Sunday, 19 September 2021

Fauci-funded Chinese Virus Scamdemic (a.k.a. The Kung Flu) statistics for week number 57 (399 days) as at September 17th. 2021 (plus political comment and our personal news) since 21/08/20. Greetings from Medellin, Colombia.

CHINESE VIRUS STATISTICS and related comment. Note that comparative figures in parenthesis relate to August 27th.
For those of you erudite enough, and who actually read these blogs, you will have noticed that there was no blog on the 10th. Instead, there is this one dated the 17th. This is due to a number of issues which we will go into in the Colombia section. 
This could also be the last blog for a few weeks. It depends on developments with our property transactions. We have 2 very interested buyers for our apartment who both claim to be presenting offers to us this coming week. If one of those comes to fruition, then we will be very busy packing and planning the logistics for our move "up the hill". But absolutely nothing happens quickly in Colombia and when it does happen it is usually in a way totally unexpected! So, all we can say is - time will tell.

We have become aware that there was an Emergency Application for Writ of Injunction to ban "vaccination" mandates in the US to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS)  dated August 21st. 2021 as per the following:
"Physicians for Informed Consent moves the Court for leave to file an Amicus brief in support of Petitioners' Emergency Application for Writ of Injunction. This amicus motion is unopposed.
In support of this motion, Amicus assert that the district court ruling failed to apply strict scrutiny to Respondent's infringement upon the Petitioners' fundamental right to informed consent and informed refusal in vaccination, protected by the 14th. Amendment. Amicus request that this motion to file the attached Amicus brief be granted."
A summary of the argument which asks for the Federal Government's mandation of Covid vaccines to be prohibited, asks that the Court should find Respondent's vaccine mandate fails to advance a compelling government interest that is narrowly tailored to protect public health.
The summary of argument reads:
"Respondents' vaccine mandate would not pass strict scrutiny for scientific reasons.
There is no evidence that any of the currently available EUA COVID-19 vaccines prevent the spread of SARS-COV-2 or COVID-19, and in fact there is evidence that the spread of SARS-COV-2 occurs in spite of vaccination. Therefore, there is no scientific justification to segregate vaccinated and unvaccinated people. This is particularly important in light of super precedent Brown v. Board prohibiting separate but equal schooling.
There is compelling evidence that previous SARS-COV-2 or COVID-19 infection is more effective at preventing SARS-COV-2 or COVID-19 infection than COVID-19 vaccines. Therefore, those previously infected with COVID-19 should have at least the same rights as those vaccinated for COVID-19."
We believe that SCOTUS has upheld this injunction and that therefore this Federal vaccination mandate will not stand. It is not so clear just how individual employer vaccine mandates will fare. And then you add into the mix state law v. Federal law and it all gets murky indeed.    
The whole business of "vaccines" for the Chinese Virus is getting murkier and murkier. Just when you think you might have a handle on what is going on, something else comes up.
It seems clear though that - 
** "vaccination" does not confer absolute protection, although it may in the short term reduce severity from the disease and reduce the likelihood of hospitalisation. 
** various countries have imposed differing levels of "vaccine" compulsion - all of which are illegal under international law. The main forms of compulsion are employment based and travel.
** "booster" shots are being talked about with increasing frequency, because the main shots are becoming less and less effective with various strains evolving. 
** the numbers of deaths and serious permanent injury world-wide directly attributable to the "vaccines" are growing and now number in the tens of thousands.
