Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Fwd: God speaks – part III

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: James Donald <tiare.taporo3@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2021 at 12:54
Subject: Re: God speaks – part III
To: Bill Bonner Feedback <reply-fe8a1170766c027a7d-37250_HTML-258617286-7309378-7003@exct.bonnerandpartners.com>
This is our reply to Bill Bonner's account of the 3rd. day of the imaginery trial of God, where He is accused of "planning a world of planned obsolescence". Very thought-provoking and it will be also fascinating to see what happens on Day 4. You can look up Bill Bonner's newsletters which come out daily.
Hope that you enjoy.
J & J, Medellin, Colombia

Fascinating account of an imaginary trial of God. We just want to say that in your comments about recent presidents we do not agree with your comments about Donald Trump.
Trump was elected in 2016 to clean up the corruption and dishonesty rife in America today. He made a good start, but was derailed by the high level of cheating that the Democrats indulged themselves in as regards the 2020 Presidential Election, and before. Trump garnered the highest total of votes of any sitting president - EVER - and still "lost"?? Chicanery and trickery at the highest level and by itself entirely capable of bringing down the greatest nation on earth - and you can tell God all that!
The level of harm that the Democrat Party is bringing onto America is truly frightening - especially as it is all part of a great plan and is entirely DELIBERATE. This series of "disasters" has all been planned for years and constitutes the "attack from within" (as enunciated by Abraham Lincoln), which truly will collapse the greatest nation on earth.  
We can only hope that the Conservatives (minus RINOS) can retake both houses of Congress in 2022 and the Presidency in 2024, given that the widespread electoral fraud, so pervasive, can be largely cleaned up in time. We also must hope that even if it is cleaned up, it is not too late - given the determined efforts of America's external enemies to attack her in any way possible. 
Perhaps God needs to intervene on the side of goodness in order to prevent the potential total destruction of the civilisations He created. Surely He would not want to see 200,000 years of effort go down the drain.
Jim Donald and Jean Tallentire (NZ citizens resident in Medellin, Colombia). 

On Tue, 26 Oct 2021 at 11:31, Bill Bonner <feedback@exct.rogueeconomics.com> wrote:
Bill Bonner's Diary

God Speaks – Part III

By Bill Bonner

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Bill Bonner

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND – It's the most important trial ever held: Man vs. God. And we're now in our third day of God's testimony.

God is holding up well, despite the grave charges against Him. Calm. Relaxed. Large and in charge.

The allegation against Him is that He created a world of planned obsolescence. If this is true, U.S. leaders cannot be held responsible for the decline of America. It was "in the cards," as God put it in His testimony yesterday.

But is it true? Did the deciders have no choice? Did they have to put America $28 trillion in the hole… and into today's "inflate or die" trap?

Who's really at fault?

In today's testimony, God names names… clarifies the difference between useful idiots and the other variety… and warns that not only is the U.S. in decline, all of Western Civilization may be headed for collapse.

So, please turn off your phone… take a seat… and prepare for… well… a Revelation…

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Dangerous Times Ahead…


Our world is staring down what may be the worst supply chain crisis in human history.

And it's not something that will just "go away" in a matter of weeks.

The previous shortages we saw in 2020 will be nothing compared to what is to come.

Bloomberg calls it "Supply Chain Hell."

NPR calls it "Industrial Hell."

The New York Times calls it a "Disaster."

And the true culprit behind this new crisis may surprise you.

Click here to learn what's causing all this – and how to prepare for what's coming next.

Charge Denied

Yes, it's Me again… God. And yes, I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me… well, nevermind.

Yesterday, I was explaining My limits… and how everything comes with a fuse attached. "Planned obsolescence" Bill Bonner called it in his opening remarks.

Everything I created goes away… seasons, empires, people – everything.

But I ask you to imagine a world where no one died… no politician ever lost an election… no business failed… and no chef ever lost his job for poisoning his customers.

That would not be a very nice world. It would be boring. And pointless. If nothing ever changed… and there were no bad consequences for bad actions… there would be no reason to get up in the morning… or to brush your teeth. It's only because actions have consequences that you bother to act at all.

No… I'm not going to take that charge seriously. Change is the nature of My world… and I'm proud of it.

[Featured: Biden did What? Unbelievable!]

Useful Idiots

There are always consequences. And limits.

But there are soft limits. And there are hard limits.

We've mostly been talking about soft limits. Empires fail, for example, but they don't fail on their own. You can make a mess of your own life, all by yourself. But bringing down an empire… that requires leadership.

In that respect, America seems especially lucky. She found four of the biggest jackasses in the country to help grease the skids.

Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden. I created them all. But you voted for them. And they were perfect for the job; the kind of "useful idiots" that history needs.

Bush spent $8 trillion on his dumbass War on Terror.

Obama added another $9 trillion to the U.S. debt pile bailing out Wall Street after the mortgage financing bubble burst.

Then, along came Trump. In a way, he was the worst of the lot. Not only did he add another $8 trillion in debt, he discredited the only thing that might stop the collapse – intelligent, clear-headed conservativism.

Now, in the U.S., if you call yourself a "conservative," people think you must wear buffalo horns.

And now Biden. Geez… really?

Drive people into opposing camps… get them fighting over removing statues and sex change operations for children… keep real interest rates below zero (even during a boom)… add trillions more to the debt… and talk up war with China – is there a worse formula for a declining empire?

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Bill Bonner: Shadow-Banned?


Have America's top booksellers refused to carry Bill Bonner's final book?

You won't find new copies of Win-Win or Lose at Barnes & Noble… and not a single copy is floating around on eBay.

In fact, the only used copy we could find was going for $79 on Amazon.

Which is why Bill recently authorized us to take drastic steps to put a copy in your hands essentially free – as part of this limited time offer.

To claim yours, click here

Soft Limits

Yes, they're morons. But at least these presidents – and their backers – were doing My work… taking a great empire down a peg.

That's what I mean by "soft limits." They have fuses, too… but they need humans to light them.

But humans are not completely powerless. Trump came into office with a mandate to "make America great again." Then, Biden was elected to reverse Trump's policies. But neither broke with the past; instead, they both held to the same ruinous course.

Imagine what would have happened if they had looked voters in the eye and spoken to them intelligently… explaining the limits they all faced.

