Thursday, 19 August 2021

Fwd: What next?

We always read Bill Bonner's daily essays with great interest. We don't always agree with some of his assertions, but there is nothing to disagree with here. Except that we would add one rider - 
Bonner blames successive administrations equally for the Afghanistan disaster. Actually George Dubya BUSH got America into war in the Middle East by a gigantic lie to the American people about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq and he expanded the lie to also persuade Britain and other allies to join the "Coalition of the Willing". In fact no such WMD were ever found, although Dubya achieved his main aim of revenge against Saddam Hussein and collectively he and his Veep, Dick Cheney (former chairman of Halliburton Oil), got their hands on Iraqi oil - at whatever cost. And don't forget that Dubya was also an oilman from way back as well. Dubya and Cheney should both have been prosecuted for war crimes.
Two years prior to the Iraq invasion, the US occupied Afghanistan in order to destroy terrorist cells operating there after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the US. This aim was largely successful and the US continued the occupation until the present day. That was the mistake; they should have withdrawn once that objective had been accomplished, albeit with the threat that they would return if there was ever any resumption of terrorist activity. At the time, that threat would have been taken seriously.
Then in 2016 along came President Trump who was the only president since those days to state that one of his policies was complete US withdrawal from Afghanistan, and in fact the orderly planning for such a withdrawal was well underway before he lost office in 2020 in a fraudulent election. It should also be noted that, while in office, Trump successfully achieved a withdrawal from Syria, albeit under a hail of criticism from the military standing in for their benefactors, the so-called Industrial-Defence Conglomerate.
Then enter the bumbling and crooked fool. Joe Biden, who in reality is just a pawn of the equally crooked far-left. Anything Trump had organised was immediately destroyed in a fit of jealous pique, and so the seeds of what we are witnessing were sown. What would have been Trump's highly planned and organised withdrawal, was overturned by a hastily concocted web of incompetence. They withdrew 2,500 military personnel with no concern whatsoever at protecting the estimated 40,000 non military Americans located in all parts of Afghanistan. In the process, billions of dollars worth of high-tech military equipment has been abandoned and simply handed to the Taliban on a plate. Now they have re-deployed 4,500 troops to "protect" these people but there is no possibility of doing that except by threatening the Taliban who have cut off all access to Kabul International Airport, even by holders of American passports and Green Cards. Not to mention the tens of thousands of loyal Afghanis who are now being systematically hunted down, tortured and executed - along with their families, including the children. These people have been callously abandoned by Biden's crooks who show no regret or remorse at all.
The consequences of this disastrous display of weakness and incompetence will be felt by the US and the "Free World" for a long time to come.

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From: Bill Bonner <>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2021 at 11:45
Subject: What next?
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Bill Bonner's Diary

What Next?

By Bill Bonner

Thursday, August 19, 2021

The greatest happiness is to scatter your enemy and drive him before you. To see his cities reduced to ashes. To see those who love him shrouded and in tears. And to gather to your bosom his wives and daughters.

– Genghis Khan, first Great Khan of the Mongol Empire

Bill Bonner

POITOU, FRANCE – It's easy to criticize the Biden Team for its breathtaking incompetence in Afghanistan.

So that's what we'll do.

But the debacle illustrates far more than just the failure of one president, one party, or one administration.

It shows us how the whole elite scam works…

…from the delusion that the rest of the world wants to be like the USA… if it could only get the chance…

…to the fantasy that its experts know what they're doing…

…to the "exceptional nation" vanity… and misplaced faith in high-tech, super-expensive U.S. firepower…

…to the kind of misadventure you get up to when you can pay for it with fake money…

…to the collaboration of Wall Street and America's leading industries…

…to the complete lack of historical perspective or intelligent political leadership…

…to the bovine-like acceptance by the public of the elites' conjob…

…and the toadiness of its leading media.

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Your Bank is Ripping You Off


Teeka Tiwari, a former VP at the legendary Wall Street firm Lehman Brothers, is coming forward with a controversial announcement...

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Find out why "Tech Royalties" may be the best asset to hold for the 2020s.

Classic Elite Scam

As we pointed out in an early book, Empire of Debt, the U.S. never really got the hang of imperial finance.

Early empires must have been exhilarating… and rewarding. The conquerors raped the women, made slaves of the men, and carried off all the treasure they could get their hands on.

The Roman Empire was more sophisticated. Victorious troops won slaves and booty, and then the captured people paid regular tribute to Rome.

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The British Empire was a more modern, commercial variant, taking raw materials from colonies and using them to make finished products in Britain, which were then sold at a profit.

But the U.S. empire was a money-loser from the beginning. The elite enjoyed the thrill of playing World of Warcraft with live ammunition. They also got the jobs… the contracts… and the power.

But they never figured out how to make it pay, except for themselves… and only by taking the money from their own people.

It was a classic elite scam, in which the rewards go to the people at the top… and the costs (including most of the fatalities) fall upon the public.

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Bill Bonner: Shadow-Banned?


Have America's top booksellers refused to carry Bill Bonner's final book?

