Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Fwd: Colombia Reports

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: James Donald <>
Date: Wed, May 20, 2020, 14:11
Subject: Fwd: Colombia Reports
To: Alec Donald <>

Hi to all, 
We thought you would be interested in this latest advice from Medellinguru.
One cannot unfortunately ignore the dates, but the data needs to be treated with something of a grain of salt because the government data is in many cases simply educated or straight-out ignorant guesswork. Nothing here is certain.
As regards the over 70's nonsense, we do not pay any attention at all. We were sailing a number of times in the Andaman Sea between Malaysia and Thailand after we had turned 70 - just the two of us. And negotiating difficult tidal entrances to marinas and anchorages as well as dealing with mini typhoons together with damaging lightning which usually occur at 2 in the morning!!!
Just this morning Jim took the car to a workshop in Belen which is recommended by another Mercedes enthusiast to have the steering rack re-conditioned. It will be ready on Friday for a total cost of 800,000 pesos, compared with 12 million quoted by the Mercedes dealership for a complete new unit from Germany! Once again we are indebted to Clara for the introduction. Fernando who owns a 1982 280S, accompanied Jim and together we took a taxi back home for COP 14,000 - less than NZD7.
The other thing is that this whole Chinese Virus thing is being done to death by Socialists who see it as a God-given opportunity to destroy economic activity and keep most of the gullible population in a state of permanent fear. The NZ Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, is a good example where the majority of people who cannot think for themselves are simply in love with a toothy grin!!! Pathetic.
You see it in the US with conflict in the lockdown approach between red and blue states, together with the opportunity as Socialists see it, to introduce their left wing wish lists and never mind the economic plight of small business owners. And in NZ, legislation to give the Police new sweeping powers was rushed through Parliament under urgency. This included among other things, other legislation which has nothing to do with the Chinese Virus, such as amendments to abortion legislation, giving effect to a change which now makes it much easier to terminate a pregnancy at even full term. Another name for this is Infanticide.
Another thing that we must mention is the lethal decisions by the Governors of New York, New Jersey, and some other Socialist states to insist that rest homes re-admit elderly patients already infected with the C Virus. This of course unleashed a wave of infection which in the case of NY alone, resulted in the entirely preventable deaths of at least 5,000 seniors. And all that Governor Cuomo of NY would say was that they would have died anyway! He and the other lunatic, murderous governors should be prosecuted for mass murder.
We can only hope that in NZ, a near certain change in the leadership of the opposition party later this week will make it more likely that the incumbent government of St. Jacinda will be defeated and thrown out in September.
In the meantime we gnash our teeth every time we hear of some new Democrat/Socialist lie or outrage and feel even more confident that President Trump and the Republican Party will prevail on November 3rd. Then China will really get their comeuppance. This is the most important election in our lifetimes, because if the above scenario does not happen, we might as well kiss it all goodbye.
On that happy note we wish everyone continued good health and all best wishes from us in Medellin......lotsaluv
Jim and Jean

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Medellin Guru <>
Date: Wed, May 20, 2020, 12:24
Subject: RE: Colombia Reports
To: James Donald <>

Update on quarantine - extended by 1 week and no international flights for a while -

-----Original message-----
From: Medellin Guru
Sent: Sunday, May 17 2020, 5:44 pm
To: James Donald
Subject: RE: Colombia Reports

Sorry, no advance information about lifting the quarantine.  We will likely find out next week.  President Duque is supposed to be meeting next week about opening up air travel. But I suspect no international.


Best regards,



Founder Medellin Guru

-----Original message-----
From: James Donald
Sent: Sunday, May 17 2020, 5:23 pm
To: Medellin Guru
Subject: Re: Colombia Reports
Your figures are more or less the same - so that's re-assuring at least!!
Do you have any advance information as to what will happen with lockdown lifting on May 26th.?
We find the whole situation somewhat ludicrous as we are over 70 and yet need to be buying food and going to pharmacies etc.
It may all become academic if China goes to war with the rest of the world!!
Cheers Jeff
Jim Donald
On Sun, May 17, 2020, 16:55 Medellin Guru <> wrote:

Hi Jame, 


IMHO, Colombia Reports can't do proper research.


I have the actual data from INS, which was used to update this last night -


Cali yesterday on May 16 actually had 1,343 cases and a week ago on May 9 Cali had 1,058 cases.


And Cartagena yesterday on May 16 had 1,197 cases and a week ago on May 9 Cartagena had 539 cases, so more than doubled.


Colombia Reports claims in their article that their data was from Saturday but it was actually from Friday - they probably got data form this article I published yesterday with data from May 15 -


See here is you want to know about hospitalization rates in cities in Colombia due to coronavirus -


FYI, I am a research analyst.


Best regards,



Founder Medellin Guru.

-----Original message-----
From: James Donald
Sent: Sunday, May 17 2020, 2:45 pm
To: Medellin Guru
Hi Jeff
I know you are not a fan of Colombiareports, but I'd like to draw your attention to an article dated today concerning Cali and Cartagena.
It states that these cities are following Leticia and Tumaco in that their health systems are collapsing due to past corruption and mismanagement which has been going on for years.
Cali's Chinese Virus infection rate has increased from 1076 last week to 1276 now. 70 people have died in the city since the C Virus was confirmed in Colombia on March 6th. 
And in Cartegena, one of Colombia's most corrupt cities - and that's saying something!!! - there were 1070 infections yesterday which is double that of the previous week. And apparently many of the city's hospitals are in ruins having never been finished due to past extreme corruption.
The increasingly uncontrollable situation in the country appears to have woken up President Ivan Duque who yesterday for the first time refused to push economic reactivation.
The President said nothing about humanitarian aid for those affected by the lockdown which he declared on March 25th. or extra measures to support healthcare.
At least Colombia has joined a world-wide consortium of 62 countries to insist that China allows a full on the ground investigation into the cause of the C Virus, with a view to seeking reparations. China has already banned beef imports from 4 major Australian abbatoirs and slapped a 75% tariff on Australian barley in retaliation for Australia pursuing the enquiry line so it will be interesting to see what they do about Colombia!!! They also said that if the US cancelled the trade agreement recently signed, they would invade Taiwan. We live in uncertain and difficult times.
If you could please comment on the situations in Cali and Cartegena it would be appreciated - also bearing in mind that neither of these places are Medellin, but they could well have a spillover effect.
Thanks Jeff
Jim Donald

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