Saturday, 22 June 2013

Tiare Taporo III at Inglis island Lat. 12 degrees 01' S Long. 136 degrees 15' E 22/06

Another quick change of plan. We were going to stay in Elizabeth Bay today but made a last minute decision to leave and come in a SW direction to the west side of Inglis Is. Apart from being held up by a 2 knot tide against us between Cotton Is. and the mainland, it was a pleasant sail because we had a good lee from the mainland. It still blew up to 28 knots!! Surprise surprise. Had a great sail in flat water down the western side of Inglis Is. until we found a reef free bay to anchor in and it is quite comfortable. Such a remote area - it's quite surreal being here. All these islands are Aboriginal territory and you can't go ashore without a permit - which we haven't got - although if one was to go ashore there doesn't appear to be anyone around. However, that's not on our agenda. We are leaving here at first light tomorrow for the southern Wessels (18 miles away) and then sailing NE to Cape Wesesel whence we shall leave for the Goulburn Group. Hopefully we'll catch up with the gang somewhere in the Wessels - they are going through the Hole in the Wall tomorrow. As we've said before, we'll leave those sorts of thrills to them!
Tomorrow we need to be in the passage between Jirragari Is. (just south of the Wessels) and Bumaga Is. by 1000 to catch the ebbing tide through Brown Strait which all being well will waft us north!! This means a departure from here no later than 0600. We have the boat organised with the pole out on the port side ready for the downwind passage tomorrow. The wind seems to be down somewhat so we are hopeful of a more comfortable passage. Still, you can't tell around here as it often blows more strongly during the night and then quietens down until mid morning. But there's no pattern you can rely on.
These are the joys of sailing across the top of Australia.
Please email us with news of home. We miss hearing from you all - just don't hit the reply button!
Cheers and lots of love
Jim and Jean xoxoxoxoxo

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