This attached news item from the Epoch Times is in our opinion essential reading for anyone who values their own health, and that of their families and friends.
And we'll leave you with this fact from
NZ's current rate of active cases compared to total population is 0.1263%, whereas Colombia's is 0.0600%.
NZ's level of active cases compared to population is therefore more than double that of Colombia. This is in spite of all the draconian and destructive lockdowns and border closures in NZ; whereas Colombia has been completely open since October 2020 with no restrictions whatsoever except desultorily required mask wearing here and there. There has also been a recent half-hearted announcement of a "vaccine" mandate for public venues, but in our experience so far, almost never enforced.
We protect ourselves by monthly prophylactic doses of Ivermectin which we know is harmless and far more effective in preventing the dreaded lurgi than the very dubious "vaccines" and now God knows how many boosters!!!
The concept of prophylactics combined with minimal restrictions seems to be working well compared to the utterly failed policies of draconian controls in NZ and other countries who are also actively banning well proven prophylactic drugs which can and have saved many lives at minimal cost.
There will be a full blog sometime before Christmas as we are almost at the point of having full internet once more, but still being in a state of total chaos after the move 6 days ago. We will reserve judgement on this until we have had the chance to thoroughly test the system!!
Please read the attached and we would be vitally interested in any feedback.
With lots of love from us in El Retiro, Antioquia Province, Colombia.
Jim and Jean
The COVID-19 pandemic has been one of fear, manufactured by individuals who were in the nominal positions of authority as the virus began to spread across the globe last year, according to Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch. For the price of a cup of gas-station-coffee, treat yourself with access to honest, fact-based news reported in Truth and Tradition.
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