Monday, 6 June 2011

Further frustrations

Gina went to Whangarei yesterday for her appointment this afternoon but when she arrived she was told that the specialist had been involved in an accident over the weekend and in fact was in hospital himself!!! And to make matters worse, her GP had not updated her contact details and so the phone calls and messages they had been trying to send to advise of the situation were never received. The GP, Bush Rd. Medical Centre in Kamo, had been asvised of her new phone number (which she has had for over a year now) several times but had never updated their records. Erique ( our French acquaintance)  is absolutely right; this is most definitely a BULLSHEEEEET COUNTREEEEE!!!!!!!
Anyway, there is another specialist available but not until 5pm on Thursday so she will stay in Whangarei with our friends Hamish and Sara to whom we are most indebted until then so that she can finally and hopefully get to the heart of the matter.
So, until then there is no further news - we will let you know once we know anything. But one thing we can say for sure - if we get no joy by the end of this week we will go to Malaysia where their medical system would run rings around ours - and that wouldn't be hard.
As always watch this space.

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