Saturday, 1 May 2021

Chinese Virus statistics week number 37 (259 days) as at 30th. April 2021 (plus political comment and our personal news) since 21/08/20.

Hola a todos nuestros amigos y familiares,
The figures in parenthesis relate to the previous week, and countries, except for the World, are presented in alphabetical order with comments about individual countries' figures immediately following.

MUNDO - World
Active cases - 18,864,177 - (18,889,123) - down 24,946 or 0.1%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,400 - (2,403) - down 3 or 0.13%
For the first time since we have been compiling these figures the active cases are down! Albeit by a miniscule amount. Hopefully this trend will continue at an increasing pace.

Active cases - 283,358 - (286,355) - down 2,997 or 1.0%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 6,223 - (6,289) - down 66 or 1.0%
Finally a decrease - however small. Hopefully it will be the start of a better trend.

Active cases - 293 - (2,188)  - such a massive reduction! How has that suddenly come about? They are down by 1,895 or 86.6%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 11 - (85) - down 74 or 87.1%
Last week there was no change from the previous week - skulduggery???!!! 

Active cases - 39,808  - (38,569) - up 1,239 or 3.2%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 3,372 - (3,269) - up 103 or 3.2%
Still going up and the weekly increase has risen over last week 

Active cases - 1,039,351 - (1,114,597) - down 75,246 or 6.8%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 4,861 - (5,213) - down 352 or 6.8%
Good to see a reasonable reduction after many weeks of rises to the point that Brazil was the "basket case"  of S America. especially concerning as it bordered many other countries, including Colombia.

Active cases - 38,983 - (41,671) - down 2,688 or 6.5%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,025 - (2,165) - down 140 or 6.5%
A better decline than last week. Long may it continue.

Active cases - 118,061 - (112,573) - up 5,488 or 4.9%
Active cases per 1 million of population  - 2,300 - (2,194) - up 106`or 4.8%
Still going up but the daily rate of increase has slowed and is lower by half than last week's increase. Even better than the week before that which was 45%. Hopefully Colombia has turned the latest corner. Figures are still better than Ecuador on Colombia's southern border.

Active cases - 42,572 - (32,370) - up 10,202 or 31.5%
Active cases per 1 million of population  - 8,295 - (6,308) - up 1,987 or 31.5%
There is still no end to it. The rate of increase has almost doubled since last week.

Active cases - 43,539 - (37,887) - up 5,652 or 14.9%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,437 - (2,122) - up 315 or 14.8%
Last week there was a decline of 3.7%, but now a very substantial trend upwards. Not even as good as Colombia, which itself is in a parlous state.

Active cases - 57,541 - (47,216) - up 10,325 or 21.9%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 456 - (374) - up 82 or 21.9%
The rate of weekly increase has substantially declined by 48.7%, so that's encouraging. By world standards the figures are low, but still no room for complacency.

Active cases - 29,227 - (22,512) - up 6,715 or 29.8%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 894 - (688) - up 206 or 29.9%
The rate of weekly increase has increased substantially. Something needs to be done. 

Active cases - 262,626 - (263,460) - down 834 - or 0.3%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,019 - (2,026) - down 7 or 0.4%
Better than last week's increase of 0.1%, but not much. At least they are holding their own.

NEW ZEALAND (Nueva Zelanda) - 
Active cases - 23 - (32) - down 9 or 28.1%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 5 - (6) - down 1 or 16.7%
Ok but only by locking up tight, as we've commented many times before. The Nanny Socialist State in full-blown action! There are stories of violations of the "travel bubble" between Australia and Godszone so who knows what might happen? Both countries could panic!!

Active cases - 3,897 - (3,845) - up 52 or 1.4%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 892 - (880) - up 12 or 1.4%
A worrying reversal of last week's trend of 2.2% down. 

Active cases - 43,023 - (41,039) - up 1,984 or 4.8%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 5,972 - (5,697) - up 275 or 4.8%
Another increase at the same rate as last week. let's hope it can be reversed soon.

