Saturday, 26 June 2021

Chinese Virus and other things

Hi to all,
This week for a variety of reasons - including that yours truly had a routine Endoscopy plus Colonoscopy last Monday and we have an otherwise busy week with Visa (now approved) matters, other meetings, and a friend staying here - mean that it is just too difficult to fit the normal blog all in. HOORAY, we can hear you say, but never fear; next week the stats will be back with a vengeance, plus news of the medical procedures and all sorts of other fascinating stuff.
For now, we'll confine ourselves to various bits of news that have come to our attention - 
** We have been horrified to learn that a new "double-pronged" Chinese "vaccine" is scheduled to be tried as a human trial on mainly young New Zealanders because New Zealand and its inhabitants are apparently viewed as "compliant". This is without any consideration for the fact that heart inflammation (Myocarditis) is a known side-effect of the "vaccine" mainly in younger people under 30, but not necessarily confined to that demogrphic!! 
Now we have just learnt that the USFDA has finally moved to add warnings to all "vaccines" being used in the US that Myocarditis (heart inflammation) is a known side-effect  - particularly for younger people.
** Keep all that in mind with the fact that in the US alone, let alone other "vaccinated" countries, over 5,000 people have died (and over 13,000 in the EU) as a known and proved direct result of having received the jab. The real figures will certainly be much higher with disastrous health effects being shown a week or more after the jabs.
If you can still  access it, you really should watch an interview with Tucker Carlson of Fox News on 23/04 when he is interviewing Dr. Robert Malone who is actually a co-inventer of the mRNA "vaccine". Dr. Malone is an extremely worried man and said that he had expected normal human and animal trials with the vaccine before it was released to the public. This of course did not happen and now in some cases there are almost immediate side-effects - one of which is death (fairly terminal!! - not to mention unknown longer-term effects which could affect many millions of people down the track.
** Also go to where you can co-sign the petition and read just what a number of concerned NZ medical practitioners are saying about the "vaccine". You MUST be as informed as possible before considering accepting the "vaccine".  
** Even President Trump has now said that he doesn't think that "young" people should get the jab - no doubt because of the fact that under 20 yr olds usually do not get sick and do not transmit the disease. He would also have had in his mind that under 30 yr olds (and possibly older) can suffer from Myocarditis with God alone knows what longer term other side-effects that may occur.
We also believe that Trump did a good thing by ensuring that the vaccine was rolled out in such a short time, but he was absolutely lied to in regard to efficacy and untested mid to long-term side-effects. Also the likelihood of the necessity for regular booster shots indefinitely into the future. Hence his latest comments amid the fact that the "vaccines" were produced in record time. 
Many professional people who are prepared to think and make their concerns public have been censured, threatened and had their platforms disestablished. Censorship at its absolute worst with real lives at stake.
We read in the NZ "toilet paper" Herald that many doctors who have dared to even voice mild concern over the "vaccine" have been not only threatened with loss of employment, but that their practising certificates could be withdrawn. This is the worst kind of forcibly imposed state control of a kind that we have read about in Socialist and Communist countries in the past, but which is now occurring in NZ, the US and other supposedly "free" countries where free speech is sancrosanct - or used to be. It's even worse when you consider the potential human costs. We don't doubt that Dr. Damian Wojcik of Whangarei is probably one of those principled doctors who are being outrageously targeted.
What the hell is happening to us in this world? 
** One piece of good news is that the Fillibuster in the US Senate has been preserved in spite of determined Dim efforts, which will mean that it will be all but impossible for the Dims to push through their worst radically excessive measures and at least the situation can be held until the 2022 mid-terms when both Houses will once again be Republican.
** The Maricopa County (Phoenix, Arizona) electoral forensic audit is nearing its end. Officials from other swing states - elected and otherwise - have toured the forensic audit facility and have shown much interest in duplicating this enormous effort in their own states. Note that the Dims have pulled out all legal stops, and also not even short of defamation, to try and stop the audit and even now the Justice Dept. is suing the State of Georgia to try and overturn the recently passed electoral reform law there which insists on things like voter ID and proof of citizenship and residence - among other reasonable things. Of course the Dims are once again trying desperately to preserve the situation where outrageous voter fraud was rife in order to maintain their disgusting hold on power. 
They cannot fight fair in a normal electoral campaign; they can only rely on their crooked methods to gain or hold power. But slowly and surely they are being exposed. 
** There have been appalling scenes at School Board Meetings in the State of Virginia where concerned parents have vociferously challenged these woke boards in their imposition of Critical Race Theory on their children. Not to mention revisionist history teaching. Many parents stood up to speak until the Board members, unable to advance any countering arguments, declared the meeting over and walked out with thunderous looks on their faces!! What a bunch of pathetic cowards. Whereupon the parents continued talking to themselves and discussing future protests until the local police moved in and arrested several for trespassing. This is all over Fox News on film on Tucker Carlson, Hannity and Laura Ingraham. What a disgusting travesty and trashing of 1st. Amendment rights of free speech. This is cementing the Dims downfall in 2022 and no doubt that of these appalling school board members who are prepared to prejudice the childrens' education to advance their own traitorous agenda. Watch the same thing happening in NZ.
** Then there is another thing - Along with all this LBGT nonesense, biological males who now "identify as females" are being allowed to compete in womens' sports events. The latest travesty is that of a NZ weightlifter who has been allowed to become a member of the womems' weightlifting team for the Olympic Games in Tokyo. Understandably the women members of the team are outraged and driven to despair to see their hard-won places in the team undermined. This has been all over Fox News in the US and no doubt will cause similar outrage at the Games themselves. Can you imagine the NZ weightlifter winning gold and the other two women on the podium putting up with that?? Possibly murder might be done. And NZ is not the only country; trans-genderism is rife in the US at all levels of womens' sports.  
** We have read a very unsettling article by a former White House doctor on the subject of the current president's mental health which is obviously failing rapidly - even to lay people such as us watching him stumble through the most simple sentences or questions. That he was ever elected was due to the most egregious and massive fraud in the world's history and the VP (Harris) polled at the bottom of the Democrat Primary.  Now it's looking more and more likely that she will become president. She was the most left-wing Senator that the Senate has ever seen and will soon head the Free World. Fervent prayer, as recommended in the article, is perhaps the only course open right now - apart from outright Secession!
** Just thought we'd mention Biden's appallingly incompetent and traitorous conduct and total lack of negotiating skills when he met the Russian President, Vladimir Putin. You will be aware that so far there have been 2 hacking incidents from Russian hackers (widely believed to be supported by the Kremlin) on US domestic operations. One was the Colonial Pipeline which supplies a sizeable amount of fuel to all of the US East Coast and the other was a major meat processing plant. In both cases the operations were forced to shut down. When Biden met Putin he actually gave Putin a list of 16 targets which he said were "off-limits". And wagged a stern finger under Putin's nose!! In other words, "you can't attack these, but everything else is ok". This is impeachable conduct through sheer incompetence and deliberate sabotage of his country. Including giving Putin with the "list of 16" some more potential targets. Wonder if they include some or all of the US Military?
** And Vice President Harris's (finally) trip to the border, but only because President Trump is going there on 30/06 and conducting a Townhall there along with Governor Abbot of Texas. Harris's "trip" was nothing less than an absolute insult as all she did was touch down at El Paso International Airport some miles from the actual border, and then continue her trip on to California. This illustrates more than anything the sheer malevolence and deliberate destruction of the US and everything President Trump achieved during his time in office. But don't worry - he will be back - and possibly sooner than anyone imagines.
** We are also separately sending an article sent to us by a friend in NZ on the subject of "the Trashing of NZ's Democracy".  You will see that there is a petition attached which we ask all our NZ friends and family to sign and send to the address shown - if you have not already done so. In addition to this please read Dr. Muriel Newman's weekly newsletter, and also a very worthwhile way to spend just a little over an hour is to listen to Leighton Smith's weekly podcasts on Newstalk ZB. They are both examples of "a breath of fresh air" in these Socialist and extreme woke times. At the end of Leighton's podcast he reads emails that have been received from concerned citizens and it is encouraging to realise that there are still a few of us patriotic and reasonably democratic souls left and still breathing.
Well, that's it for this week - hope everyone is still in good health...................
Cordial saludos y mucho amor de nuestra parte en la Ciudad de la Eterna Primavera.............
Jim y Jean

Sunday, 20 June 2021

Chinese Virus (a.k.a. The Kung Flu) statistics from Medellin, Colombia, for week number 44 (308 days) as at June 18th. 2021 (plus political comment and our personal news) since 21/08/20