** the well-known prophylactic drugs such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, which were used so successfully to treat the Chinese Virus in the early days of the Virus, have been banned by the FDA for months. This amounts to criminal negligence as these drugs have been around for decades and are harmless, unless overdosed. In the case of Ivermectin, so many smears such as "horse medicine" are bandied about, but there is a human version. We take 14 capsules monthly which is 42 milligrams. So far we are still alive and kicking!! In addition we take daily doses of Vitamin D3 (5,000 IU) and Zinc Sulphate (220 mg).
The bottom line for us is that there has been so many adverse and well researched and believable facts published (including by Dr. Robert Malone - the inventer of the mRNA "vaccines"), that we are absolutely certain that we wouldn't touch any of it with a barge pole. We feel so sad for the world, and in particular for our country, because of all the lies and deliberate fear-mongering that are being shamelessly pushed onto an already cowed population. And we especially feel for those who have been shamelessly and economically coerced into having the jab against their wills. As an aside, many members of the US Military are resigning rather than take the jab. We can only hope that the long term effects of the "vaccines" are not as severe as some authoritative narratives are suggesting.
In New Zealand (Godzone!) Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are outright BANNED - or might as well be due to the outrageous cost and sheer difficulty of ever obtaining either. Why in God's name, when both have proven track records in successfully treating patients with early stage Chinese Virus?? And there's another medication, Chlorine Dioxide, which has also gained a successful track record. Right now there is an individual who is fighting charges brought by the NZ Government for manufacturing and selling an "illegal substance" - CD. Many people are rallying round to help defeat these spurious charges. Read the Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine volume 14:5, 2020.
The NZ government is guilty of the most heinous crimes against the very people they are sworn to protect. When people down the track start dying of blood clots, other blood disorders and possibly early deaths in young people from Myocarditis (irreversible damage to the heart tissue/muscle), they'll just say - "oh well, they were old" or "they were likely to develop these conditions anyway".
We have also become aware of hitherto secret and oppressive agreements between governments and the pharmaceutical companies to control the supply and price of their Chinese Virus "vaccination" substances. Needless to say the main requirement in these agreements is that the governments can never sue the pharmaceutical companies, regardless of future outcomes and that the terms of the agreements must be kept confidential for a minimum of 10 years. In Israel's case, it's 30 years. No doubt another clause prohibits the use of the well-known prophylactic drugs we have constantly been referring to. These people are EVIL.
The whole situation is absolutely horrible and with more time that passes, it makes it more and more obvious that there are devious dark forces at play. It puts Nazi Germany in the shade. If you don't believe us, just read everything you can get your hands on as regards questioning the "vaccines", and if you won't at least listen and/or read and listen to other authors and contributors - well, we can say no more.
Note that these following statistics cover a period of 3 weeks and that the comparative figures in parenthesis relate to August 27th.
MUNDO - World
Population - 7,892,149,671 - (7,887,476,595) - up 4,673,076 or 0.059%
Active cases - 18,617,619 - (18,312,506) - up 305,113 or 1.7%. Percentage of total population - 0.236% - (0.232%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,359 - (2,322) - up 37 or 1.6%. 
Still going up, although the rate of increase well down from 3 weeks ago when it was 8.8%. Must be the Ivermectin!!