And what if they tried to bring people together, instead of stirring up resentments and jealousies?

And what if either one had demanded a balanced budget from Congress… had brought the troops home… and ended the phony interest rates and printing-press money?

It doesn't always work. But humans can make a difference when they are confronted with these soft limits.

[Featured: Christmas is cancelled?]

Hard Limits

So let's look at the other limits. The hard limits.

You can't get something for nothing; it doesn't matter what you think or what you say… matter and energy may be interchangeable, but nothing comes from nothing.

And here's another one: There are only 24 hours in a day. Again, Congress can pass all the laws it wants… it can't add a single second to the day.

Want another? No election was ever lost by underestimating the stupidity of the American public.

Ha ha. Just joking.

But there are some things over which you humans have no control at all. You think you are so smart because you invented Netflix and Facebook. But your brains have been getting smaller for the last 3,000 years. And that's not a joke.

And the progress you're so proud of? It depends more on Me than on you.

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Millionaire's Big Prediction From Living Room Couch


Teeka Tiwari – America's No. 1 Investor – just made an outrageous prediction.

Recorded live from his living room couch…

He blasts Congress, reveals nasty truths about America…

And reveals one technology set to radically change our nation.

Already, 400,000+ viewers have checked it out.

WARNING: This video may make you furious.

Watch His Urgent Video Now

Big Setbacks

Your species has been around ever since I made Adam and Eve some 200,000 years ago. Progress was painfully slow.

And there were some big setbacks. Empires fell. And sometimes, whole civilizations collapsed… and disappeared. The Anasazi, the Maya, the Indus Valley Civilization… And in the 13th century B.C., almost all the civilizations of the Ancient Mediterranean collapsed. Many vanished forever.

Yes, people do predictably unwise things. But there are also ice ages, droughts, floods, volcanic eruptions, solar pulses, asteroid impacts. And diseases.

(In passing… I will point out that trying to prevent illness by mandating vaccines may backfire. Humans have survived for so long not by avoiding diseases, but by getting them. That's why the people of North America were almost wiped out when Europeans arrived; they hadn't had their diseases.

The next iteration of the COVID virus might be a real killer – like the Plague of the 14th century A.D. With no deep, natural herd immunity, billions of people might be wiped out before a vaccine can be rolled out. Just saying…)

And there is energy. It takes energy to run a civilization. And all energy comes from Me.

We'll hear more about that tomorrow…




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China Is Flipping on "Green Energy." Here's How You Can Profit
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A dear reader criticizes Bill's words on the death of former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell… while another gives their view on our editor's "God versus man" conversation (catch up here, here and here)...

You have speculated that the vaccine did not work for Colin Powell and thus contributing to the impression that vaccines are not reliable. In this case, Colin Powell had other health issues which lowered his immunity, and this was probably why he chose to be vaccinated anyway.

I believe he had a form of cancer. Having a serious condition is stressful enough as stress hormones tend to lower one's immunity. Colin Powell's health status was public on the announcement of his death. Contracting COVID-19 was incredibly unfortunate.

– Janice M.

While your "God speaks" column was amusing (as usual), are you actually saying that you believe in the existence of "god"? Like fiat currency, "god" was created by the mind of man – a figment of the human imagination.

People who claim to believe in "god" generally do so because they were told (as children) by their parents, teachers, or religious "leaders" that "god" exists, and have generally not reconsidered that position thereafter. Children naturally tend to believe what they are told, especially by those in positions of authority.

I believe that those who claim to be religious leaders are either liars or are delusional. It should reasonably be assumed that such leaders have considered for themselves whether or not "god" (by whatever name) exists. If they don't know for sure, then they are preaching something in which they do not believe.

If they do not believe in "god's" existence, then they are also liars... but hey, it's a job. If they believe that "god" actually exists, then they can only be considered delusional, and should be put somewhere that they can do no more harm to others.

Consider how many wars have been fought and how many people have died (and are still dying today) in the name of some religion or other. How sad!

Just as people are hoodwinked by the financial and political "elites," so they are also hoodwinked by religions, whether promised an afterlife or however many virgins in some imagined paradise…

I fully anticipate a lack of kindness in any replies, as people do not like their cherished views to be challenged. Doesn't make me wrong, though!

Please keep up your good work – I always enjoy your Diary, as you are both informative and amusing.

– Dave G.

Last week, dear reader Fletcher E. said, "Capitalism is an experiment that has failed over and over again..." This week, others have chimed in with their opinions on the idea. And that debate continues in today's mailbag...

It never ceases to amaze me how someone as prescient and witty as Bill attracts morons like Fletcher E. It's clearly lost upon Fletcher that what's been happening in the U.S. for decades isn't really capitalism. It's been bastardized by the elites for the benefit of the few at the cost of the many.

Fletcher, and everyone in this country, should read Bill's last book, Win-Win or Lose, for a brilliant description of what capitalism is and should be.

– Dave J.

And lastly, praise for Bill's Diary

I've been an avid reader of yours for several years and now I find your daily articles are about the only thing I enjoy reading. I appreciate the insight and the occasional snarky comments that make my day.

We are in a sad state of affairs with the federal government. I don't think it can be turned around, no matter what party is in charge. If we get lucky, maybe an earthquake will swallow up the entire east coast and we can start over! Thank you for the great reading material!

– John L.

Are people "hoodwinked" by religion as they are by politics, as Dave G. believes? What are your thoughts on Bill's trial of God versus man? Write us at feedback@rogueeconomics.com.


BEWARE: 70 million Bitcoin Owners At RISK

Most people are obsessing over the latest price fluctuation of Bitcoin.

But they're in for the shock of their lives.

Because a new bug has quietly emerged in the Bitcoin network.

It has nothing to do with Bitcoin's volatility.

Or its environmental impact.

It's infinitely dangerous.

And it could soon lock 70 million investors out of their Bitcoin wallets.

[Click here to see how to protect yourself from the Bitcoin flaw.]