Active cases - 42,806 - (14,210) - up 28,596 or 201.2%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,284 - (426) - up 858 or 201.4%
How can a country's figures alter by that much in a week? Still lowish by some standards, but a very worrying trend - but what do you believe? Bit like Colombia's wild gyrations of a few weeks ago.

Active cases - 63 - (35) - up 28 or 80.0%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 3 - (2) - up 1 or 50.0%
Wild discrepancies in percentages with low numbers to start with, but still a little worrying. But Taiwan is still the poster girl, which infuriates Xi Xingping! The CCP is probably dropping the Chinese Virus from aircraft when they are making their illegal and intimidating incursions into Taiwanese airspace. 

Active cases - 28,696 - (19,873) - up 8,823 or 44.4%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 410 - (284) - up 126 or 44.4%
Bit of a concern, but the overall numbers are still low by world standards. But, like Malaysia, there does need to be some move to curtail the rise.

Active cases - 76,397 - (99,288) - down 22,891 or 23.1%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,121 - (1,456) - down 335 or 23.0%
Another very satisfactory reduction. Last week's was 29.3%, so a small reduction, but still going the right way. RULE BRITANNIA!!!!

Active cases - 6,813,287 - (6,848,237) - down 34,950 or 0.5%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 20,485 - (20,592) - down 107 or 0.5%
Last week's reduction was 0.4% - this week's 0.5%. An extremely miniscule improvement, which we would have thought by now with all the much hyped vaccination roll-outs, would have been much greater. They say patience is a virtue. Of course as well, as we've commented many times before, the reported figures could be wildly and deliberately inaccurate - possibly to frighten more people into getting the vaccine!! And to perpetuate the mask wearing regime so that people believe that there is still the same level of problem as existed some months ago.

Active cases - 28,206 - (28,267) - down 61 or 0.2%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 8,097 - (8,115)  - down 18 or 0.2%
Last week's reduction was 12.0%, so this week's figures not wonderful, although still minisculely heading down. Sadly Uruguay remains the "basket case" of S America.  

