Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Chinese Virus statistics (revised format) week number 36 (252 days) as at 23rd. April 2021 (plus political comment and our personal news) since 21/08/20.

Hola a todos nuestros amigos y familiares, 
Esperamos que estes todos en el rosa. 
This is our first week of the revised and simplified format, which now that over 250 days have passed since we began recording these statistics, we feel is more appropriate. Any feedback would be appreciated. The figures in parenthesis relate to the previous week, and countries, except for the World, are presented in alphabetical order with comments about individual countries' figures immediately following.
Courtesy of a very old and dear friend of Jean's, we have attached a file from a German doctor, Reiner Fuellmich, who presents a very well researched treatise on the whole Chinese Virus and, following from its establishment world-wide, the vexed question of Chinese Virus vaccinations. Our position is that the virus exists, but that the reaction to it has been completely over-blown, largely as a heaven-sent opportunity for governments to exert further control of  their populations by the instillation of fear - mask wearing etc. 
The situation in India right now is a result of chronic over-crowding and extreme housing poverty in some of the worst slum conditions in the world, which anyone who has not been to India cannot really appreciate. Any virus, and not just the Chinese Virus, will run rampant in such conditions, and many of those people will succumb because they have poor health and suffer from mal-nutrition or other co-morbidities. 
We believe that much the same situation exists in Colombia in poor areas, mainly in cities, but also in poorer country areas - albeit on a far smaller scale than in India. And the health and standard of living generally of people here, while not without problems with perhaps poor diet and crowded living conditions, is nowhere near that of countries like India. But the majority of cases here will be from such health-compromised areas. And of course the Venezuelan refugees fleeing across the border from a vicious Communist regime. They would not be helping the spread of the Virus in Colombia. As a matter of interest, there are 20,000 active cases in Antioquia Province of which Medellin is the capital. This represents 17% of all active cases in Colombia at the moment. This fact needs to be borne in mind to get a proper perspective. Undoubtedly the saturation of Medellin's hospital emergency capacity is largely being caused by an influx of infected people from outside the city.
All we can say is for goodness sake read the Fuellmich report before even considering getting one of these vaccines. Your eyes will be opened - HOPEFULLY IN TIME. 

MUNDO - World 
Active cases - 18,889,123 - (17,936,968) - up 952,155 or 5.3%. 
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,403 - (2,283) - up 120 or 5.3%.
Still a concern with continually rising figures, although events in India certainly won't be helping the average.
Active cases - 286,355 - (269,990) - up 16,365 or 6.1%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 6,289 - (5,931) - up 358 or 6.0%
Another increase, but the rate of increase has slowed considerably
Active cases - 2,188 - (2,188) - no change
Active cases per 1 million of total population  - 85 - (85) - again no change
Active cases - 38,569 - (38,016) - up 553 or 1.5%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 3,268 - (3,222) - up 46 or 1.4%
Still going up but only by a small amount. Hopefully there will be a decline soon. 
Active cases - 1,114,597 - (1,155,844) - down 41,247 or 3.6%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 5,213 - (5,408) - down 195 or 3.6%
At last a series of declines; not as much as last week but still going in the right direction
Active cases - 41,671 - (43,743) - down 2,072 or 4.7%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,165 - (2,273) - down 108 or 4.8%
At last a reversal from previous increases
Active cases - 112,573 - (103,459) - up 9,114 or 8.8%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,194 - (2,016) - up 178 or 8.8%
Another very disturbing rise but nowhere near last week's increase of 45.1%. The hope is that maybe the tide is turning - again!
Active cases - 32,370 - (27,716) - up 4,654 or 16.8%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 6,308 - (5,402) - up 906 or 16.8%
A slightly lesser rise than last week but still substantially up. We said last week that there is no end to it and it looks as though we were right.
Active cases - 37,887 - (39,338) - down 1,451 or 3.7%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,122 - (2,203) - down 81 or 3.7%
A reversal of previous upwards trends
Active cases - 47,216 - (33,051) - up 14,165 or 42.9%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 374 - (262) - up 112 or 42.7%
An increase in the rate of increase since last week. A disturbing trend.
Active cases - 22,512 - (18,600) - up 3,912 or 21.0%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 688 - (569) - 119 or 20.9%
A slightly lesser rate of increase from last week, but still going the wrong way.
Active cases - 263,460 - (263,263) - up 197 or 0.1%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,026 - (2,025) - up 1 or 0.1%
Almost holding their own. Let's hope that previous reductions can recommence next week
NUEVA ZELANDA - New Zealand - 
Active cases - 32 - (101) - down 69 or 68.3%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 6 - (20) - down 14 or 70.0%
When numbers are low you can get big percentage swings!!
Active cases - 3,845 - (3,929) - down 84 or 2.1%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 880 - (900) - down 20 or 2.2%
Still trending down albeit at lesser rate than last week
Active cases - 41,039 - (39,159) - up 1,880 or 4.8%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 5,697 - (5,438) - up 259 or 4.8%
Still increasing but at a lower rate than last week
Active cases - 14,210 - (22,880) - down 8,670 or 37.9%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 426 - (686) - down 260 or 37.9%
A massive decrease - much larger than last week. Long may it continue. What are they doing right?
Active cases - 35 - (27) - up 8 or 29.6%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 2 - (1) - up 1 or 100.0%
Another distortion with low numbers. Taiwan is still showing the world how to do it
Active cases - 19,873 - (10,461) - up 9,412 or 90.0%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 284 - (150) - up 134 or 89.3%
Cases almost doubled from last week. Not a good trend.
Active cases - 99,288 - (140,447) - down 41,159 or 29.3%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 1,456 - (2,060) - down 604 or 29.3%
Another satisfactory week's reduction. Not as much as last week, but still satisfactory
Active cases - 6,848,237 - (6,876,364) - down 28,127 or 0.4%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 20,592 - (20,679) - down 87 or 0.4%
A miniscule reduction, although slightly better than last week's rise of 0.02%. One would have thought we'd be seeing better figures than this by now. Maybe this is a result of continuing deliberate false reporting?
Active cases - 28,267 - (32,136) - down 3,869 or 12.0%
Active cases per 1 million of total population - 8,115 - (9,226) - down 1,111 or 12.0%
At last heading down. Still a long way to go but let's hope it continues.
Personal and political news and views:

