Thursday, 17 June 2010

Making a splash

Hi again,
Forgot to mention the memorable exit we made from Norsand when we launched last month. We were down the slipway and still sitting on the cradle when Kevin (the yardmaster) asked Gina to throw a bowline so they could turn us around once afloat. Meanwhile Jim was head down in the bilge checking for leaks as one does whenever one has been hauled out for a time. On emerging from the bilge he was bemused to see a dishevelled figure clinging to the side of the slipway. It slowly dawned on him that this was his soul/crew mate! Evidently on throwing the line she overbalanced and simply fell in as we had not replaced the lifelines at the bow - a legacy from having the access ladder there while sitting on the hard. At least there was a reasonable amount of water as we were almost afloat at the time and the only thing lost was a little pride!
But she is a real trooper and, although there were some very anxious people ashore, she came up smiling although the water just there is not the cleanest - to put it mildly! At least the local council hadn't dumped any raw sewerage into the river for some days. They've just spent some $18M on a new sports stadium but still haven't cleaned up the local sewerage problems which is a scandalous state of affairs. In the meantime they get very staunch about boaties doing that and in fact if one is caught making any such discharge in the marina one would be asked to leave immediately. Not that we would do that anyway, but it has happened apparently. There is a certain hypocrisy inherent in this position for sure.
Anyway, Kevin came out in the dinghy for some clean dry clothes and someone gave her a couple of dollars so she could have a shower! Meanwhile we came off the cradle and after checking the gearbox (which had been removed and then re-installed) we waited off the slipway until she was brought out in a dinghy.
All's well that ended well but it's not a place that you would choose to have a swim - that's for sure. 
Cheers again,
J & G (J)


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