Monday, 28 September 2020

Fwd: Excellent article explaining the "deep state" origins

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: James Donald <>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2020 at 15:04
Subject: Excellent article received today which we hope you will enjoy
To: Alex Donald <>

Hi to all,
As always we hope that this finds you all "in the pink". 
The following article was written by Conrad Black and published today through Newsmax. Conrad Black is a financier, author and columnist. He was the publisher of the London (UK) Telegraph newspapers and Spectator from 1987 to 2004, and has authored many political biographies, including those of Franklin Roosevelt and Richard Nixon. He is honorary Chairman of Conrad Black Capital Corporation and has been a member of the British House of Lords since 2001, and is a Knight of the Holy See. He is the author of "Donald J. Trump: A President Like No Other" and "Rise to Greatness, the History of Canada from the Vikings to the Present."
The article is an excellent and very readable commentary on the Deep State origins starting under FDR in the 1930's and gives great understanding of the present state of US politics. Hope you enjoy.
"The compulsive and self-righteous bellicosity of the Democrat leaders in Congress over the Supreme Court vacancy has opened an opportunity for President Trump to strike decisively. It is admittedly controversial for a president to fill a high court vacancy starting six weeks before a presidential election, but it is entirely constitutional.
What's more, it has applicable precedents, including most conspicuously the elevation of Chief Justice John Marshall by President John Adams after he had been defeated in the 1800 election.
This is not a provocation to justify the extreme belligerency of U.S.Senate Minority Leader, Chuck Schumer - D-NY., and U.S. House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., sharing the spotlight (for once) with the leader of the young radical socialists who are eating through the flabby undercarriage of the Democrats like saprophytes. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez D-NY., and Schumer announced recently that if the president proceeded, "Nothing is off the Table".
Pelosi added, "We have many arrows in our quiver", hinting that impeachments could be launched against the president and Attorney-General William Barr. (The Republican majority in the Senate would rightly refuse to consider such rubbish, again.)
They effectively acknowledged that they have no ability to stop the president from filling the vacancy even if the process is concluded after the election, whatever its outcome for the White House and the Senate.
After 18 months of ridiculing Trump as a crooked and stupid buffoon, the Democrats arose from their torpor after his election like the nation responding to the attack on Pearl Harbour.
An unprecedented and febrile resistance has been thrown up with the Russian collusion fraud and the spurious impeachment and now the terror campaign on the Coronavirus.
Such is their state of churlish frustration, they are now waving their fists at the sky like King Lear and promising vengeance should the president have the effrontery to exercise his constitutional right and duty.
It is nonsense because obviously, if the Democrats win the White House and Senate in November, they will do everything they can do to ensure that no such phenomenon as Donald Trump appears again, no matter what he does with the Supreme Court vacancy.
Of course they will pack the Supreme Court (as FDR attempted in 1937), try to abolish the Electoral College, try to add four Democrat Senators from the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico as new states, entrench their ability to enumerate as many illegal immigrants as necessary to ensure victory in almost all elections, and set up a mailed-ballot voting system guaranteeing that - if need be - victory will be delivered by the ardently Democrat and vastly over-numerous postal workers' union, deterred by "neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night".
By confessing their own impotence opposite the president and the Republican Senators' ability to name and confirm a Supreme Court Justice, Schumer and Pelosi have merely revealed what obviously has been the design of the Democrat Party elders for some time - to reassert their control of the permanent and practically unlimited state.
No-one should doubt that a possible radical change in the tide of government and administration in the vast American state may now impend.
Roosevelt arrived in 1933 with an unlimited mandate to reconstruct a collapsed financial system, save the proverbial "one-third of a nation" with no visible means of support, and rebuild American national morale and faith in itself and its national destiny, which in the pale of the Great Depression, was no longer manifest.
After Roosevelt, the state grew and grew and was permanently manned and occupied more and more exclusively by Democrats, both in the higher echelons of permanent appointees, and at the grassroots of the bureaucracy by citizens of the overwhelmingly African American District of Columbia.
General Dwight D. Eisenhower, a capable and respected but not particularly active or overly partisan president, was the perfect interregnum, fulfilling the requirement of intermittent Republican occupation of the White House without disturbing the government beneath him.
Richard Nixon, more politically involved and forced to fight desperately to win the presidency by a hair's breadth, started to threaten the Democrat octopus-state, but briefly lost all his sense of self-preservation and permitted a trivial episode he had nothing to do with (Watergate's forced entry) to destroy his career.
Ronald Reagan, who frightened the Democrats for a time, railed against the federal government even six years after his inauguration. He was an outstanding president but was satisfied to revive the economy with lower taxes and win the Cold War, without disturbing the slumbering Democrat giant, evermore bloated, that ostensibly he led.
The Bushes, like Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney, were not especially partisan and had no great public following, unlike Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Reagan and Trump.
They were a loyal opposition that fulfilled the need for token bipartisanship, and both McCain and Romney defected to the Democrats when they were most needed.
They did not attempt seriously to retard the progress of the administrative state as it moved relentlessly leftward, fostering welfare addiction and atomising more and more aggrieved groups to fragment the silent majority of Americans, adding them to the Democrat coalition of special interests and its permanent majority.
The Bushes at least tried to prevent an executive takeover of the Supreme Court (via Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito and sometimes, Chief Justice John Roberts.
By flaring up like aroused peacocks over replacing Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Democrats are committing the tactical error of being drawn into battle on grounds less favourable than that which they already occupy.
The campaign the Democrat media and politicians have conducted to terrorise the whole country about the Coronavirus has been, lamentably, somewhat successful - despite the small odds of a fatality and the concentration of vulnerability in one-fifth of the population that is relatively easy to protect without shutting down the entire economy and inducing a back-breaking depression, and despite the likely imminence of an effective vaccine.
The spectacle of their presidential nominee, Joe Biden, meandering into sparsely attended meetings of widely separated, carefully selected partisans standing in well-marked circles and his haltingly addressing them while masked (although there is no evidence that in these circumstances a mask is necessary) should have struck the country as histrionic and cowardly.
But the feverishly partisan Democrat media propaganda machine has convinced a depressing number of Americans that this is a reasonable response to the Coronavirus.
Now, fortune has again changed sides in a similar fateful intervention.
As Covid-19 turned a won election for Trump into an uphill battle, the knee-jerk response of the Democrat leadership to the death of Ginsbiurg is an electoral bonanza for their mortal enemy.
After being tortured on the wheel of their treachery over the bunk about colluding with the Kremlin and soliciting assistance from the Ukrainian President, while heavily encumbered by his own lack of Washington experience and public relations talent beyond the glossy and tabloid sensationalism of a Manhattan celebrity, Donald Trump has been armed by his enemies with a potentially deadly weapon.
The panic displayed by Schumer and Pelosi's threats and ravings is not misplaced".               
Let's all hope that the situation explained above translates into a Trump victory in 36 days time. Our reasons for holding this opinion have been canvassed many times before in previous blogs, so do not bear repeating here.
We apologise for not sending this week's Chinese Virus statistics, but possibly we are all statistically numbed. But never fear and in the words of Sean Hannity, probably the best known of all of Fox News' contributors, "let not your heart be troubled"!!
We'll be back again next weekend!
Lotsaluv from us in the City of Eternal Spring,
Jim and Jean   