Hola a todos nuestros amigos y familiares,
Esperamos como siempre que todo el mundo este en rosa - 

CHINESE VIRUS STATISTICS and related comment - 
In a news report just to hand, we've read about FOUR British Airways pilots who have died within just days of receiving the 2nd. jab. Three of them all in the same 7 day period. Ages: 30's to 50's. It is not stated just which of the brands of "vaccine" they received, but it hardly matters. Of course BA themselves deny any connection to the "vaccine", as they would. There is a photo of 4 Books of Condolence along with framed photos on a table together. Fat lot of good that would be to their families. 
And there are unconfirmed reports that BA are in talks with the British Government about whether "vaccinated" pilots should be allowed to fly. Why - are they concerned that pilots might become incapacitated while flying planeloads of passengers - possibly of blood clots due to the "vaccine" combined with altitude??
Thousands of women have reported disrupted menstrual cycles, hemorrhaging, miscarriages and stillbirth after receiving injections of the "vaccine". The alarming side effects are attributed to receptors in the contagious spike proteins that attach to the placenta and uterus and cross the "blood/brain" barrier within 15 minutes of the "vaccine" injection.
A complete paradox that has become apparent is that the unvaccinated are at greater risk of exposure from the vaccinated - because the "vaccines" contain the spike proteins.
The medical director of America's Frontline Doctors has noted - "that the biggest lie being promoted about the "vaccine" is the claim that it prevents transmission of the Chinese Virus. The "vaccines" shouldn't even be referred to as "vaccines". As the medical community, mainstream "media", Big Tech and politicians successfully indoctrinate the public into believing that "vaccines" are keeping us "safe" - in reality we are being experimented on".
"They skipped the animal studies. They skipped them. So we are the animals. We are being experimented on right now", she claims. "Why would you do that to a child? Why would you do that to the elderly? Why would you do that to a pregnant woman, and jeopardise her future fertility?"
In yet another instance of egregious censorship of COVID "vaccines" information, a video of The Gateway Pundit's interview with Dr. Cole was removed from Youtube less than 10 minutes after it was published for violating the platform's "COVID-19 community guidelines". 
So Youtube has now set itself up as medical experts and arbiters of what we can and can't be informed about. 1984 is here. 
And another fascinating bit of news ; Metformin which is widely used to treat Type 2 Diabetes - and which yours truly has used since the late 80's - has now been the subject of a study at a university in Birmingham, Alabama which strongly indicates that it could have the ability to suppress the worst effects of the dreaded lurgi! Wonder when Metformin will be pulled by the FDA - just as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine have. Fascinating. But not a chance of withdrawal as it has made billions over the years and continues to do so.   

MUNDO - World
Population - 7,871,899,675 - (7,870,341,983) - up 1,557,692 or 0.02%
Active cases - 11,637,068 - (12,334,974) - down 697,906 or 5.7%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,478 - (1,567) - down 89 or 5.7%
A further decline in the rate of weekly decrease - last week 7.6% - this week 5.7%. At least the numbers are still going down.

Population - 45,593,473 - (45,585,549) - up 7,924 or 0.017%
Active cases - 316,265 - (342,813) - down 26,548 or 7.7%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 6,937 - (7,520) - down 583 or 7.8%
Still decreasing and the rate of increase has increased over last week

Population - 25,783,417 - (25,777,760) - up 5,657 or 0.022%
Active cases - 130 - (162) - down 32 or 19.8%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 5 - (6) - down 1 or 16.7%
Jolly good. Lock a few more people up for weeks and you'll get to zero!!

Population - 11,825,525 - (11,822,479) - up 3,046 or 0.026%
Active cases  - 68,609 - (69,422) - down 813 or 1.2%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 5,801 - (5,872) - down 71 or 1.2%
Maybe the corner is turned? Going down after many weekly increases.

Population - 214,000,122 - (213,980,268) - up 19,854 or 0.009%
Active cases - 1,130,386 - (1,062,270) - up 68,116 or 6.4%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 5,282 - (4,964) - up 318 or 6.4%
A most unwelcome change upwards after last week's decline of 3.9%

Population - 19,273,580 - (19,270,445) - up 3,135 or 0.016%
Active cases  - 40,816 - (46,804) - down 5,989 or 12.8%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,118 - (2,429) - down 311 or 12.8%
A very satisfactory weekly rate of decrease - much better than last week's 2.1%. Let's hope it continues

Population - 51,402,759 - (51,392,392) - up 10,367 or 0.020%
Active cases - 171,773 - (164,983) - up 6,790 or 4.1%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 3,342 - (3,210) - up 132 or 4.1%
Still far from good, but at least the weekly rate of increase has lessened from last week. As a percentage of the population, active cases are 0.33%.

Population - 5,138,726 - (5,137,837) - up 889 or 0.017%
Active cases - 76,798 - (73,878) - up 2,920 or 4.0%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 14,945 - (14,379) - up 566 or 3.9%
After last week's reduction of 1.5%, this is a disappointment

Population - 10,952,203 - (10,950,124) - up 2,079 or 0.019%
Active cases - 53,759 - (52,908) - up 851 or 1.6%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 4,909 - (4,832) - up 77 or 1.6%
A much bigger weekly rate of decrease, so let's hope that next week the figures turn positive

Population - 17,899,534 - (17,894,407) - up 5,127 or 0.029%
Active cases - 13,654 - (16,249) - down 2,595 or 16.0%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 763 - (918) - down 155 or 16.9%
Not as big a reduction as last week, but still a very satisfactory continuing downward trend.

Population - 84,041,229 - (84,036,119) - up 5,110 or 0.006%
Active cases - 38,704 - (59,334) - down 20,630 or 34.8%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 461 - (706) - down 245 or 34.7%
Bit better than last week and a continuing very solid rate of decline.

Population - 126,104,099 - (126,111,471) - down 7,372 or 0.006%
Active cases - 23,730 - (34,753) - down 11,023 or 31.7%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 188 - (276) - down 88 or 31.9%
A better rate of decrease than even last week which was 25.4% - long may it continue. We must though make mention of the continuing decline in population. It seems to be constant at just over 7,000 per week. Long-term this is not a healthy trend.

Population - 32,763,264 - (32,755,333) - up 7,931 or 0.024%
Active cases - 65,602 - (78,864) - down 13,262 or 16.8%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,002 - (2,408) - down 406 or 16.9%
Much bigger decrease than last week. Hopefully this trend will continue.

Population - 130,231,293 - (130,205,401) - up 25,892 or 0.020%
Active cases - 272,551 - (267,692) - up 4,859 or 1.8%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,093 - (2,056) - up 37 or 1.8%
Another small weekly increase, but when is it going to start going down?

Population - 5,002,100 - (5,002,100) - no change - surprise, surprise!
Active cases - 23 - (29) - down 6 or 20.7%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 5 - (6) - down 1 or 16.7%
All cases are in isolation.

Population - 4,379,782 - (4,378,482) - up 1,300 or 0.030%
Active cases - 10,029 - (8,449) - up 1,580 or 18.7%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,290 - (1,930) - up 360 or 18.7%
A slight decrease in last week's increase, but still NOT good

Population - 7,216,483  - (7,214,808) - up 1,675 or 0.023%
Active cases - 54,092 - (57,720) - down 3,628 or 6.3%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 7,496 - (8,000) - down 504 or 6.3%
At last a solid rate of decrease - let's hope this continues.

Population - 33,411,923 - (33,402,936) - up 8,987 or 0.027%
Active cases and active cases per 1 million of total population NOT AVAILABLE

Population - 110,978,111 - (110,950,213) - up 27,898 or 0.025%
Active cases - 61,776 - (61,345) - up 431 or 0.7%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 557 - (553) - up 4 or 0.7%
Small numbers overall, but another very small weekly rise. They need to reverse direction.

Population - 23,858,188 - (23,857,366) - up 822 or 0.004%
Active cases - 5,211 - (10,982) - down 5,771 or 52.5%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 218 - (460) - down 242 or 52.6%
An amazing reduction after some weeks of increases.

Population - 69,968,217 - (69,964,872) - up 3,345 or 0.005%
Active cases - 32,795 - (43,428) - down 10,633 or 24.5%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 469 - (621) - down 152 or 24.5%
An increased rate of reduction from last week. Very encouraging. Letting foreign yachts in can't have done any harm!

Population - 68,228,318 - (68,221,512) - up 6,806 or 0.010%
Active cases - 176,432 - (131,856) - up 44,576 or 33.8%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,586 - (1,933) - up 653 or 33.8%
The rate of increase is less than half of last week but still going up in leaps and bounds. What is going on? In spite of high rates of "vaccinations" and drastic lockdowns - proves our point that none of this does any good whatsoever!

