Friday, 12 November 2021

COMMAND, COERCE AND CONTROL. The sinister forces at work to destroy the world, and the role that the Chinese Virus together with forced medications ("vaccinations"), are playing.

Hi again to all,
We'll begin by saying that we hope everyone is as well as can be expected, given the horrendous events we see daily playing out before our eyes. This blog is by way of a treatise to give voice to all that we are seeing and hearing all over the world. And please be assured that as always, our political views, while slightly right of centre, are always on the side of fairness and kindness. Unfortunately we are seeing less and less of these two commodities day by day. This is especially true where people on the left are concerned. These people are usually, at least to some extent narcissistic, and are the ones who wish to keep control of other people's lives, come what may. And as soon as you question their views, they inevitably counter by saying "I don't want to hear any of that - don't contact me again". Of course this means that they have no good arguments and cannot counter a reasoned, sensible and commonsense approach - really to anything in life at all.
And worst of all - families are being driven apart and former friends no longer speak to one another.This is all part of the Socialist game plan.
First though, we'll make an attempt to  give you some idea of Chinese Virus life in Colombia at the moment. According to Worldometers figures, Colombia's "active cases" are hovering between 28,000 and just over 30,000. If you took the average of 29,000 and expressed that as a percentage of the total population of 51.6 million - that is 0.0562% of the total population. And of course that total "active case" figure covers anyone who might have tested positive in one of these notoriously unreliable PCR tests. The actual number of people seriously ill is way less than that. If you applied that percentage to the population of NZ, the "active case" figure would be 2,812. It is now at 3,091 (0.0618% of total population). NZ is over 70% double jabbed and still  partially locked down with cases increasing markedly, whereas in Colombia it's about one third of the population - approx. 17 million jabbed and case numbers stable. And Colombia has no restrictions of any kind and is wide open to the world - no testing or "vaccination" certificate nonsense required (however, see below for latest news!). So, in spite of all the economically devastating lockdowns, NZ has now exceeded Colombia's level of infection at 0.0618% of total population. This is an excellent illustration of the absolutely failed policy of Virus elimination in NZ, and with all the consequent economic and human damage, the Ardern government should at the very least resign en masse and be prosecuted for wilful dereliction of duty. The country MUST be completely opened and various prophylactic drugs, already widely canvassed, made readily and cheaply available, as is the case in Colombia. NZ could take a leaf out of Colombia's book. Who could disagree with that??!! Notwithstanding the fact that in the past few days some Colombian nationals were arrested in NZ in connection with drug smuggling allegations. These people are not truly representative of Colombians generally - certainly not the lovely people we have met.
However, a few days ago Colombia has also started going mad when the Colombian President Duque, issued an announcement from Europe that from November 16th. "vaccine" certificates will be required for entry into almost all public spaces. With the exception of food shopping, if you can believe such nonsense with Colombia's figures stable at 28,000 which is 83% less than they were at the start of this year. With a presidential election coming up in 7 months, this will be electoral suicide. Then we'll probably have a Socialist government! It's probably just for show to impress all these woke climate change fanatical idiots in Glasgow and won't last 5 seconds back here. However, now with just approx. 4 days to go, there has not been another squeak out of anyone. It seems that they just get carried away with the moment and it all dies a natural death! We'll see.
Mandatory "vaccination" is one of the most vile, pernicious policies we have ever seen perpetrated on vulnerable people - people who are straight-out blackmailed in the most vicious way as they are being threatened with deprivation of the means to earn a living - often in occupations where they have devoted years of study and selfless service. The only way to combat this is to have mass walk-outs - airlines, healthcare, transport (Cook Strait ferries) first responders - the list goes on. Already there are these confrontations happening in countries with more spine than NZ. In the US for example 27 states are suing the Federal Government over the issue and at least 2 airlines have faced crippling shutdowns. And it's only starting. AND AMERICANS MOSTLY HAVE GUNS!! 