Population - 45,696,487 - (45,672,715) - up 23,772 or 0.052%
Active cases - 33,630 - (212.064) - down 178,434 or 84.1%. Percentage of total population - 0.074% - (0.464%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 736 - (4,643) - down 3,907 or 84.2%.
The use of Ivermectin is now widespread in Argentina, including in hospitals. Say no more.

Population - 25,856,954 - (25,839,984) - up 16,970 or 0.066%
Active cases - 19,190 - (15,191) - up 3,999 or 26.3%. Percentage of total population - 0.0742% (0.058%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 742 - (588) - up 154 or 26.2%
These figures have come down substantially in the last week.

Population - 19,314,333 - (19,304,928) - up 9,405 or 0.049%
Active cases - 5,824 - (6,473) - down 649 or 10.0%. Percentage of total population - 0.030% - (0.034%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 302 - (335) - down 33 or 9.9%
Another solid result. Better than Australia!!

Population - 51,537,534 - (51,506,424) - up 31,110 or 0.060%
Active cases - 35,609 - (44,608) - down 8,999 or 20.2%. Percentage of total population - 0.069% - (0.087%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 691 - (866) - down 175 or 20.2%
Weekly rate of decrease down again, but still a solid result and far more believable than the wild swings of a few weeks ago. A solid result and the active cases per million is even 6.9% lower than Australia!!

Population - 10,979,230 - (10,972,993) - up 6,237 or 0.057%
Active cases - 4,962 - (4,976) - down 14 or 0.3%. Percentage of total population - 0.045% - (0.045%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 452 - (454) - down 2 or 0.4%.
Very small decrease, but still better than going up. Keep the Ivermectin going!

Population - 17,966,183 - (17,950,808) - up 15,375 or 0.086%
Active cases - 29,421 - (24,038) - up 5,338 or 22.2%. Percentage of total population - 0.164% - (0.134%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,638 - (1,339) - up 299 or 22.3%
Numbers still increasing. Haven't they heard of Ivermectin?

Population - 84,107,665 - (84,092,334) - up 15,331 or 0.018%
Active cases  - 161,984 - (102,448) - up 59,536 or 58.1%. Percentage of total population - 0.193% - (0.122%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,926 - (1,218) - up 708 or 58.1%.
Rate of increase has reduced, but still increasing. Over-reliance on "vaccines" and banning of prophylactic drugs like Ivermectin no doubt having a considerable bearing on this less than satisfactory result.