Population - 332,865,530 - (332,828,777) - up 36,753 or 0.011%
Active cases - 5,119,749 - (5,383,382) - down 263,633 or 4.9%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 15,381 - (16,175) - down 794 or 4.9%
A better rate of decrease, but still high numbers comparatively.

Population - 3,485,291 - (3,485,061) - up 230 or 0.007%
Active cases - 30,122 - (35,411) - down 5,289 or 14.9%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 8,643 - (10,161) - down 1,518 or 14.9%
A much better rate of reduction.

SELECTED FINANCIAL AND COMMODITY INFORMATION as at June 18th. 2021 with comparisons in parenthesis to January 4th. 2021. We've changed the comparison date to the 4th. January this year as we feel that gives a better comparison over a longer period.
S & P 500 - US - 4167 - (3701) - up 466 or 12.6%
FTSE - UK - 7018 - (6752) - up 266 or 3.9%
NZX50 - NZ - 12552 - (13238) - down 686 or 5.2%
COLCAP - Colombia - 1257 - (1418) - down 161 or 11.4%
NZD/USD - .6934 - (.7174) - down 1.4108 or 2.0%
NZD/COP - 2608 - (2475) - up 133 or 5.4%
NZD/EURO - .5845 - (.5855) - down .001 or 0.2%
NZD/CHF - .6396 - (.6320) - up .0076 or 1.2%
NZD/JPY - 76.46 - (73.97) - up 2.49 or 3.4%
NZD/CNY - 4.48 - (4.64) - up .16 or 3.5%
NZD/AUD - .9272 - (.9355) - down .0083 or .89%
USD/NZD - 1.44 - (1.39) - up .05 or 3.6%
USD/COP - 3760 - (3450) - up 310 or 9.0%
USD/EURO - .8430 - (.8156) - up .0274 or 3.4%
USD/CHF - .9226 - (.8813) - up .0413 or 4.7%
USD/JPY - 110.26 - (103.11) - up 7.15 or 6.9%
USD/CNY - 6.45 - (6.46) - down .01 or 0.2%
USD/AUD - 1.34 - (1.30) - up .04 or 3.1%
GOLD - (USD per Troy Ounce) - 1764 - (1,939) - down 175 or 9.0%
SILVER - (USD per Troy Ounce) - 25.80 - (27.14) - 1.34 or 4.9%
OIL WTI - (USD per barrel) - 71.50 - (47.80) - up 23.70 or 49.6%
COPPER - (USD per metric ton) - 9206 - (7972) - up 1234 or 15.5%


Australia continues to stand against the intimidatory tactics of the CCP - both their military intimidation of Taiwan and bullying tactics generally over trade with Australia and other countries. Australia is not a member of the G7, but the Prime Minister was invited to attend because Australia is seen by the G7 group of nations as having a pivotal role in the containment of CCP ambitions in the Indo-Pacific region. And Scott Morrison, the Australian PM, received unqualified support for Australia's position and for the other members of the coalition against the CCP - namely India, Japan and the US. The flash-point in all of this is of course Taiwan and the South China Sea.
We can only hope that this show of strength against the CCP's ambitions will cause Xi Xingping to re-think his misguided strategy. However, this would require a huge backdown and loss of "face" on the CCP's part as the stated goal of "reunification" with Taiwan has been written in stone ever since 1949 when the Communists took power in China.
In the meantime, China is not appearing to backdown as their most recent show of force only days ago was an overflying of Taiwanese airspace by 28 Chinese military aircraft, in spite of being warned to leave many times by Taiwanese air control.
If they try this too much more someone's nerve will snap and World War 3 will be triggered.
Following are this week's headlines from the English language You may need to go to the desktop version to read most of these - 
June 13th. Colombia removes statues of Columbus and Spanish queen after attacks
June 14th. Colombia's estimated cocaine exports highest in history of drug trade
June 17th. Colombia searching for 84 people who were "disappeared" during protests
June 17th. Colombia gives "superpowers" to controversial inspector general
June 17th. Colombia's anti-government protests continue without strike organisers
June 17th. Colombia investigating military over "guerilla car bomb"
Otherwise very little to report; life is very much as usual. Our new "office" in one of the former spare bedrooms has taken shape and is working well.

ALL New Zealanders should make sure that they receive the weekly newsletters of the NZ Centre for Political Research - (Muriel Newman). And listen to Leighton Smith who is as always a voice of reason in this ever increasingly crazy world.
The latest newsletter refers mainly to the ludicrous Climate Commission report which warns NZ and New Zealanders of Armageddon if everyone does not mend their wicked ways! It's another weapon being used by Socialists to establish total control. Of course the other weapons being shamelessly and openly used are outright racism which extends to teaching "critical race theory" in schools, universities and anywhere else where there are groups of people - such as the military. And of course the surreptitious stealth by which the separation of government is already taking place. He Puapua is a subversive document and its authors - Maori activists who have no concern for their own people - all of them - are actually traitors to their country. 
We won't go into detail; you can do your own research, if you haven't already. Except to mention some excerpts from this week's newsletter -  
Last year the toothy grin declared a "climate emergency" in NZ. Now she's claiming that climate change is a matter of "life or death". She is ramping up the rhetoric to convince NZer's that the Climate Commissioner's recommendations must be slavishly followed - even though they are totally unnecessary.
It's sounding more and more like that crazy Scandinavian teenager's rants and that of AOC in the US.
The Commission plans to change our behaviour and disrupt our way of life. They want to force people to abandon their cars in favour of walking, cycling, and using public transport - and switch our 4 million petrol and diesel fleet to electric - including planes. They want Kiwis to abandon their dream of a home with a garden and room for the kids to play, in favour of high density housing. They want electricity to replace coal and natural gas, and since they blame livestock for half the country's "dangerous" emissions - created by a natural rumination process that can be traced back to the dinosaurs - they want farmers to slaughter a million cows and 4 million sheep.
The PM's apocalyptic claims about the climate are carefully crafted spin. There is NO emergency or life or death crisis. Nature controls the climate as it has always done. mankind's contribution is negligible.
And the story goes on - please get the newsletter and read it.  

As you will see above, the UK's C Virus figures continue to escalate, although at a slower rate than the previous week. WHY IS THIS, GIVEN THE ALREADY HIGH "VACCINATION" RATES IN THE UK?
The dinghy traffic across the Channel continues to escalate in spite of the Home Secretary lying like a flat-fish about numbers and future intentions to stop the traffic. They have no intention of stopping it and are in cahoots with the French in facilitating the destructive traffic. These "asylum seeking migrants" are in the main young men of military age who are well equipped with clothing and even cellphones with which they already communicate with their friends already in the UK.
Exactly the same thing that is happening on the US southern border. What is Boris's endgame?  
The EU continues with their ridiculous rules which if allowed to continue, could well see Northern Ireland being forced out of the UK. And there are constant disagreements and threats of legal action just about on a daily basis. The sooner Boris tells the EU collectively to take a running jump, the better. The UK has just concluded a Free Trade agreement with Australia and NZ is in the pipeline - hopefully. The EU said it would take years, like the 7 years it took them to conclude with Canada, but the Australia agreement was only a matter of months.

So many things keep happening under this criminal Biden/Harris White House occupancy.
The most important matter coming up this coming week is the determined effort on the part of the Dims to push their partisan electoral legislation through the Senate and also to destroy the Filibuster in the process. If they succeed the Feds would take over all states' electoral laws and virtually make it impossible for Republicans to win anything. Lack of voter ID, no proof of citizenship or residency - the horrible list goes on. This Dim assault against fundamental democracy must NOT succeed because if it does the USA is really finished and the consequence would be almost certainly Secession. We cannot over emphasise the importance of this. Fingers crossed. 
In Portland, Oregon the entire Rapid Response unit has resigned en masse. These people are used to quell riots among other things and are among the highest trained police forces around. But one of their number has been prosecuted because he used his baton against a violent rioter in a completely legal way and according to police procedure - but he is now facing assault charges. So, Portland, Oregon has now completely lost its anti-riot police and the city is wide open to destruction. 
The US military, and particularly the Navy, is being forced by way of blatant indoctrination to read a book which extols the "critical race theory". This simply encourages racial division and seeks to de-unify the military in an effort to deflect what should be their single-minded objective of defending the Republic against all comers. A senior admiral was cross-examined in Congress and he was evasive and an absolute disgrace to the Service. This infiltration of tertiary educational institutions and now the armed services is well established and an extremely worrying development to contemplate.
Latest news re the Maricopa forensic audit is that the bulk of the work is now nearly done; now there will be detailed examination of the ballots to check for authenticity - much like checking banknotes for forgery. The final report is not expected to be released until early August so it will be the most thorough re-check of electoral ballot counts in history. Members of legislatures of other "swing" states have visited the Maricopa operation and have been impressed to the point that they almost certainly instigate similar audits. These states include Wisconsin, Georgia and Pennsylvania. The Georgia Secretary of State is trying to introduce legislation making such an audit illegal; it's amazing just what these Dims will do to frustrate justice and maintain their own corrupt regimes.
The other good news is that Texas has signed into law a bill authorising their own border wall. Work has already started on completing at least the Texas segment of Trump's wall. And Florida has responded to Texas's request for help in policing the border. The flood of illegals crossing will be stopped with this determined show of force. It's to be hoped that Arizona, New Mexico and California follow suit. Not much chance of California but the other 2 may well join and do what is necessary.
Some more good news is that President Trump has agreed to visit the southern border with the Texas governor. This will absolutely humiliate the crooks in Washington who have been and are too gutless to witness and take blame for the carnage they have directly caused.