And on Laura Ingraham tonight there was a panel of epidemiologists including Dr. Harvey Risch who we have referred to elsewhere in this blog. There is now general agreement that the "vaccines", while they may be mildly effective in reducing the severity of the Chinese Virus if you are unfortunate enough to catch it, they DO NOT prevent transmission!!!!! So, this blows the BS about mandatory "vaccinations" right out of the water. Believe us, there is so much adverse information surfacing now that the "vaccinations" will face widespread opposition, if not already. And another little tidbit - the interval between "boosters" was stated as being about 9 months. Now these same experts are saying that 6 months is recommended between shots - maybe as little time as 4 months. What the hell would these constant shots do to the average immune system. Having had the initial shots for whatever reason is bad enough, but if anyone went along with these "boosters", they would need their heads read. The prophylactics which have been around for years are the answer and for governments in NZ, Australia and the US, and other countries, to ban them is literally criminal. Who is paying who, because you can guarantee that money is behind all this appalling coercive behaviour.    
America is at last mobilising against the Marxists. And now the Biden cabal is even contemplating shutting down another pipeline from Alberta to Michigan - just at the start of the winter which will cause home heating bills to soar even more, probably by more than 50%. If there was any further proof needed that Biden & Co. were hellbent on destroying the 240 year old republic of the United States, this has to be it. Don't worry about the soft and incompetent lines on China and Afghanistan, the collapsed southern border, runaway inflation, the Keystone pipeline cancellation, the green light to Russia for their petroleum pipeline into western Europe, climate and all the other CRAP. It will take a new administration headed by someone with the Iron Lady's (Maggie Thatcher for those of you who don't remember any history) Will, and many years to undo all the damage that has been unleashed by the fraudulent crooks in the White House in just 9 months, but it can and must be done for all our sakes.
There are other ways to combat the Chinese Virus but these avenues in New Zealand are deliberately and wilfully withheld from the population. In fact the whole country is being blackmailed by outright fear of dying if they don't get the jab. If you read all there is to say on the subject, keeping in mind what is credible and what is not, you'd be like us and not touch it with a barge-pole, and especially this horrible move afoot now to "vaccinate" very young children. This age group doesn't even get the Chinese Virus; they are no threat to anyone. It's the worst form of child abuse, and children ARE DYING with these pernicious pricks.
But the essential difference, as we've said ad infinitum, between Colombia's situation and NZ's is that in Colombia there is a range of prophylactic drugs, such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine available over the counter at very reasonable prices, and full supplies of vitamins also known to suppress the Chinese Virus. But in NZ there appears to be no alternative to the very risky jab, because these prophylactics are only available on prescription and no doctor is going to risk his/her practising certificate by prescribing any of them!! And now we read that both Pfizer and Merck have developed anti-viral drugs which gives them the chance to generate even more profits! People will now clamour to get them because it's been well shown that the jabs have an efficacy time limit of 6 months at best, and at the same time doing God knows what long-term damage. Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are also effective in this anti-viral area, but at far less cost, and because they are both long out of patent protection, there is no money to be made!! So the drug companies won't touch them, but they bribe the FDA to ban them!! It should be noted that Ivermectin, which was also initially developed and made by Merck, was deployed as a very successful anti-parasitic in humans 30 years ago and has been given to humans 3.7 billion times during that time. The 2 inventors, one of whom was Dr. Peter McCullough, were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology in 2015. Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine have both since been observed as having anti-viral properties as well and, until they were banned by the FDA in the US, they were 100% effective as early treatments for the Chinese Virus.
So, of course people in NZ are fearful, and this fear has been skillfully sown within the population by outright outrageous propaganda and restrictions on obtaining any other means of treating the Virus. This is nothing short of wilful potential genocide, because until the FDA also banned these drugs in the US, they had been used to treat the Virus in its early stages with 100% effectiveness.
For us, we take 14 x 3mg capsules of Ivermectin every month spread over 3 days as a preventative. We certainly will NEVER in a million years allow anything as pernicious as any of these so-called "vaccines" to be injected into us against our will. In addition every day we also take zinc and vitamins D3 and C.