Population - 126,008,257 - (126,030,375) - down 22,118 or 0.018%
Active cases - 94,147 - (237,160) - down 143,013 or 60.3%. Percentage of total population - 0.075% - (0.188%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 747 - (1,882) - down 1,135 or 60.3%.
Japan has turned the corner. A very substantial change from 3 weeks ago when cases were increasing - now decreasing. 

Population - 32,866,366 - (32,842,573) - up 23,793 or 0.073%
Active cases - 227,117 - (265,695) - down 38,578 or 14.5%. Percentage of total population - 0.691% - (0.809%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 6,910 - (8,090) - down 1.180 or 14.6%
Malaysia has also turned the corner - figures now heading down after weeks of increases.

Population - 130,567,687 - (130,490,211) - up 77,476 or 0.059%
Active cases - 381,216 - (411,848) - down 30,632 or 7.4%. Percentage of total population - 0.292% - (0.316%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,920 - (3,156) - down 236 or 7.5%
From a very small rate of increase 3 weeks ago, now a modest rate of decrease. Good to see.

NEW ZEALAND - SHE'LL BE RIGHT, MATE, or in other words - Aotearoa!!
Population - 5,002,100 - (5,002,100) - no change - words fail us!! And that takes some doing!!
Active cases - 489 - (384) - up 105 or 27.3%. Percentage of total population - 0.010% - (0.008%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 98 - (77) - up 21 or 27.3%
Well, what can you say? Plenty actually - it's all in our comments below.

Population - 111,340,780 - (111,257,087) - up 83,693 or 0.075%
Active cases - 188,108 - (142,531) - up 45,577 or 32.0%. Percentage of total population - 0.169% - (0.128%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,690 - (1,281) - up 409 or 31.9%
Rate of increase is down but still going in the wrong direction.

Population - 23,868,874 - (23,866,408) - up 2,466 or 0.010%
Active cases - 163 - (185) - down 22 or 11.9%. Percentage of total population - 0.001% - (0.001%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 7 - (8) - down 1 or 12.5%
A stellar run - still going very well.

Population - 70,011,638 - (70,001,817) - up 9,821 or 0.014%
Active cases - 129,421 - (185,200) - down 55,779 or 30.1%. Percentage of total population - 0.185% - (0.265%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,849 - (2,646) - down 797 or 30.1%
Increase in rate of decrease from 3 weeks ago. Long may it continue and Popeye Marine carry on their boat refurbishments!!

Population - 68,316,802 - (68,296,383) - up 20,419 or 0.030%
Active cases - 1,297,175 - (1,245,392) - up 51,783 or 4.2%. Percentage of total population  - 1.909% - (1.824%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 18,988 - (18,235) - up 753 or 4.1%
After a reduction 3 weeks ago, now there is a 4.1% increase - and all in spite of an all out drive for "vaccination"!!

Population - 333,347,223 - (333,236,063) - up 111,160 or 0.033%
Active cases - 9,598,555 - (7,958,077) - up 1,640,478 or 20.6%. Percentage of total population - 2.879% - (2.388%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 28,795 - (23,881) - up 4,914 or 20.6%
Rate of increase is down from 3 weeks ago, but still going in the wrong direction. What price "vaccinations" now?!!
Population - 3,488,277 - (3,487,588) - up 689 or 0.020%
Active cases - 1,680 - (1,242) - up 438 or 35.3%. Percentage of total population - 0.048% - (0.036%)
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 482 - (356) - up 126 or 35.4%.
Not a good change of trend, especially after recent solid decreases. BUT still way better (33.3%) than Australia!!

