Friday, 24 May 2013

Weather frustrations

Hi to everyone,
Just to let you know we are in Stokes Bay on Stanley Is. in the Flinders Group. We are feeling the usual frustrations with this pesky weather. There is a strong wind warning out at the moment with S Easterlies of 25-30 knots forecast for the next week. However, we can't afford to wait here - not only for getting to Darwin on time by the end of June, but also because eventually we would run out of diesel (necessary for power and water) and LPG. We are hoping we can replenish both when we get to Seisia around Cape York. So, we have decided to leave here around 0400 tomorrow for Morris Is. - 65 miles distant. We need to leave early in order to get there in daylight. Morris is a very good anchorage on the inner reef and the approach is easy with apparently no coral heads. We have been told we MUST go there as it is very pretty and very secure even in gale force conditions. At least going up inside the reef as we are doing there is no sea to speak of as it is protected by the outer and inner reefs - just a fairly large wind driven chop at times which can make life unpleasant when sailing downwind.
Hoping all is well with everyone. Feel free to email us anytime. We'll always be happy to hear from you. Just remember not to hit the reply button. Always send a "fresh" email, otherwise we receive our original email back again. And, if sending to multiple addresses, please make them BCC, otherwise all the addresses come through on top of the email and clog up our system as everything is sent and received through a very slow radio link. And for all the fascinating details of our passages you can always read the blogsite -
Lots of love from us...........
Jim and Jean (Gina)
s.v. Tiare Taporo III
Flinders Islands
North Queensland.

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