In the state of Uttar Pradesh in India with a population of 240 million, they had one of the highest rates of Chinese Virus infection in the world. Then it was decided to use a range of drugs, including as the main one, Ivermectin, and as a result they have managed to reduce the Chinese Virus infection rate in the state to ZERO. If a person tested positive for the Chinese Virus, they were given these prophylactic drugs and everyone in the same household received them too. This has been proved to have produced an outstandingly effective result. This should be a lesson for New Zealand and Australia, but for their own reasons they have effectively banned the use of these drugs. One can only speculate, but it seems to us that it is all part of a vicious Socialist agenda to control their populations. New Zealand and Australia have only one humanitarian course of action open to them, as elimination has been proved in the end to be an ineffective strategy, and that has been implemented with draconian and brutal tactics. The new strategy must be to open up these countries and make the prophylactic drugs widely and cheaply available. The propaganda that has been sown concerning them will be difficult to reverse, and will be politically very damaging, but reversed it must be. 
For one's own self education, when you are looking at something as potentially harmful as the Chinese Virus "vaccines", you owe it to yourself and your families to engage in as much research as you can access. You could do worse than listen to Dr. Peter McCullough  who is a renowned cardiologist who has successfully treated Chinese Virus patients with Hydroxychloroquine - until it was banned. He has worked in collaboration with Dr. Harvey Risch who is a renowned professor of Public Health at Yale University. Dr. Risch appears regularly on Fox News with Laura Ingraham. We cannot recount everything he has said here, but if you listened to his exposure of the lies and hypocrisy surrounding the hysterical and ferocious calls to "get the jab", you wouldn't go near it, under any circumstances. And Dr. Robert Malone who INVENTED the mRNA "VACCINE" is horrified by the speed at which the "vaccines" have been forcibly made available to the public.  All previous vaccines have been properly evaluated through proper clinical trials over several years, but this has not happened with these "vaccines". THEY ARE UNTESTED - as is incontrovertibly shown by the lies and flip-flops and unexpected consequences now showing up.
Already thousands of "vaccine" recipients have died and untold numbers have suffered life-long side effects world-wide. These numbers have all been repeated in NZ too, although that information is not generally disseminated publicly or honestly, for obvious reasons. This includes a wonderful 37 yr old NZ'er, who was pursuing a career involving airport design, filled with promise in Denmark. The other day he stepped off a flight from Reykjavik, Iceland at Copenhagen Airport and dropped dead. It turns out that he had a blood clot which killed him - no doubt as a result of having been at altitude. The story did not say whether he had been jabbed or not, but it's probably safe to assume that he was, as Denmark has been pursuing an aggressive approach to the Chinese Virus "vaccines" - much as NZ has. Denmark is a little ahead of NZ in its "vaccination" progress and is now experiencing a surge in infections and hospitalisations. This is because the "vaccines" have only a limited efficacy timeline and in fact the worst is that they destroy whatever natural immunity a person may have. 
So, our hearts bleed for our country -  NZ. The country has been instilled with irrational fear and sold down the river of pharmaceutical profit to promote the "vaccines". This has been done in the full knowledge of life-long harm and even death of "vaccine" recipients, and therefore constitutes the worst example of governmental wilful murderous lying that we have ever seen. We certainly never thought we would see such contemptible behaviour in our country. On the one hand UNTESTED "vaccines" are being forced on the population (and NZ is within sight of that spurious aim of 90% "vaccination"), and on the other hand access to drugs proved to be effective in treating the Chinese Virus is being denied. It should be noted here that Pfizer is currently being investigated for falsifying data and results in assessing the risk factors for pregnant women. It again makes for horrifying reading. We won't go into the details; if you're interested enough you can no doubt find it. 
So, while we are all fighting each other to a standstill over the "vaccine', China is not so quietly preparing for war. Great isn't it?
The following is one of the best letters we have read addressing the Prime Minister on behalf of all New Zealanders forwarded by Elizabeth Anderson-Smith - 
"It is clear have underestimated Kiwis, Jacinda.
We are proud of our beautiful country. Of all the nations who fought, we suffered the highest casualties per capita in the First World War. 18,000 young Kiwi men died in the fight to keep our freedoms in those terrible 4 years. 18,000. An awful number. And boy, are we truly grateful this country is still ours. That's right..........OURS.
There is nothing quite like a common enemy to band people together, and you, my dear, have shown your true colours. Just "who" do you think you are, young lady?
