Friday, 28 March 2014

Fwd: Back at Pangkor for the 2nd. time!

----- Original Message -----
To: "2XS - Peter & Marguerite" <>
Subject: Back at Pangkor for the 2nd. time!
Date: 27 Mar 2014 06:54:47 -0000
From: zmq5985

Hi to all,
You won't believe this any more than we did but when we raised anchor yesterday morning at Pulau Talang we checked to see that the batteries were being charged from the engine - and they weren't! And there was a red light showing on our so-called Smart Charger/regulator. We couldn't continue like that so we made the reluctant decision to turn back yet again. At least the windlass worked well! We arrived back at Pangkor about 0930 and crept in with minimal depth but at least the tide was coming in! Back in the marina and soon the local electronics wizard (Faizul) was on board and it was obvious what had caused the problem. The terminals on the regulator were all scorched and red hot so he has taken it away to order a new one and he will also repair the existing one which we will be able to use as a spare. We should be away again by the weekend - 3rd. time lucky!!
In the meantime there are worse places to be. There is an interesting group of cruising yachts here and of course Georg and Manuela who are now hauled out. We may have discovered an agent for their particular brand of propellor here in Langkawi where they can get it repaired.
This will further delay our arrival up north and we are having 2nd. thoughts about where we eventually haul out so may be it's all for the best - we are continuing to research options although for our boat it looks like Boat Lagoon, Krabi will be the best.
Sitting here in the High Time Bistro as this is being written and looking out across the strait between Pulau Pangkor and the mainland can't all be bad! Although the smog has returned today and visibility is considerably reduced. Such a shame as this part of the coast in inherently quite beautiful but seen through a thick haze of smoke reduces its attractiveness - that's for sure. And Jean is suffering somewhat as her allergy sensitivity is giving her a hard time. It can't be good for overall health long term. Goodness knows what it does to local rates of various lung diseases. The smoke also traps higher temperatures which makes living quite uncomfortable. During the night the high temperatures remain until the early hours when there is some respite but it's shortlived. At least when we are out sailing there is relief with wind but in the marina the air is much more still.
Still won't be long now before we get further north and away from this infernal smoke haze. We'll keep you posted.
Love from us............
Jim and Jean
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