Monday, 21 September 2020

Latest Chinese Virus stats since 14/08 - 35 days ago

Hi to all,
These are the latest Chinese Virus stats as at 18/09 since our last advice 7 days ago. The source as usual is but the numbers are obviously only as good as the numbers advised by previous governments. So, therefore a big word of caution. Comparative figures relate to 14/08/20 (5 weeks ago).

MUNDO - World- estimated net increase in world population each week is 1,557,692
Total cases 30,444,800 (21,168,111) - up 9,276,689 or 43.8%
Deaths 951,606 - 3.1% (759,329 - 3.6%) - up 192,277 or 25.3%
Recovered 22,141,558 - 72.7% (13,984,843 - 66.1%) - up 8,156,715 or 58.3%
Therefore active cases 7,351,636 - 24.2% (6,425,939 - 30.3%) - up 895,697 or 13.9%
Of the total population of 7,812,707,379 (7,804,918,919) the percentage of active cases is 0.094% (0.082%) of the total world population.
Not good numbers - it looks as though the Chinese Virus is still with us. During the past 5 weeks total cases are up 43.8%, deaths up by 25.3%, recovered up by 58.3%, but active cases up by 13.9%. So, deaths and recoveries are not keeping pace with new cases. And as a percentage of total population, active cases are up 0.012%.

Total cases 6,880,182 (5,429,115) - up 1,451,067 or 26.7%
Deaths 202,306 - 2.9% - (170,781 - 3.2%) - up 31,525 or 18.5%
Recovered 4,156,472 - 60.4%- (2,844,525 - 52.4%) - up 1,311,947 or 46.1%
Therefore active cases 2,521,404 - 36.7% - (2,413,829 - 44.6%) - up 107,575 or 4.5%. Of the total population of 331,420,450 (331, 235,184) the percentage of active cases is 0.76% (0.729%) of the total population.
Again - the figures are not great. Active cases continue to increase despite fairly large increases in deaths and recoveries. Notwithstanding inaccurate reporting which is rife. All in order to assist the crooked Democrats to take power.
There have been some momentous events during the last week - 
The President has received 2 nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize from a member of the Norwegian Parliament for his work in brokering a ground-breaking Peace Agreement between Israel, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). And by all accounts 6-7 more nations are prepared to sign. A wonderful achievement which will change the political landscape in the Middle East for years to come.
The President has also been accused so often of being a "war-monger" by the corrupt lying Democrats, but his actions convincingly demonstrate just the opposite.   
And of course the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg which will now necessitate her replacement on the Supreme Court Bench. There have been calls for the President to delay a new nomination/appointment, but with the threat of electoral fraud and particularly Crooked Hillary's seditious call for Biden to not concede the presidency regardless of the election result, it is even more pressing for a new appointment to be made. It is not possible to have that sort of spectre hanging over the election result without a fully functioning 9 member Supreme Court. 
We could go on for pages about constant evidence of Democrat hypocrisy and lies (read our previous blogs!!!) - cannot understand how anyone could vote for such a pack of shysters.
Trump has been all over the country campaigning out of Air Force One and has been garnering record crowds wherever he has been. So, there is a good feeling for his re-election and hopefully with the Republicans taking the House and the Senate. That would be the perfect result. 
This is a good opportunity to tell you about an article by American People Daily entitled "Covid-19 has met its match as Killer Antibody is Found".
Without going into details here (you can Google it), the drug is called Ab8. Testing is not yet complete - but close. 
"All along the path to wellness, the Democrats have tried to derail any and all efforts in finding a cure for Coronavirus and a way back to normal. They do not want to see a treatment developed because it means they will lose control over people in their liberal domains. But this will be the same reason why so many Democrats will lose in the upcoming election.
Joe Biden and his cohorts in crime have no plan for a return to normal. They would rather see Americans live under the thumb of the Coronavirus for many years to come. They would love to see Americans masking up like the Muslims who are forced to cover their faces, or die in the street. Biden is the sore that would crush America and keep the nation from ever being well again, or great". And therefore totally under the dictatorial thumb of the Communist Party of China - CCP. 
And, as has been well documented, we have the continuing spectre of the Mayor of Portland, Oregon pushing ahead with defunding the Police and refusing to allow them to use legitimate weapons such as Tear Gas to control otherwise out of control rioting, destruction of property and indeed putting his own law enforcement people in harm's way. This appalling attitude, driven largely by organised funding by George Soros and others, including Communist China, is duplicated in other "blue" cities and states which have been driven into the ground over years by deliberate financial mismanagement and so-called liberal policies - i.e. allowing homeless people to live on the streets where they are spreading crime and disease.
TRUMP MUST WIN, and when he's won he will use whatever force is necessary to return America to true democracy. The "blue" states and cities will probably need martial law imposed so that these clean ups can be imposed and necessary steps taken to return them to financial probity over time. .    

