Sunday, 28 August 2011

Cruising New Caledonia

We spent last night in Baie Ouie and this morning came around 15 miles to Baie du Prony which is a large deep bay - over 40 metres throughout most of its area. We came through the Cabal Woodin which is a narrow (but deep) channel between the mainland and Ile Ouen. Fortunately we had the ebb tide with us because our speed over the ground increased by 3.5 knots through Canal Woodin. Very pretty with the coastal landscape very reminicsent of Gt Barrier and coastal Northland except that there is evidence of huge erosion everywhere - very large red scars blighting the landscape. In Baie du Prony itself there is a large nickel port with nickel conveyor lines converging to where a nickel ore carrier was berthed.
We came further into the bay and came around the eastern end of the Ilot (Island) Casey. A beautiful little bay with a golden sand beach and mooring buoys because they don't like you dropping anchors which can damage the coral. There was the remains of a hotel/guest house which our cruising guide said was still operating! However, it seems that it had been abandoned around 2003. But all the equipment was still there; we went through the kitchen and everything was there and intact - furniture, office computers etc etc. It looks as though the operator just walked away from what was a lovely resort. Such a shame in so lovely a setting. Menus were still on the bar!! We had had visions of sitting at the bar with a cold beer but alas - not to be.
We couldn't believe our eyes when we came into the bay when we saw a German catamaran "Diaethyl" already there. We had got to know them in Whangarei and they had given us charts of the US east coast and the Carribean. Quite daunting to think of getting that far having already had such a bad passage thus far. Still, one step at a time as they say. We went on board "Diaethyl" to renew acquaintance and finished up staying for a while and not a few glasses of wine later!! Then back to "Tiare" and dinner. It's now 2230 on a beautiful breathless evening and it's time for bed.
Walking ashore in the morning followed by a swim we think.
Night night from us
J & J (G)

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