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Sunday, 24 October 2021

Fwd: Elite Athlete Explains Vaccine Injury and Doctors’ Ignorance

Hi to all, 
The attached video should give anyone contemplating the Chinese Virus/Fauci "vaccine" serious pause. We often listen to the British doctor, Dr. John Campbell and, while we don't always agree with him, we find a lot of what he says is well researched and sometimes makes sense. This interview with a young mountain-biker in the US contains some shocking insights into the "vaccines" and should be a must watch and listen, as this controversy affects us all, to a greater or lesser extent.
And to cap it all off, we've just listened to the British PM, Lord Boris of the Johnson. Utterly mind-blowing, illogical and mindlessly unf-----gbelievable - as Alex Belfield would have said. Puts Biden the incoherent in the shade. What are these people all on? Incidentally, Alex Belfield is very much worth watching and apart from the sense he talks, he injects some much needed humour which is so sadly lacking these days.
Anyway, Lord Boris was talking about the double jab and saying that it won't actually stop you getting the lurgi or passing it on - WHAT?? This is a direct contradiction of the lies that have been fed to populations the world over since the whole Chinese Virus hoax began. ALL TO DO WITH CONTROL. Then the cockamamie liar, the British PM went on to say that, the original double prick might (if it's still efficacious) reduce the severity of any attack. MIGHT!!! Then he had the absolute gall to add that kids under 12 must also be "vaccinated" and that everyone else must get the BOOSTER!! Wonderful protection he said. Will he be recommending a 4th. jab in another 3 months and why should you need a 3rd. jab in any case, if the original "vaccine" did what it was said to do? And all this cock and bull while still banning well proven prophylactics, such as Ivermectin, which will actually protect people and at minimal cost. 
Then we can't go without mentioning der Fuhrer von Neuseeland and her shameful performance in the NZ Parliament the other day. During Question Time in the House she was asked a series of questions by the Leader of the Opposition, Judith Collins about the Government's plans for dealing with the ongoing Chinese Virus in NZ. Every time the Fuhrer stood to answer all she said was "I don't agree with the premise of that question". This absolute evasion is unprecedented in the NZ Parliament and she should have been roundly pulled up by the Speaker. But Trevor Mallard is shameless and incompetent and totally abusive of his position.
We hope that you find the video instructive.
Cheers from the City of Eternal Spring,
Jim and Jean  
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Neil O'Hara <arahonj07@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2021 at 22:50
Subject: Fwd: Elite Athlete Explains Vaccine Injury and Doctors' Ignorance
To: James Donald <tiare.taporo3@gmail.com>

Monday, 18 October 2021

Fwd: Henry Armstrong: Deep Unrest in New Zealand - the politics of deception and coercion

This email is a must read for anyone who has any regard for NZ at all. Or for their own position in the country vis-a-vis their careers, property and that of their children and grandchildren.
NZ is already a dictatorship, thanks to the Chinese Virus, and is rapidly on the way towards total totalitarian control.
Jim and Jean in Medellin, Colombia

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Neil O'Hara <arahonj07@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2021 at 16:24
Subject: Fwd: Henry Armstrong: Deep Unrest in New Zealand - the politics of deception and coercion
To: lloyd lewis <james.torrey@xtra.co.nz>

AND ANOTHER ONE. it is serious but getting repeatative....NJO.

Subject: Fwd: Henry Armstrong: Deep Unrest in New Zealand - the politics of deception and coercion

Please read and pass on. 

Begin forwarded message:

You may be suffering from report fatigue & this a long read but it does so clearly show the extent of the govt's incredulous deception & indoctrination!


Henry Armstrong: Deep Unrest in New Zealand – the politics of deception and coercion ...

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Labels: Henry Armstrong, Jacinda Ardern's Labour Government, Politics

There is mounting evidence of a very deep level of unrest developing in New Zealand, resulting from a series of fundamental changes initiated in an underhand, undemocratic, and dishonest manner by a Neo-Marxist government headed by Jacinda Ardern.

Ardern was accorded an election victory in November 2020 with 50% of the total vote. But 50% did NOT vote for Ardern. 

New Zealand embraces the voting system of Mixed Member Proportional (MMP). Under MMP minorities can collectively form a majority by attracting a range of minority interest groups. MMP allows one person to have two votes - one for an electorate candidate and another for a political party. But 50% of all New Zealand MPs are NOT elected, they are selected and appointed to a "list" by their party, so that the electorate has no say or direct input into the appointment of 50% of our representatives. Jacinda Ardern and Andrew Little were both rejected by their electorates on several occasions, but by being "listed" by their party, both now occupy high political office.

But the unrest referred to is not just a result of the undemocratic MMP system. No, the unrest is occasioned by a dishonest and highly duplicitous government introducing profound constitutional and executive changes whilst the attention of the New Zealand population is diverted elsewhere - upon Covid19 issues. An environment of deception, fear and concern is daily stoked by pantomime-style "briefings" headed by a photogenic prime minister who uses these "briefings" to enhance her personal image and political popularity. Fear and confusion dominate these briefings which include an ever-increasing array of "experts" - a Covid Response Minister; Prime Minister; Deputy Prime Minister; two Associate Health Ministers; two Directors-General of Health and Public Health; an MIQ Director; Senior Defence Force officers; and now "modellers" and "digital media" spokespeople! The absolutely farcical nature of this daily pantomime is that all of the subjects are to do with a public health pandemic, so should not the Minister of Health himself, Hon Andrew Little, be fronting any public statements? Hell, NO. Little is nowhere to be seen! Why?

So, with such an impressively overwhelming array of different spokespeople, and no Health Minister to be seen, the attention of the public is clearly riveted on Covid19 and the personal, social, and economic pressures of total "lockdown". The failed strategy of Covid elimination has finally been realised with Ardern promoting a confusing array of restrictions and "freedoms", such as being able to buy takeaways and coffees, but not use public toilets! Wow! Yet the daily infection rate continues to climb.

What is happening away from the public gaze whilst all of this attention is focused on the pandemic, and why is the population of New Zealand being denied both information and the opportunity to discuss these serious constitutional, social and economic matters?

There are several profoundly important matters which need to be brought out into the open and discussed and debated by all New Zealanders, but which are being purposely suppressed by the Ardern government.

1. Centralised services. The Neo-Marxist Ardern government is centralising a range of public amenities and services in the name of "efficiency", but the public of New Zealand is not permitted to debate these changes.