We cannot countenance the latest outrageous lies being told by the crooked Biden cabal. They are saying that the border crisis is President Trump's fault. In fact it is a manufactured catastrophe on the part of the Dims, which they achieved by:
1) Reversing the Trump policy of "stay in Mexico" which was successful in containing fraudulent asylum seekers before they ever made it into to the US and
2) Stopping construction of the Trump border wall which Trump almost completed in spite of massive roadblocks thrown up by the Dims at every turn. Trump was unbelievably successful in building and re-building most of the southern border wall. This was touted by border control officers as the single most effective means of controlling the border. Then of course the Biden crook was then fraudulently "elected" in the biggest electoral fraud in history and stopped remaining wall construction on his first day in office. 
This border catastrophe has been entirely and deliberately manufactured by the Dims in just one of their treasonous acts to destroy the United States of America - and by extension, all of us. There are now 25,000 children in some sort of custody by the totally overstretched border protection force.
And the following from one of Biden's extremely rare "press conferences" on April 27th. - 
The president said: "Look, I'm sorry, I'm going to - this is the last question I'll take, and I'm really going to be in trouble".
It was right then and there that the world found out that Biden is not the actual president of the United States. His COVID speech was a well-written piece of nonsense that was designed by someone to keep the pandemic going as long as possible.
Biden made mention that the country has a long way to go if it is going to open up at all in the near future. His goal is to have everything under control bu July 4th. But in most areas of the country, things are already back to normal.
The crazy president admits that the numbers are falling, and people are not being infected at an alarming rate. This is proof that the virus has run its course, and it is time to let people out of their liberal prisons.
Biden said that "Today, in less than 100 days, more than 67% - 2/3 of our seniors - are now fully vaccinated and more than 80% of seniors have had at least 1 shot. That effort has resulted in a drop of 80% in deaths among American seniors, a 70% drop in hospitalisations".
If his words are true, then things should be opening up. But in Biden puppet land, things keep getting tighter. People are being told to stay at home, and businesses keep getting shut down.
With so much mystery surrounding his words and actions, the revelation he gave about getting in trouble clears up a lot of questions. There is someone that the old man will have to answer to if he does not shut his mouth.
The people want to know who that person is, giving him his speeches, and calling the shots behind the scenes. The Democrats hijacked an election and put a man in office who no longer has the ability to think for himself. He has to rely on people to cover for him and take cheap shots from the media just so they do not find out the truth.
Joe Biden is not only a danger to the country, but he is a danger to himself. The person that he will have to answer to is the person of interest.
The policies and regulations that Biden puts out have been socialistic in nature. The people who control Biden have only one thing in mind; to change America from a land of freedom to a land controlled by evil Democrat dictators.
All the outrageous lies together with massive money printing and associated spending - not even on worthwhile projects - are taking place when America's government is on the ropes financially - to the tune of over 120 TRILLION US dollars. People have been saying it for a long time, but America's debt is absolutely unsustainable. America's enemies are watching with glee this cognitively deficient president's utterances and, in the CCP's case in particular, are just gauging the situation to know when to strike - both economically and militarily against Taiwan. Then there is Iran and Russia with Ukraine. The USA and the free world have never been in such mortal danger and we have an extreme left wing mindless puppet in the White House. 
And a final horrifying thought - when Biden is forced from office under Section 25 on the grounds of his mental unfitness for office, guess who will be president - Kamala Harris - a person who only obtained 2.2% of the popular vote during the Democrat presidential primaries. She was described as the most left-wing Senator ever, during her term in the US Senate. And she will be President of the United States of America. The left takeover will be complete.
Because, even if both houses go to the Republicans in the mid-terms in 2022, they won't be able to change these Socialist measures already passed, because the crook in the White House will just veto any such attempts.  
Kamala Harris's elevation to president was predicted by Porter Stansberry in his book, "The Battle for America" - ISBN978-0-9978333-6-2. Stansberry has had a long history of accurately predicting notable events  -mainly financial such as the 2008 sub-prime mortgage melt-down and his Stansberry's Investment Advisory is one of the most widely read financial newsletters in the world. We largely discounted his prediction that Harris would become president, but of course that now looks very likely. Stansberry said "frankly, she scares me to death......and she should scare you".
The only bright indications on the horizon are:
* the forensic audit now underway in Maricopa County, Arizona which has the definite potential of proving beyond doubt that Trump is the legitimate president of the US
*the lawsuits that have been brought by various state legislatures against the Federal Government - including one by South Dakota and its wonderful and fearless Governor Kristi Noem. The state is suing Washington because Biden has hidden behind a supposed and imaginary fire risk that might exist if 4th. July fireworks were allowed at Mt. Rushmore where President Trump gave such a stirring address last 4th. July. Of course their only concern is political and charged with the fear that the flame of anti-Socialism will be fanned even further than it is now.
* lawsuits by border states re the situation at the border with Texas now confirming that state troops are being deployed to the border in strength. This is in direct contravention of Washington's declaration of open borders, but Texas has had enough. 
There is such strong opposition to the Washington agenda and a strong belief that that the election was stolen by fraudulent means that we remain hopeful that something can be done to stymie the left. Whether that finally becomes a secessionist movement remains to be seen, but the passion exhibited by the governors of Iowa, Florida, Mississippi, Texas and Nebraska at a Laura Ingraham Town Hall gives us some hope for the future. The Iowa Governor (a grandmother by her own admission!) was especially outspoken about infiltration of education in the state and her government is outlawing such Socialist infiltration, as is Florida and Texas with other governors giving assurances that they will follow suit.
We have to believe for all of our sakes that the USA has a capitalist and truly democratic future.      