We thought at this stage of our weekly newsletter that it would be appropriate that we would give a precis as we see it of the rise of draconian government rules world-wide using the excuse of the Chinese Virus "pandemic". 
It started in mid to late 2019 when the CCP in its murderous quest for world domination, released the COVID-19 virus from the infamous CCP controlled Wuhan lab. It has proved to be a spectacularly successful campaign for the CCP. They have instilled fear and panic throughout the world, destroyed businesses large and small and in the process the dreams and aspirations of millions of hard-working people. To date they have also killed over 3 million people. This process has been.aided and abetted by the rise of extreme left-wing movements and infiltration of tertiary educational institutions to the point that now, after fraudulently destroying President Trump's November election campaign, there is the most left-wing Socialist administration in Washington that has ever been known. The means by which the radical left are operating to destroy the USA and its 240 year old Constitution are:
1) Attempting with success to destroy America's economy through the dishonestly named "Covid relief" and "Infrastructure" bills together totalling well over 5 TRILLION US dollars. And another in the pipeline, at a time when taking into account unfunded federal and state government liabilities, the total US government debt is over 120 TRILLION US dollars. This can never be repaid except possibly by massive inflation which by itself would destroy the US and turn it into another Venezuela. we believe that this is the ultimate endgame.
2) Cozying up to 2 of the US's arch enemies - the CCP of China and the terrorist Islamist regime of Iran. We've also just recently become aware of the unedifying revelation that the former Secretary of State under Barack Obama, John Kerry, has been allegedly passing secrets concerning Israeli military operations against Iranian military assets in Syria and elsewhere. This, if proved, is nothing less than treason and should be punished as such. A retired 4 star general stated the other day the horrifying news that the US would not win a conventional war against the CCP and that the likelihood of the CCP invading Taiwan has increased from about 0.5% six months ago to 25% now. 
3) Seditiously opening up the southern border and in the process defunding and denigrating the people manning border control.  There are now in excess of 25,000 unaccompanied minors in the US living in overcrowded and squalid conditions, subject to out of control sexual assault and infected with the Chinese Virus. In addition the way is once again cleared for wholesale drug smuggling including large amounts of Fentanyl.   
4) Inciting racial division by making false selective allegations against the police, particularly when a white police officer is involved in a confrontation with a black person which results in the death of the black person. Even the outcome in the George Floyd case has been improperly influenced by intemperate and disgraceful remarks made by the US President no less. As a result the likelihood of an appeal seeking a mistrial and/or a retrial is growing by the day. 
5) Perpetrating outrageous electoral fraud by the Dims in the 2020 presidential election. We feel greatly heartened that at long last the forensic audit of election results in Maricopa County, Arizona is underway and has survived numerous determined attempts by the crooked Dims to derail the audit. They have just recently sent over 100 lawyers to Arizona to prepare injunctions to stop the audit, but a Democrat appointed judge threw their final attempt out. It seems, given the determined efforts to stop the audit over the last 5 months, that there is something to find and, if the audit shows widespread fraud as expected, then other states where fraud is also suspected will also enter into forensic audits. These states, apart from Arizona, are Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia - and there may be others. If, after these audits, it is proved that Donald Trump won those states, then he should be the legitimate president and the crook presently in the White House will be an illegitimate imposter. What happens then?
Following are this week's headlines from the English language
April 19th.Colombia registers one of COVID-19 pandemic's deadliest days
April 19th. At least 11 killed, hundreds displaced amid combat in southwest Colombia 
April 20th. "Terror is threatening Colombia's transitional justice system"
April 20th. Colombia tightens measures after record number of COVID-19 deaths
April 21st. Colombia's most wanted accountant Part 1: Process #34986
April 22nd. Colombia seizes assets of firm behind disastrous dam project
April 22nd. Medellin doctors urge lockdown, humanitarian aid to resuscitate healthcare
April 22nd. At least 22 injured in SW Colombia after "narcos" attack indigenous counternarcotics operation
April 23rd. Ivan Duque bridges divides as Colombia unitedly rejects "worst president ever"
April 23rd. Colombia surpasses 70,000 COVID -19 deaths after record increase
The big news is that Jean arrived back in Medellin from Fort Lauderdale/Miami on Thursday. She was in excellent health and buoyed by the great time she had had with Carter and Nash - not to mention their parents!. No-one is wearing masks in Florida, movement is unrestricted and the state is booming. Unlike the blue states which still wallow in the fear being deliberately instilled into the population.  
Jean's family lives in a gated community in North Miami and recently there has been an influx of families with children roughly the same ages as Carter and Nash. Many nationalities as well as American refugees from "blue" states. Florida is experiencing at least 1,500 new residents PER DAY. That must tell you something. For example, a French couple evidently intended to open an art gallery in New York, which some years ago would have been a natural no-brainer choice. Not any more, and they are opening a gallery in Miami.
The children all play together in the cul-de-sac where they live - skate boarding and all the things that children do. Great experience for them. A real united nations. Not a mask in sight!
Jean had a wonderful time in Miami with los nietos and that had been her intention from the outset. She achieved all of this with flying colours. These days one must make the most of these times because with all the uncertainty and deliberate attempts at control of people generally, one can never be sure when these visits can be repeated - not like once upon a time when one could say - "see you in October' - or whenever. And we are getting older all the time - like the old British TV comedy - "One Foot in the Grave"!!!
One unpleasant and thoroughly annoying episode occurred when departing Fort Lauderdale on Jetblue. The departure was delayed 20 minutes and the cause became apparent. A group of young black men who appeared to be part of a sports team, arrived on the aircraft 20 minutes after the scheduled departure time. Jean had observed them in the terminal previously so they were not genuinely late - probably in the bar! Anyway, when they slouched on board, one, whose mask was hanging off one ear, said "we're here now; the party can continue". Talk about narcissistic racist arrogance. The chief steward asked for the masks to be correctly worn. The request was arrogantly and belatedly complied with before the flight left. To us, this is an exact example of racial arrogance that is being encouraged by the woke Dims in power. They obviously think no-one can touch  them; if we behaved in the same way we'd have been kicked off the flight and probably been banned for the immediate future. We intend to lodge a complaint with Jetblue. Obviously the airline and their personnel were placed in a completely unenviable situation with the flight already late, but in our opinion the flight should have left on time without them after the usual calls for late arriving passengers. They might have learnt some sort of lesson, but such is the reverse racist arrogance that predominates these days, we doubt it. It is symptomatic of most of which is wrong in the US and elsewhere these days and must be confronted now before it is too late - if not already. It is a symptom of the racist divide that is being deliberately fostered by governments  - particularly in the US. And we include NZ in that description.
However, on a lighter note, there was a young black couple just in front of Jean who helped her when 2 obese white males pushed her and nearly knocked her over in their selfish desire to leave the aircraft ahead of anyone else. They were similarly shocked and disgusted by all this narcissistic and disgusting behaviour from black and white.
AUSTRALIA - Australia seems to be one of a very few countries these days with any guts to stand up to the CCP. The Federal Government has finally cancelled the B&RI Agreement that the Victorian State Government traitorously signed with the CCP. The Federal Government has kicked it all into touch where it should remain in political oblivion. The Victorian Premier should be arrested and charged with sedition at the very least. The only reason that the CCP is not taking further anti-Australian action as they have in the recent past, is that they need Aussie iron ore - badly. They cannot get a reliable supply anywhere else and so they are taking all they can get from Australia so that they can turn it into steel for manufacturing warships and aircraft to use against Australia and its allies - India, Japan and maybe the woke USA. New Zealand in its cowardly stance doesn't figure. NZ needs to learn the consequences of fence sitting -  especially when it is barbed wire.