- Centralisation of all Polytechnic institutions into one monolithic agency.

- Scrapping of District Health Boards and the formation of a centralised, race-based separatist health system by creating Health NZ and a separate Maori Health Authority. The Maori Health Authority will have the right of veto over all Health NZ policies

- The appropriation of all council-owned water services-drinking water, waste water and storm water systems - into a centralised water services agency consisting of a water standards authority (Taumata Arowai, comprising a ministerially-appointed 50/50 board of iwi Maori and "others") and four regional "entities which will also be co-governed by a board comprising 50% iwi Maori and 50% "others". (Did you know that? Most do not!).

2. Education. The Ardern government is creating substantial changes to the New Zealand education system in several ways, using funding and other coercive measures:

- At least two New Zealand universities now declare themselves to be "Treaty-led" (Massey) or New Zealand's first "Treaty University" (Canterbury). In both of these tertiary institutions, the adoption of tikanga Maori and te Ao Maori (the Maori world view) is being forcibly introduced, requiring staff and students to display their capability in tikanga and to demonstrate their commitment to and understanding of, the principles (nowhere defined) of the Treaty of Waitangi-which is not a legal document. If a person declines to adopt these cultural requirements or opposes their forced introduction, their careers and in some cases, their ability to graduate, is compromised. The case of Anna Penn, a nursing student at Christchurch Polytechnic was the first public case of a student objecting to enforced acculturation. She was denied graduation and had to complete her studies in Australia. No public or institutional discussion preceded these implementations. And to cap it all, the Tertiary Education Council is now (October 2021) demanding that pass rates in our universities provide "parity" between Maori and all other students!

- A revised New Zealand Schools Histories curriculum which is focused on local Maori tribal histories to the exclusion of 200 years of shared colonial history. Whole periods, (for example the first 600 years of habitation by migrants from Eastern Polynesia) have been omitted from the draft. No reference is made of other migrant ethnic groups, such as our Asian citizens or Pacific peoples, both of which exceed (at 26%) the total population claiming Maori descent (16%). The whole curriculum is to be "revised".

- The negation of colonial history by several agencies of state, Otago Regional Museum and The Museum of New Zealand (Te Papa) for example, which decline to present true stories in their displays.

- The compulsory requirement for all teachers at all levels to undergo courses in tikanga (Maori customs) and the Maori language (te Reo), in order to seek or renew their teacher registration.

- The scientific community in our universities is now required to accept that traditional Maori knowledge (matauranga Maori) is accorded the same, equal status as "science".

One wonders what contribution matauranga Maori has made to the basic science of Covid19 vaccines, electric vehicles, and digital technology? There is no doubt that the study of te Ao Maori might well contribute to those areas of the Social Sciences such as Anthropology and Sociology which study the make-up and mores of primitive societies, but to elevate such" knowledge" to the realms of scientific method and outcomes is ridiculous. A group of Auckland University scientists who objected to this ridiculous, stupid assertion, were pilloried and vilified for daring to uphold what is commonly held, world-wide, as scientific excellence.

3. Welfare. Considerable changes are in the process of being implemented in New Zealand's welfare system, particularly in regard to Child, Youth and Family (Oranga Tamariki). This agency is responsible for ensuring the well-being of all at-risk children, the vast majority of whom are Maori children. So, this duplicitous government has now structured the agency to be managed and controlled entirely by Maori-even though a proportion of these children are not of Maori descent. Domestic and sexual violence statistics which are heavily weighted in favour of Maori, were used to justify this approach. Given that 50% of all domestic and sexual violence occurs in Maori families, there may be some value in this approach but favouring ethnicity over merit in appointing boards, executives and even foster families must be challenged. One judge of the Family Court, Peter Callinicos, who declined to order the removal of a young Maori girl (Moana), from a loving Pakeha foster family (where she is very happy, apparently) to a Maori foster location, has been vilified to an extraordinary degree by cultural activists and members of the Judiciary, including the Chief Justice herself! For God's sake (and Moana's), what on earth is going on here?

4. Gangs. There is an ever-increasing degree of criminal gang activity, drug running and crimes of violence throughout New Zealand today. Virtually every day, the media reports yet another violent gang-related crime, often resulting in a homicide, especially in Auckland. Gangs freely contravene and ignore the Covid19 rules on numbers relating to gatherings such as funerals-where the police, obviously outnumbered, simply "use their discretion". The establishment of illegal roadblocks during earlier lockdowns, by local iwi, were ignored by the police. Deputy Prime Minister Robertson expressed his "disappointment". Oh, dear. Gangs are reputedly contributing to the spread of Covid19 in Auckland and Waikato through their illegal activities. To cap it all, Ardern provided $2.5 million of public funding to assist "drug rehabilitation programmes" in gangs. Stories of gang lords pocketing the funds whilst encouraging younger gang members to continue their criminal activities, have surfaced. On 6th October, Covid Response Minister Hipkins advised that senior gang officials from the Mongrel Mob and Black Power have been granted exemption warrants allowing them to travel between the various geographic locations where their members reside, in order to "encourage" communities to get vaccinated. One wonders if the police will be looking into these cross-border forays for "items of interest"?

Winston Peters (9 October) is adamant Northland has been returned to Level 3 due to gang members travelling whilst infected - denied of course by government.

5. Justice. Our justice system is condemned as being "systemically racist" and highly biased against Maori, who make up 57% of those in prison for serious crimes. One of the more ridiculous explanations for this statistic is that 90% of judges are not Maori - the obvious implication is that non-Maori judges imprison more Maori because the judges are Pakeha or "other". Such absurd reasoning is permeating our justice system, so obviously it will have to undergo significant change, eh? Another claim is that Maori are unfairly treated by the existing Corrections environment, needing culturally appropriate programmes to turn their lives around. Yet the rate of recidivism amongst Maori criminals is 55%, the highest rate for any ethnic group, including "Europeans". Oh, and a late item - "Christchurch, Gisborne and Wanganui do not have a single Maori Crown Prosecutor". Really? Does one now have to be of a particular ethnicity to be appointed to this role? Or perhaps the item was referring to their marital status - which is equally stupid and utterly absurd.