Total cases 743,945 (433,805) - up 310,140 or 71.5%
Deaths 23,665 - 3.2% (14,145 - 3.3%) - up 9,520 or 67.3%
Recovered 615,457 - 82.7% (250,494 - 57.7%) - up 364,963 or 145.7%
Therefore active cases 104,823 - 14.1% (169,166 - 39.0%) - down 64,343 or 38.0%. Of the total population of 50,998,462 (50,946,628), the percentage of active cases is 0.206% (0.332%)
Improving figures. Total cases still a worry though as they are up 71.5% in 5 weeks, although the rate of increase is slowing. Deaths as a percentage of the total are down a little and active cases as a percentage of the total are down to 14.1% from 39.0% in the last 5 weeks. So, active cases are reducing at the rate of 12,869 per week, which is a reduction from last week's rate of reduction. Still, it's in the right direction and let's hope that the trend continues. International air flights resume late this month; again let's hope that this does not result in any upward trend again.  
On the political front virtually nothing has changed with continuing efforts by the extreme right wing government to stifle protest and dissent. However, there are some big street protests scheduled for Bogota this Monday, so it will be interesting to see how all that plays out. Let's hope that does not extend to Medellin.
And there are all the legal shenanigans going on with ex President Uribe and many others. We hope that the key figures responsible for prosecuting very serious crimes don't lose their nerve, or get legally sidelined. The government has been using its already proven anti-democratic methods to intimidate those who support the demonstrations. Raids on houses of supporters amid warnings that gatherings of more than 50 will not be tolerated. Yeah right - like that edict will be obeyed!
We had a wonderful day last Friday at our friend's Finca which is on a beautiful property overlooking Medellin's water supply reservoir. Much conversation and inspection of the wonderful garden which steeply slopes to the water's edge. We took the lunch - organic chicken!!  A very pleasant interlude away from masks etc in Medellin!
We 've actually had a bit of a social life in the past few days. Today (Sunday) Clara and Memo invited us to go with them in  a NW direction from the city to a town called San Pedro (St. Peter). It's about 35 kms from Medellin and the road is narrow in parts with quite a few bad potholes which one must be careful about. SP is 3,000 ft. higher than Medellin which reflects the ruggedness of the terrain hereabouts. Lots of dairy farms - some on quite steep country - so we don't know how the cows (mostly Friesians) cope but they all looked healthy and the grass was bright green as there is high rainfall in this area. In some other areas the terrain was gentle and rolling and we could swear we were back in Godszone! Except for the Spanish tiles on most of the buildings! We saw mlking sheds on farms and quite a few dairy treatment plants a la Fontera in NZ and lots of tankers on the narrow road. Just like NZ. Colombia is definitely self-sufficient in all aspects of dairy production.
San Pedro is a picturesque town a bit bigger than Wellsford but oh so different. The usual town square and a quite magnificent church overlooking the square. The church was built during the 1880's and is ornate inside. It's main claim to fame is that it is somewhere where one can go and we're not sure - request a miracle or recount a miracle that has happened.
SP is a farming service town basically but no comparison to anything in NZ. Not touristy like Guatape. Many Mom and Pop stores which we walked all around and also many restaurants and cafes. At one point we stopped and had tinto coffees with empanadas (Memo had a Papa Rellena!) Then it was time to return to Medellin. We wanted to stop at a rural roadside restaurant for an early dinner on the way back but easily 6 - 8 of them were all bursting at the seams. We had been told previously that since the travel restrictions have been eased, on weekends Medellin people have been behaving as if they've just been allowed out of jail and all the rural communities within an easy drive from the city have been inundated to the point that restaurants have even run out of food on occasion. This situation will no doubt settle down over time. We were back in Medellin by fiveish and stopped at Mondongo's Restaurant between Laureles and Conquistadores. Mondongo's is a small chain of 3 restaurants and has an excellent reputation. Their specialty is Mondongo Soup - made from what we know as tripe and a great delicacy. However, we were all somewhat tired and opted for more conventional dishes. Jean likes Sopa Mondongo!!. 
Total cases 1,809 (1,714) - up 95 or 5.5%
Deaths 25 - 1.4% (22  - 1.4%) - up 3 or 13.6%
Recovered 1,714 - 94.7% (1,531 - 95.6%) - up 183 or 12.0%
Therefore active cases 70 - 3.9% (49 - 3.0%) - up 21 or 42.9%. Of the total population of 5,002,100 (still no change; this is bizarre! Haven't managed to talk to Jim's midwife daughter yet - that is on the schedule! - but what actually goes on in Godszone at the bottom of the Pacific?!!), the percentage of active cases is 0.0014% (0.001%) of the total population - a slight increase. The other figures remain miniscule and, while they may have been achieved by the drastic lockdowns, as we've said before at what economic and human cost? We think the border should be eased somewhat with high-end independent tourists allowed back in, albeit still with mandatory managed 14 day quarantine. At least this would be a small step on the road to tourism recovery, which is, or was, NZ's largest foreign exchange earner.
And we've heard nothing further about the 300 yachts stuck in the cyclone belt of the Pacific. If NZ doesn't quickly pull its collective finger out and prepare for their inevitable arrival, there will be an absolute schemozzle which will totally overwhelm any pretence at border control at the various Customs ports of entry. 
We've been hearing very disturbing reports about the CCP's Belt and Road Initiative and it seems likely from what little we have gleaned, that NZ has actually signed this pernicious and totally horrible agreement. The concern too is that the signing - or not - is being very definitely being kept under wraps. WHY?? Anyway, we have in recent days been in touch with the New Conservative Party of NZ and they have said that they will try and ascertain the true situation under the Official Information Act. Shocking that anyone should have to resort to such drastic measures to obtain information that should be published and commonly available. Points to note about Communist China - not in any particular order - 
* The CCP has no concern about anyone's welfare except their own - and that does NOT extend to the Chinese people in general. As proof of that, Mao tse Tung killed and/or deliberately starved 70 million of his own people to death in order to receive nuclear technology from Soviet Russia - which the Soviets were initially reluctant to provide.
* The 3 Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River has come close to failure during recent flooding which is showing signs of ramping up again. It is 2.3 kms long spanning the river. The reservoir behind the dam is 600 kms long and there has been 175 metres of water depth against the upstream wall. Satellite photos show that the dam itself has distorted and if it suffered a substantial breach, there are 400 million people living downstream - many in cities including Wuhan and Shanghai which lies at the mouth of the Yangtze. It is only a matter of time. Stories abound about shoddy construction including substandard materials being used, due to untold corruption. Reports also state that the dam was not properly bedded to the river floor.
* China is suffering huge financial problems due to past collective failed policies and in addition is facing a rapidly aging population. All of these things could result in a "backs to the wall" mentality which, like Japan in 1941, could induce a destructive military backlash. Recently the CCP moved 10,000 troops to the Sino-India border and regularly overflies Taiwanese airspace with its own military aircraft. Taiwan scrambles its fighters around twice a day right now.
* Recent food imports from the US have skyrocketed and are now at record levels because such are the crop failures in China as a result of the floods, they have no option in order to keep the population even slightly compliant.
* Recent reports indicate that there is widespread and growing discontent in China with the CCP. Whether this would or could right now result in a successful uprising is a moot point, but such a move would be very disruptive, to put it mildly, to China's ability to function in any normal fashion.
And New Zealand seems likely to have signed the B&RI in secret. All of this has been done by the Socialist Government of New Zealand. If true, it is sedition at its worst. Good luck NZ - because you are going to need every bit going. If in fact this pernicious agreement has been signed, it will result in NZ being expelled from the 5 Eyes Intelligence Agreement and the installation at Waihopai will become redundant. And NZ will never be accepted or trusted again in any military alliance. It may also affect NZ's ability to gain a worthwhile FTA with the UK once they leave the EU finally in 101 days time. The UK (another 5 Eyes partner) is more likely in these circumstances to favour Australia. As a result NZ will be far more financially dependent on China than even now, a very dangerous place to be.