NEW ZEALAND - the Ardern Socialist government is spinning like a top with the news that NZ will no longer associate itself with any statements on foreign policy positions from the 5 Eyes intelligence agency of which NZ is now only nominally a member. The other permanent members are the USA, the UK, Australia and Canada. That membership dates back to 1956, (when yours truly was at the tender age of 9 boarding at King's School, Remuera!), and which has now been effectively betrayed. The effect of this is that NZ will NEVER be trusted by its allies again and will suffer all the inevitable fall-out  - economic and military - that will deservedly flow from that sad situation. NZ's Socialists are betraying their country which is especially ironic on this sacred day - Anzac (Australia and New Zealand Army Corps) Day. We cannot imagine what these heroes who gave so much for our freedom would be thinking. Perhaps we can, but probably best not to dwell too much on that point.
We heard the public comments of Nigel Farage (the former Leader of the British Brexit Party, who almost single-handedly and heroically led Britain out of the Socialist European Union) on the subject, and it just made us want to sink below the floor. 
Under the Ardern Socialist leadership, NZ has further cozied up to the CCP - a murderous and genocidal regime whose only aim is world domination by whatever means is necessary. It needs to be remembered, as if anyone needed reminding, that the CCP is engaged on a murderous campaign of genocide against the Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang and the religious group, Falun Gong, who just wish to freely practise their non violent Christian religion. These people are vanishing without trace on a regular basis and their organs are being harvested in a vile and barbarous trade in human body parts. Apparently a human heart is worth about USD180,000 on the open (black) market.
And NZ's moko sporting foreign minister, Nanaia Mahuta, likens NZ's relationship with the CCP as akin to the swamp dwelling Taniwha resisting the efforts of the Chinese Dragon!!! God Almighty. What lunatics are running the country?
HOW CAN NEW ZEALAND HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH SUCH CRIMINALLY VILE PEOPLE AS THE CCP? IT CAUSES US TO BE ASHAMED TO EVEN BE CONSIDERED AS NEW ZEALANDERS. Having said that, we love the country of our birth, and we have patriotically, and proudly until now, flown the NZ flag from our apartment balcony here in Medellin ever since we settled here in 2018, just as we did all the time during our voyaging on the "Tiare Taporo III" to New Caledonia, Australia, SE Asia and Turkey, as we were legally required to do as a proudly registered NZ Ship. We attach a photo of the stern of "Tiare Taporo III" at Langkawi, Malaysia showing the flag we once held in such high esteem. However, we are now seriously considering removing the flag from public view.
We also urge you to read Muriel Newman's latest article re the Ardern Government's efforts to surreptitiously block "hate speech" - which is just a well advanced effort to criminalise comments such as we continually promulgate in this newsletter. The ACT Party is beginning a nation-wide tour to wake woke New Zealanders up to the damage to NZ's democracy that this Socialist government seems hellbent on advancing.
It's time that NZer's woke themselves up and realised just what is being done to their country - but we fear that most are are just TOO WOKE to understand. God help Godszone. What is NZ going to do when the CCP invades Taiwan - an action that in our opinion is now inevitable?
We are saddened and disgusted.  
With lotsaluv from us in Medellin...................................
Jim and Jean

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Fwd: Confessions of a doomsayer