SELECTED FINANCIAL AND COMMODITY PRICE INFORMATION as at September 17th. with comparisons in parenthesis to January 4th. 2021
S & P 500 - US - 4433 - (3701) - up 732 or 19.8%
FTSE - UK - 6964 - (6752) - up 212 or 3.1%
NIKKEI - JAPAN - 30500 - (27258) - up 3242 or 11.9%
SSE COMPOSITE INDEX - SHANGHAI - 3614 - (3503) - up 111 or 3.2%
ALL ORDS - AUSTRALIA - 7703 - (6954) - up 749 or 10.8%
NZX50 - NEW ZEALAND - 13235 - (13238) - down 3 or 0%
COLCAP - COLOMBIA - BOLSA DE VALORES - 1322 - (1418) - down 96 or 6.8%
NZD/USD - .7035 - (.7174) - down .0139 or 1.9%
NZD/COP (Colombian Peso) - 2693 - (2475) - up 218 or 8.8%
NZD/EURO - .6000 - (.5855) - up .0145 or 2.5%
NZD/CHF (Swiss Franc) - .6559 - (.6320) - up .0239 or 3.8%
NZD/JPY - 77.36 - (73.97) - up 3.39 or 4.6%
NZD/CNY (Chinese Yuan) - 4.55 - (4.64) - down .09 or 1.9%
NZD/AUD - .9686 - (.9355) - up .0331 or 3.5%
USD/NZD - 1.42 - (1.39) - up .03 or 2.2%
USD/COP (Colombian Peso) - 3828 - (3420) - up 408 or 11.9%
USD/EURO - .8528 - (.8156) - up .0373 or 4.6%
USD/CHF (Swiss Franc) - .9323 - (.8813) - up .051 or 5.8%
USD/JPY - 109.97 - (103.11) - up 6.86 or 6.7%
USD/CNY (Chinese Yuan) - 6.47 - (6.46) - up .01 or 0.2%
USD/AUD - 1.38 - (1.30) - up .08 or 6.2%
BITCOIN - (USD per coin) - 46,973 - (34,038) - up 12,935 or 38.0%
GOLD - (USD per Troy Ounce) - 1,754 - (1,939) - down 185 or 9.5%
SILVER - (USD per Troy Ounce) - 22.39 - (27.14) - down 4.75 or 17.5%
OIL - West Texas Intermediate - (USD per barrel) - 71.92 - (47.80) - up 24.12 or 50.5%
COPPER - (USD per metric ton) - 9,348 - (7,972) - up 1,376 or 17.3%
COAL - (USD per metric ton) - 169 - (70) - up 99 or 141.4%
IRON ORE - (USD per dry metric ton) - 120 - (164) - down 44 or 26.8%
Highlights - 
US equities - a recent reduction of record increases which continue to defy logic. Maybe the start of a long-term correction?
Currencies - fairly steady and maintaining recent trends. When will the USD correct downwards, given the Trillions being printed? Possibly with growing uncertainty over the DIms' trillion dollar "infrastucture" spend-ups, any long-term trend may be delayed until these nonsensical spending ambitions are clarified - and hopefully substantially reversed.
It's surprising, given all the uncertainties, that gold remains depressed. But it seems that any "spare" money is flowing into Cryptos and equities at the moment.
In commodities, coal and oil are the standouts. Oil has been up recently due to supply outages in the Gulf of Mexico due to 2 hurricanes that have gone through there in the last month. And coal is up due to Chinese demand. So much for the Paris Climate Accords - even NZ is burning Indonesian coal to generate electricity. How on earth are they ever going to power a national fleet of EV's? 


Again, what more can we say, apart from what has already been said. Australia (and NZ too) is often mocked on UK and US TV commentary for their ludicrous and increasingly desperate reliance on the Chinese Virus elimination strategy. And if you thought that NZ's enforcement measures were over the top, spare a thought for those unfortunate enough to be living in Australia.
A light-hearted mask police anecdote - apparently an ex-Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, had been surfing at a north Sydney beach. His mask had probably fallen off in the surf. He was spotted on the beach by one of these eagle-eyed mask Nazis and given an infringement notice for $A500!! 
Borders between states are/have been (?) closed and supplies have not been delivered interstate, creating shortages on supermarket shelves. Many drivers will not have the prick, so they cannot cross state lines. What a ludicrous situation. The ludicrousness of this may have been recognised and dealt with since. If so, that's good, but such a situation should never have arisen in the first place.
Once again, it's a heaven-sent opportunity for these lockdown and authoritarian Socialist state premier maniacs to wield outrageous power.
Dr. John Campbell (on Youtube 16/09) exposes the criminal hypocrisy of the Australian government in his expose of a "report" about Ivermectin. The report is so shallow and unprofessional as to be unbelievable. Dr. John finishes up by throwing it over his shoulder in the direction of the waste paper basket!
From Albert Einstein - "unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth". 
Australians and New Zealanders in particular, but also all others, TAKE NOTE!!!