Total cases 26,861 (23,035) - up 3,826 or 16.6%
Deaths 837 - 3.1% (370 - 1.7%) - up 467 or 126.2%
Recovered 23,855 - 88.8% (13,634 - 59.2%) - up 10,221 or 75.0%
Therefore active cases 2,169 - 8.1% (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 6,853 or 76.0%. Of the total population of 25,562,804 (25,536,945), the percentage of active cases is 0.0085% (0.04%) of the total population. In percentage terms this is an increase of 0.0315%.
It is encouraging that active cases are showing such a reduction. No thanks to the Victoria State Governor. The Federal Government has stated that they will not allow Victoria's signing of the B&RI with the CCP, but that it will take Federal legislation to stop it. Wonder if this has happened yet. And whether the CCP has lifted its draconian ban on certain Australian exports. Be warned NZ.    

We hope that everyone is remaining well and lotsaluv from us in the City of Eternal Spring.
Jim and Jean

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Latest Chinese Virus stats since 14/08 - 28 days ago

These are the latest Chinese Virus stats since our last advice 7 days ago. The source as usual is but the numbers are obviously only as good as the numbers advised by various governments. So, therefore a big word  of caution. Comparative figures relate to 14/08/20 (4 weeks ago).

MUNDO - World - estimated net increase in population per week is 1.557,692
Total cases 28,448,318 (21,168,111) - up 7,288,207 or 34.4%
Deaths 915,515 - 3.2% (759,329 - 3.6%) - up 156,186 or 20.6%
Recovered 20,444,587 - 71.9% (13,984,843 - 66.1%) - up 8,459,744 or 60.5%
Therefore active cases 7,088,216 - 24.9% (6,425,939 - 30.3%) - up 662,277 or 10.3%
Of the total population of 7,811,149,687 (7,804,918,919) the percentage of active cases is 0.91% (0.082%) of the total world population.
It is concerning to see total cases and deaths continuing to rise, although deaths are rising at a lower rate. However, recoveries are substantially up resulting in a reduction in the percentage of active cases measured against total cases recorded. But obviously new infections are continuing.
Total cases 694,664 (433,805) - up 260,859 or 60.1% 
Deaths 22,275 - 3.2% (14,145 - 3.3%) - up 8,130 or 57.5%
Recovered 569,479 - 82.0% (250,494 - 57.7%) - up 318,985 or 127.3%
Therefore active cases 102,910 - 14.8% (169,166 - 39.0%) - down 66,256 or 39.2%. Of the total population of 50,988,095 (50,946,628) the percentage of active cases is  0.202% (0.332%)
Selected areas in Colombia:
CARTAGENA and ANTIOQUIA - separate figures no longer available
Total cases are up 60.1% and deaths have kept pace at 57.5% for the last 4 weeks, which suggests that the medical system, such as it is in remote areas, is actually not keeping pace or even improving the situation by much. However, recoveries are very substantially up by 127.3% and also well up as a percentage of total cases. As a result active cases are down by 39.2% over the last 4 weeks and as a percentage of total cases also well down. Total active cases are down by 66,256 over the 4 weeks which equates to 16,564 per week. So, generally a continuing improvement, although are the figures actually believable? A final comment - total cases are up by 60%, whereas active cases are now down 39%. That suggests that there could be a spike in active cases again not too far in the future.
Another comment about local politics - on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday last week Bogota Police, as a result of what appears to have been orchestrated police violence, murdered an unarmed lawyer protester. In addition another 13 protesters were killed and a further 403 injured as a result of police indiscriminately firing live rounds into a protest crowd. In addition it is reported that as a result, 44 police stations were attacked and burned - some by police themselves - no doubt in an effort to place blame on the protestors. These protests are entirely different from those going on in the US. This is an effort by the National Government to instill absolute control on dissident groups and to conduct an unsuccessful coup against the Bogota Mayor -  and then pretend that nothing is happening! Apparently the crooked Defence Minister left incriminating material on the internet which could result in him and about 8 military and police commanders looking at jail time. That would be justice!! Just as an example of their intertwined backgrounds in crime  - and narco crime in particular -  the Defence Minister's father was an associate of Pablo Escobar - the notorious narco crime chief of the 1980's and 90's. Blood lines run deep.
Then on Sunday, there was a reconciliation process to overcome a traumatic week of state terrorism and violent anti-police protests. But the far right President Duque, after promising to attend, failed to show up. 
So, corruption is being more and more exposed but it is a long job. Someone knowledgeable who we spoke to last year said that in his opinion it will be 30 years before everything about the government in Colombia becomes "normalised".That may well be so, but in the meantime tragically the country is being prevented from realising its full potential.
But we still enjoy living here  - the people generally are wonderful - it's only the entrenched and corrupt ruling elite who need to go. The only problem is that often when a corrupt right wing regime is ousted by whatever means, the danger is that the replacement is too far left. The local elections are due in about 2 years time; let's hope that the outcome for Colombia is a more moderate and centrist government.   