This is the first of 3 emails today which we thought are must reads. We hope you agree and are not too concerned at all this extra reading material being thrust onto you. Any feedback will be gratefully received - and fiercely rebuffed as necessary!!
As an aside, just took the car to the local service station for fuelling, checking all fluids and tyre pressures, and a clean inside and out. Unlike most countries these days this is a "service station" worthy of the name. We tip the forecourt guy COP 2,000 - NZD 0.76 or USD 0.55. The highest octane you can get here is 91!! But it is CHEAP. The equivalent of NZD1.42 per litre, even with recent price rises. Sold here in Colombian Pesos per US gallon. This is equivalent to USD3.89 per US gallon. Not as cheap as the US, but certainly cheaper than Godszone!! And the cleaning - outside washed and waxed and gleaming including tyres "blacked" and inside vacuumed and surfaces cleaned and where necessary where UV protection is necessary, they coat that as well. All for a total of 26,000 Pesos = NZD9.96. The little 2007 B200 now looks just like a new one again!! 
Jim in Medellin
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Bill Bonner <>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2021 at 11:31
Subject: Confessions of a doomsayer
To: <>

Bill Bonner's Diary

Confessions of a Doomsayer

By Bill Bonner

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Bill Bonner

YOUGHAL, IRELAND – A dear reader writes to say we are wrong.

"What these doomsday prophets like Bonner fail to explain is the efficiency of today's supply chain that can quickly produce goods and services to meet demand. The market continues to roar in the face of his daily diatribes. If we were keeping score, we would say Fed: 40; Bonner: 0. I do enjoy reading the columns as I find them highly entertaining."

– Mike C.

And yes, of course, we are wrong about a great number of things. This is partly because the odds are so heavily against us.

If we say "The bond market topped out on August 4, 2020" (which we think it did), we are guessing that it won't go higher and finally top out on any of the 365 days in this year.

And now, in our constant rehearsal of the "sky is falling" forecast, we will be wrong again… until it finally hits us in the head.

When might that be? Well, we don't know. It could begin any day now… or not.

In the meantime, the Federal Reserve will be right… and we will look like an idiot.

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BUY ALERT (Revealed Tonight at 8 p.m. ET)


Tonight at 8 pm ET, Teeka Tiwari is going to unmask a little-known, yet powerful, wealth-building event. 

The Nasdaq calls this strategy "one of Wall Street's best-kept secrets." And here's the craziest part: It uses ordinary stocks to unlock extraordinary gains. Under normal circumstances, this feat would NOT be possible.

Tonight, during this 100% free investment alert, Teeka will show you everything about how it could be done in a short time.

**You must RSVP to attend. When you click the link, your email address will automatically be added to the event list.

Lesson Learned

Today, we enter the confessional. And let's begin by warning new readers that they should never pay attention to our stock market suggestions.

Publicly traded stocks don't interest us; we don't do any serious research on them.

And on the rare occasions when we comment on any particular company, we are as likely to be wrong as right.

(Full disclosure: We do own stocks! They're managed for us by our trusted old friend, Chris Mayer.)

Just this week, we were reminded that, some months ago, in this space, we laughed at investors who were buying Hertz (HTZGQ).

The company had gone bankrupt. But somehow, it had found favor with the young traders who spend their time chatting about such things. They were so eager to buy the stock that the company – then in bankruptcy – decided to issue new shares.

It would have been a first in the history of finance… had not the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) put a stop to it.

"When you're young… in love… at war… or in a bubble…" we concluded, "there's no time to think straight, or even think at all."

Well, wouldn't you know… we're in a bubble. The used car market turned up… and Hertz – like a sleeping beauty, kissed by its Reddit suitors – came back to life. The company is back in business.

The whippersnappers turned out to be right. We turned out to be wrong.

We take no lesson from the Hertz story but that there are a lot of things you can be wrong about. We're working our way through them, slowly.

[Featured: Now Public: Renowned tech expert's #1 tech for next decade]

A Costly Lesson

Take Amazon (AMZN), for example… please.

One of the most spectacular things we were wrong about was Jeff Bezos' creation. When it came out – this was more than 20 years ago – we called it "The River of No Returns." The title was clever. But the prediction was poor.

Amazon's business strategy was a classic formula for failure. The company cut its margins so thin, it lost money on every sale. Then, it aimed to make up for the losses by increasing volume.

That was never going to work, we opined.

And it never really did. Amazon's retailing business has never made enough money to justify the huge "investment" (losses) necessary to reach its present scale.

So its core business is still a river of no returns – not worth a fraction of its current market price.

But how were we supposed to know that a virus would come along… so that people would stay home and be almost forced to order from

Boom! Amazon's net sales rose by more than $100 billion last year.

And how were we to know that its huge data processing needs would get it into a whole new line of business that would be so profitable?

Yes, the cloud computing business. That's where the money is. Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts for a bit more than 10% of the company's sales… but more than 60% of its profits.

AMZN gave our dear readers their first big opportunity to get rich. Those who were smart enough to ignore our advice could have bought the stock for under $50. Today, split adjusted, it is over $3,000, giving the company a market value of about $1.7 trillion.

Jeff Bezos got so rich, he could go through the most expensive divorce in history and still have a net worth estimated at almost $200 billion.

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MUST SEE: Nazi refugee's dazzling discovery


Just steps away from Jerusalem's Western Wall...

A scientist who fled the Nazis discovered a medical breakthrough so big NBC News called it "the holy grail."

And it could be worth $8.1 billion to one tiny $5 company.

Click here for the full story.

Mechanistic Approach

So let's turn back to the Federal Reserve, which is clearly ahead of us – as our dear reader tells us – on points.

There – on the big picture, the macro view – we do pay attention. And maybe there, we are less of an idiot than we appear.

