Sunday, 28 March 2021

Chinese Virus statistics week number 32 (224 days) as at 26/03/21 (plus political comment and our personal news) since August 21st. 2020

Hi to all,
Once again we hope this finds you in the pink. We have the usual disclaimer as to the accuracy of these figures which have been derived from the Worldometres website for the last 224 days. 

MUNDO - World
Total cases - 126,222,302 - (21,168,111) - up 105,054,191 or 496.3%
Deaths - 2,769,801 - 2.2% - (759,328 - 3.6%) - up 2,010,473 or 264.8%
Recoveries - 101,830,885 - 80.7% - (13,984,843 - 66.1%) - up 87,846,042 or 628.2%
Therefore active cases - 21,621,616 - 17.1% - (6,425,939 - 30.3%) - up 15,195,677 or 236.5%. Of the total population (which is estimated to be increasing by 1,557,692 per week) of 7,853,207,371 (7,804,380,455), the percentage of active cases is 0.275% (0.082%) of the total world population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total world population - 2,753 - (1,437)
Last week's "good trends" not so good this week. Active cases are up by 580,900 or 2.8%. And active cases per 1 million of population are up 74 or 2.8%. We have sent everyone some very disturbing information re the vaccinations. We hope that these are read with open minds (an endangered item these days!!) and that you make your own correct decisions for your own health.
We have just listened to an interview of Dr. Naomi Wolf, She is a prolific author and holder of some controversial views. A read of her Bio is fascinating. She said that in her opinion It seems that there is SOME likelihood that in the near future requirements for vaccination passports will be introduced. The obvious area will be air travel, but will be extended to visas - whether for permanent residency or just cruising the seas on a yacht. They could in fact be extended to all areas of your lives, such as driving cars and visiting supermarkets to buy food. Think about that - and resist all these continuing attempts against our hard-won liberties.