At least we are feeling a bit more happy with day to day life and the relaxation of C Virus restrictions. We still get zapped for temperature whenever entering a shop or building and there's the totally ludicrous requirement to wear masks EVERYWHERE!!! We've seen joggers and cyclists huffing and puffing behind their masks deficient in oxygen and occasionally someone else who has given up entirely with the mask around their chin. We are in that latter category too. However, we have no argument with masks indoors where there may be other people, but walking, running, cycling and driving your own car - mindless bureaucratic nonsense and devoid of all commonsense. 
And the latest technological requirement which usually and infuriatingly totally eludes us, is that there are no paper menus in restaurants any more. You are required to take a photo of some sort of icon glued to the table which is attached to a website which then downloads the restaurant's menu to your phone. The last restaurant we went into said it would appear in Dropbox - the only problem is that we do not have Dropbox! So our approach from now on will be to hand our phones to the Maitre D with instructions for them to attach their menu to our phones. If they can't or won't do it, or won't verbally relate the menu, we'll leave. 
Total cases 1,793 (1,714) - up 79 or 4.6%
Deaths 24 - 1.3% (22 - 1.4%) - up 2 or 9.1%
Recovered 1,655 - 92.3% (1,531 - 95.6%) - up 124 or 8.1%
Therefore active cases 114 - 6.4% (49 - 3.0%) - up 65 or 132.7%. Of the total population of 5,002,100 (still no change????? - cannot believe this! Must talk to Jim's eldest midwife daughter - she's not doing her job!!!!), the percentage of active cases is 0.0022% (0.001%) of the total population.
NZ is still trying to pursue the "elimination" strategy, but it has not been working lately - and will not work long term.There has been community transmission, which in their naivety, they thought had been eliminated for good 100 days before the present clusters of infection reared their ugly heads. NZ has been doing a good job in keeping infection rates low, but at what human and commercial cost? As examples of commercial reality that NZ must face (with effective control measures) - they have lost a major Rugby tournament to Australia, as well as the spectre of the Bledisloe Cup between Australia and NZ not being played at all. These 2 instances represent major financial losses to the Rugby sporting code and to the country in general. However, from more recent news reports, it appears now that 2 Bledisloe matches will be played in NZ, thanks to the government finally taking a sensible attitude to compulsory quarantine - for once!!  Another effect of the government's draconian stance on border closure and its effect on any sort of tourism is that now several Air NZ 777's are mothballed in a deep sleep in the Mojave Desert, USA. 
There is also still the question of over 300 yachts needing to leave the Pacific Islands and head south to NZ to avoid the cyclone season in the Islands. These boats will spend many $$$$$'s with local boat yards as well and the boatyards depend on that income year by year. A decision MUST be made no later than 3 weeks from now to enable boats to fix their passage plans and for appropriate quarantine facilities to be established, notwithstanding that the crews will have effectively quarantined for the required 14 days in any case during their passages. Many of the boats will come anyway, because it is a legal requirement for the master of any craft, big or small, to keep their vessels and the crews safe as far as practically possible. Staying in the Pacific Islands in the cyclone season would in fact be contradictory to that requirement and would be an act of extreme folly. It would be an absolute shambles if the government did not recognise this reality and act accordingly.  NZ's reputation amongst the yacht cruising fraternity would suffer greatly unless they are officially granted entry. But, in spite of all that, this Socialist NZ government is not known for its decision making ability!
The other issue that we have been trying to obtain information about is the Communist Party of China's Belt and Road Initiative and whether NZ has signed this pernicious agreement. But reliable and verifiable information seems impossible to obtain and to us that is very suspicious. Probably desperately trying to keep the whole issue under wraps until after the election next month. Typical of the secretive legislation already passed by the Socialist Government of NZ.
Never mind - after the B&RI has been signed, the CCP will be insisting that their UNTESTED vaccine be given to the NZ population compulsorily - certainly for a start if you wish to travel anywhere. With the undoubted side effects from this, the Chinese takeover of NZ will be complete.
There will be some unpleasant surprises - political and financial -  after October.  
Total cases 26,565 (23,035) - up 3,530 or 15.3%
Deaths 797 - 3.0% (370 - 1.7%) - up 427 or 115.4%
Recovered 23,217 - 87.4% (13,634 - 59.2%) - up 9,583 or 70.3%
Therefore active cases 2,551 - 9.6% (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 6,471 or 71.7%. Of the total population of 25,557,148 (25,536,945), the percentage of active cases is 0.01% (0.04%) of the total population.
These figures are mainly the result of the total ineptness of the Victoria State Government. Total cases keep increasing, as do deaths - by 427 over the last 4 weeks. On the other hand - and nothing to do with the Victorian Premier - recoveries are up 70% and therefore active cases have declined significantly also. All the Premier appears willing to do is continue to destroy his state's economy by maintaining restrictive lockdowns. 