Ours is a "moralistic" view. That is, we assume that if we leave the dishes unwashed, sooner or later, they'll attract cockroaches. But, of course, that could happen any time.

Almost all other observers today use a more mechanistic approach.

They believe you can understand an economy – and are able to predict its next moves – by looking at dials and instruments, as if you were flying an airplane.

Losing altitude? Give the machine more throttle!

The trouble with the mechanistic approach is that an economy is not a machine. It is more like a living thing… infinitely complex, with purposes and prejudices we can't possibly know.

As for adjusting the throttle, forget about it. You can't plot a course… or determine the correct speed or altitude… because you never know where you're going. You won't know until you get there.

And you don't know how to fly a plane, anyway.

[Featured: Teeka's Biggest Discovery (and Prediction) Since Bitcoin…]

Moralistic Approach

But the "moralist" is always wrong… before he is right. He notices when things seem out-of-whack. But he has no way of knowing when or how they will go back into whack.

That is what happened in 2000 and again in 2008.

Each time, the stock market was in a boom and the mechanics were proclaiming a New Era.

The moralists denied it. "How could investors make money from unprofitable companies?" they wondered in 1999.

Eight years later, they wanted to know how people could get rich by "taking out equity" from their own homes.

Both times, the doomsayers (including us) were way too early, anticipating crashes years before they ever happened.

Then, when the crises came, the Fed gave the plane full throttle – "printing" record amounts of new money. The mechanics saw a recovery. The moralists saw more trouble ahead.

And now, in the greatest bout of money-printing in U.S. history, we doomsayers see another calamity coming – the third major crisis of the 21st century.

Will we be right or wrong?

Recommended Link



Former hedge fund manager Teeka Tiwari has just called an "all-hands-on-deck" meeting.

Teeka has agreed to introduce you to a little-known, yet powerful, wealth-building event. It's something he calls the "Anomaly Window." uses ordinary stocks to unlock extraordinary gains, like: 168% in 14 days… 290% in 96 days… and even 600% in just 42 days.

Don't miss out, Click here to RSVP.

(By clicking the link, your email address will automatically be added to Teeka's RSVP list.)


Bad Ending

The Fed has set off a boom. Everything is flying through the air. The mechanic sees sales increasing… unemployment going down… stocks near record highs.

Even things with no apparent value – NFTs, money-losing businesses, Dogecoin – can be worth billions. Dogecoin, created as a joke in 2013, is now said to be worth $42 billion… or just slightly less than Hewlett-Packard, for example.

We try not to pretend to know things we don't know. And we have no idea why Dogecoin is worth more than HP.

But we believe this boom is going to end badly… like the other two. Only worse.

Boom… boom… Ka-boom!




Like what you're reading? Send your thoughts to


Mixed views on Bill's Bernie Madoff essay

You seem to put Madoff on a pedestal when you compare him to the government. You are a strange individual. If you use the government to compare to anyone... all crooks would look good.

Madoff was a terrible person. He destroyed many lives. He deceived thousands of people. You seem to think if investors got 78% of their money back, they should feel good. You need to remember that Madoff was a crook... plain and simple. Please don't attempt to sugarcoat what he did. You make yourself look foolish.

– Michael P.

It's good to hear you describing the bankers as they are for a change.

– Richard S.

Meanwhile, another dear reader praises Bill for "Fools and Their Money Get Together"…

Thanks for the article. You are definitely a man of letters. Two things came to mind from my days of reading interesting and enlightening stuff. The Bible, Judges 21:25: "In those days, there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes."

Our social contracts are breaking down, so people do what they want with their fake money.

– Achilles Y.

Is the social contract in America breaking down, as Achilles believes? What might be America's next crisis of the 21st century? Write us at


Trump Buys Walled-Off Island Complex (What Is He Planning?)

You've likely heard about a "Great Reset" being planned the world over…

How elites want to usher in big changes…

New "green deals"… "fair" pay for all… and how this could even lead to bank balances being wiped out!

And Jeff Brown has just released a new video to connect all the dots…

Click here to view this important video now.


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Saturday, 17 April 2021

Chinese Virus statistics week number 35 (245 days) as at 16th. April 2021 (plus political comment and our personal news) since August 21st. 2020

Hola to all,
Once again, we have no doubt and hope that you are all in the pink! 
The following figures have always been subject to fraud and considerable doubt, but they are the best we have. For example, influenza which is a recurring disease, has almost disappeared in recent times!!
In view of that, we have decided in future to present a very slimmed down version. As we have been doing for some weeks now for mainly other South American countries, we will in future only be showing active cases and active cases per 1 million of total population. At this stage of the Chinese Virus, we feel that those are the key demographics to show and compare week to week.

MUNDO - World
Total cases - 139,828,469 - (21,168,111) - up 118,660,358 or 560.6%
Deaths - 3,002,476 - 2.2% - (759,328 - 3.6%) - up 2,233,148 or 294.1%
Recoveries -118,889,035 - 85.0% - (13,984,843 - 66.1%) - up 104,904,192 or 750.1%
Therefore active cases - 17,936,958 - 12.8% - (6,425,939 - 30.3%) - up 11,511,019 or 179.1%. Of the total population (which is estimated to be increasing at the rate of 1,557,692 per week) of 7,857,880,447 (7,804,380,455), the percentage of active cases is 0.228% (0.082%) of the total world population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total world population since previous week - 2,283 - (3,026) Since previous week the figure is down by 743 or 24.6%
The total world number of deaths now appears to have reached another grim milestone - over three million world-wide. BUT, it is also noted that "normal" influenza almost vanished from the world in 2020. There is no doubt that these figures are manipulated for political purposes - to what extent is anyone's guess. 
However, these figures show a substantial improvement over the previous week's figures. Total cases are up 5,088,408 or 3.8%, whereas active cases are down by 5,434,219 or 23.3%. So, the situation is more than holding its own. Let's hope these trends continue.  .