Following are this week's headlines from the English language
April 25th. Indigenous detain alleged narco assassin in southwest Colombia
April 26th. Colombia prepares for new national strike
April 26th. How a former guerilla leader is becoming unbeatable in Colombia's election race
April 26th. Bogota's mass transit system full as hospitals on brink of collapse
April 27th. Tensions rise in Colombia ahead of national strike
April 27th. Colombia suspends right to "public" protests ahead of national strike
April 28th. Support for Colombia's national strike skyrockets after court ban
April 28th. Colombia's anti-government protests revive despite police crackdown
April 29th. Military intelligence spied on protest organisers in Colombia, US and Europe
April 29th. How Duque tried to violently repress Colombia's opposition and failed
April 29th. COVID-19 disproportionately killed Colombia's poor 
April 30th. Colombia surpasses 500 daily COVID-19 deaths after pandemic's most fatal week
April 30th. Colombia using terrorism to quell anti-government protests

Life here remains unremarkable, except for the apparent huge increase in active Chinese Virus cases. It is notable that the stats say that there are 20,000 cases in Antioquia which is only 17% of the national total. And there are now signs in the Worldometer figures that we monitor, that the numbers are starting to actually decrease, albeit at a snail's pace. We hope that this is the start of an end to this spike.
We still have various restrictions affecting mobility and shopping. From Monday to Thursday one can only shop on the days specified with the same number that one's ID ends with. And there is a nightly curfew from 8pm to 5am the next day. Mobility otherwise is not affected. However, from Friday to Sunday inclusive there is an absolute curfew from 8 pm on Thursday until 5 am on Monday. You can go shopping for essential items - again depending on ID numbers - but only 1 person from each household. And no alcohol is sold during curfew. This last stricture is laughable because no-one can then be out buying anything, let alone alcohol. And mask wearing is mandatory outside one's home. However, we absolutely refuse to compromise our own health by such nonsensical requirements when driving (!), or just walking in the fresh air. Inside shops is different perhaps, but at least 50% of people are wearing them incorrectly and not fitting properly that even that is becoming hypocritical at best. It's interesting to remember that when mask wearing was first promulgated, it was to protect others - not the wearer. Now that seems to have been turned on its head.
However, we have just heard that due to some uncontrollable protests coupled with vandalism of buildings in downtown Medellin, the weekend curfew is now extended to a full lockdown - nothing to do with the Chinese Virus. What a pathetic reaction from panicking state and city leaders. These protests are a direct result of the abject failure of this government to advance the Peace Process, run the health system efficiently and without corruption and address some sort of equality as regards the shocking situation of the poorest in the country. We are right now watching the protests in the centre of Medellin - thousands of people in direct violation of all the futile orders to stay at home!! 
There is now an extreme risk that when the National Elections are held next year, Colombia will find itself with Gustavo Petro as president, who is an extreme left-wing politician. At the moment his polling popularity is sky high, entirely due to the incompetence, duplicity and corruption of the present government. Probably the best hope could be a coalition arrangement with Sergio Fajardo - a former Mayor of Medellin - and a moderate centrist. We can only hope that this will be the eventual outcome - otherwise we predict a large exodus of expats from Colombia.
For our health in these uncertain Chinese Virus times, we take vitamins C & D and Zinc which are our first lines of defence. Vitamin D also comes from the sun which we partake in when we go swimming. And if the worst happens, we will definitely not be going to hospital, which by and large are just hotbeds of infection, but taking our Hydroxychloroquine which has been proved time and again as an effective early treatment for the Chinese Virus - in spite of being banned by the FDA!!

The "travel bubble" with NZ seems to be going somewhat awry. Recently 400 passengers on several flights from Brisbane to Auckland have been told to isolate because there were 2 passengers who had breached regulations at Brisbane Airport and one of them had since tested positive. Notwithstanding that these tests are well-known to be notoriously unreliable. 