Well, that's it for another week. Stay well and avoid the jab like the plague. It is NOT safe.
With lotsaluv and all best wishes from us in Medellin, Colombia...............
Jim and Jean  

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Chinese Virus (a.k.a. The Kung Flu) statistics for week number 43 (301 days) as at 11th. June 2021 (plus political comment and our personal news) since 21/08/20

Hola a todos nuestros amigos y familiares,
Esperamos como siempre que todo el mundo este en rosa -
CHINESE VIRUS STATISTICS and related comment - 
With every day that goes by we hear more and more about side effects associated with the Chinese Virus "vaccine". And now another insidious narrative is being developed to the effect that the main "vaccine" has only a limited efficacy life and will need to be "boosted" after 3 or 6 months - possibly for ever. This is extremely concerning because all that will do is further weaken the natural immune system to the point where when any other disease comes along, it will mean that that disease will not be resisted as it should.
The great Dr. Fauci has lied so much about not knowing anything about "gain of function" research and the fact that he denied that he was involved up to his scrawny neck in funding just this research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. He is now doing his damndest to persuade the gullible of the world to take the Chinese Virus "vaccine". If for no other reason, his previous lies are a major reason for refusing it.
We hope that you have accessed Dr. Damian Wojcik's website and his reasoned arguments for not taking the "vaccine". As we said, we knew Dr. Wojcik in Whangarei, NZ before we left NZ on "Tiare Taporo III" in July 2011. We had the utmost respect for him and, even if we were not aware of others' scientific arguments, we would take his comments very seriously. If you haven't heard him yet, we strongly recommend that you do.
There are now very worrying instances being reported of younger patients having been "vaccinated", and who have contracted Myocarditis immediately following. A number have since died. Many with young families.
American universities are insisting on "vaccination" before admission now - in that case if it were us, we would take at least a year's sabbatical!!
And now it is being recommended to "vaccinate" as young as 6 months old. These people are child murderers.
The latest death figures solely attributable to the Chinese Virus "vaccines" world-wide are now in excess of 13,000. And these are patients who died within a relatively short time of taking the "vaccine". No mention, nor will there ever be, of those who died a short while later, or who may have developed longer-term debilitating health problems. These figures should be sufficient on their own to justify a halt to administering the "vaccines". This was certainly the case with an earlier SARS vaccine that was halted after only around 50 deaths. But the political and financial imperatives surrounding the present situation are so pressing that it seems that nothing will stop all the exhortations (and threats) to take the "vaccine". This is a situation that is so lacking in human consideration in the single-minded pursuit of political and financial ends, that it horrifies us. At the very least, there should be a further period of time allowed to assess on-going effects.
MUNDO - World
Population - 7,870,341,983 - (7,868,784,291) - up 1,557,692 or 0.020%
Active cases - 12,334,974 - (13,333,802) - down 998,828 or 7.5%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,567 - (1,695) - down 128 or 7.6%
Rate of decrease less than last week.

Population - 45,585,549 - (45,527,625) - up 57,924 or 0.127%
Active cases - 342,813 - (366,137) - down 23,324 or 6.4%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 7,520 - (8,033) - down 513 or 6.4%
Much bigger rate of decrease than last week - good to see.

Population - 25,777,760 - (25,772,103) - up 5,657 or 0.022%
Active cases - 162 - (127) - up 35 or 27.6%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 6 - (5) - up 1 or 20.0%
And they're all running round like authoritarian headless chooks for this?

Population - 11,822,479 - (11,819,434) - up 3,045 or 0.026%
Active cases - 69,422 - (64,465) - up 4,957 or 7.7%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 5,872 - (5,454) - up 418 or 7.7%
Still going up but the weekly rate of increase slightly reduced 

Population - 213,980,268 - (213,951,414) - up 28,854 or 0.014%
Active cases - 1,062,270 - (1,104,705) - down 42,435 or 3.8%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 4,964 - (5,163) - down 199 or 3.9%
Going down again - good to see.

Population - 19,270,445 - (19,267,310 - up 3,135 or 0.016%
Active cases - 46,804 - (45,860) - up 944 or 2.1%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,429 - (2,380) - up 49 or 2.1%
Dramatic reduction in weekly rate of increase - let's hope it soon translates into an actual reduction.

Population - 51,392,392 - (51,382,025) - up 10,367 or 0.02%
Active cases - 164,983 - (155,633) - up 9,350 or 6.0%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 3,210 - (3,029) - up 181 or 6.0%
Rate of weekly increase much reduced from last week, but still going the wrong way - see notes under "COLOMBIA"

Population - 5,137,837 - (5,136,948) - up 889 or 0.017%
Active cases - 73,878 - (74,969) - down 1,091 or 1.5%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 14,379 - (14,594) - down 215 or 1.5%
A small weekly reduction but hopefully they have turned the corner?

Population - 10,950,124 - (10,948,045) - up 2,079 or 0.019%
Active cases - 52,908 - (50,242) - up 2,666 or 5.3%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 4,832 - (4,589) - up 243 or 5.3%
A slight reduction in last week's increase, but they really do need to turn this around

Population - 17,894,407 - (17,889,280) - up 5,127 or 0.029%
Active cases - 16,249 - (33,960) - down 17,711 or 52.2%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 918 - (1,898) - down 980 or 51.6%
A fantastic achievement - long may it continue

Population - 84,036,119 - (84,031,009) - up 5,110 or 0.006%
Active cases - 59,334 - (85,085) - down 25,751 or 30.3%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 706 - (1,013) - down 307 or 30.3%
Slightly less rate of reduction from last week, but still very creditable. Let's hope it continues.

Population - 126,111,471 - (126,118,844) - down 7,373 or 0.006%
Active cases - 34,753 - (46,691) - down 11,938 or 25.6%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 276 - (370) - down 94 or 25.4%
Another excellent decrease about the same as last week. Just in time for the Olympics!!

Population - 32,755,333 - (32,747,402) - up 7,931 or 0.024%
Active cases - 78,864 - (84,369) - down 5,505 or 6.5%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,408 - (2,576) - down 168 or 6.5%
Corner turned? Much better than last week's increase of 15.8%. Maybe they'll start letting the yachts back!!!

Population - 130,205,401 - (130,179,509) - up 25,892 or 0.020%
Active cases - 267,692 - (263,919) - up 3,773 or 1.4%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,056 - (2,027) - up 29 or 1.4%
Another small increase in the weekly rate of increase - this needs to be turned around.
Population - 5,002,100 - (5,002,100) - no change; nothing ever happens in Godszone
Active cases - 29 - (12) - up 17 or 141.7%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 6 - (2) - up 4 or 200.0%
What can one say that hasn't already been said - see notes under "NEW ZEALAND"

Population - 4,378,482 - (4,377,182) - up 1,300 or 0.030%
Active cases - 8,449 - (6,812) - up 1,637 or 24.0%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,930 - (1,556) -up 374 or 24.0%
A doubling of last week's rate of increase. Not good.

Population - 7,214,808 - (7,213,132) - up 1,677 or 0.023%
Active cases - 57,720 - (55,610) - up 2,110 or 3.8%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 8,000 - (7,710) - up 290 or 3.8%
Another weekly reduction in the rate of increase - but still increasing 
Population - Population - 33,402,936 - (33,394,149) - up 8,787 or 0.026%
Active cases and active cases per 1 million of total population - NOT AVAILABLE

Population - 110,950,213 - (110,922,316) - up 27,897 or 0.025%
Active cases - 61,345 - (60,794) - up 551 or 0.91%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 553 - (548) - up 5 or 9.1%
Still small numbers and a large reduction in weekly increase. We look forward to the numbers going down next week.