ESTADOS UNIDOS - United States
Total cases - 32,226,766 - (5,429,115) - up 26,797,651 or 493.6%.
Deaths - 579,008 - 1.8% - (170,781 - 3.2%) - up 408,227 or 239.0%
Recoveries - 24,771,394 - 76.9% - (2,844,535 - 52.4%) - up 21,926,859 or 770.8%.
Therefore active cases - 6,876,364 - 21.3% - (2,413,829 - 44.6%) - up 4,462,535 or 184.9%. Of the total population of 332,532,060 (331,236,184), the percentage of active cases is 2.068% (0.729%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 20,679 - (9,043) - up 11,636 or 128.7%. Last week the figures were up 11,634 or 128.7%.
Compared to last week, the comparative figures are (movements compared to last week in parenthesis):
Total cases up 505,078 or 1.6% (up 965,767 or 3.1%)
Deaths up 5,114 or 0.9% (up 14,055 or 2.5%)
Recoveries up 498,521 or 2.1% (up 1,076,656 or 4.6%)
Active cases up 1,443 or 0.02% (down 144,944 or 2.1%)
These are surprising figures, given the reported extent of the vaccination roll-out. Active cases, which is the key figure, have gone from being down 145,000 to being up by 1,443 this week. A major cause is that recoveries are well down by over half a million. Let's see what happens next week.
It is felt that the following article "On the Holmes Front" with Frank Holmes says all that needs to be said about the state of America today:
"During the 2020 campaign, Joe Biden promised to "unify" Americans.
But a new poll shows that in just 87 days, President Biden has divided Americans more than any time in modern history.
A new Gallup poll finds the biggest ever gap between members of the two political parties - a whopping 86 percent gulf between Republicans and Democrats.
While 96 percent of Democrats see Biden as a good leader, only 10 percent of Republicans agree.
America's common ground is even more fractured than it was four years ago, when the vast majority of Democrats thought Russia colluded with President Donald Trump to "steal" the 2016 election from them.
Still, the division has ticked up nine more points under Biden than under Trump.
Gallup compared the same numbers for every president in the last 20 years, going back to George W. Bush in 2001 - and Biden is the worst of the lot.
"Party gaps in approval ratings were about 30 points lower for Obama, Bush and Clinton than they have been for Biden," Gallup reports.
Pollsters also found historic levels of division between American citizens based on education and sex - and near records for race and age.
That's a huge failure for Biden, who has promised to bring "unity" to America ever since being named President-elect.
"With the campaign over, it's time to put the anger and the harsh rhetoric behind us and come together as a nation", Biden said the day the media named him the winner of the 2020 election.
But during the election, an Associated Press poll found that 85 percent of Americans said the country was deeply divided over its values...and 37 percent believed Joe Biden would make matters worse.
It turns out they were right.
Biden promised again to make "unity" his focus as president during his inauguration in January.
"Today, on the January day, my whole soul is in this: bringing America together, uniting our people, and uniting the nation," Biden said...but then he went on to say America was riddled with "systemic racism," and the division began.
Biden's administration has begun with a hard-left position on every issue...and just keeps moving left.
The only real "unity" Biden has pursued is the "Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force," where socialist Bernie Sanders sketched out a far-left agenda for Biden to follow the second that his hand came off the bible.
Biden has shut down the KeystoneXL Pipeline, created a border crisis by ending President trump's border security measures, forced girls to compete against biological boys for sports scholarships, and made American taxpayers fund abortions around the world.
He pushed through a $2 trillion "COVID-19 relief plan" that had nothing to do with COVID -19, now he's selling a $2 trillion "infrastructure" plan that has little to do with infrastructure.
"We should ignore the unity talk because everything he has done leans far left," wrote New York Post columnist, Michael Goodwin.
Some of Biden's actions have been thin-skinned and mean. He may have illegally fired administrators - including a woman taking scheduled maternity leave.
Meanwhile, the media churn out endless stories presenting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as charming, trying their best to get Americans to fall in love with the Bidens and Harris-Emhoffs as much as "journalists" have.
"The corrupt sycophantic press corp will go along dutifully with this unity fiction, and express astonishment as the culture war it attempts to disguise continues to tear the country apart", predicted Ben Domenech of the Federalist.
But more and more the American people aren't buying it.
Public opinion of Biden has been nosediving.
Less than half - 48 percent - of Americans approve of the job Joe Biden is doing in office, according to a new Quinnipiac poll.
As early as the beginning of this month, Biden's approval rating stood at 61 percent, according to the HarrisX poll.
What explains a 13 point drop in just days? After all, Democrats still support Biden by near 10 percent levels.
Biden's failures must be making a dent on all registered independents.
Independents aren't partisan. They don't care about which party is winning or losing. They just care whether their lives are better.
Under Biden-Harris, their lives - and our country - are worse off. No amount of media spin can cover that up for ever.
Goodwin hoped that at some point "the smoke will clear and voters will judge Biden on the merits of his own presidency". It looks like that time has come".

