Monday, 7 March 2022

Fwd: Ignore the False Prophet

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From: Neil O'Hara <>
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2022 at 16:35
Subject: Fwd: Ignore the False Prophet
To: James Donald <>
Please read the attached and take a moment to reflect on all the lies that have been spread by individuals and governments hellbent on maintaining control of your lives for as long as they could maintain the fear. It is oriented towards NZ, but has just as much relevance world-wide.
We are now clear of the Chinese Virus so let's forget all the opprobrium some of us have heaped on each other and try to get back to what was once a normal life.
This is a watershed moment....................
Cheers and lotsaluv from us in El Retiro, Colombia
Jim and Jean


Ignore the False Prophet

by Guest Post 7 March, 2022 9:30 am

DJ Omicron. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.

Wake up, friends. It's over. The government has thrived on fear for far too long. Whatever it was before, covid is now just a flu, and for most people not a particularly bad one. We're all beginning to see that.

Lewis Andrew

Here at The Sojournal, we like to berate the mainstream media of New Zealand. It is bereft of critical thinking and investigative journalism. In our covid age as we have marched towards ever more authoritarian government, our mainstream media has cheered the Beast on like the false prophet of Revelation.

Our mainstream media is a massive part of the problem. They have used fear to stoke readership. Rather than report the facts and ask hard questions, they have joined the government in its programme of control by fear. Take a look at this headline from The New Zealand Herald from Friday 4th March.

What will the naive nanas and state worshippers take from this? What is their god's mouthpiece, the mainstream media prophesying today? The prophet is reminding the State's people that the enemy is covid and it has taken another five lives. The lead goes on to say this.

There are 22,535 new Covid-19 cases today and a further five deaths have been reported. That brings to 67 the number of people who have died with Covid since the outbreak started in 2020. Three per cent of New Zealand's population are currently active cases, of which there are 152,358.

Astute readers will at this point have noticed the clause 'who have died with Covid'. Many, in their religious fervour and devotion to the all-powerful state and its message, will not even notice. How many devotees will stop at this point in the article and shake their heads at the terrible blood price covid has made us pay, thank their merciful god for its swift action to save them after the sacrifice of their unvaccinated friends and colleagues was deemed acceptable and move on to see what Kim Kardashian is up to?

67 New Zealanders lost to this ridiculously dangerous disease over 2 years! Shocking. Just as well we ruined our country and almost destroyed its social fabric to protect ourselves against such grim statistics.

Those who read on will find out the details of these five deaths.

So of the five deaths, how many died of covid? If I am reading this correctly, it seems that none of them did. Which begs the question. How many people out of our 67 'covid' deaths have actually died of covid?

Spare me the breathless 'over 20,000 cases today' or 'over 150,000 active cases'. Who cares? If nobody is dying of covid, then why the blazes are we punishing people who haven't been vaccinated? Why? We used to be able to deal with 500 flu deaths in a year without shutting out unvaccinated people from society and taking their livelihoods away from them. So what's changed?

But it gets worse. We are constantly berated and badgered into getting our booster, supposedly our best protection against omicron. The Ministry of Education, that hapless group of bureaucrats that preside over New Zealand's ever-increasing spiral into illiteracy and innumeracy in education sent an email to school leaders a week or so back. It read as follows.

In Phase 3, only household contacts of confirmed cases are required to self-isolate. The isolation period will be 10 days. All other contacts of COVID-positive people are not required to isolate, but they will need to monitor for symptoms. Rapid antigen tests will become the primary testing method. 

This is a decision that has been made based on public health advice.

Really? A decision based on public health advice? Or is it that the country can't afford to have everybody in isolation at the same time? Public health advice seems to be a shorthand for political convenience.

What about this gem from the same source. "The high vaccination rate across the country will do its job in protecting us from transmission during the next surge of cases. If you haven't already, I encourage you to get your booster." Yeah. About that.

And we wonder why the kids are getting a second rate education and we have a shortage of critical thinking skills. The rot starts at the head.

The vaccine has failed, certainly against omicron. Masks are a waste of time because despite high compliance from New Zealanders, our case numbers are skyrocketing. They are just amulets or talismans for the secularist.

Thankfully, just as our thought leaders have been wrong about the vaccine, wrong about mandates, wrong about the need for vaccine passes and wrong about masks, they have also been wrong about how many people are going to die from this thing. And of course, there will be the typical excuses, "It would have been much worse had we not acted." Sure. Because all your other predictions have been so bang on, we should believe you about this.

Wake up, friends. It's over. The government has thrived on fear for far too long. Whatever it was before, covid is now just a flu, and for most people not a particularly bad one. We're all beginning to see that.

The unvaccinated people I know who have had this omicron version say it's nothing. So stop listening to the prophets of doom in the mainstream media. They are selling doom to make money off you.

Refuse to listen to their lies. Take a break from these sources. Demand answers. Demand truth. Stop complying. Take off your mask and demand your freedoms back. Now


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