We would like to reproduce here in full an open letter to David Seymour of the ACT Party, courtesy of one of this blog's correspondents. It is similar to one that we circulated not long ago, but very much better written. It says it all about NZ and to a great extent the rest of the world and the Socialist attempts everywhere to destroy whatever is left of "western" democracy.
"Dear David Seymour,
I appreciate you taking the few minutes to read this; it could be extremely important for us both. I speak for many thousands of New Zealanders (not Aotearoans), most likely hundreds of thousands, that feel our identity, our culture and our democracy is being rapidly stripped from us.
We are in the grip of a Maori cultural takeover along with all the greed, waste and hostility that goes with it. Our government under Ardern is too occupied keeping the Covid fear factor at the top of the heap for instant political gain while working on a reset of our rights, new rules and a redistribution of our hard won, tax paid savings to those that have an abhorrence of work and an entitlement attitude.
We are the 85% of the population that pays the money to keep the country financially resourced, but you politicians seem to have forgotten this. We would have mostly voted for the National Party but they are in a woeful state and Judith Collins is arguing the populist issues for the "uncomplicated" and woke, like Covid, instead of what is really important. Democracy, or the lack of it.
There is a HUGE racial divide that Ardern and the activists have created which is seething just below the surface. It is alive and very unhealthy, and it is growing like a cancer every day.
In particular we abhor being told we are racists while we pay them to live their criminal and barbaric lifestyles (a generalisation if I may be allowed, and we have the stats to back it), and try to take away all that is near and dear to us.
Specifically we loathe the name change of the country and place names. It took a referendum to not change the flag, but here we are changing all the place names and even the road signs without our permission. It is being done right beneath our noses with no consultation whatsoever.
The lies are intense and shameless. We understand that part of the new school curriculum will be a new history where apparently Maori did not NOT cede sovereignty and that the TOW guaranteed co-governance. Not from anywhere I look in the treaty it doesn't. But re-tweaking our history to reflect the socialist view is what is going to happen, and you know it as well as we do. The buy-outs and the rorts have been horrific. $930 million to Maori for a Covid response, 100 million for Marae upgrades, 108 million for private roads on Maori land etc etc etc.......and NO accountability to the people that paid for it,    who were mostly not Maori by the way.
And that brings us to the next thing. There are no Maori, at best they will have long dead ancestors that were Maori but we are all now watered down with the effects of immigration. All of us.
Standing behind words like "tangata whenua" and "indigenous" carries no truth. The words of the treaty have been twisted to suit themselves and we are sick of watching the reporters and newsreaders speaking to us in Maori when clearly we are New Zealanders, not part Maori. Our doctors and nurses have to learn cultural awareness when they clearly have more important issues to attend to.  If Maori want special wards and treatment, their $69 billion treaty settlement and on-going grievance industry can pay for it. We have paid for everything else. Now we have them in charge of the $1 billion per year Oranga Tamariki, when it's Maori that put 70% of the poor children there in the first place. Have you heard of the saying "the foxes in charge of the hen house"?
The Maori wards were the last straw; they have equal representation as it stands in local government going by the demographic, and more than equal in National Government. The rorts will be horrific when, not if, Maori gain control through seat numbers and have control of our taxpayer/ratepayer council funds.
So here we now are at the crossroads. Hundreds of thousands of us looking to put our vote with a party that places common sense and equality for all at the top of the priority list.
Is that person you, David, and is ACT the party we really need? Do you have the intestinal fortitude to stand up against these zealots and represent us, or do we have to wait for another new party to come along that we can all get behind? Or do we start one ourselves...?
I would ask that you give this letter your most serious consideration. The letter and any reply will be going on to the various politically charged Facebook pages and you can take it as read that there are thousands out there, with exactly the same concerns, waiting for an answer. We could not be more concerned and serious about finding a solution to this hideous situation.
I think our votes at the next local body elections will bring home the awful truth to all those that stood for Maori only wards. Perhaps the national elections too. There is much to be done, starting off with where you stand on these issues, and whether you are prepared to make a noise about it.
I look forward to your response."
And a quote from the Dalai Lama - "If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito"   
The above letter is the best example of the surreptitious wokeness now well advanced courtesy of the apathetic NZ population. And, unlike the US, there is currently no effective political opposition which seems to have sunk into tragic impotence. We can only hope that the appeal to the ACT Party as above or that some other party comes to the fore as a credible opposition. The election year of 2023 will be a pivotal political year for New Zealand.
With that, we wish everyone a good week....................
With lotsaluv from us in Medellin...................................
Jim and Jean 

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