Following are this fortnight's headlines from the English language You may need to go to the desktop version to read most of these:
August 30th. Colombia arrests "Sinaloa Cartel money laundering chief
August 31st. Colombia's new central bank director increases tensions
August 31st. Colombia's indigenous urge action after wave of death threats
September 2nd. The wars for Colombia's cocaine containers Part 1: Buenaventura
September 2nd. Reinforcement for Colombia's liberal elite in 2022 elections race
September 2nd. WHO deems COVID variant detected in Colombia more serious than initially thought
September 3rd. Scholars' drastic solutions for Colombia Part 1: renegotiating free trade
September 3rd. Will Colombia get away with police crimes against humanity?
September 6th. Colombia reports lowest COVID-19 deaths since June 2020
September 6th. Colombia's government critics victim of "illegal smear campaign" 
September 7th. Colombia's prosecution in no rush to seek justice for Bogota Massacre victims
September 7th. Presidential candidate found responsible for Colombia's USD 1.1 billion dam debacle
September 8th. Colombia's congress approves tax reform in top speed
September 8th. Colombia's former president "blackmailed" former Cali Cartel bosses
September 8th. How political violence is marring Colombia's 2022 election race
September 9th. Colombia's presidential palace became home to criminal organisation under Uribe: Court
September 10th. Colombia's ICT minister resigns over corruption scandal
September 12th. Colombia claims army colonel provided guerillas with arms and explosives
September 12th. Poverty in Colombia Part 1: the starvation capital
September 12th. Colombia says 5 soldiers killed, 6 injured in guerilla attack
September 13th. The wars for Colombia's cocaine containers Part 2: Baranquilla
September 13th. Colombia's army recruiting war victims ahead of elections: report
September 14th. Southwest Colombia world's most dangerous place for environmental activists: report
September 15th. Colombia expropriates real estate developed by VP's husband and "drug kingpin"
September 15th. Bogota seeks military aid to confront crime wave in Colombia's capital
September 15th. Colombia set to prosecute mass killing of anti-government protesters: report
September 17th. Colombia seeks militarisation of multiple cities
September 17th. Colombia's "capital of fear" militarised after media-induced mass hysteria
There are a number of things happening for us - 
** Jean had a follow-up appointment with her Pneumologist and he categorically stated that her lungs were totally clear and she had nothing to be concerned about. This was great news and follows an earlier "virtual" appointment with another Pneumologist some months ago who stated that she had COPD!!! Absolute BS and just shows how useless these "virtual" appointments are. Still, that was at the height of the panic when everyone was running around like headless chooks and you couldn't see any doctor in person. Jean asked the Pneumologist, who is of course a respiratory disease specialist and no doubt was at the fore-front of the Virus treatments, how the Virus was progressing in Colombia. He looked her straight in the eye and said - "IT IS OVER!!! FINISHED." And, like all doctors everywhere, he has to be careful what he actually says, but he said to her - "I respect your decision about the vaccine". 
** The car continues to be a problem. However, the new garage owner who was recommended to us, Jhonny Torro, who is a Captain in the Colombian Army reserves, has definitely identified the problem as being with the CVT automatic transmission. He has ordered some parts from Germany (almost 10 million Pesos worth!) which hopefully will solve the problem. The other day we went up to the Indiana Mall fairly high above Medellin and on the way down the transmission was doing what it normally does which is to change down to assist in retardation on the down slope. However, it started changing almost to its lowest ratio which at 70-80 kph is somewhat unnerving!! So we had to take her out of gear and coast down some steep grades for about 10 kms out of gear! Then at the bottom we still had about 5 kms to get home. When engaging gear again it went in with a "clunk" but got us home slowly, still in low gear. However, since then it appears to be almost normal again, apart from the whirring noise. We drove it to Jhonny's workshop the other day and it went like a dream - even the noise was a bit less. But it's obviously not right and needs sorting so it's there now and hopefully the problem can at last be correctly identified and fixed! 
** We are still trying to sell the apartment before committing to buying the house in El Retiro because we certainly do not want to be owning 2 properties with all the economic uncertainty in the world. Some time ago we met a very pleasant American couple who have since bought and renovated a lovely Finca (country house) near to Retiro. She is Colombian born, but has lived in the US since a very early age. She was in real estate in the US for many years and offered to create a video of the apartment for us to help sell it, because our experience so far with the local agents is that, with one notable exception, they are not pro-active and after an initial flurry of activity they seem to just sit back and wait for things to happen. So, we are hopeful that this far more pro-active approach will work.
We now have 2 very interested parties - one through the video on the internet and the other through our agent. So, we will see. The real estate market here is nowhere near as "buoyant" as in NZ or the US, but it is steady without the frantic auction-based buying in those other markets. Mainly because of much higher interest rates which keep a lid on things.
We are planning to meet Perry and Tracie and the 2 nietos in Cartagena (an hour's flight from Medellin) on the Caribbean coast in mid November, as with all the uncertainty and cost of travel to the US now (particularly travel insurance in the US at our age!), this seemed a better option. None of us has been to Cartagena before, so it will be interesting to study the local history. The city was founded by the Spanish in 1533 and is we believe  the oldest European settlement in South America - certainly in Colombia.. It will be great to see them all again; the Chinese Virus has been a hugely disruptive influence in all our lives in so many ways. Going to NZ at the moment is just not an option with 5-6000 dollars for quarantine for both of us, and always the prospect that we could not leave should they all panic again with a few nasty Covids about the place!! 
Finally we compare Colombia's situation vis-a-vis the Chinese Virus and NZ's lunatic lockdowns driven by all the panic merchants.. Colombia a few months ago had 166,000 active cases (0.33% of the population). Now the figure is 35,000 (.069% of the population). Compare this to NZ at .011% and in NZ they are all locked up and scared witless and queuing up frantically for the jab. Colombia on the other hand has had the prophylactic drugs, including Ivermectina which we take, for decades, and makes them here. The country is wide open and doesn't even require testing to enter. Everything in the country is open and fully functioning. The only residual concession to the Chinese Virus is very half-hearted and almost never enforced mask wearing.