You won't find new copies of Win-Win or Lose at Barnes & Noble… and not a single copy is floating around on eBay.

In fact, the only used copy we could find was going for $79 on Amazon.

Which is why Bill recently authorized us to take drastic steps to put a copy in your hands essentially free – as part of this limited time offer.

To claim yours, click here

Eyes on the Money

Yes, in the Afghanistan debacle, it's all there… right before our eyes, like a corpse dumped on the highway.

And now we ask: What other incompetence are the elites hiding? What other lies are they telling?

And… will the lies and bungling continue for years… and then come crashing down in a matter of days?

Our beat here at the Diary is economics and finance. So we will ignore the war against COVID-19, the War on Drugs, diversity, democracy, anti-racism, climate control, and the rest of the claptrap. We'll keep our eyes on the money.

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And we note, again, that it's amazing what you can't see when you're paid to be blind.

Investors have made fortunes by not noticing that their stocks are priced nowhere near what they are really worth…

Statisticians are paid to miscalculate the inflation rate…

Economists build careers by ignoring the basics of economics…

Politicians win office by promising to spend more than we can afford…

And Federal Reserve chief Jerome Powell becomes the most famous public servant since Pontius Pilate by closing his eyes to the destruction caused by his phony interest rates and trillions of dollars' worth of fake money.

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The Most Controversial Tech Video You'll Watch in 2021?


Everyone's glued to big tech stories these days. Yet they've all missed the biggest of all. Not surprising. No one else is talking about what you'll see in this video.

Even before you put another penny into another tech stock, you'll want to watch this video first.

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Delayed Reaction

The fake dollar was introduced 50 years ago last Sunday. It probably would have disappeared long ago had not then-Fed chair Paul Volcker given it a new lease of life in 1980.

Thereafter, the U.S. held together fairly well for the next 20 years.

So we can probably date the real drift into fantasyland to about the same time as the invasion of Afghanistan… in the early 2000s.

"Reagan proved that deficits don't matter," said then-Vice President Dick Cheney in 2003.

Of course, deficits do matter. But not necessarily right away.

And by the time you realize that they do matter, you are trying to take off from a crowded runway… with dozens of people clinging to your wheels.

More to come…




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Strong words from Dear Readers after Tuesday's Diary, "The Media's Role in the U.S. 'War Machine'"...

Your flippant comments about Trump being banned from Twitter because Twitter didn't like his views of the election results is about as biased as you can get without actually admitting to anything.

Obviously, you believe that any person should be able to lie and attack democracy (especially after they have sworn to uphold the Constitution) and actually attempt a coup, and we should give that person front-page access to TV, newspapers and, of course, the internet.

Subversive speech is the same as yelling FIRE in a crowded theater. It can't be allowed, and your precious Trump will end up being arrested and tried for attempting a coup and for treason. And for those reasons, he deserves to never be allowed access to internet media services.

– Richard D.

We don't know what criteria you are using to label President Trump a "moron," but it is offensive and dismissive. Plus, you're probably irritating half of your readers. Please consider weighing your words more carefully!

– Sue L.

I enjoy reading about your thoughts and perceptions about what is going on in the world and America, but it makes me very sad to hear you call President Trump a moron. He was being Trump all the way, and if you did not like it, so be it.

But to call our president a moron, why not all the rest of them, too? We more than likely would not be in as bad a mess as we are now if Trump was still president. Biden has gotten us deeper in debt and no way out of the hole.

– Corlene F.

I love reading your works and look forward to many more. But today, however, you have exceeded reasonable bounds – or jumped the shark. Your lambasting of General David Petraeus was undeserved. Don't get me wrong, military veteran friends of mine and I were astonished when President Obama doubled down on Afghanistan in about 2009 or so. With no understanding of the host culture, tribalism, and absent clear objectives and exit strategies, all we could see was Saigon II.

But Petraeus served a full and honorable career of public service to defend a country that has devolved terribly over the course of that stellar career. You know well that, under our Constitution, all military commanders take their orders from the elected president, who is also subject to the elected members of Congress.

Lest you say, "Well, evil commanders also followed Hitler," or some such, there is one huge distinction: Our USA was attacked on 9/11 and an elected president took actions which we now believe were misguided. But it was not General Petraeus' prerogative to disobey the legitimately elected president of "We The People."

– Bill W.

But not everyone disagrees with Bill… Others commend him for exposing the lies of the elite

One thing I've learned from Bill is that things are not always what they seem. And "we the people" are stupid enough to accept the BS the elite feeds us rather than insisting on the truth and an openness in government that precludes the secret crap that the elite tolerate to the detriment of the populace.

The people have a right to know how the elite spends their money, commits their children to wars, and the truth of all their actions.

– James M.

I have been reading your daily missives since last year. I truly appreciate the way you convey your messaging about the "world gone mad" and the consequences of the actions or inactions of our so called "Elites," like Fauci et al. and the whole cabal. Thanks for everything you do.

– Abhishek B.

Should all free speech, even subversive speech, be protected under the Constitution? Did Bill "exceed reasonable bounds" with Tuesday's essay, as reader Bill W. says? Write us at


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