ESTADOS UNIDOS - United States
Total cases 6,596,819 (5,429,115) - up 1,167,704 or 21.5%
Deaths 196,454 - 3.0% ( 170,781 - 3.2%) - up 25,673 or 15.0%
Recovered 3,882,295 - 58.9% (2,844,525 - 52.4%) - up 1,037,770 or 36.5%
Therefore active cases 2,518,070 - 38.1% (2,413,829 - 44.6%) - up 104,241 or 4.3%. Of the total population of 331,383,397 (331,235,184) the percentage of active cases is 0.76% (0.729%) of the total population.
These figures do not give much cause for optimism. Total cases rise all the time; however, recoveries are also well up. But active cases also continue to rise because recoveries are not making a sufficient difference overall. And of course there is always the deliberate misreporting of data which is believed to be widespread. Hopefully the recovery rate will soon overcome the new infection rate and that as a result we will start to see a substantial decrease in the rate of active cases.
The worry of course is that with better figures so far eluding the administration, and with the weaponisation of the C Virus by the Democrats, the situation could well adversely affect President Trump's re-election chances. But although the polls show Trump trailing by a small margin, especially in swing states, we believe, as do a number of political commentators, that there is a considerable number of voters who never declare their political intentions and who are Trump voters. We continue to be confident of a Trump victory, but the actual margin remains to be seen of course.
We could go on and on about Biden's cognitive unfitness, his proved corruption by the Ukraine and the CCP, his racist past with his support of racial segregation in schools and the Democrat Party's racist attitudes in general. They have never done anything for the black people and have always relied upon their automatic support. But there is an amazing number of black leaders who have been traditional Democrat supporters, but who are now realising how they have been duped continually over the last century and a half by the Democrats. They are in many cases publicly declaring themselves for Trump and the Republicans. The wheel has come full circle since the Civil War 160 years ago where the Republicans were the ones to abolish slavery against the opposition of the southern Democrats who also gave birth to the Ku Klux Klan. Finally the Democrats' shameful past could at last be catching up with them.
We could write pages about the Democrats and their unspeakable hypocrisy but it's all been said. We can only hope that President Trump and the Republicans prevail in the coming elections - only 49 days away now. He must win because the corrupt Biden and the Socialist/Communist Democrats who control him would continue the sellout to China and also advance their socialist agenda for America. This includes socialist teachings in universities to infiltrate young minds and the absurd attitude towards whites that they should be ashamed of their whiteness and that they should be preoccupied with continually apologising to blacks and absolving themselves of their whiteness!!
And following on from that, we like most people have been horrified and traumatised at the shooting of two police officers as they sat in their patrol car in LA. We witnessed the CCTV footage of this horrific act. One of the officers, a 34 year old mother of a 6 year old and the other, a male 24 year old were shot in their heads and faces at point blank range through the police car window. Incredibly it seems possible that they will both survive, albeit with horrific injuries and no doubt long term mental effects. The female officer, although shot through the jaw and bleeding heavily, managed to call for help and also attached a tourniquet to the wounded male officer to staunch some of his bleeding. Then the unspeakable mob attempted to block access to the hospital's emergency department all the while screaming - "we hope the f-----g pigs die". What sort of low lifes are these?
Dan Bongino, a Fox News contributor, and a former NYPD police officer and Secret Service agent was emotional as he recounted his reaction. He made reference to the continuing violence - mainly in blue (Democrat) states and cities -  and almost said that, such is the outrage and fury among a probable majority of Americans (most of whom are seriously armed), there is a high possibility of some sort of civil war. If Biden is elected, he felt that would be a certainty, given the emboldenment and encouragement that would result among the professional rioters. If Trump is re-elected he would probably need to invoke the Insurrection Act which would give him the authority to use the armed forces to seize and maintain law and order for as long as it took. This would be regardless of the Democrat states and their seditious leaders' obvious preferences. In our view this scenario is exactly what is needed to finally deal with this orchestrated violence. We are sure that it is coming from Communist China, aided and abetted by George Soros and other shadowy,misguided wealthy figures who have been making sure the BLM, etc have adequate funding for their nefarious purposes.
On that sober note we will leave you and hope that everyone is well and getting your lives back together as much as possible, given the present state of the Chinese Virus wherever you may be.
With all best wishes and lotsaluv from the City of Eternal Spring,
Jim and Jean
WhatsApp - +57 310 3069697 (Jim) or +57 318 4948798 (Jean)    