6. Profound changes to New Zealand's constitutional arrangements are currently being discussed with Maori under the He Puapua and Matike Mai Aotearoa reports commissioned by the Ardern government. These reports have been in government hands for at least three years but are not allowed to be openly discussed with the New Zealand public. He Puapua recommends inter alia that New Zealand be co-governed by a coalition of 50% iwi Maori (comprising 16% of the total population) and 50% of other citizens (comprising 84% of the total New Zealand population) by 2040, the bi-centenary of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. The basis for this proposal is that the Treaty established an equal partnership between the Crown and Maori, in 1840. There is ample evidence which totally negates any such arrangement, but the Ardern government persists in claiming that a "partnership" exists. Most New Zealanders can easily see the fallacy in this claim, but the Ardern government is in no way dissuaded.

Why are we, the people, not allowed to discuss He Puapua and Matike Mai Aotearoa? Why, Ardern?

7. Local Government Reform. Very few New Zealanders are aware of a central government plan to totally review and re-organise local authorities. Along with the intended plan to appropriate all of the water systems in New Zealand, Minister of Internal Affairs Mahuta implemented the Future of Local Government Review which will report on this basic form of local democracy. I am not aware of any invitation for the public to contribute to this Review.  

8. Politicisation of the media is now almost complete. In a disgraceful capitulation, the major media companies are almost totally committed to propping up this socialist regime, having been "sweetened" by a $55million fund to promote "public interest" journalism. Many New Zealanders are totally disgusted at the degree to which the New Zealand media has been captured by the Ardern government. The daily 1pm "Mork and Cindy" pantomime is puerile to say the least. Grant Robertson is on first name terms with the few "journalists" who attend these farcical "briefings". That he continually confuses the names of the journos he invites questions from ("Mitch" is confused with "Zane") demonstrates the infantile excuses for these "briefings". And yes, he is not averse to providing a weather forecast at these briefing, either.

It is not just these examples of political corruption, ethnic favouritism and daily dishonest statements which are contributing to the considerable degree of unrest. There are larger ethnic groups in New Zealand such as our Asian and Pasifika communities, which combined, far outnumber people claiming Maori descent. Their particular needs and wants also demand suitable attention from our politicians, surely? But no, only Maori are to be considered.

Underlying the current situation in New Zealand is the considerable degree of fear-mongering perpetrated by the Ardern government. Not only is the population confronted daily with ominous predictions about Covid19 decimating the population, but also horrendous advertising claiming all of our water services are bordering on disaster - infantile TV advertisements showing our drinking water producing green sludge is obviously designed to create a situation of disgust, only salvageable by assigning all water resources to joint government-iwi control.

Then there is the other fearful cloud on the horizon - climate change. There is an almost religious fervour amongst the Labour and Greens parties to dump on farmers and agriculture and their "cavalier" approach to environmental contamination. Farmers are guilty of contaminating waterways with animal effluent and fertiliser leaching. They contribute to greenhouse gasses via methane-belching cows. They are under fire from animal rights groups, as well as iwi, who vilify their "appropriation" of Maori land - forgetting of course that Maori legally sold the lands they occupied (in many cases having usurped the same land from weaker iwi using "take raupatu' or conquest and subjugation). Having studied the international research on climate change, any thinking person must conclude that the science of climate change is equivocal. The US Institute of Physics reports that the influence of the sun on global warming is not only well-established but is also predictably cyclical and is the primary contributor to global temperature. Whilst mankind must of course take responsibility for much of the pollution problems we face, it cannot possibly be the sole fault of the farming community - but tell that to Ardern, Shaw and co.

Just what other profound intentions is this dishonest and duplicitous government developing out of sight of the public?

Little attention is being accorded to what must surely be the looming economic crisis caused by continual government lockdowns. Economists such as Cameron Bagrie (October12th) are forecasting major economic problems due to political ineptitude. Whole industries have been severely impacted by this government's autocratic shutdown of economic activity. International tourism, hospitality and international education industries are finished. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are struggling to survive. Robertson and co are distributing billions of taxpayer dollars to prop up their now-discredited elimination strategy. At some point in the very near future, these disasters will adversely impact on the economy for sure, but the government brushes aside any such concerns. At the crunch point, Ardern and co will simply walk away, as did their predecessors like David Lange and Helen Clarke, with no regrets or any admission of failure-after all, that will be for historians to deal with.

Perhaps the most unsettling aspect of life in New Zealand today is the inexorable drift towards an apartheid state where separate development and division is being increasingly adopted. Masquerading as a mythical "partnership obligation" under the Treaty of Waitangi, substantial political, social and economic resources are being poured into reforms which in the end, can only lead to a failing country divided by racial separatism. Is this what New Zealanders as a whole, want to see?

I am an older New Zealander who has proudly committed most of my life to the service of my country. My ancestors came here in the mid-19th century with nothing but hope and worked hard all their lives in the belief that their children might have a better future. They never owned any land. They, and my generation, always respected our Maori colleagues, at school and university, on the rugby field, in the Armed Forces and at work.

But all of this has changed. I, my family and my ancestors are now despised by racists such as Ngarewa-Packer, Waititi, Tamihere, Ngata and Mutu. We are evil colonisers who have created a society in which Maori today are totally disadvantaged. But what about those other more recent migrants from Asia and the Pacific who now exceed the Maori population in numbers? Are they completely disadvantaged too? Do they also despise the Pakeha colonisers? What future can they look forward to under a race-based, separatist, bi-cultural society? What will the future hold for their children and my own children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren? Will they too be hated and despised by a racist minority?

It need not be like this. If sections of the community are disadvantaged for socio-economic reasons, we can fix them - solutions can be found if there is a will. But please do not insult the majority of decent, hardworking people of all cultures (including many decent Maori), by implementing a regime of co-governance based on untruths and cultural diversity. We are all human beings, with similar hopes and aspirations. We must learn to live in harmony as a nation, surely?

Once I was proud to call myself a "New Zealander". Not any more. I have lost all respect for, and confidence in, the leadership of this country and the arrogant disregard it has for we, the people. We are governed by the most deceitful, dishonest and immoral government I can recall in my lifetime. One day, after I have gone, the people will rise up and claim back this beautiful country from the morons who are now in charge. I can but hope that the revolution (for that is what it will be), is not violent - but I cannot believe New Zealanders will give up all of what they and their ancestors have worked and died for, without a bloody good fight. Bring it on!