ESTADOS UNIDOS - United States
Total cases - 30,755,921 - (5, 429,115) - up 25,326,806 or 466.5%
Deaths - 559,839 - 1.8% - (170,781 - 3.2%) - up 389,058 or 227.8%
Recoveries - 23,196,217 - 75.4% - (2,844,535 - 52.4%) - up 20,351,682 or 715.5%
Therefore active cases - 7,019,865 - 22.8% - (2,413,829 - 44.6%) - up 4,606,036 or 190.8%. Of the total population of 332,420,890 (331,236,184), the percentage of active cases is 2.11% (0.729%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 21,115 - (9,043) - up 12,072 or 133.5%. Last week the figures were up 12,872 or 142.3%.
Compared to last week, the comparative figures are (last week's figures in parenthesis):
Total cases up 395,520 or 1.3% (up 434,499 or 1.5%)
Deaths up 7,365 or 1.3% (up 8,750 or 1.6%)
Recoveries up 672,418 or 3.0% (up 1,733,245 or 8.3%)
Active cases down 264,263 or 3.6% (down 1,307,499 or 15.2%)
A surprising mixed bag, considering the vaccines are rolling out. Total cases and deaths are up less than the previous week, but recoveries are less than half of the previous week's figure and therefore active cases are down by only 20.2% of the previous week's figure. There seems to be a stalling of progress, but maybe we need to take a longer-term view!
There are a number of situations in the US which are not only getting much worse - but one wonders just how much things have to deteriorate for there to be some overt signs of rebellion. For example, there was the declaration from Senator Lyndsey Graham (R-S. Carolina) that if the Biden crooks denied him and 18 other Senators plus their press coterie full access to every aspect of the disgraceful situation at the US-Mexico border on their recent visit, then he would "shut down the US Senate". That is an unprecedented statement from a senior US Senator and just shows the depth of feeling now running, not only in the general population, but in the highest law creation body in the land.
The border is a total train-wreck. The Dims' agenda is to allow as many undocumented individuals into the US as possible to maximise their voting base. And right now there are more than 16,000 children in US Border Patrol custody in the Obama/Biden cages (which they then vilified when Trump was president). These children are rented to male adults who use them on repeated occasions to give credence to false claims that they are their parent and thus gain entry to the US. And young girls from 10-13 years old are in possession of contraceptives because the chances that they will be raped, are high indeed.
The Dims have deliberately and systematically unraveled and destroyed all of President Trump's work in controlling the border in a humane way. They are directly responsible for this unconscionable situation which they have directly encouraged. Biden doesn't have a clue as to what he has unleashed and just a few days ago delegated the whole can of worms to VP Harris, but she just gave one of her braying laughs and declined all responsibility. WHO THE HELL IS RUNNING THE UNITED STATES? AND WHOSE FINGER IS ON THE NUCLEAR BUTTON?   
The US Navy is not only outgunned by the CCP Navy, but the top military brass is conducting a purge of everyone who voted for Donald Trump!! Firstly, without even violating the 1st Amendment, how on earth do they know who voted for who? But there is no doubt that "wokeness" has now fully infiltrated the armed services, as it has every other aspect of society. Apparently they are even encouraging members who have inclinations to change their sex, to have discussions on the subject. We don't care about anyone's sexual inclinations, but this is madness indeed. We cannot imagine what all of this is doing to morale and therefore the ability to be an effective fighting force. They need to be concerned about the very real military threats facing the US, instead of all this nonsense. 
Most worryingly, according to retired 4 star US Army General Jack Keane, the US would lose a conventional war with the CCP right now, were it to break out over Taiwan for example. If this does not concern every NZ'er for instance, we don't know what would. 
There are encouraging moves where Australia, India and Japan together with countries directly affected by the theft of the South China Sea are getting together to combat the CCP's aggressiveness. America may be there and it may not. Where is New Zealand? Hiding in its Socialist wokeness.
Then we have new revelations of Hunter Biden - the President's son. When will this disgusting crook/traitor be brought to justice? It now appears that he was illegally in possession of a hand-gun which his girl friend (who was the wife of his brother who died) dumped into a dumpster outside a Delaware grocery store. The gun has since disappeared and there are multiple violations of gun laws involved. The Secret Service got in on the act at one stage and tried to obtain the documentation authorising the gun's purchase, but quite correctly the gun shop refused to supply the documentation. This was just a blatant attempt by the US Government to seize and suppress criminal evidence. Maybe something will become of this because the other criminal activities of H Biden (traitorous collusion with elements of hostile foreign governments for money and paedophilia, evidence of which was all discovered on his laptop) have not so far been prosecuted, although we are assured that investigations are on-going. But when will all this amount to anything?  At the moment the DOJ at its highest levels has also been hijacked by the Dim crooks, so it's all anyone's guess.
The other issue we want to mention is the hijacking of the US public education system by the teachers' unions. There is absolutely no justification for keeping public schools shut down while private schools are fully functioning 5 days a week. Children do not respond well to on-line learning and indeed a whole year or more of education has now been lost. Just how this can be reinstated is a difficult question because any attempt to recreate the lost time in schools will just result in a log-jam with younger students coming through. This closure of the public school system has no medical or epidemiological  basis and has just been the expression of Socialist dogma in one of its worst forms. It amounts to child abuse on a massive scale as proportionally only a small number of parents have the ability and/or time for home schooling, although unsurprisingly this is a growing movement. One mother who was a guest on Laura Ingraham's recent Town Hall, has 10 children, 4 of whom she was home schooling! Talk about busy, but no doubt the older children could help to some extent, but they are all fully involved with their own tertiary studies.   
The revelations coming from the US are just getting unbelievably worse by the day. Sooner or later there has to be some sort of opposition which will be impossible for the Dim crooks to ignore. Whether this is military in nature or just many forms of legal disobedience, remains to be seen. The main question is just how much will the 75 million who voted for Trump tolerate. Already there is a multitude of lawsuits from 21 states against the administration, so who knows what will happen with these, given the sickening corruption of the entire legal system.
And last but not least, there is the financial situation facing the US at the most critical time with threats to national security abounding. And amid all this the Dims just passed a 1.9 Trillion dollar "Covid relief package", but in reality only 9% will be used for its deceptive title. On top of that they want to spend 3 Trillion dollars more on "infrastructure", which is long overdue, but simply unaffordable right now. All this, together with massive and far-reaching tax hikes will give further credence to believable predictions of an equity market melt-down together with predictions of inflation and interest rate rises. These economic conditions won't just stay within the US either. The world has already changed, but will in the near future change very much more.   
And what about the 200,000 ton container ship rammed into the side of the Suez Canal? Being conspiracy theorists, we feel sure it was deliberate in order to cause the utmost commercial damage when the world is already badly affected by the deliberate release of the Chinese Virus.
Total cases - 2,359,842 - (433,805) - up 1,926,037 or 444.0%
Deaths - 62,519 - 2.7% - (14,145 - 3.3%) - up 48,374 or 342.0%
Recoveries - 2,250,063 - 95.3% - (250,494 - 57.7%) - up 1,999,569 or 798.3%
Therefore active cases - 47,360 - 2.0% - (169,196 - 39.0%) - down 121,836 or 72.0%. Of the total population of 51,278,360 (50,948,628), the percentage of active cases is 0.092% (0.332%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 923 - (1,367)
Active cases compared to last week are up 6,648 or 16.3%
There are some disturbing aspects to these figures as they are overturning a previous encouraging trend. As a result we have some new restrictions being imposed until April 5th. We have Pico y Cedula which means that one can only visit a supermarket on odd or even days, depending on the last digit of one's Cedula de Extranjeria. But visits to other shops are ok - where's the logic in that? In addition there are restrictions on the sale of alcohol and there is a nightly curfew. The only one of those that makes any sense to us is the curfew as it is obviously intended to curb partying over Easter. But this is Colombian logic, and we just have to go with the flow!!  
Following are this week's headlines from the English language
Mar.21st. Can Colombia keep up with COVID-19 vaccine deliveries?
Mar. 21st. China embarks on charm offensive in Colombia amid tensions with US
Mar. 22nd. Colombia illegally jails key witness in Uribe family investigation
Mar. 22nd. Colombia to counter independent press with state news
Mar. 22nd. Colombia's electoral barons join forces ahead of 2022 elections
Mar. 22nd. Colombia's government promised peace funds to "grease palms" for "coup"
Mar. 24th. Colombia announces new COVID-19 lockdowns
Mar. 24th. Colombia's prosecution fails to inquire about allegedly fake testimony in Uribe trial
Mar. 24th. Colombia seeks $US10 billion tax revenue hike to finance COVID-19 recovery programs
Mar. 26th. Colombia's former Supreme Court president sentenced to 19 years
Mar. 26th. Gustavo Petro: from rebel to Colombia's next president?
Mar. 26th. COVID-19 pandemic aggravated impact of armed conflict in Colombia
Mar. 26th. Colombia increases troops on border with Venezuela amid guerilla violence 
Jean had an appointment with an eye specialist last Wednesday at the San Diego Mall and on our way there we ran into the worst hail storm we have ever experienced in Medellin. Close thunder and lightning but at least we weren't at sea with a 16 metre mast sticking up in the air!! There doesn't seem to be any damage to the car, but it was LOUD!! The appointment was a success as Jean had a sty-like infection on one of her lower eyelids, but the doctor dealt very effectively with it by extracting some horrible material from the site. It had been likely like this for some years. Also some antibiotic liquid and the trick was done. And all for a cost of 190,000 Pesos - NZD75. The specialist was a very competent 29 yr old who did a great job. 
We are indebted to our lawyer, Astrid Melendez, who organised the appointment.  
Apart from that, Jean is preparing for her soon to be departure for Fort Lauderdale (Miami), Florida on April 4th. Tickets, ESTA, travel insurance - essential for travel to the US, and packing. She is getting excited about seeing los nietos!! We just hope that the C Virus statistics don't deteriorate further in Colombia which could mean a border closure, although she would be a resident returning. Watch this space!!

