Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Health setback

Jean has been feeling a bit better but remained abnormally tired and lacking energy so we decided to get to the bottom of the problem once and for all. We made an apppointment with a doctor in Paihia who had been  recommended by Russell Radio. So, yesterday we anchored off Paihia which we were able to do as the wind was offshore. Wouldn't have been able to do that in the next few days with the 40 knot easterlies that are forecast. We dropped anchor off the southern end of Paihia with only about 2 feet of water under the keel at low tide!!
Jean had her appointment yesterday afternoon and the doctor confirmed a problem with her trachea which is causing oxygen defficiency which in turn is causing the lack of energy and even the nausea and fainting that she has been experiencing. And as anyone who knows her, lack of energy is definitely not part of her character!!! The upshot is that she urgently needs to see a specialist and we are working on this at the moment.
It will either mean that she needs to get back to Whangarei or possibly Auckland and then we should have absolute confirmation. Then it will be a case of what needs to happen from there - maybe some sort of minor surgery, but it's definitely fixable. That's the main thing. Just what all this means as far as our sailing intentions go remains to be seen but no doubt we will be in NZ for a while yet.
We were just having a conversation discussing that Jean has probably only been operating on a one third energy level and just what she would be like when she's back to 100%. Scary monster stuff!!! But at least we're on to it and all will be well in time.
In the meantime we're just going to wait in the Bay until appointments are confirmed. The next few days are going to be a bit rough with the easterly storm coming through but we will probably anchor in Matauwhi Bay just around from Russell to stay close to transport links.
Watch this space as always.
Jim and Jean (Gina)

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