Henry Armstrong is retired, follows politics, and writes.



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Sunday, 17 October 2021

The Chinese Virus/Vaccine scandal news as at October 15th. 2021 for week number 61 (427 days). Greetings from Medellin, Colombia

Hi to all,
We hope that you are all in the pink, despite no doubt many having taken the option of the double prick - and who knows, maybe the 3rd. and 4th. coming sooner than you think. We can only keep our fingers crossed for your on-going health, although we believe that there are some cleanses available that MAY be able to rid your bodies of the worst effects of these "vaccines". We feel so sorry and feel for those who have been criminally coerced, mainly with the threat of employment termination into accepting these spurious "vaccinations". It is worthwhile to point out that forced/coerced medication of any sort against an individual's wishes is in direct violation of the Nuremberg Code and the Helsinki Declaration which were promulgated in 1947 as a result of the Nuremberg Trials after WW2. These promulgations arose as a result of the exposure and subsequent prosecution of individuals who carried out horrific medical experiments on human beings, including children. They are not legally enforceable, but would be powerful arguments in any domestic legal case in defense of an individual's rights in refusing forced "vaccinations". 
These "vaccinations" fall into the Nuremberg classification as they are EXPERIMENTAL because medium to long-term effects are still UNKNOWN. This is a horrific medical experiment being performed right now on as much of the world's population as possible, and the drug companies are making billions. Now of course they are admitting that the efficacy reduces markedly after 3-4 months and so there is even more money to be made out of the "boosters". How long does that carry on for?
New Zealand is following close on the heels of Singapore which similarly isolated itself - no doubt because it is also an island nation. The result was initially very few Chinese Virus cases in Singapore and then after partial easing of restrictions there was an explosion of such cases due to lack of natural immunity - aided and abetted by the reduced immunisation of a high "vaccination" rate. And no Ivermectin!!
The same will happen in NZ, although no doubt the immediate effect will be muted for a while by the levels of 80-90% "vaccination", notwithstanding the very worrying medium and long-term effects of those "vaccinations". But the "vaccinations" lose their efficacy after 3-4 months and in the meantime destroy the body's natural immunity. Hence more and more "vaccinated" people get sick. NZ is not quite at that point yet. This has certainly also happened in Israel, if you look at the statistics. People with natural immunity should NEVER get any of the Covid "vaccines". The worst is that people in Australia and NZ are being actively discouraged and even prevented from accessing any of the entirely safe and effective prophylactic drugs such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. The latter has been used for human illnesses for around 70 years and Ivermectin for 40 or 50. And yet Ivermectin is constantly and viciously derided as "horse medicine" and both are banned by the FDA. This is nothing short of wilfully deceitful and genocidal behaviour, all on the altars of corporate profit and socialist narcissistic control.
In NZ there are already 204 deaths totally attributable to the COVID "vaccines". And these are only the reported deaths, to say nothing of serious and life-long injuries, such as Myocarditis and Thrombosis.
These cases of course are well documented with many reputable medically qualified people adding their voices against the "vaccinations" all the time. If you have not already done so, we urge you to find Drs. Peter McCullough and Robert Malone on Youtube and listen to what they have to say. Dr. Malone is the inventor of the mRNA "vaccine" and Dr. McCullough is a cardiologist, immunologist and highly regarded medical researcher. Another doctor that we recommended weeks ago is Dr. Damian Wojcik of Whangarei, NZ. You may still be able to find him on Youtube, although knowing what is going on in NZ, his video is probably already pulled and he has possibly lost his practising licence. We knew Dr. Wojcik while we were still in Whangarei in 2010 and always held him in high regard.
Dr. McCullough addressed the Texas Senate openly querying the need for "vaccination" by those who had already had the disease and therefore had the natural immunity.
In the meantime we see that Southwest Airlines was forced to cancel upwards of 2,000 flights last weekend (9-10/10). The airline blamed the cancellations on the weather, but there was no bad weather. The airline has been covering up the real reason, which  it seems is that many pilots and cabin crew and ground staff en masse have refused the compulsory "vaccine" and have been calling in sick in protest at these "vaccine" mandates that the Biden crooks are trying to ram down everyone's throat. Southwest is in an interesting position. Texas, where they are headquartered, has passed a law making "vaccine" mandates illegal (as has Florida), so does Southwest obey state law where they are domiciled and almost certainly disobey illegal and unconstitutional Federal law? Other major corporations are in the same situation.
We cannot believe the draconian police states that have developed in NZ and Australia. The headlines in the NZ "toilet paper" Herald are universally contemptuous in the worst possible way of anyone who for very genuine or medically necessary reasons refuses to take the 'vaccine". It's outright propaganda. The whole world is being dragooned into hating anyone who dares to differ on the sacred subject of "vaccination". One can speculate forever as to the reasons for this horrific state of affairs which is pitting families against each other as well as previously good friends. At least you find out who your real friends are!! It's been postulated that it's all a trial run to see how various population types react to draconian control. In NZ's case it's been easy; they just roll over and play dead flies.
Here in Colombia life proceeds more or less normally. Comparatively few of the population have been "vaccinated", but Ivermectin is widely available. There is very little "fear factor" here.
Last week's Leighton Smith podcast (which as always we highly recommend that you listen to) interviewed Professor Gigi Foster from the School of Economics at the University of New South Wales. She deals with the 2 main reasons that she sees as the success of the dragooning of populations under the fraudulent guise of "Covid control".
She says that over a period of time people have been persuaded that to take anything other than an evangelical "team" approach to having the "vaccine", is totally anti-social and even traitorous. And it's worked. We have even been told that we would not be "welcome" to ever return to NZ "unvaccinated", even though we are NZ citizens by birth and are taking alternative responsible means to protect ourselves and therefore others against the dreaded lurgi. However, we certainly do NOT want to return to Godzone with that attitude about the place, and  just thank our lucky stars to be living in a country like Colombia where alternative treatments are freely available - AND ARE WORKING!! This is the unfolding tragedy of NZ. In Colombia active cases are now at only 18% of the levels they were at earlier this year, and they continue to slowly reduce.
We take Ivermectin twice a month at the recommended doses based on body weight. In addition on a daily basis, vitamins D & C and zinc. 
And reason 2 is simply - FOLLOW THE MONEY! There is and has been so much money made out of the Chinese Virus "vaccines" so far - and a lot more to be made with the "booster" shots, that the "vaccines" are being rabidly pushed down everyone's throats using FEAR as the main motivation. The emotion of FEAR has of course been used for thousands of years by despotic regimes and various religions - often hand in hand - and it works today exactly the same and even more effectively, no doubt due to modern communications which allow fear-mongering messages to be promulgated freely and rapidly.
NZ is about to experience a similar situation as Singapore thanks to the total mishandling of the Chinese Virus from day 1 by der Fuhrer - Ardern and her cohorts. She stands up at her 1pm addresses to the nation and says "we are the only truth!! Don't believe all this "misinformation" you hear on the internet". 
NZ has been coddled by borders tighter than the proverbial. This, along with the immune system weakening effect of the "vaccines", will mean that cases in NZ will increase markedly with no alternative method of control. At the very least, the prophylactics should be made readily and cheaply available. THEY WORK. Anything less is a criminal and hostile act against the very people the government is supposed to be protecting.
On top of that Ardern and her gang are proceeding at breakneck speed (and almost no-one seems to be aware) with devolution of 50% of government to the so-called "indigenous people". They are in fact NOT indigenous at all. And the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi which conferred sovereignty to the British Crown - they are now fraudulently claiming that it was a "partnership" between the British and Maori. Nothing of the sort; all inhabitants of NZ in 1840 automatically became British Subjects with equal rights and protection under the law.
To completely understand just how dangerous this is, you need to know something of Ardern's socialist past. Ardern in 2007 was President of the International Union of Socialist Youth. In 2008 she entered the NZ Parliament as a list MP and then in 2017 became Prime Minister. She WILL NOT change; she has an agenda, as do most of her Cabinet. Prior to 2017, Winston Peters kept her and her Socialist cohorts in check, but now she governs alone.
The United States continues to lurch from one horrific crisis to another with Biden and his cronies DELIBERATELY doing whatever they can to destroy the country. Just recently a retired General McChrystal who had commanded the troops in Afghanistan, said that in his opinion Civil War in the US was looking ever more likely. We have held a similar view for some time that Secession and/or Civil War were possible because we cannot imagine the present irreconcilable situation being allowed to continue, even to the 2022 mid-terms. So much more damage can be done in that time.
To further illustrate the problems that the Biden Crooks' "vaccine" mandates are causing - 
"The COVID regime is out for blood. Anyone who opposes restrictions is met with authoritarian force.
But one radical Mayor's crackdown is blowing up in his face. Communist Mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, was the first big city Mayor to announce sweeping vaccine mandates.
De Blasio intentionally created a two-tiered society along the lines of vaccine status, but he's receiving pushback.
Thousands of employees at the New York Department of Education are refusing to capitulate to the intrusive vaccine mandate.
And they showed their displeasure by protesting in the streets.
Supposedly there are as many as 8,000 employees at the DOE who remain unvaccinated despite threats to their jobs and ostracization.
De Blasio and the Democrats likely didn't expect public sector employees to resist his diktats.
What's also encouraging is that more prominent voices are speaking out against the madness. Several NBA players are resisting the vaccine mandates. The COVID regime is not getting the compliance it wants, so the crackdowns are getting more extreme.
Talking heads on CNN have suggested cancelling union workers' pensions if they do not comply with the vaccine mandates.
It's unbelievable that the government has become more hysterical despite the distribution of a vaccine.
The COVID vaccine is being used as a pretense to divide society so the Democrats can blame someone for their failures.
Joe Biden's approval numbers are sinking, and he's blaming it on a sagging economy created by the unvaccinated.
But that lie isn't working, and these growing protests prove it." 
And in the UK, a horrific crime arising out of the stabbing assassination of a Conservative MP, Sir David Amess in his electorate office, has shocked people beyond belief. To get a sense of the real situation please listen to Alex Belfield on You Tube. The assassin is a Muslim Sudanese - known to the Police, and to MI5. Can you believe it? Is it the all pervasive WOKENESS, or simply gross incompetence? Probably both.
Alex says Britain is at war and he is absolutely right - and the Boris of Johnson Government has caused the whole situation with their continuing negligence in allowing unfettered immigration of Muslim terrorists. There are apparently 3,000 immigrants on an MI5 watchlist - how do they effectively "watch" that many? And a further 6,000 on a lesser list of concern. God help the UK.
The US is in the same situation with the same unfettered immigration - they don't have a clue who is coming into the country. 
Be aware that NZ is also at similar risk because of the same attitude to uncontrolled immigration as is happening in the US as well. 
We include below some Chinese Virus statistics just for a select few countries in which we (and some others) retain some interest. The comparative figures in parenthesis relate to the date of our last blog on Sept. 17th. - 4 weeks ago.

