Friday, 8 June 2012

Change of plans

Well. after weeks of examining all angles and trying to decide whether to go on to Darwin or not we have finally come to a decision. For a variety of reasons we have decided to abandon plans for Darwin/Indonesia this year and will instead cruise this immediate area up to Cairns with a view to joining the Louisiade Rally to SE PNG from Yorkey's Knob (just north of Cairns) in September. It is unlikely that we will then carry on north but will instead return to Australia for the wet season - probably Townsville again because we are so impressed by the city. The downside of course is the risk of cyclones during the summer but we have a tentative strategy for dealing with that.
We feel mightily relieved at having made the decision and the release of pressure that has resulted. It was getting more and more daunting getting to Cape York and Darwin on time (16-1700 miles from here in tight reef bound channels in around 40 days). If there's one thing we have learnt, it's that sailing and tight schedules do not mix well and in fact can become dangerous. With regard to sailing this coast, many mariners have felt the difficulty including the Great Navigator himself, James Cook, who very nearly lost his ship on Endeavour Reef north of present day Cairns. Mind you, he didn't have GPS!! Nevertheless, it is difficult for a number of reasons not least of which is the possibility of being weatherbound for some days (if one could find a suitable anchorage) and then being committed to carrying on even though one might be late because it would be a mission to return south against the strong SE trades. For most of our voyaging so far there has been little true relaxation so we feel we owe it to ourselves to become true "cruisers" and when Gina returned from NZ after looking after her sister she was more drained than we realised at the time. So, all in all we definitely feel we have made the correct decision. The last 600 miles from Bundaberg has taught us that this isn't a coast to be trifled with.
Still, we've done a lot of homework including where we could get fuel from a mobile fuel barge because otherwise the opportunities are few and far between north of Cairns. So, we're well prepared for next year or we might go back to the Louisiades in 2013 and then carry on north. This would depend on a number of factors including the ability to get visas and a cruising permit for Indonesia. There is an Indonesian Consulate in Vanimo on the north coast of PNG where this may be possible. More homework needed!! So, lots to consider.
In the meantime we are still in the Breakwater Marina at Townsville and in the morning (Sat.) we both have an appointment to see an osteopath - Jim for his knees and Gina for her hips resulting from when some years ago a cow jumped on top of her!! Age is catching up with us but we will become fitter and rested for the challenges ahead by taking it easier in the meantime.
So, as always watch this space...............
Love from us.

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