Sunday, 6 September 2020

Latest Chinese Virus stats since 14/08 - 21 days ago

These are the latest Chinese Virus stats since our last advice 7 days ago. The source is but the numbers are only as good as the numbers advised by various governments. So, therefore a big word of caution. Comparative figures relate to 14/08/21 (3 weeks ago).

MUNDO - world - estimated net increase in population: 1,557,692 per week.
Total cases 26,547,419 (21,168,111) - up 5,379,308 or 25.4%
Deaths 874,424 - 3.3% (759,329 - 3.6%) - up 115,095 or 15.2%
Recovered 18,732,160 - 70.6% (13,984,843 - 66.1%) - up 4,747,317 or 34.0%  
Therefore active cases 6,940,835 - 26.2% (6,425,939 - 30.3%) - up 514,896 or 8.0%
Of the total population of 7,809,591,945 (7,804,918,919) the percentage of active cases is 0.089% (0.082%) of the total world population.

Total cases 641,574 (433,805) - up 207,769 or 47.9%
Deaths 20,618 - 3.2% (14,145 - 3.3%) - up 6,473 or 45.8% 
Recovered 489,151 - 76.2% (250,494 - 57.7%) - up 238,657 or 95.3%
Therefore active cases 131,805 - 20.5% (169,166 - 39.0%) - down 37,361 or 22.1%. Of the total population of 50,977,729 (50,946,629) the percentage of active cases is 0.259% (0.332%) 
Selected areas in Colombia:
Total cases 20,758 (20,086) - up 672 or 3.4%
Deaths 528 - 2.5% (515 - 2.6%) - up 13 or 2.5%
Recovered 18,960 - 91.3% (18,034 - 89.7%) - up 926 or 5.1%
Therefore active cases 1,270 - 6.1% (1,547 - 7.7%) - down 277 or 17.9%
ANTIOQUIA PROVINCE - of which Medellin is the capital
Total cases 86,426 (76,292) - up 10,134 or 13.3%
Deaths 1,831 - 2.1% (1,571 - 2.1%) - up 260 or 16.6%
Recovered 67,885 - 78.6% (55,960 - 73.4%) - up 11,925 or 21.3%
Therefore active cases 16,710 - 19.3% (18,761 - 24.6%) - down 2,051 or 10.9%

Total cases 1,764 (1,714) - up 50 or 2.9%
Deaths 23 - 1.3% (22 - 1.4%) - up 1 or 4.6%
Recovered 1,630 - 92.4% (1,531 - 95.6%) - up 99 or 6.5%
Therefore active cases 111 - 6.3% (49 - 3.0%) - up 62 or 126.5%. Of the total population of 5,002,100 (still no change - what is going on in NZ?!!!!) the percentage of active cases is 0.0022% (0.001%) of the total population.

Total cases 26,136 (23,035) - up 3,101 or 13.5%
Deaths 737 - 2.8% (370 - 1.7%) - up 367 or 99.2%
Recovered 22,169 - 84.8% (13,634- 59.2%) - up 8,535 or 62.6%
Therefore active cases 3,230 - 12.4% (9,022 - 39.2%) - down 5,792 or 64.2%. Of the total population of 25,551,491 (25,536,945) the percentage of active cases is 0.0126% (0.04%) of the total population.

ESTADOS UNIDOS - United States
Total cases 6,338,119 (5,429,115) - up 909,004 or 16.7%
Deaths 191,137 - 3.0% (170,781 - 3.2%) - up 20,356 or 11.9%
Recovered 3,575,866 - 56.4% (2,844,525 - 52.4%) - up 731,341 or 25.7%
Therefore active cases 2,571,116 - 40.6% (2,413,829 - 44.6%) - up 157,287 or 6.5%. Of the total population of 331,346,344 (331,235,184) the percentage of active cases is 0.776% (o.729%) of the total population.