MUNDO - World
Population - 7,898,380,439 - (7,892,149,671) - up - 6,230,768 or 0.079%
Active cases - 17,841,920 - (18,617,619) - down 775,699 or 4.2%. Percentage of total population - 0.226% - (0.236%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,259 - (2,359) - down 100 or 4.2%
Good to see the figures declining at last, although at a slow rate, considering these figures cover 4 weeks.

Population - 25,879,581 - (25,856,954) - up 22,627 or 0.088%
Active cases - 31,617 - (19,190) - up 12,427 or 64.8%. Percentage of total population - 0.122% - (0.0742%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,222 - (742) - up 480 or 64.7%
Substantial increase over 4 weeks ago. They MUST relax the restrictions and make the prophylactics AVAILABLE.

Population - 51,578,991 - (51,537,534) - up 41,457 or 0.0804%
Active cases - 29,861 - (35,609) - down 5,748 or 16.1%. Percentage of total population - 0.058% - (0.069%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 579 - (691) - down 112 or 16.2%
A steady healthy decline in case numbers. And waaaaay better than Australia on a population basis! Thank goodness for Ivermectin.

Population - 10,987,991 - (10,979,230) - up 8,761 or 0.081%
Active cases - 7,285 - (4,962) - up 2,323 or 46.8%. Percentage of total population - 0.066% - (0.045%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 663 - (452) - up 211 or 46.7%
Not good. They must have forgotten about the Ivermectin!