We have talked many times about the destruction that is being wrought on the United States by the Biden cabal, who were "elected" by deceit, and fraudulent  and treacherous means which are now starting to be exposed by proper scientific forensic audits of the vote counting systems in key counties of the "battleground" states. In the meantime, because they know their time is limited, the Dims are wasting no time in their destructive and inhumane Mexico border policy, the beginning of the destruction of the US energy industry, and the insidious "Cancellation Culture" where anyone or any organisation that dares to question their criminal, unconstitutional and woke policies in education and commerce is sidelined and either sacked from their jobs, or prevented from ever getting another. In addition they are giving China increasing confidence that the US would be ineffective against any aggressive moves they may make. Not to mention re-joining the Paris Climate Accords which are nothing more than another tool to seriously disadvantage western countries against mainly China which, while a signatory, is not bound by any of its provisions for some years. And they are abasing themselves before the criminal regime of Iran in order to give back all the advantage that Donald Trump extracted from that rogue state. In short anything that Donald Trump achieved, they are determined to tear down and destroy.
Most American cities are now experiencing the same vicious BLM and Antifa riots nightly that occurred last summer. The exceptions are the "red" states which have solidly supportive legislation protecting the police, whereas the woke incompetent leadership in the "blue" states simply want to strip the police of resources and normal police powers. Even to the extent of removing their police altogether. That would be great in cities like Chicago where homicides are advancing to all-time highs.
We doubt whether the situation is retrievable, and so the only outcome from that is Secession. Time will tell.
Total cases - 2,602,719 -  (433,805) - up 2,168,914 or 500.0%
Deaths - 67,199 - 2.6% - (14,145 - 3.3%) - up 53,054 or 375.1%
Recoveries - 2,432,061 - 93.4% - (250,494 - 57.7%) - up 2,181,567 or 870.9%.
Therefore active cases - 103,459 - 4.0% - (169,196 - 39.0%) - down 65,737 or 38.9%. Of the total population of 51,309,459 (50,948,628), the percentage of active cases is 0.202 % (0.332%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population - 2,016 - (1,367)
Active cases compared to last week are up 32,224 or 45.2%
After showing promising trends for some weeks, the figures are suddenly deteriorating by substantial weekly movements. Let's hope we've peaked again and that the trend will reverse.  
Following are this week's headlines from the English language
April 11th. Reported COVID-19 infections in Colombia skyrocket
April 12th. Colombia's military starts meddling with Uribe investigation
April 12th. Colombia's prosecution asked to revise investigation against presidential candidate
April 13th. Colombia's war crimes tribunal calls top army generals to trial
April 13th. Colombia's prosecution misinforms court over Uribe's alleged death squad 
April 14th. The search for missing persons in Colombia's biggest port
April 14th. Is Colombia trying to silence key witness against Uribe?
April 14th. Colombia's capital declares red alert over new COVID-19 wave
April 14th. Duque's "chemical warfare" against Coca "fuel for more war" in Colombia
April 15th. The struggle to combat Coronavirus in Colombia's remote regions
April 15th. Medellin's landlords and gangs skyrocket forced displacement
April 16th. Colombia's Ecopetrol joined by paramilitaries after guerilla attacks on oil fields
Jean is enjoying her time in Miami with the Nietos. She is helping with their morning school work (home schooling) and being with them whenever they are out doing their thing. She's ridden a pushbike down the road with them and picked them up when they have come off their skateboards.
She rings twice a day to check on the old geezer left behind in Medellin and glean all the news. So far he's managed to do 2 lots of washing and kept himself fed more or less. Jean returns to Medellin on the 22nd. Better make sure the floor is mopped and the bed made!!!
On the 14th. met our American friend, Chuck, and had a preview of the 2 new pups that their Shih Tzu, Sophie, has proudly produced. They are a month and a half old now and they already have homes promised to go to. Then, after dropping off the dogs at their apartment, yours truly and Chuck wandered off to the restaurant quarter of Envigado and had a very pleasant lunch. Spent much of the time reminiscing about previous lives  - his experiences as a medic in Vietnam which no-one would want to repeat. And him travelling with his family to Philadelphia in their '56 Chev Bel Air - same car we had in NZ, except the steering wheel was on the other side! First car yours truly drove from Paihia to Kaikohe at the tender age of 14 to put Dad on the National Airways Corporation DC3 to Auckland. Seems, and is, like another time.

Following are the "active cases per 1 million of total population" for each country nominated above. Figures in parenthesis are for the previous week.
Mexico - 2,025 - (1,992) - up 33 or 1.7%. Now a miniscule rise; concerning after recent weeks' drops 
Costa Rica - 5,402 - (4,481) - up 921 or 20.6%. Another substantial weekly increase. There seems no end to it. 
Panama - 900 - (1,029) - down 129 or 12.5%. Another satisfactory move downwards. Continuing recent trends. 
Colombia - 2,016 - (1,389) - up 627 or 45.1%. A bigger rise in weekly percentage terms than last week, and very concerning. Let's hope the current wave is at last diminishing. 
Ecuador - 2,203 - (1,916) - up 287 or 15.0%. Rate of increase is up; another concerning trend. 
Peru - 686 - (804) - down 118 or 14.7%. Another very satisfactory reduction. What are they doing right in Peru?  
Bolivia - 3,222 - (3,201) - up 21 or 0.7%. Reversing previous declines but only by a very small amount. Let's hope they can start reducing the numbers again. 
Paraguay - 5,438 - (5,085) - up 353 or 6.9%. Same rate of increase as last week. Maybe it's plateauing - maybe not. 
Brazil - 5,408 - (5,656) - down 248 or 4.4%. An increasing rate of reduction from recent weeks. Let's hope the peak has passed and they can continue this trend. 
Chile - 2,273 - (2,131) - up 142 or 6.7%. Weekly rate of increase going up. Another worrying trend. 
Argentina - 5,931 - (5,002) - up 929 or 18.6%. About the same weekly rate of increase continuing as recorded recently. Not good. 
Uruguay - 9,226 - (8,166) - up 1,058 or 13.0%. A lesser weekly rate of increase than recently but still a number way too high. Uruguay is head and shoulders above the rest of S America - FOR THE WRONG REASON!!  