Population - 23,857,366 - (23,856,544) - up 822 or 0.004%
Active cases - 10,982 - (9,126) - up 1,856 or 20.3%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 460 - (383) - up 77 or 20.1%
Only less than half the rate of increase from last week, but still going up. Still, maybe next week will finally turn the corner.

Population - 69,964,872 - (69,961,532) - up 3,340 or 0.005%
Active cases - 43,428 - (50,105) - down 6,677 or 13.3%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 621 - (716) - down 95 or 13.3%
At last a turnaround and a good solid one at that. Let's hope it continues.

Population - 68,221,512 - (68,214,706) - up 6,806 or 0.010%
Active cases - 131,856 - (75,822) - up 56,034 or 73.9%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,933 - (1,112) - up 821 or 73.8%
Not as big an increase as last week, but still very substantial and worrying. The Indian variant is blamed, but with the UK already a heavily vaccinated country, why are we seeing increases of this size?

Population - 332,828,777 - (332,791,423) - up 37,354 or 0.011%
Active cases - 5,383,382 - (5,537,566) - down 154,184 or 2.8%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 16,175 - (16,640) - down 465 or 2.8%
Almost exactly the same rate of reduction as last week. Still seems low given the high level of vaccination???

Population - 3,485,061 - (3,484,602) - up 459 or 0.013%
Active cases - 35,411 - (36,218) - down 807 or 2.2%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 10,161 - (10,393) - down 232 or 2.2%
Another small reduction about the same as last week. Still a long way to go.

SELECTED FINANCIAL INFORMATION as at June 11th. 2021 with comparisons in parenthesis to May 21st. 2021 (3 weeks ago):
S & P 500 - US - 4247 - (4151) - up 96 or 2.3%  
FTSE - UK - 7134 -  (7018) - up 116 or 1.7% 
NZX50 - NZ - 12550 - (12460) - up 90 or 0.7% 
COLCAP - Colombia - 1262  - (1244) - up 18 or 1.5% 
NZD/USD - .7127 - (.7174) - down .0047 or 0.7%
NZD/COP - 2600 - (2688) - down 88 or 3.3%
NZD/EURO - .5886 - (.5892) - down .0006 or 0.1%
NZD/CHF - .6402 - (.6441) - down .0039 or 0.6%
NZD/JPY - 78.15 - (78.17) - down 0.02 or 0.03%
NZD/CNY - 4.56 - (4.62) - down 0.06 or 1.3%
NZD/AUD - .9246 - (.9276) - down 0.003 or 0.3%
USD/NZD - 1,40 - (1.39) - up .01 or 0.7%
USD/COP - 3649 - (3744) - down 95 or 2.5%
USD/EURO - .8258 - (.8211) - up .0047 or 0.6%
USD/CHF - .8983 - (.8978) - up .0005 or 0.06%
USD/JPY - 109.66 - (108.95) - up .71 or 0.7%
USD/CNY - 6.40 - (6.43) - down .03 or 0.5%
USD/AUD - 1.30 - (1.29) - up .01 or 0.8%
GOLD - (USD per troy ounce) - 1878 - (1,881) - down 3 or 0.2%
OIL WTI - (USD per barrel) - 70.78 - (63.88) - up 6.90 or 10.8%


Haven't heard much lately, except that the PM was at the G7 meeting in the UK and was getting a disappointing reaction to his requested further sanctions against China in the light of mounting evidence that the Chinese Virus emanated from the virology lab. in Wuhan. So far everyone is pussy-footing around the likely scenario that the virus was deliberately let loose upon an unsuspecting and ill-prepared world. Now, with the passage of time and the orchestrated obfuscation and obstruction by the Chinese Communist Party, that may never be conclusively proved, but it remains our strong conviction. 

Following are this week's headlines from the English language You may need to go to the desktop version to read most of these-
June 3rd. Violent incidents mar Colombia's latest strike day
June 6th. Police massacre protestors in southwest Colombia
June 7th. Talks to end Colombia's anti-government protests collapse
June 7th. OAS team investigating Colombia's violent repression of protests
June 7th. Duque announces "cosmetic" reforms of Colombia's disgraced police
June 9th. Colombia desperately implies peaceful protestors were armed to the teeth
June 10th. Colombia's COVID deaths reach new record high
Have just checked the latest active figures for Colombia as at 11 pm. on the 13th. and they have spiked again to almost 180,000. Now back down to 160,000!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the highest they have ever been. We are hearing nothing about this and with normal living here one would never know that the Chinese Virus is apparently rampaging about again. Is it true? And if it is, why is it happening with a sizeable proportion of the population already vaccinated? Or maybe the cases are as a result of the "vaccinations"?!!!
Apart from the highly questionable strictures about mask wearing everywhere, life is pretty much as normal. It also seems to us that vaccinations have become very much a status symbol. Those that can afford to have been flying to Miami to get the jab! And largely, Colombians seem to accept the exhortations to become vaccinated absolutely, regardless of any critical examination of the many lies that are fed to populations these days. You would think that when you consider the now well documented health risks of the jab, people would be somewhat hesitant, but not here. Some of course, but not the majority.
The latest figures are high, but considering the above, we question the logic and wonder at the veracity. Maybe it's all designed to frighten people half to death in order to get the jab - who knows? And they are blaming the unmasked protestors!!!!!!!!!!!
Not much else to report really, except that our visa applications have been finally accepted after much mindless bureaucracy. There is no time-frame as to when they may be issued, but we started early so have some time.
Visited our friends at El Escobero a few days ago and had lunch with them at Parmessano Restaurant at the Indiana Mall before going on to their Finca which they are making a great job of renovating. It's looking great. Had a bit of a problem because yours truly somehow managed to leave the ignition in the car on and when it came time to leave of course there was nothing doing! And none of us had jumper leads. However our friend had a bright idea and got a fully charged battery out of a cordless power tool and attached a couple of wires to it and then to the battery - which in our case is located under the passenger footwell. It worked and the engine started. Never seen that done before, but it's a trick worth remembering. A purchase we intend to make is a pair of jumper leads!!

We've said it all before, so all we will say is please read Muriel Newman's weekly newsletters - She lays it all out in stark horrible detail how the Socialist woke toothy grin and her government are surreptitiously and racially socialising NZ in the worst possible way - by using race to devolve aspects of government even now to some political elements of the Maori people. Most New Zealanders seem oblivious and the so-called Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition are sound asleep at the helm.
And of course the country remains locked up tighter than the proverbial. We will not return until the quarantine requirements are removed which may well mean that we will never see any of our family or friends in NZ again before we finally shuffle off this mortal coil. Little did we understand or anticipate this situation before we left for the last time 2 years ago.   

We have had the spectacle over the past few days of the G7 meeting in Cornwall, UK. Biden made no secret of his antipathy to his hosts due firstly to Britain's successful leaving of the socialist EU and also to the problems that the EU are determined to maintain between Northern Ireland and the Republic. Even Boris seems to have become infected with wokeness when he made the extraordinary remark that he thought it would be a good idea if G7 meetings and society in general could become more female and gender neutral. Perhaps if women changed their sex and became male clones..............?
The UK has just had its lockdown which was supposed to end on June 21st. extended due to the very large spike in Chinese Virus infections. What the hell is happening and what price the "vaccinations" now??

