Sunday, 14 February 2010

Heading south

Hi everyone,
We have at last ventured south of Whangarei! We had a great sail today. We left at 0730 and had minimal wind to start with. Then a bit later north of Bream Tail there developed a tailwind of about 12 knots and we poled out the Genoa and for a time enjoyed some very relaxed downwind sailing. But alas it was not to be for any length of time. Murphy must have been watching because the wind started to head us so we dowsed the pole and then later when the wind increased took a reef in the mainsail. We then had some very spirited sailing and the old girl once again picked up her skirts and went for it. We had more than 20 knots of wind as we came round Takatu Point and then were struck with 27 knots! Still had full Genoa and the reefed main. So we did the whimpish thing and furled the Genoa and started the engine (!) as we didn't have far to go at that stage. We are now anchored in Bon Accord Harbour, Kawau and pleased to have had something to eat and contemplate a good night's sleep after about 9 hours of sailing. Our position is lat 36 degrees 25.6 minutes south, long 174 degrees 50.3 minutes east. We are anchored in Harris Bay just off the little cottage which Jim's maternal grandfather built back in the 1950's so it's quite nostalgic. We are going to meet the people who run Schoolhouse Bay Radio in the morning as we will be in contact with them (as well as Russell radio) when we finally leave on our offshore voyaging.
We have been plagued since we started this cruise by technical problems most of which can be traced back to the earlier refit at Partridge Yachts Yard in Kerikeri in 2006-7. We are fixing them all as they occur but it is certainly detracting from the enjoyment. Still, it's better that they are found now rather than in Timbuctoo!!! Another example was this morning (at 6 if you please!) when we checked the bilge and found about 4" of oily water down there. It has happened because they had neglected to install an anti siphon valve on a bilge discharge line which meant that in some circumstances water could back siphon into the boat. You could imagine our feelings at 6 in the morning and wondering whether we would actually leave at all. Anyway we pumped the bilge and closed the skin fitting valve to overcome the immediate problem but this is hardly a long-term fix. We will fix it properly when we haul out again next month at Norsand. The list of shortcomings at Partridges is as long as your arm and infinitely more expensive!! It is very disappointing but seems to be becoming more and more the norm in this country and our advice is if you ever contemplate doing anything which involves employing trades people check them out very thoroughly and then make sure that you have a cast iron contract - notwithstanding that contracts are only worth the paper they are written on!! Please excuse the cynicism but this has been our experience.
The crew has just had a shower and the skipper is in dire need of one!! Dishes are next on the agenda and then a good night's sleep.
Hope this finds everyone well.
J & J (G)

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