We cannot let this gem go without making mention of it. Apparently at 1 pm. every day der Fuhrer, Jacinda Hardon, appears before her adoring population to give them more re-assuring news about the dreaded lurgi - provided they've been pricked!  No prick - definitely NO reassurance! A collection of lies and propaganda. And what does it say about the fearful population at large - all queuing frantically for at least a swab thrust up their nose and hopefully at least the first of the double pricks. God help NZ - it makes us so sad to realise just where the authoritative Covid-driven Socialism in the country has come to. And very few realise just what the "vaccines" are doing and will do to their bodies and the fact that the efficacy is waning at roughly 10% per month. Then it will be the "booster" jab. Where will it all end? In tears of fury, with absolutely no doubt. 
There is a doctor in Wellington with a 41 year career behind him who has now lost his practice due to his conscientiously speaking out against these untried "vaccines". He is also about to have his practising certificate cancelled. This is another outrageous act of supression of free speech in the so-called public interest - NZ may as well complete its transformation into the Soviet Socialist States of Aotearoa. 
In the South Island which has not had any recent case of the lurgi up until 28/08 and beyond, there was a group of mountain bikers on a well-used trail near Queenstown. Unfortunately one suffered an accident and required airlifting to hospital. The Police are now likely to charge everyone who was there because under the Covid draconian rules, you were not allowed to exercise further than 5 kms from where you live.
Including no boating - makes us wonder what would have happened had we still been there, or returned there, living on "Tiare Taporo III". As our home at the time was with no other fixed abode, it would not have been "recreational boating", so if the Police had tried any infringement notice we would have seen them in court.
Auckland at the time of writing, is still in Level 4 lockdown which is the most stringent level. The local economy is tanking and people are becoming desperate. This is absolute nonsense as they are still trying for the unattainable elimination and the worst is that so-called academic experts, who probably have never in their ivory tower lives had to produce a profit from running their own businesses, are still urging the fearful that this is the "only way forward" - provided you've potentially harmed yourself with a "vaccine" of course!!
The COVID hysterics and fear-mongers WILL ALLOW NO DISSENT!!!!!
Add to all that the full steam ahead racially based conversion of governance to at least 50% Maori, and the future is bleak indeed. This includes "areas of special significance" which almost certainly means that if you own (say) a coastal property, you will be forced off it, probably by increasing the property taxes to such an extent that ownership costs become totally unaffordable. We think in particular of Jim's family's old place in Paroa Bay in the Bay of Islands, which they owned from 1943 for 40 years in happier times. 107 acres between the old Russell Rd. at Frenchman's Swamp and the sea.
In addition, the Hardon Socialists are also trying to foist the "3 Waters" scheme on a largely unsuspecting and apathetic public. This involves the transfer of all fresh water assets from local bodies to central government at values far less than actual cost. These assets would then be transferred to full control by Maoris which would virtually mean that they would have total control of the country, because whoever controls access to fresh water controls access to life itself. Again we can only hope that the local bodies supported by their ratepayers have the cojones to resist this naked grab of the most important asset of the country - one which has been developed and paid for through property taxes over many years.
The Socialist crooks are trying to claim that the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi conferred a "partnership" arrangement between the various Maori tribes and the British Crown, but legal experts and historians have consistently debunked this theory. In 1840 Queen Victoria agreed to take responsibility for the governance of NZ and all its inhabitants at the time became British subjects - now of course NZ Citizens. This is a situation which more or less continues to the present day as NZ's Head of State is the British monarch's representative - known as the Governor - General. Apart from that, NZ is no longer a colony and is a fully self-governing member of the British Commonwealth with its own Parliament and Prime Minister. 
However, none of that makes any difference to the Socialists - as in the US, they ignore history and hitherto legal agreements and constitutions. And it should never be forgotten that Maoris and those identifying as Maori only comprise 16% of the total population and that these days there are NO full-blooded Maoris left. They are all substantially inter-married with Europeans and other races. The criminal gangs who are pushing Chinese derived Methamphetamine and Fentanyl onto addicted and soon to be addicted individuals are, almost without exception all of the Maori race. It is absolutely disgraceful that these criminals and other ne'er-do-wells are in effect vying, with the help of Hardon and her Socialists, to control New Zealand. 
Jim is a 4th. generation New Zealander and his children and grandchildren are 5th. and 6th. generation respectively. Jean is a 2nd generation, although through her mother (Worsfold) her ancestry goes back to the Mair family who settled in Northland well before 1840. We think we are well qualified to express these opinions. 
Last week there was an excellent interview by Leighton Smith with David Seymour, the Leader of the ACT Party. If you can listen to it, it is an excellent listen. 
Now we learn that Australia, the UK and the US have joined together as AUKUS to combat the growing threat of China. But because the partnership includes arming Australia with nuclear powered submarines, NZ in its absolutely unrealistic and childish attitude to anything nuclear, is frozen out. We have been warning of this for months and now we see events moving closer to their inevitable conclusion, particularly if China (correctly) now concludes that the US is not a threat as far as "reunification" of Taiwan is concerned. God alone knows what would happen with Australia and NZ if China launched an invasion of Taiwan. At least India and Japan would probably react as this would be seen as a direct geographical threat to Japan. India, after its victories on the Sino/India border last year, would probably seize any chance to further attack China. It would all turn very nasty very quickly, because ALL of those countries are nuclear armed.
Remember that the CCP of China has had the undying ambition (often expressed) to absorb Taiwan into their control ever since 1949 (72 years ago) when General Chiang-kai-Shek escaped from mainland China with his Kuomintang Army after extreme violence and conflict with the CCP. The CCP anti Taiwan rhetoric has been ramped up recently with illegal overflights by Chinese military aircraft over Taiwanese airspace together with the afore-mentioned rhetoric. 
Along with the Chinese Virus bullying and unfettered lying to a fearful population, the stark reality of racial takeover of the NZ Government and the very serious and likely prospect of armed conflict with China - initially over Taiwan - New Zealand is now in a very dark place.