Population - 84,128,107 - (84,107,665) - up 20,442 or 0.0243%
Active cases - 144,594 - (161,984) - down 17,390 or 10.7%. Percentage of total population - 0.172% - (0.0193%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,719 - (1,926) - down 207 or 10.7%
Good to see figures declining again at long last.

Population - 5,002,100
Active cases - 683 - (489) - up 194 or 39.7%. Percentage of total population - 0.014% - (0.010%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 137 - (98) - up 39 or 39.8%

Population - 70,025,956 - (70,011,638) - up 14,318 or 0.021%
Active cases - 107,790 - (129,421) - down 21,631 or 16.7%. Percentage of total population - 0.154% - (0.185%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,539 - (1,849) - down 310 or 16.8%
A reduction in the weekly rate of decrease, but still a good solid result

Population - 68,345,973 - (68,316,802) - up 29,171 or 0.043%
Active cases - 1,386,207 - (1,297,175) - up 89,032 or 6.9%. Percentage of total population - 2.028% - (1.909%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 20,282 - (18,988) - up 1,294 or 6.8%
Time to break out the Ivermectin! What price vaccinations??

Population - 333,495,437 - (333,347,223) - up 148,214 or 0.044%
Active cases - 9,699,101 - (9,598,555) - up 100,546 or 1.048%. Percentage of total population - 2.908% - (2.879%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 29,083 - (28,795) - up 288 or 1.01%
What on earth is happening? "Vaccination" rates going up all the time, but so are active cases. Ivermectin is the answer!!

SELECTED FINANCIAL AND COMMODITY PRICE INFORMATION as at October 15th. with comparisons in parenthesis to January 4th. 2021
S & P 500 - US - 4471 - (3701) - up 770 or 20.8%
FTSE - UK - 7234 - (6752) - up 482 or 7.1%
NIKKEI - JAPAN - 29069 - (27258) - up 1811 or 6.6%
SSE COMPOSITE INDEX - SHANGHAI - 3572 - (3503) - up 69 or 2.0%
ALL ORDS - AUSTRALIA - 7674 - (6954) - up 720 or 10.4%
NZX50 - NEW ZEALAND - 13012 - (13238) - down 226 or 1.7%
COLCAP - COLOMBIA - BOLSA DE VALORES -  1426 - (1418) - up 8 or 0.6%
NZD/USD - .7062 - (.7174) - down .0112 or 1.6%
NZD/COP (Colombian Peso) - 2658 - (2475) - up 183 or 7.4%
NZD/EURO - .6095 - (.5855) - up .024 or 4.1%
NZD/CHF (Swiss Franc) - .6521 - (.6320) - up .0201 or 3.2% 
NZD/JPY - 80.70 - (73.97) - up 6.73 or 9.1%
NZD/CNY (Chinese Yuan) - 4.55 - (4.64) - down .09 or 1.9%
NZD/AUD - .9531 - (.9355) - up .0176 or 1.9%
USD/NZD - 1.42 - (1.39) - up 0.03 or 2.2%
USD/COP (Colombian Peso) - 3763 - (3420) - up 343 or 10.0%
USD/EURO - .8630 - (.8156) - up .0474 or 5.8%
USD/CHF (Swiss Franc) - .9235 - (.8813) - up .0422 or 4.8%
USD/JPY - 114.27 - (103.11) - up 11.16 or 10.8%
USD/CNY (Chinese Yuan) - 6.44 - (6.46) - down ,02 or 0.3%
USD/AUD - 1.35 - (1.30) - up .05 or 3.9%
BITCOIN - (USD per coin) - 61,340 - (34,038) - up 27,302 or 80.2%
GOLD - (USD per Troy Ounce) - 1,768 - (1,939) - down 171 or 8.8%
SILVER - (USD per Troy Ounce) - 23.32 - (27.14) - down 3.82 or 14.1%
OIL - (West Texas Intermediate - USD per barrel) - 82.65 - (47.80) - up 34.85 or 72.9%
COPPER - (USD per metric ton) - 9,971 - (7,972) - up 1,999 or 25.1%
COAL - (USD per metric ton) - 240 - (70) - up 170 or 242.9%
IRON ORE - (USD per dry metric ton) - 123 - (164) - down 41 or 25.0%
Highlights - 
** US equity markets rebounded late last week with the S&P up 21% since January. There is no logical reason, even with good earnings being reported. P/E's for example are at historical highs never before seen in the US. Definitely "bubble" territory. It has to do with all the fake money being printed by the Fed, together with ultra-low interest rates. But both of those parameters are going to change very soon and that, together with a deteriorating US economy with inflation looking more threatening with every passing day, will certainly result in a substantial correction. More Biden catastrophies.
** Currencies seem reasonably stable and the COP has recovered some losses. But what will happen when the USD devalues as a result of the disastrous Biden policies? The jury's out...................
** Bitcoin is up over 80% since the start of 2021. Almost certainly a result of excess liquidity and a lack of alternative appealing investments. But what happens when interest rates rise and liquidity is shortened?
** Commodities - gold remains depressed because the money that otherwise might have flowed to gold is in Cryptos. Oil and coal have risen 73% and 243% respectively. So much for the nonsensical Paris Climate Accords. When the Dims are finally kicked out, the first thing that the US will do is LEAVE the accords and work to become self-sufficient in oil again - as they were under Donald Trump.  
Finally, this is likely to be our last blog for a while. It is looking very likely that we have sold our apartment, so we are going to be BUSY for at least the next 7 weeks when we would move, if all goes to plan. And in the middle of that we will be meeting Perry and family in Cartagena later in November. Jim hasn't seen them since late 2019 and indeed his family in NZ since early that year. He feels desperately anxious for them, especially with the horrible thought of forced "vaccinations" for the grandchildren. Everyone seems to be caught up in this hysterical vortex of "vaccinate or die - or cause someone else to die". This is the most deceitful use of coercive propaganda we have ever witnessed and we never thought we would see it in our own country.
Please let us know how all this is affecting you.
Thinking of you all and with all our love from Medellin in Colombia...............
Jim and Jean