You regard the people of New Zealand as ignorant fools. Big mistake. 
This country is made up of strong-minded, independent, free-thinking, hardworking individuals and by no means will we allow ANY appointed leader to smother our freedoms here.
Brown skinned, white skinned, vaccinated, unvaccinated, town, country, young and blood.
We stand against you.
We can gather around the Beehive, in the hundreds of thousands. Our good Tradies and Farmers will use angle grinders to cut doors through the walls if we have to. That building is also OURS. The Beehive belongs to us, the People.
We can walk inside, and gently pick you all up and pop you on the pavement outside. This will be the reward for your on-going pride.
Prime Minister, I advise you of your own accord.......step aside.
You are a whole year too late with the scare tactics. We have had 12 months to observe what the other countries have done. The UK has a population of over 67 million, with a land mass similar to us here in NZ. They are bored with Covid now, and back to their normal daily lives. No restrictions, no passports, no lockdowns.
We WILL have our country back. There are millions of us who are sure of that. Kiwis are made of tough stuff.
Before you indulge in the imaginings of trying to disassemble such an assembly outside Parliament, by use of the Covid Response Act, by attempting to give orders to our Police and our own Army......
It will do you good to remember.......they are US too.
Our Fathers, our Brothers, our Sisters, our Daughters, our Mothers, our Aunties, our Uncle's Goldfish's best friend. It doesn't matter how many degrees of separation....
They are Ours too. Kiwis. Who also love their home, who want a fair future for their children and grandchildren.
It doesn't matter who we end up putting in charge, or how much they have to learn. The simple fact of the matter is, No One and Nothing could ruin this country at the current rate you are.
9,400 businesses collapsed in this country in the last month alone. Poverty, homelessness, depression and suicide have never been worse.
You have stolen our water assets (and so our water), only to prepare them for sale for international investors. You have driven a wedge through the very fabric of our families.
We have had enough.
In choosing a new leader, the first thing we will insist upon is someone with a deep sense of "service" to the wishes and needs of the New Zealand people.
Secondly a true patriot with no global ambition.
These qualities are the double doors back to Sanity and Freedom.
We don't have to be the world's best, or the world's fastest, or world leaders in anything actually. We Kiwis just want to live, and work, travel, and raise our families as we choose, within the realm of the Common Law that has served us so well for so many years.
This is our Island Home. Come hell or high water, we will be free.
See you outside Parliament next Tuesday.
Johanna Herbert"
This letter was written before the wonderful protest a few days ago with thousands of people marching on the Beehive in Wellington. We have seen footage of the many thousands marching and that footage had to come from Australia as it's obviously suppressed in NZ! Shame on NZ. Some of the letter isn't quite in our style, but generally we applaud the sentiments, and in particular that Kiwis are at last beginning to show some resolve against tyranny for tyranny's sake.
This horrible "vaccination" subject is all consuming these days but there is one bright bit of news to look forward to. We have finally sold the apartment after 3 buyers dropping out along the way. Our new buyer is a retired judge and his lawyer wife. We are sure that they will enjoy the apartment and living in Envigado on the southern border with Medellin as we have.
We are now free to buy the property in Retiro and our lawyer is drawing up the offer document. It all has to be concluded before we flit off to Cartagena next week to meet Perry and his family for a week. Then we have just 2 days after returning on the 27th. to vacate the apartment, so it's all very tight. But Jean is an expert organiser of logistics and we should be fine. We will then collapse for a week as we settle into our new abode. It's a 2 story terrace house of about 150 sq. metres. 50% bigger than the apartment and 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms plus a "social" bathroom downstairs. 1 of the 4 bedrooms  and a full bathroom are also downstairs. It has a substantial carport between "our" house and the house next door. It will probably take us the best part of a year to get it exactly as we want it, but visitors are always welcome at whatever stage we are at.
The next blog sometime next month will detail all the travails of the Colombian real estate system which really tests the patience, but there is only one secret and that's to have patience! And the banking system - that's something else when dealing with real estate!! 
With lots of love from us in the City of Eternal Spring as always......................
Jim and Jean

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