All of the issues have been covered ad infinitum, but at the same time they are all getting much worse.
Apart from all the well-known ones, the main concern should be the state of the US economy and total unrepayable debt. And yet this administration is even more simply ramping up spending to absolutely unsustainable lengths - mostly on Socialist wish list giveaways, instead of making sure that the US military is fully capable of conducting (hopefully) a conventional war against the CCP over Taiwan. This is by no means certain and in fact it has been said by senior US military officers that the US would LOSE such a war.
We are encouraged by the stringent and energetic efforts under way in Maricopa County for the forensic audit there of the 2020 presidential election. It seems very likely that extensive fraud will be discovered there and already representatives from other "swing" states have been conducting their own careful examination of proceedings in Maricopa. It is therefore extremely likely that those states will proceed with their own stringent forensic audits, which in turn will show that the election was STOLEN. And watch the frantic and illegal efforts of the Dept. of Justice who are even now trying to stop the audit. Unbelievable. These people are prepared to do anything and tell any lies to protect their disgusting and lying hides. 
The results of the Maricopa audit are expected in a very short time now. Watch this space!!
Apart from the above, it is heartening to see a strong movement by concerned patriotic Americans against the measures that the Dims are hellbent on pushing through. These are:
** The state of Texas - they have declared an emergency in respect of uncontrolled and illegal immigration, which is even being encouraged by this feckless and criminal administration. This means that the state can arrest these illegals and also start completing the border wall. Trump will no doubt compensate them when he is next President! Texas has been forced to take matters into their own hands due to the wilful and deliberate encouragement of illegal immigration by the Biden crooks. 
** There is a strong push-back by conservative parents who have been disgusted to learn just what has been happening in their childrens' schools. So-called sex education from as young as 3, and encouragement of thinking about gender change from about the same age WITHOUT their parents' consent. This also includes biological males who identify as "trans-gender" being able to compete against females in sport - and use female changing room facilities. Then there is revisionist teaching of history to fit the entirely false historical narratives being pushed by the Marxist BLM and others, "critical race theory" - which teaches white kids to feel guilty that they are white - and privileged - even if they are not. It also teaches a divisive racial discourse which pits coloured people against white. The end result of that will be generations of graduates growing up hating each other. 
Parents are attending school teacher and board meetings in droves, to express their opinions forcefully - including some students who have been most impressive. This nonsense will stop eventually but it will take a determined effort by parents.
These destructive notions are already well established in tertiary educational institutions as well.
** The disgusting Chicago mayor who is presiding over the biggest increase in gun violence in the city's history is now refusing to talk to white journalists - only black or coloured ones!!
** We now have the president in Europe making a fool of himself and giving away key American initiatives and the Veep in Guatemala saying "don't come" and being told by the Guatemalans to "go home"!! American foreign policy is in tatters because the administration is totally weak, inept and only wants to harm the USA. They (and the CCP) must pay!!!!! 
** Many Republican (red) states are suing the administration or simply passing state laws to circumvent these and other Federal Government efforts to destroy the United States of America.
We live in very distressing and worrying times. We just have to hope that sufficient people speak out to keep these traitors at bay until the Republicans regain majorities in both Houses. This is looking more and more certain all the time - then Trump in 2024.  
We hope that the past week has been good for you and that the coming week is all that you would wish.
With lotsaluv from us in Envigado, Medellin - the City of Eternal Spring. Now starting to live up to its name after a wet start to the summer............
Jim and Jean
P.S. Sorry this missive is a little late this week.........................such is our busy life!!


Sunday, 6 June 2021

Chinese Virus (a.k.a. The Kung Flu) statistics for week number 42 (294 days) as at 4th. June 2021 (plus political comment and our personal news) since 21/08/20

Hola a todos nuestros amigos y familiares,
Esperamos como siempre que todo el mundo este en rosa - 
CHINESE VIRUS STATISTICS and related comment - 
** We have just heard an impassioned address by Dr. Damian Wojcik of Whangarei, NZ. Dr. Wojcik is a very well qualified physician and also a metal toxicologist. We consulted him to test us for Mercury and Lead levels before we left NZ on "Tiare Taporo III" in July 2011. Our levels as it turned out, were within tolerable limits. At that time it was very difficult to even obtain an appointment as his patient list was closed, but due to our limited scope of consultation, he agreed to see us. At the time we had the utmost respect for him and his expertise.
Jean knew about him even back then, but we also heard of him much closer to home. It turns out that our shipwright friend, Noel Barrot at the Norsand Boatyard had recorded the highest lead readings ever known in NZ. Noel always said he thought it had come from pouring lead keels for yacht newbuilds. He had just returned from his 2nd. circumnavigation aboard "Sina" when his lead levels began making themselves felt. He consulted Dr. Wojcik who put him on a course of Chellations, which when we knew Noel, were on-going. Over time it was expected that these would be effective in reducing his overall lead levels. 
Dr. Wojcik has never before spoken publicly. However, in view of the level of side effects from the Chinese Virus vaccines being seen around the world, including death, and the level of political coercion, he has spoken out. Jean has sent his video to various of her contacts on Facebook.
Damian Wojcik's website is Please read and consider.
It's fascinating how public opinion has changed. When President Trump was still in office, the idea that the Kung Flu came from a laboratory leak (deliberate or otherwise) was widely derided as a conspiracy theory. Now though, the tables have turned since he left office and it's now well accepted that the virus was spawned as a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. And it is now entirely evident that the LIAR, FAUCI, was up to his scrawny neck in transmitting funds from the US to Wuhan to fund "gain of function" research, which enhances the lethality of viruses. This is in spite of initially lying to the US Senate to deny that was so. He is nothing less than a traitorous crook and should be locked up with the key thrown away.
And NZ still insists on trading with the murderous bastards that caused the "leak", then covered it up, all the while making sure that it spread world-wide. NZ needs to grow a spine and recognise the CCP for what it is before it's all too late. Not too much chance with the traitor of the toothy grin though.  
And now the biggest news of the last week is the exposure of Dr. Fauci's emails which are proof positive that he was involved in so many deceptions during the course of the Chinese Virus so far. He lied to the US Senate and lied repeatedly under oath and at many other times. He was also involved in funding the "gain of function" research into deadly viruses in the Wuhan Institute of Virology Laboratory. The definition of this is the enhancement of naturally occurring viruses to make them more deadly with the claimed objective of deriving more effective defenses - i.e. vaccinations. However, if in the first place these normally not very harmful naturally occurring viruses were just left alone, this highly dangerous research would not be necessary and the world would be a much safer place. This type of research should be banned forthwith from the planet. It's all about the money. It's been a masterful plan; cripple the world financially and at the same time create fear. Then miraculously produce a vaccine which right now people and governments are clamouring for and these big pharma companies are really coining it. But when these vaccines are proved to be ineffective and even harmful, just watch the share prices. In the meantime there's even a suggestion that "boosters" may be necessary every 6 months. Even better for profits, and immune systems will be destroyed. 
If Hydroxychloroquine, which was banned by the FDA as soon as they heard that it was instrumental in saving almost 100% of patients in the early stages of the Chinese Virus, had been allowed to continue to be used, then it is estimated that tens of thousands of lives could have been saved. Big pharma has once again much blood on its hands.
It is worth recording at this stage that the Seychelles, the UAE and Bahrain with a combined population of 11.9 million and very high levels of vaccination, are currently seeing surges in Chinese Virus infections. What does that say about these "vaccinations"? It turns out that all 3 have used the Chinese vaccinations which have effectively failed  - now they are trying to obtain the Pfizer one. So their hapless populations will have been "vaccinated" 4 times when this sorry story is over. What is that going to do to their immunity levels and health generally? 
As we said right at the beginning, it is our view that once the Chinese Communist murderers realised just what they had on their hands, they took steps to cover it up and at the same time deliberately release it to the world, all the while taking strenuous and brutal steps to prevent it from spreading to the rest of China. This was a deliberate move to wreak as much havoc as they could world-wide - human and economic. It is now heartening that there are increasing calls that "China must pay". Individual nations unilaterally cancelling their debt to the Communists have been strongly suggested and that should be followed by our suggestion of months ago of seizing Communist owned assets in all countries where they exist. Real estate, equity investments, businesses; they should all be forfeited. The Communist virus debt to the world is well over 10 TRILLION dollars and reparations should be mandatory. 
With all that has been revealed so far, and more to come no doubt, it throws NZ's position vis-a-vis the Communists into stark relief and exposes it and the NZ Government perpetrators as the traitors that they are. 

MUNDO - World
Population - 7,868,784,291 - (7,867,226,599) - up 1,557,692 or 0.020%
Active cases - 13,333,802 - (14,596,876) - down 1,263,074 or 8.7%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,695 - (1,855) - down 160 or 8.6%
Rate of decrease slightly higher than last week. What about the flu statistics - have they made a sudden comeback?

Population - 45,527,625 - (45,569,700) - up 42,075 or 0.092%
Active cases - 366,137 - (367,606) - down 1,469 or 0.4%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 8,033 - (8,067) - down 34 or 0.4%
At last a reduction, albeit miniscule.

Population - 25,772,103 - (25,766,447) - up 5,656 or 0.022%
Active cases - 127 - (127) - no change
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 5 - (5) - no change
Melbourne's still in lockdown??

Population - 11,819,434 - (11,816,388) - up 3,046 or 0.026%
Active cases - 64,465 - (59,162) - 5,303 or 9.0%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 5,454 - (5,007) - up 447 or 8.9%
Rate of increase has decreased. Possibly the corner has been turned

Population - 213,951,414 - (213,922,560) - up 28,854 or 0.135%
Active cases - 1,104,705 - (1,099,117) - up 5,588 or 0.51%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 5,163 - (5,138) - up 25 or 0.49%
Weekly rate of increase almost turned negative from last week.