Now for the usual comments - 
1) The World - active cases are up half a million or 8% in 3 weeks. This must be of concern, especially as the reported Chinese figures are ridiculously low. And the percentage of active cases by total population has increased from 0.086% to 0.089%. The Chinese Virus is still with us.
2) Colombia - mixed bag really. Total cases have increased by 47.9% - deaths up by 45.8% - recovered up 95.8% with the result that active cases are down by 37,361 or 22.1%. Measured against population, active cases are now 0.259% against 3  weeks ago at 0.286%. So, overall a slow, but steady improvement.
Colombia is still experiencing massacres - the last one in the SW province of Narino which is the 3rd there in a month. 4 people killed in the normally quiet NE part of the province. And the government is consolidating its position as regards control of key organs of the judiciary and the Supreme Court by appointments of extreme loyalists of the President to key controlling positions. At a time when Colombia should be single-mindedly pursuing the opportunities offered by the US de-coupling from China, all they seem to be able to concentrate on is the possible extradition from the US of a former paramilitary commander who can spill the criminal beans on everyone from the President down, including the present Ambassador to the US. It is unlikely that the US will permit the extradition, because they know that this individual's life won't be worth a damn if he is returned to Colombia. How any meaningful trade negotiations can take place in this climate is hard to see and once again great opportunities for this otherwise wonderful country are being wilfully prejudiced and squandered.
3) New Zealand - unfortunately the locally transmitted cases are continuing, although at a very minor pace compared with most countries. Active cases are up by 111 - 126.5% since 3 weeks ago. Hardly earth shattering, but NZ thinks it is!! However, it all seems to be very much under tight control. We say again the goal of elimination will NOT work long-term. And unfortunately that is the time frame the world is looking at.  
There is another interesting situation developing though. Some reports say that there are over 300 cruising yachts of various nationalities trapped in various Pacific Islands. This could represent over 1,000 crew and skippers. Normally these boats all depart the Islands in October and November to escape the risk of cyclones, but of course this year NZ's borders remain closed. Our opinion is that these boats and their crews MUST be allowed into NZ for humanitarian reasons firstly, and also because they represent large dollars of refit costs which traditionally they spend while in NZ. The minimum voyage time from any of the Islands is 7 days, so if a 14 day quarantine period was imposed, they would have at least completed 50% of that which would render the whole operation simpler. Although of course there would be fairly severe logistics involved in provisioning and accommodating this number of boats until they had completed their quarantines. But it's certainly all doable. Anyway, with some organisation the arrivals could be staggered so that 300 boats didn't all arrive at once. If it was us,we would just arrive and say - "well, we're here; what are you going to do about it?" Masters of ships of whatever size have a legal duty to preserve the safety of their vessels and crews and that must be paramount in their decisions. NZ needs to get organised NOW, because this is going to happen.
Finally, we are concerned to know whether in fact NZ has signed the Belt and Road Initiative with the Communist Party of China. We have been told that it was signed on August 11th., but we have been unable to gain any absolute confirmation. This is very concerning - in fact far more so than the Chinese Virus itself. China by all accounts is in the final throes of finalising a "vaccination", and they are foregoing the vital testing procedure which would normally take about a year. All in the name of $$$$$$$$$$$'s. If NZ has signed the B&RI, it could mean that a Chinese Virus vaccination could become compulsory for the whole population and guess which one would be foisted on the NZ population!!! Completely untested. We think that this is where all this is heading. Speculative of course, BUT.....................     
4) Australia - it is pleasing and a relief to see that the statistics are recovering from the situation caused by the Victorian State Government's earlier total mishandling of the virus response. Active cases are down 62.4% from 3 weeks ago and as a percentage of total population, the active cases are down from 0.017% to 0.0126%
5) United States - the stats are still a concern. We have alluded to this before, but to what extent they are being manipulated to hurt the Trump campaign is unknown. However, given the Democrat's propensity for underhand MO, it seems very likely that they are being manipulated. 
The comparative figures are - total cases up 16.7%, deaths up 11.9%, recoveries up 25.7% and finally active cases are up 6.5%. These comparisons are all over the past 3 weeks. 
The presidential election is now (from last Friday) 60 days away. The riots have quietened down because the Democrats have realised that they are doing their campaign much more harm than President Trump's. However, it seems that they are being kept on the back burner. They'll probably increase the intensity again as Nov. 3rd. gets closer. 
There has been so much hypocrisy and lying on the part of the Dems, that it's impossible to know where to start and stop. We've had Crooked Hillary saying that no matter what the election outcome, Biden must not concede. This amounts to sedition on the part of  a former 1st Lady, Senator and Secretary of State. Still, she's a Democrat - so no surprises there.
Biden himself continues to make little headway, even when he manages to stick his head over the parapet of his basement. Trump will slaughter him when the debates take place - if the Dems finally decide to allow them. They are between a rock and a hard place all of their own making. Unbelievable incompetence. The bottom line for all our sakes - Biden must NOT gain the White House.
The almost certain possibility of election fraud remains a high concern with the Democrats' insistence on mail-in voting. Over 80 million ballots potentially involved, and with the Democrat states' record and incompetence with other much smaller elections, fraud and mishandling seems a certainty. The Democrats will do all they can to force lack of decision by the Electoral College for as long as they can, and so the nightmare situation would be that if the election was undecided by Jan. 20th. 2021, the present lying Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, would become acting president and then the House of Representatives would actually elect the president based on which party held the majority in the House, regardless of the fact that all indications at that point could be showing that Trump should be elected. 
We believe that this is the Democrats' endgame because they know that Biden cannot be elected by normal legal and legitimate means. If this outrageous situation developed we also believe that it would then be likely that there would be a military coup. This might sound outlandish, but from what we've read and heard, it could be a distinct possibility.
Let's hope that it doesn't come to anything like that, but with the scheming Dems anything is possible.
Stay well everyone and with all best wishes and lotsaluv from us in the City of Eternal Spring............
Jim and Jean
P.S. Jean's health remains much better than the day back in April when she went to hospital with a blood oxygen level of 49%,  but she still uses the oxygen generator at night.