Sunday, 15 February 2015

New blog and the final chapter in the "Kealba" dragging saga

Hi to everyone,
Well there is a new blog on which details the latest happenings in our ongoing saga. We are leaving Rebak on the 25/02 for Penang (Straits Quay Marina) where we plan to leave the boat while we flit off on our annual grandchildren pilgrimages. Jean to the US and Jim back to NZ.
We have also posted on our blogsite what is probably the final (and one sided) email correspondence with Simon Purdell of "Kealba" - the Australian yacht that dragged her anchor at Kupang in Indonesia back in July 2013. They collided with us and caused very fortunately mainly superficial damage which would have been much worse had it not been for the heroic efforts of several fellow cruisers in their dinghies. "Kealba" was uninsured at the time and did not even carry 3rd. Party. At first they acknowledged responsibility but as time went on they distanced themselves more and more implying that the damage was minor and "what was our problem".
We finally managed to have the damage repaired and quantified mainly at Krabi Boat Lagoon last year and when we became aware that the Purdell family had returned from Australia and were in fact hauled out beside Yacht Haven where we were berthed we contacted them once more to inform them of our costs and asking them for reimbursement. That was a number of weeks ago and there has been a big fat silence ever since.
Our adverse opinion of them has unfortunately been reinforced yet again.
The other related matter we would comment on has been the unfortunate closeness and chance encounters we have lately been enduring with several boats who were involved in the subsequent wholly nasty whispering campaign which appeared to start (unknown to us at the time) just after the Kupang incident. These people know who they are. This has brought back the unpleasant memories we have of the whole business and which tarnished our whole Indonesian cruising experience. A number of these people were not even involved in the Kupang incident and yet took it upon themselves to abuse us and generally behave like a pack of schoolyard bullies. The ultimate expression of this was the unprovoked and disgusting physical attack on Jim at Danga Bay, Johor by Kevin Enwright of the yacht "Tintin", during which he spat in Jim's face. Enough has been said already of his cowardly and disgusting behaviour so we'll leave it there, except to mention again the leaving of a computer generated note one night on our foredeck (again at Danga Bay) which stated "REMEMBER THE RAINBOW WARRIOR". This of course referred to the deliberate sinking of a Greenpeace ship in Auckland Harbour some years ago and which also resulted in the murder of a crew member. However trivial you may think leaving such a note on our boat is, the implied threat amounted to a threat to kill. It doesn't engender good feelings about cruising (and some cruisers) to be on the receiving end of something like that.
Enough said. We will of course let you know if some recompense is forthcoming from "Kealba".
Cheers and love to our friends and family from us.....

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