Population - 19,267,310 - (19,264,176) - up 3,134 or 0.02%
Active cases - 45,860 - (41,353) - up 4,507 or 10.9%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,380 - (2,147) - up 233 or 10.9%
Weekly rate of increase up from 6.8% last week. We hope it turns around soon.

Population - 51,382,025 - (51,371,659) - up 10,366 or 0.02%
Active cases - 155,633 - (131,110) - up 24,523 or 18.7%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 3,029 - (2,552) - up 477 or 18.7%
Another weekly increase - this time even greater than last week's. At the time of writing this, the active case number is actually just under 169,000. What the hell is going on?? They can't blame it all on the wicked protesters. And yet nothing here as regards any further restrictions. No lockdowns, curfews - no nothing. And no bogus news about hospital ICU units being overwhelmed as we were treated to a few weeks ago. The active case figure is approaching the high of August 2020. All it proves probably is that these lunatic lockdowns do not work and that the Colombian government has simply run out of ideas and is just waiting for things to subside. Quite honestly we don't know what to believe.
One sensible thing that Colombia has done is to open up international travel. As from June 8th. no PCR tests will be required for entry into Colombia - regardless of vaccination status. NZ needs to take note.

Population - 5,136,948 - (5,136,059) - up 889 or 0.017%
Active cases - 74,969 - (68,076) - 6,893 or 10.1%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 14,594 - (13,255) - up 1,339 or 10.1%
CR really is the basket case of Latin America. What is happening to a beautiful country?

Population - 10,948,045 - (10,945,968) - up 2,077 or 0.019%
Active cases - 50,242 - (45,915) - up 4,327 or 9.4%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 4,589 - (4,195) - up 394 or 9.4%
Almost the same rate of increase as last week. This needs to be turned around.

Population - 17,889,280 - (17,884,153) - up 5,127 or 0.029%
Active cases - 33,960 - (35,547) - down 1,587 or 4.5%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,898 - (1,998) - down 100 or 5.0%
Good to see decreasing numbers somewhere in these benighted times

Population - 84,031,009 - (84,025,898) - up 5,111 or 0.006%
Active cases - 85,085 - (123,580) - down 38,495 or 31.2%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,013 - (1,471) - down 458 or 31.1%
Excellent rate of decrease - long may it continue. Perhaps time for an easing of lockdown restrictions????

Population - 126,118,844 - (126,126,216) - down 7,372 or 0.006%
Active cases - 46,691 - (61,441) - down 14,750 or 24.0%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 370 - (487) - down 117 or 24.0%
Double the rate of decrease from last week - excellent

Population - 32,747,402 - (32,739,471) - up 7,931 or 0.02%
Active cases - 84,369 - (72,823) - up 11,546 or 15.9%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,576 - (2,224) - up 352 or 15.8%
Malaysia uses the Chinese Sinovac vaccine - 'nuff said. Less than half the rate of increase of last week however.

Population - 130,179,509 - (130,153,617) - up 25,892 or 0.02%
Active cases - 263,919 - (261,555) - up 2,364 or 0.90%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,027 - (2,010) - up 17 or 0.85%
 Still going up and a slight increase in the weekly rate

Population - 5,002,100 - (5,002,100) - as usual no change!!
Active cases - 12 - (21) - down 9 or 42.9%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2 - (4) - down 2 or 50.0%
This is what happens when you lock down borders tighter than the proverbial's ass! But at what cost?

Population - 4,377,182 - (4,375,882) - up 1,300 or 0.03%
Active cases - 6,812 - (6,058) - up 754 or 12.5%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,556- (1,384) - up 172 or 12.4%
Rate of increase up from 4.0% last week.

Population - 7,213,132 - (7,211,467) - up 1,665 or 0.023%
Active cases - 55,610 - (52,770) - up 2,840 or 5.4%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 7,710 - (7,318) - up 392 or 5.4%
A reduction by about half in the weekly rate of increase, but still a long way to go.

Population - 33,394,149 - (33,385,362) - up 8,787 or 0.026%
Active cases - not available - (152,573) - suddenly these figures for Peru on Worldometres are unavialable. Who is hiding what and what is going on??
Active cases per 1 million of total population - N/A - (4,570) - again, see above comments 

Population - 110,922,316 - (110,894,418) - up 27,899 or 0.025%
Active cases - 60,794 - (53,770) - up 7,024 or 13.1%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 548 - (485) - up 63 or 13.0%
From reducing figures last week to this rather large increase. Still low numbers compared to other countries, but an unwelcome turnaround.

Population - 23,856,544 - (23,855,722) - up 822 or 0.003%
Active cases - 9,126 - (6,104) - up 3,022 or 49.5%
Active cases per 1'million of total population - 383 - (256) - up 127 or 49.6%
A substantial reduction in increase from last week, but still a concern. Hopefully things can begin reducing again in a short time. 

Population - 69,961,532 - (69,958,191) - up 3,341 or 0.005%
Active cases - 50,105 - (46,150) -up 3,955 or 8.6%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 716 - (660) - up 56 or 8.5%
The weekly increase has risen from last week's 7.8%. We hope that this can be turned around very soon.

Population - 68,214,706 - (68,207,899) - up 6,807 or 0.01%
Active cases - 75,822 - (35,347) - up 40,475 or 114.5%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,112 - (518) - up 594 or 114.7% 
After weeks of very satisfactory reductions, suddenly we see this horrendous rise. It appears that the Indian variant (oops, we're not allowed to refer to it as that - too racially insensitive!!) is responsible. So, months of lockdowns and destruction of livelihoods have all been in vain. Do a Florida and open the place up and get on with life.

Population - 332,791,423 - (332,754,370) - up 37,053 or 0.011%
Active cases - 5,537,566 - (5,690,075) - down 152,509 or 2.7%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 16,640 - (17,100) - down 460 or 2.7% 
Rate of reduction slightly less than last week. We would have thought that with all the much hyped vaccinations, that the reductions would have been greater.

Population - 3,484,832 - (3,484,602) - up 230 or 0.007%
Active cases - 36,218 - (36,997) - down 779 or 2.1%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 10,393 - (10,617) - down 224 or 2.1%
Well, maybe at last a turnaround from recent horrendous weekly increases. A modest reduction, but a big change from last week's increase of 19.4%

SELECTED FINANCIAL INFORMATION as at June 4th. 2021 with comparisons to May 21st. 2021.
S & P 500 - US - 4229 - (4151) - up 78 or 1.9% - last week up 1.28%
FTSE - UK - 7069 (7018) - up 51 or 0.73% - last week up 0.07%
NZX50 - NZ - 12496 (12460) - up 36 or 0.29% - last week up 2.23%
COLCAP - Colombia - 1245 - (1244) - up 1 or 0.08% - last week down 2.97%
NZD/USD - .7214 - (.7174) - up 0.004 or 0.56% - last week up 1.3%
NZD/COP - 2603 - (2686) - down 83 or 3.09% - last week up 1.3%
NZD/EURO - .5929 - (.5892) - up .0037 or 0.63% - last week up 1,12%
NZD/CHF - .6486 - (.6441) - up .0.0045 or 0.70% - last week up 1.49%
NZD/JPY - 79.01 - (78.17) - up 0.84 or 1.08% - last week up 2.09%
NZD/CNY - 4.61 - (4.62) - down 0.01 or 0.22% - last week up 0.22%
NZD/AUD - .9322 - (.9276) - up .0.0046 or 0.496% - last week N/A
USD/NZD - 1.39 - (1.39) - no change - last week down 0.72%
USD/COP - 3609 - (3744) - down 135 or 3.61% - last week down 0.91%
USD/EURO - .8219 - (.8211) - up .0.0008 or 0.097% - last week down 0.12%
USD/CNY - 6.40 - (6.43) - down 0.03 or 0.47% - last week down 0.93%
USD/JPY - 109.51 - (108.95) - up 0.56 or 0.51% - last week up 0.84%
USD/CHF - .8991 - (.8978) - up .0.0013 or 0.145% - last week up 0.23%
USD/AUD - 1.29 - (1.29) - no change
GOLD - (USD/troy ounce) - 1891 - (1,881) - up 10 or 0.53% - last week up 1.5%
OIL WTI - (USD/barrel) - 69.37 - (63.88) - up 5.49 or 8.59% - last week up 4.6%


At the recent annual meeting between the Australian and New Zealand Prime Ministers, Scott Morrison (Scomo) stated that "NZ has not sold its sovereignty" Weasel words - of course he believes that NZ has done exactly that, but for the sake of the "Anzac spirit" he has to appear to be conciliatory. But, behind the scenes................? And there's the on-going corrosiveness of the Australian policy of deporting criminals to NZ who may have been born in NZ, but have lived in Australia where they learnt all their bad habits, in most cases from a very young age. The return of these criminals has led very substantially to the recent rise in gang drug related violence in NZ.
And once again Australia has reacted to recent occurrences of a few community transmissions of the Kung Flu by more draconian lockdowns in the state of Victoria. It doesn't appear to have penetrated the consciousness of the dimwitted Socialists unfortunately in power in Victoria, that these measures DO NOT WORK and just cause human suffering and massive economic loss. They should be held to account, but of course never will be.   

