Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Fw: Tiare Taporo III

This is the first of two emails which we have unfortunately been the recipients of. I would urge anyone who might contemplate having work done to their boat in NZ to avoid this yard (Partridge Yachts) and the Bay of Islands in general.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Jim Donald <>
To: Craig Partridge Yachts <>
Sent: Wed, 21 April, 2010 10:05:45 PM
Subject: Re: Tiare Taporo III

Nothing that I have said is not truthful - even if this is a double negative!! I don't know why you are wasting money on lawyers - in my experience they are invariably an expensive waste of space - especially when you are dealing with the truth. I have only ever commented on my experience in your boatyard to anyone who has asked. I have never "bagged you around town" as you vulgarly put it - maybe I should. Emails displayed on notice boards are not my decision but those of the recipients at the time.
As regards your advice re my refrigeration system, you only display your ignorance yet again. If you had any knowledge of Isotherm systems you would know that they function equally well out of the water as in. Our problems as you well know were quite obvious long before we hauled out this time.
I don't know why I bothered to contact you now; I should have known that all I would get is abuse for daring to criticise you and no practical help whatsoever. If you had any hope for resurrection of my opinion of you, I would have thought that you would be actively trying to solve my problem before we embark on what is going to be the adventure of a lifetime - but no. Instead you protest your reputation with veiled threats of legal action which of course only reinforce the old dictum "methinks thou protestith too much".
Jim Donald

From: Craig Partridge Yachts <>
To: Jim Donald <>
Sent: Wed, 21 April, 2010 2:50:16 PM
Subject: Re: Tiare Taporo III

Hi Jim
I am not sure why I am replying to you, as I understand you have bagged me round town, on your blog site and have all your letters to me on the wall at Norsand. I have advise my lawyer of this.
But I will reply as I am not vindictive, firstly the freezer system is water cooled so it will not efficient out of the water and secondly you may need to top up your gas in the system
----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Donald
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 1:09 PM
Subject: Tiare Taporo III

Hi Craig,
We are out of the water at the moment and re-launching on May 7th. We have been experimenting with various racks and heights in the freezer but so far the best we've acheived is minus 5 degrees - still not enough to freeze or keep frozen. Your advice would be appreciated.
Jim Donald 




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