Following are the "active cases per 1 million of total population" for each country nominated above. Figures in parenthesis are for the previous week.
Mexico - 2,018 - (2,008) - up 10 or 0.50%. A reversal of previous trends - albeit a very modest reversal
Costa Rica - 3,818 - (3,487) - up 331 or 9.5%. The rate of increase is worsening. This is an increasing trend.
Panama - 1,153 - (1,215) - down 62 or 5.1%. Continuing the downward trend, albeit slowing 
Colombia - 923 - (794) - up 129 or 16.3%. Not good. Last week's increase is continuing.
Ecuador - 1,695 - (1,563) - up 132 or 8.5%. The rate of increase is increasing! A continuation of last week's trend
Peru - 1,067 - (1,142) - down 75 or 6.6%. Still continuing down - albeit at a slowing rate.
Bolivia - 3,363 - (3,485) - down 122 or 3.5%. Another week of improvement.
Paraguay - 4,556 - (4,118) - up 438 or 10.6%. Wrong way again by a considerable margin. Not good in Paraguay.
Brazil - 5,844 - (5,432) - up 412 or 7.6%. The rate of increase is a little less than previous weeks, but still going the wrong way.
Chile - 2,041 - (1,802) - up 239 or 13.3%. Still substantially increasing. What on earth is going on with Chile?
Argentina - 3,663 - (3,572) - up 91 or 2.6%. A lesser rate of increase, but still going up.
Uruguay - 4,503 - (3,324) - up 1,179 or 35.5%. Last week was up 25% and this week 35.5%. This is just appalling - what is happening with Uruguay?