United Kingdom - 2,060 - (4,371) - down 2,311 or 52.9%. WOW, what a reduction! Certainly shows up what is left of the EU. France's number for example is 16,513 and Germany's is 3,289. There's Socialism for you in all its inefficient glory!! Today watched the sad occasion of the funeral of the 99 year old Duke of Edinburgh, Consort for 73 years to Queen Elizabeth II. An end to an era - absolutely. Father of four, grandfather of eight and great grandfather of ten. Served with distinction in the Royal Navy in WW2 and since, until he was forced to give up his naval career when Elizabeth became Queen in 1952.
Thailand - 150 - (38) - up 112 or 294.7%. A substantial deterioration in percentage terms, but of course the numbers are still low in comparison to many other countries. 
Malaysia - 569 - (453) - up 116 or 25.6%. A substantial rise after some weeks of figures going the right way. 
Japan - 262 - (210) - up 52 or 24.8%. Similar comments as for Thailand really. Let's hope that they can turn things around again. 
Taiwan - 1 - (1) - no change. The poster girl of Asia. But China is probably soon to squash that. Can't have such obvious capitalist success right on their doorstep!  

Total cases - 29,483 - (23,035) - up 6,448 or 28.0%
Deaths - 910 - 3.1% - (370 - 1.7%) - up 540 or 146.0%
Recoveries - 26,385 - 89.5% - (13,634 - 59.2%) - up 12,751 or 93.5%
Therefore active cases - 2,188 - 7.4% - (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 8,834 or 75.8%. Of the total population of 25,732,506 (25,538,969), the percentage of active cases is 0.009% (0.035%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population  - 85 - (56). Up 29 or 51.8% since last week.
Compared to last week, active cases are up 52 or 2.4%.
Some deterioration since last week, but when dealing with relatively small numbers, the movements always appear more substantial than they actually are. 

Total cases - 2,591 - (1,714) - up 877 or 51.2%
Deaths - 26 - 1.0% - (25 - 1.4%) - up 1 or 4.0%
Recoveries - 2,464 - 95.1% - (1,531 - 95.5%) - up 933 or 60.9%
Therefore active cases - 101 - 3.9% - (49 - 3.0%) - up 52 or 106.1%. Of the total population of 5,002,001 (5,002,001) - still no change! Maybe the reason is that the birth rate is just holding its own against the death rate  - ah, we have stumbled on the secret!! Amanda the Midwife will have to try harder!! Anyway, the percentage of active cases is 0.002% (0.001%) of the total population.
Total active cases per 1 million of total population  - 20 - (14). An increase of 1 or 5.3% since last week..
Compared to last week, active cases are up 6 or 6.3%.
Same comments as for Australia. 
A couple of days ago we sent those of you who live in NZ a letter written by a concerned citizen to David Seymour, Leader of the ACT Party. An irony is that Seymour is part Maori himself, but if he has any integrity (in a politician???), he will see the complaint for what it is - reverse racism and destructive wokeness. We won't explain that term; if you've been reading the blogs and listening to Leighton Smith you should understand the definition by now. 
Well, cheers and lotsaluv for another week,
from Jim in Medellin and Jean in Miami.

Sunday, 11 April 2021

Fwd: Dems Panicking: 2 States Reveal Election Woes, Fauci Says This Group Driving New Infections

Sorry, but we just had to send the attached because it lends so much credence to the claims of election fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election. If this fraud had never happened, Donald Trump would have stayed in the White House in a landslide. But the Dim crooks couldn't let that happen, so because they absolutely knew they had no hope of winning the election, except by fraud on the biggest scale in human history, they spent many months before the election organising things, especially in the "battleground" states of Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Georgia. Perhaps there are more but these are the main ones and if Trump had won not even all of those states, he would still be President and America - and by extension the rest of the world -  would not be in the mess that it is. It's only taken the Biden crooks 81 days and they are far from finished with their seditious plans yet.
In Arizona we've mentioned before the all encompassing forensic audit to take place in Maricopa County, which comprises most of the city of Phoenix. It took months of overcoming obstruction by the Maricopa County Electoral Board to such an audit, with the Arizona Senate finally winning approval from the Arizona Supreme Court to continue with the audit. Among many other things it is claimed that 16,000 dead people voted and at least 2,000 were all registered to the same address - a vacant lot in Phoenix. The total extent and scope of the fraud will be revealed in due course.
But now the Democrat National Committee (DNC) has sent in the big guns - Hillary Clinton's lawyers, Perkins Cole from DC - to attempt to subvert the start of the audit. WHAT ARE THEY FRIGHTENED OF AND WHAT ARE THEY HIDING? These questions are on many Americans' lips as we speak. These obstructive actions speak volumes and we have no doubt that in the end the audit will proceed. The state legislature (the Arizona State Senate) in the end has sole authority.
The second state suspected of much fraud (Wisconsin), where Biden "won" on a razor-thin majority, has also instituted a thorough investigation into known election "irregularities". 
If these states prove that Trump won them in fact, and the other states that we mentioned follow, as they are likely to do, what then? There is no legal precedent for dealing with electoral fraud of this magnitude, so at this stage no-one knows the answer. 
Anyway, read the 2 articles for all the gory details - and gory they are. Be prepared to be absolutely shocked, if you haven't already been brought to that point.
One other thing we must also mention - a Newsmax report a short while ago reports that "China admits its Covid Vaccines aren't any good". They are running around like headless chooks trying all sorts of solutions including mixing different vaccines. If anyone received any of these counterfeit Chinese Vaccines - THEY WOULD NEED THEIR HEADS READ. To read just go to Newmax. com and the article should still be there!! From what we've read, the Chinese vaccines are in widespread use in S America, including Colombia, so, BEWARE!!
Happy reading from...............
Jim in Medellin

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Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2021 at 05:36
Subject: Dems Panicking: 2 States Reveal Election Woes, Fauci Says This Group Driving New Infections
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