Following are this week's headlines from the English language You need to go to the desktop version of the site to read most of these:
May 29th. Colombia partly militarised amid anti-government protests and uprisings
May 30th. Why Colombia's top security officials could go to jail
May 31st. Talks to end protests and uprisings in Colombia suspended
May 31st. Colombia's police team up with armed civilians to kill anti-government protesters
June 1st. Nine people murdered in southwest Colombia massacre
June 1st. Duque's order to militarise parts of Colombia "unconstitutional" 
June 2nd. Colombia persecuting opposition, charging anti-government protestors with terrorism
June 2nd. Colombia torturing illegally arrested citizens in clandestine jails: report
June 2nd. How Colombia's president lost his legitimacy
These headlines just mirror the sorry state of this government. Instead of pursuing opportunities such as increasing manufacturing for mainly the North American market in the aftermath of strong world disapproval of the Chinese Communists, the opportunity seems to have been squandered and lost to local infighting. And there are many other opportunities that never see the light of day. Such as the Comprehensive and Progressive agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) which has 13 members, of which Mexico, Chile and Peru are members. WHERE IS COLOMBIA???   
However, after pressure from the UN, it appears that the government may have finally been forced to adopt a more conciliatory tone and allow some of the police reforms that have been demanded. But it needs to go further than that with reinstatement of the peace accords as being a major part of any national reconciliation. But it's a start and we'll see.
The big news this week is that finally our visa renewal applications have been accepted. The issue was a technical one with our new passport photos, inasmuch as we emailed them to our lawyer who in turn emailed them to Migracion Colombia. In this wonderful electronic age, it seems that the photos were somehow degraded during this process so we had to send physical copies instead. It is all just typical of how so many these days think that everything can be accomplished just by pressing keys on a computer keyboard. It's the same with these electronic fingerprint readers. Everything here requires fingerprints and we have had so much trouble with ours as the natural skin patterns have been eroded away with all the sandpapering we have done on the boat over the years!! At least that's our theory.
The Kung Flu has caused an upsurge in remote communication, here as well as world-wide no doubt. Some of that is good because it has done away with queues and crowded waiting areas, but remoteness has its drawbacks too, as evidenced by our frustrations with the photos.
AND we finally finished assembling a kitset desk for Jean which is now set up in our new office. It is locally made and, while fairly good overall, a combination of sometimes hard to understand diagrams and a lack of screw holes in drawer bottoms meant at least 2 visits back to Homecentre where we bought it. Fortunately the manager of that department spoke reasonable English and we were able to communicate satisfactorily.
Jacinda Ardern in 2008 addressed a Conference of Socialist Youth and used the Marxist term "Comrades" many times - at one point 4 times in one minute. She and her cohorts are closet Socialists and have been elected to office by fraudulent and duplicitous means - just as in the US.
They are after socialising everyone's assets and dividing the country's government along racial lines.
Once again Leighton Smith and Muriel Newman are must listens and must reads. We hope that the message gets through to sufficient NZer's in time, otherwise these racist, narcissistic and woke Socialists will destroy whatever is left of the country. 
Alex Belfield's day in court in a week's time. He is defending himself against the criminally corrupt Nottingham Police and the BBC. We are very sad to include the BBC in this comment, but from what we have heard, and taking into account the criminal deception of Princess Diana and her brother, Earl Spencer, they deserve everything that's coming to them. Many other incidents which will all be revealed in due course. The Royal Family are suing them also. 
And the illegal immigration across the Channel by dinghy has stepped up and is showing unmistakable signs of exceeding last year's numbers by a considerable margin. The French Navy is delivering them at the border to UK Border Control who then escort them into harbour before sending them on to accomodation in luxury hotels. Or the UK Border Control is even venturing into French waters and collecting them from there. The UK Government is also telling lies about all this - what is the motivation? Surely not to destroy their own country from within as the Socialist crooks in the White House are doing?
We have just read that Harry and Meghan have had a daughter. While we feel pleased for them at that felicitous news, we view their choice of names (Liliibet Diana) as a direct insult to Her Majesty - Harry's Grandmother. The first name was a private affectionate name for the Queen from her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, and before that was bestowed by her grandfather, King George V when she was very young. It should therefore not be used formally as the name of any of the Queen's descendants, because it constitutes a corruption of a very private and affectionate name. "Elizabeth" would be different. But wokeness prevails yet again. 
The UK has just been invited to join the CPTPP (Comprehensive and Progressive agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership which comprises Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, United Kingdom (pending) and Vietnam. This is an excellent move for all concerned, especially as it offers more opportunity to shut China out of world trade. The total trade in such a group is likely to exceed 10 TRILLION USD. 

We and many others have written so much about the destruction the Biden/Harris administration has wrought in just a few short months, that it is superfluous to repeat it all here. Suffice it to say that there are some much more encouraging signs starting to emerge from the wreckage. 
** Texas has declared a state of emergency as regards the uncontrolled immigration across the Mexico border. This means that the Governor now has power to arrest, detain and return illegals which before the legislation, they could not do. 
** There are ever stronger suggestions that there is now early into the Biden presidency, an excellent case for Impeachment. A President swears to defend the Constitution and the country's citizens. Biden has done neither and is wide open to such a move. Even his cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline with the loss of over 11,000 highly paid jobs and consequent loss of US energy independence would be enough to justify impeachment. Then there is the damning evidence of a substantial campaign donation from a Russian oligarch associated with the Nordstream 2 pipeline project from Russia to Germany. This appears to have been an outright bribe for Biden to cancel Trump's sanctions preventing Nordstream's completion. So Biden is OK with giving Russia everything that pertains to the operation of Nordstream, but sabotages his own country and its citizens.
** President Trump addressed a major Republican convention over this weekend in North Carolina and he was very well received by the delegates. It seems more and more likely that the Republicans will take both Houses next year and we will see Donald Trump back in the White House by 2024. Cannot happen soon enough. At least with both Houses back in Republican hands, the destructive efforts of the Biden/Harris crooks will be stopped.
** The most encouraging development though, is the progress of the forensic audit of the 2020 presidential election count in Maricopa County, Arizona. This comprises most of the city of Phoenix. Then states such as Pennsylvania and Georgia seem likely to follow suit.Then Trump would easily be proved to be the rightful occupant of the White House. Goodness knows what would happen then. One thing is for sure - it would not be possible for the United States to continue to be governed by an illegal and criminal administration. 
** The Paris Climate Accords are a total nonsense, especially as China is exempt from any of the provisions on the grounds of it being a developing nation!! What utter hypocritical B------T!! Biden has caused the US to once more lose its energy independence and the price of gasoline in California is now USD6/US gallon. The price of coal is USD102 per ton, whereas 12 months ago it was USD46 - that's an increase of USD56 per ton - 122%. Oil has gone from USD38.55 to USD69.37 per barrel - an increase of USD30.82 - 80%. And iron ore has gone from USD102 to USD208 per ton - an increase of USD106 - 104%. China has banned imports of Australian coal in an effort to punish Australia for their effrontery in courageously standing up to the CCP., but Australia has no shortage of other takers - even at current prices. And all that happens is that now China is plunged into regular blackouts which are affecting industrial production.
** But the elephant in the room is definitely the level of US debt. With the criminally insane budget numbers just out from the Biden crooks, US debt will exceed 30 TRILLION USD. And this is not counting future debt levels which are unstoppable and fully baked into the financial system. How is this going to be dealt with? Maybe China has just unwittingly handed the US at least part of the means to deal with the debt when the US nationalises debt owed to China and Chinese assets in the US? Otherwise extreme inflation caused by deliberate devaluation of the USD, which it is estimated will need to exceed 30% to be effective in paying down the total debt. But what then happens to the US economy? Inflation on that scale would be ruinous to individuals and businesses alike. And how that would affect the economies of countries like NZ and Colombia is anyone's guess - not well though, we're sure.
On that happy note we will love you and leave you and hope that the coming week is as good for you as it can be............
With all very best wishes and love from us in the City of Eternal Spring..................
Jim and Jean