of is that if Biden were to be elected President, the results could be catastrophic for SE Asia, Australia and NZ and for the US itself. IT MUST NOT HAPPEN; TRUMP MUST WIN.  
Total cases - 1,280,487 - (433,805) - up 846,682 or 195.2%
Deaths - 36,019 - 2.8% (14,145 - 3.3%) - up 21,874  or 154.6%
Recoveries - 1,181,753 - 92.3% (250,494 - 57.7%) - up 931,259 or 371.8%
Therefore active cases - 62,715 - 4.9% (169,196 - 39.0%) - down 106,481 or 62.9%. Of the total population of 51,102,128 (50,948,628), the percentage of active cases is 0.123%  (0.332%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,227 - (1,367)
The figures really just indicate that the country is holding its own at the moment. Perhaps that is all that we can expect, given the world figures. And apparently there is a possibility that Colombia could reinstate its insistence on travellers to Colombia needing approved C Virus negative tests before they can board any Colombia bound flights. 
Latest headlines from the English language Colombia Reports -
Nov. 22nd. Colombia apparently neglecting primary Coronavirus policy
Nov. 22nd. At least 5 killed in southwest Colombia massacre
Nov. 22nd. Paramilitaries shut down home turf in northern Colombia
Nov. 23rd. Colombia shocked by two massacres on one day as Duque goes mute
Nov. 23rd. Colombia's ruling party hoping Uribe's son can prevent downfall?
Nov. 24th. Colombia massacred 24 inmates during Coronavirus prison riot
Nov. 25th. Duque "not afraid of the truth" about Colombia's armed conflict; maybe he should be?
Nov. 25th. Colombia blaming peace deal for government failures
Nov. 25th. Mismanagement leaves Colombia's Hurricane Iota victims without drinking water for a week
Nov. 25th. Colombia's war crimes tribunal grills government over FARC killings
Nov. 26th. The tragedy of Hassan Nassar, Colombia's propaganda chief
Nov.26th. Uribe probe raises suspicion Colombia's banks sponsored terrorism.
Nov. 27th. Sergio Arboleda University: educating Colombia's mafia
Nov. 27th. Colombia's former chief prosecutor facing "high treason" charge
Nov. 27th. How Colombia's top corporate lawyer became a "threat to national security"
This latter headline is mind-blowing. 
We have been aware that we should do something about up-grading our medical insurance. This has been mainly driven by our frustrating experiences with the Sura EPS bureaucracy and huge delays in seeing a doctor or specialist. To be fair though, the C Virus hasn't helped with this. Anyway, we had a marathon 3 hour meeting with an insurance broker who had been recommended to us by our friend, Clara. He is in fact one of Clara's nephews. He spoke excellent English and is an accomplished sailor, so that wasted some time discussing this most important topic!! He wants to do some ocean passages, so we gave him some advice about that. An upgrade to our existing (compulsory) cover would cost us an extra COP 533,709 (approx. NZD 214) per month, so it's certainly doable. And it gives us quick access to many doctors, internalists and specialists. And the option of a private room in the event of hospitalisation. We had tended to devalue the importance of all this, but Clara spoke to us sternly and we now agree!
And reasonably good news about the car. They finally worked out how to remove the starter motor without taking the engine off its mounts - only needing to remove the exhaust manifold. Apparently the internal condition of the starter motor was "very bad" so it needed to be done, but it's unbelievable that Mercedes used such a poor quality item - probably Chinese - and compounded the issue by making it very difficult to remove. They are definitely not like Jim's 1st Mercedes - a 1963 220S bought in 1978 and kept for 10 years. As strong as the proverbial brick outhouse and front seats like armchairs. But like most things, things today are definitely not what they were.
We are soldiering on and going (by taxi!) to the Mercado Campesino Sunday (tomorrow) morning. Always a pleasant experience, especially talking to our friend, Natalia, who makes hand-made Pesto and Tahini. A bit expensive but definitely worth it. And the guy who has gelatina which we take for our knees (rodellas). Getting old is not for the faint-hearted!!.
Total cases - 27,873 - (23,035) - up 4,838 or 21.0%
Deaths - 907 - 3.3% (370 - 1.7%) - up 537 or 145.1%
Recoveries - 25,570 - 91.7% - (13,634 - 59.2%) - up 11,936 or 87.6%
Therefore active cases - 1,396 - 5.0% - (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 7,626 or 84.5%. Of the total population of 25,619,372 (25,536,804), the percentage of active cases is 0.0054% (0.04%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 55 (56).
Getting better, but like NZ, Australia at some point has to rejoin this C Virus world. The longer that borders remain locked, the worse the economic situation will become. And we were not very pleased to read that the Qantas CEO has said that there will be no international travel unless passengers can prove C Virus vaccination. This will rule us out, unless and until we can be convinced that these vaccines are safe and do not contain animal DNA and apparently an ingredient that is detected by scanners, such as at airports. Time will tell.

Total cases - 2,047 - (1,714) - up 333 or 19.4%
Deaths - 25 - 1.2% - (22 - 1.4%) - up 3 or 13.6%
Recoveries - 1,956 - 95.6% -  (1,531 - 95.6%) - up 425 or 27.8%
Therefore active cases - 66 - 3.2% - (49 - 3.0%) - up 17 or 34.7%. Of the total population of 5,002,100 (5,002,100), the percentage of active cases is 0.0013% - (0.001%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of population 13 - (14). 
Some increase in cases, but they appear to be all related to the Pakistani Cricket Team, who have been behaving badly in quarantine and openly defying and criticising NZ in the most arrogant terms. Although we are in favour of relaxing border restrictions, such as for law-abiding cruising yachts looking for a cyclone haven, we think that in the case of the Pakistanis they should all be sent home and told to toe the line in future. 
Finally an amusing little tale - 
There's a comedy/historical skit that keeps playing on Fox News and we thought you might be interested - 
A young lady is interviewing the owner of an authentic ex-speakeasy in New York City. Prohibition lasted in America from 1920-1933. 13 years!  The owner explains to her how a medical prescription was one of only 2 legal ways to get alcohol and he recounts the story of a lady who got a bottle of bourbon for pregnancy!!
The young lady interviewer responds with a classic New York accent saying - "a nice big healthy gallon o' gin"!! Of course large doses of alcohol were sometimes used to try and induce abortions. Horrible things that in their ignorance people did to each other. 

Well, that's it again for another week......................stay well
Lotsaluv from us in Medellin - the City of Eternal Spring - although right now somewhat cold, and we've had some thunder and lightning this afternoon,
Jim and Jean