According to a recent pie chart we've seen on Alex Belfield's podcast a few days ago, the following are the percentages of causes of deaths from various illnesses over a recent period in the UK - 
Dementia and related diseases - 26%
Cancer - 25%
Heart disease - 24%
Stroke - 13%
Flu and pneumonia - 7%
COVID (aka the old Kung Flu) - 5%
And when quoting "real" figures, there is no doubt that some of these "Covid deaths" will be recorded as being OF Covid; not WITH Covid. There is so much deliberate lying and misinformation these days that it makes one sick to the stomach, especially when the "statistics" are used to drive fear which encourages many people to succumb to medication that they neither want nor need, nor indeed should have under any circumstances. 
And Jeanette McCrankie (alias Caviar) of Lielickylooland is continuing to want "independence" from the UK and to join the EU. What planet is she on? 
And dire predictions of severe economic consequences from the cessation of the Chinese Virus stimulus payments. Nigel Farage is one who believes that the next few years will be very difficult. Many businesses will declare bankruptcy and unemployment will skyrocket.
Not to mention an illegal immigration problem that the government is doing nothing about, and the UK is becoming a mirror image of the US.

This has to be said - it is being continually claimed and repeated around the world by corrupt media (including NZ media) that the debacle in Afghanistan was President Trump's fault. In fact Trump did have an agreement with the Taliban, but it was NOT time based. Importantly it was conditions based. There was a nominal withdrawal date of May 1st., but only if conditions allowed, and only whether ALL American citizens and Afghani loyalists had already been evacuated in advance. Then and only then, would the military evacuate as well.
But Biden, obsessed with undoing anything that Trump had already organised, made a new disastrous agreement whereby he promised that the Americans (military and all) would all be gone by August 31st. And in the negotiation process the Taliban offered the entire city of Kabul and the airport to the Americans for the evacuation process to be as seamless as possible. But Biden said no; they only needed the airport. This crazy giveaway, together with abandonment of the Bagram Air Force Base and any flexibility as to time, has resulted in the bloodbath that has occurred and is now occurring with increasing ferocity. 
We are seeing increasingly desperate reports from Afghanistan to the effect that there is now no hope of rescuing the remaining Americans or former allies of the US. These people number in the tens of thousands and their systematic slaughter is now well underway. Biden's insistence on the Taliban imposed deadline of August 31st. will condemn these people to the Taliban's "mercy". They don't know the meaning of the word and their fate will be a mixture of torture, murder and use as hostages to extort even more money out of the US. And, either as an act of unbelievable incompetence or outright betrayal, the Biden outfit provided the Taliban with biometrics of Americans and American loyalists - ostensibly to allow the Taliban to find them and assist them to leave!! Can you believe it? In fact what is happening is that those same lists are being used to facilitate the slaughter. Whole families are being beheaded together.
This is a situation which Biden and his cohorts fully own and they will be held to account for their TREASON. This situation has been created DELIBERATELY by them and that fact is just now starting to be acknowledged publicly on the likes of Fox News and Newsmax. It will be repeated with increasing frequency from many sources as the weeks carry on.  
Then there is the present US Government debt of 28.8 Trillion dollars (1 Trillion is 1,000 Billion!) - and counting. And the Dims want to push through their so-called "infrastucture" bills totalling another 4.7 Trillion. There is going to be an almighty financial crash in the not too distant future, particularly with sharemarket valuations at levels NEVER before seen and this crash will reverberate everywhere around the world. The USD is likely, given the trillions printed, to decline in value by a substantial amount - some commentators say by at least 30%.
As if we need any more, the southern border is reaching increasing crisis proportions again with as many as 14,000 Haitians as we speak living under an interstate overpass which has now had to be closed for security reasons.  Once again the Dims have been doing absolutely NOTHING about the border situation - in fact inflaming it further with statements that appear to encourage even more illegals to cross the Rio Grande. 
Be under no illusion - Uncle Joe who portrayed himself as a moderate Democrat, only interested in people's welfare, is nothing but an incoherent Trojan Horse and the American people have been duped beyond belief. To say nothing of the obvious electoral fraud which allowed him in to wreak the havoc that has ensued in only 9 months. The Dims are operating to a deliberate strategy which was planned months before the 2020 election and we now see it in full swing. 
After the Afghanistan betrayal, which has been referred to many times in an emotional manner by all sorts of tough guys - Green Berets, Navy Seals and Special Ops forces - the mood of the nation is at fever-pitch and we feel more than ever that things could seriously implode before the 2022 mid-terms when it is widely expected that the Republicans will re-take both Houses. 
But that is only as long as the voting fraud can be addressed and the fixes enforced. And then there will be impeachment of the President and Vice-President for treason and dereliction of duty. And Speaker Pelosi for her conspiracy with the Chief of the General Staff (General Mark Milley) to undermine Trump's command of the armed forces. The President is constitutionally always Commander-in-Chief - for very good reasons. Pelosi's and Milley's actions were in direct violation of that 250 year old convention.
Don't know what happens then - apart from some executions (!) - probably a new election for President at that point. This is of course pure speculation, but given events so far, not beyond the bounds of possibility. 
We now have a copy of Mark Levin's (we have referred to him before) book - "American Marxism". A hair-raising account of where the US is right now and how it got there and what needs to be done to start climbing out of the hole. It's available on Amazon - we thoroughly recommend obtaining it to assist in understanding the abyss that the US and all of us are all really in.
On that sobering note we will leave you. Lots more we could say, but we'd all be here forever! Hopefully you get the picture. We'll endeavour to keep in touch as much as possible and let you know how our negotiations with the Colombian real estate system are progressing!
With all best wishes and love from us here in Medellin..........................the City of Eternal Spring.
Jim and Jean

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