United Kingdom - 6,525 - (8,245) - down 1,720 or 20.9%. Further substantial moves in the right direction. Long may it continue. But the UK Government is becoming more and more authoritarian as time goes on. It has even been suggested that at some time in the not so distant future, one will require a vaccination "passport" just to visit a pub!!
Thailand - 21 - (15) - up 6 or 40%. Sounds much worse than it is!! But it would be good to see a reversal downwards again.
Malaysia - 437 - (440) - down 3 or 0.7%. Still going down, but the rate has slowed very considerably. Let's hope things pick up again.

Total cases - 29,238 - (23,035) - up 6,146 or 26.7%
Deaths - 909 - 3.1% - (370 - 1.7%) - up 539 or 145.7%
Recoveries - 26,263 - 89.8% - (13,634 - 59.2%) - up 12,629 or 92.6%
Therefore active cases - 2,066 - 7.1% - (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 6,956 or 77.1%. Of the total population of 25,715,536 (25,538,969), the percentage of active cases is 0.008% (0.035%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 80 - (56). Up 1 since last week or 1.3%
Compared to last week, active cases are up 30 or 1.5%
Australia seems to be holding its own - probably quarantining the government on bread and water has helped. People can just get on with their lives with no interference!! 

Total cases - 2,479 - (1,714) - up 765 or 44.6%
Deaths - 26 - 1.0% - (25 - 1.4%) - up 1 or 4.0%
Recoveries - 2,379 - 96.0% - (1,531 - 95.5%) - up 848 or 55.4%
Therefore active cases - 74 - 3.0% - (49 - 3.0%) - up 25 or 45.5%. Of the total population of 5,002,100 (5,002,100) - still no increase in the population! What are they doing down there?, - the percentage of active cases is 0.002% (0.001%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 15 - (14). An increase of 1 or 7.1%.
Compared to last week, active cases are up 19 or 34.6% 
Don't allow any escape from Managed Isolation Quarantine (MIQ). Shoot to kill!! Better to die of lead poisoning rather than the dreaded lurgi, but of course if any lurgi was detected, the demise could always be attributed to the lurgi. There's a bit of convoluted reasoning for you to unravel! 
We were saddened, but not surprised, to read of a  Belgian doctor, Dr. Geert Van den Bossche, who was born in 1947 and qualified as a veterinary virologist, and who has subsequently worked with many medical research companies during which, among other things, he worked on developing a vaccine for Ebola. He has had years of experience in human virology, including his Ebola research. He has since developed well researched views on the dangers of some vaccines - particularly anti C Virus vaccines. As a result, he has become relentlessly vilified by governments and other self-interested entities who will not tolerate any alternative view to their own narrative under the guise of public health. 
His ideas were to have been screened in a public video at a venue owned by the Nelson City Council in NZ, but as soon as the Mayor was alerted to the nature of the material to have been presented, she directed that the booking for the venue was to be cancelled. This is an egregious example of the  use of the cancellation policies so prevalent these days where alternative views against the prevailing orthodoxy simply cannot be tolerated. In a democratic society, such as we have been used to all our lives, alternative views have always been allowed, but not any more it seems. This will provoke an immense public backlash, not just in NZ, but in all former democracies once people realise the extent to which liberties hitherto taken for granted have been eroded. His website, which is well worth reading as a self-education exercise is
We must all try to stay alert for these attacks on our liberty to think for ourselves and to hold our own opinions.

Well, that's all for another week. We hope everyone is getting on with their lives in the best way possible.
Cheers and lotsaluv from us in the City of Eternal Spring..............
Jim and Jean

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