Hi to all,
We have just been listening to Dr. John Campbell on Youtube. He is an English doctor who gives regular, almost daily updates on the Chinese Virus - infection rates, vaccination rates, and statistics from other countries. Usually his addresses are well worth listening to. It has to be said that he is pro-vaccine, but one has the impression that as more evidence mounts in favour of prophylactics generally, and Ivermectin in particular, he is becoming a more enthusiastic supporter of Ivermectin in the prevention and treatment of the Chinese Virus.
He interviewed Dr. Tess Lawrie who is a medical researcher and a Consultant to the WHO. You can read about her on her website.The first interview which is over an hour long and very technical, we haven't listened to yet, but then he gives a 20 minute precis of that interview quoting very impressive statistics for reduction in infection and death rates among patients who are taking Ivermectin.
These interviews were conducted back in March this year but have been re-deployed on Youtube again now. It seems to us that the favourable evidence for Ivermectin which has been prescribed to humans for all sorts of ailments for many decades (it is NOT horse drench!!!!!), is becoming overwhelming and fully supports our decision to take it on a monthly preventative basis.
It is widely available (and cheap) in the whole of S America and one only has to look at the reduction in infection rates in many countries, including Colombia, to conclude that something must be working. Life in Colombia is totally back to normal, except for some desultory mask wearing! Everything is totally open and working, including the border. No tests or quarantine required.
We are aware that Ivermectin is banned in the USA and Australia and only available in NZ on prescription and at great cost. To us, to ban a harmless drug must be the result of pressure from Big Pharma and for governments to be complicit in this action, amounts to no less than potential genocide. THERE IS NOTHING TO LOSE by allowing it to be sold freely to populations everywhere. In India it is prescribed and has had enormous success - especially in Uttar Pradesh which is a state of over 240 million people. Currently the number of infections there is under 200.
These individuals, Drs. Tess Lawrie and John Campbell and the efficacy of Ivermectin can all be researched on the internet and we urge you to watch the Youtube items in particular. The statistics are very impressive and it is deeply disturbing that governments should be using all means at their disposal to prevent public access to information (which they derisively label "misinformation"). They are even threatening loss of medical registration for doctors who may speak out in favour of these alternative treatments.
Please find and listen to these Youtube interviews.
We hope that everyone is well
With lotsaluv from us in the City of Eternal Spring................
Jim and Jean
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