---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: James Donald <tiare.taporo3@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Mar 29, 2020, 16:46
Subject: Fwd: COVID-19
To: Alec Donald <adonald@abdonaldltd.co.nz>
Cc: Amanda Donald <amandadonaldrm@gmail.com>, Charlotte Donald <chillitdonald@yahoo.com>, <Rozanne.Donald@mrgs.school.nz>, Linda Luxford <lindaluxford9@gmail.com>, Hamish Mead <bluedogstainless@xtra.co.nz>, IA GODFREY <iagodfrey@aol.com>, Astrid Meléndez <astridmelendez@une.net.co>, Clara Restrepo Velez <claramemo@hotmail.com>, Darren MacGillivray <dmacgillivray71@gmail.com>, Heather Lal <heatherlal53@gmail.com>, Jiveen MacGillivray <jiveen@gmail.com>, Monica Correa <monica.m.correa@icloud.com>, Andrew Miller <andrew@bushroad.co.nz>, Cath Pioletti <cpioletti@yahoo.com>, Angela Patricia Sanchez <apsanchez@alianza.com.co>, Graham <graham@tennisauckland.co.nz>, <dianden@icloud.com>, John Bassili <jajbassili@gmail.com>, <norsand@xtra.co.nz>, Pritika Lal <pritika.lal@gmail.com>, litara barrott <yachtsina@hotmail.com>, Miguel Homsey <MDH229@aol.com>
From: James Donald <tiare.taporo3@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Mar 29, 2020, 16:46
Subject: Fwd: COVID-19
To: Alec Donald <adonald@abdonaldltd.co.nz>
Cc: Amanda Donald <amandadonaldrm@gmail.com>, Charlotte Donald <chillitdonald@yahoo.com>, <Rozanne.Donald@mrgs.school.nz>, Linda Luxford <lindaluxford9@gmail.com>, Hamish Mead <bluedogstainless@xtra.co.nz>, IA GODFREY <iagodfrey@aol.com>, Astrid Meléndez <astridmelendez@une.net.co>, Clara Restrepo Velez <claramemo@hotmail.com>, Darren MacGillivray <dmacgillivray71@gmail.com>, Heather Lal <heatherlal53@gmail.com>, Jiveen MacGillivray <jiveen@gmail.com>, Monica Correa <monica.m.correa@icloud.com>, Andrew Miller <andrew@bushroad.co.nz>, Cath Pioletti <cpioletti@yahoo.com>, Angela Patricia Sanchez <apsanchez@alianza.com.co>, Graham <graham@tennisauckland.co.nz>, <dianden@icloud.com>, John Bassili <jajbassili@gmail.com>, <norsand@xtra.co.nz>, Pritika Lal <pritika.lal@gmail.com>, litara barrott <yachtsina@hotmail.com>, Miguel Homsey <MDH229@aol.com>
Hi to all,
We are forwarding a draft letter to President Trump which we then tried to send but the email address which we obtained off the internet would not work, so we have sent a greatly truncated version just in the last few minutes on the White House website. We are sure that he will be able to read between the lines!
As we said in the letter, we are looking at an ideal world and have paid no attention to the possible economic and military fallouts from our suggestions, but that's his job. We are just promulgating ideas. We would appreciate your comments!!!!
Jean's health is a bit better, but it's very up and down. Yesterday, thanks to Clara, we went to the Clinica Campestre and had a consultation with a very pleasant young lady doctor who said, after hearing and reading about Jean's medical history that she was extremely worried. She has given us orders for various tests which we will take to Sura tomorrow morning - today is Sunday. Hopefully these can be carried out during this coming week, but the problem will be getting specialist appointments as all the specialist doctors seem to have decamped from town and left the front-line Coronavirus fight to the junior doctors and nurses. Don't know what would happen if emergency surgery was required. And it looks likely, and indeed it was the opinion of the Campestre doctor that the lockdown is likely to be extended. So, we just have to stay reasonably well. But Jean is experiencing some digestive issues as well as the respitatory ones and that is our main worry, although she does seem to be much better over the last 2 days. Fingers crossed.
Anyway, not much to report being here in lockdown. Envigado has instituted a system of using the last number of ID's (cedulas) to denote which 2 days that you can go to a supermarket. But since our 2 cedulas have different numbers we actually have 4 days!! But that's in Envigado and as we are right on the border of Medellin and Envigado, we can go any day because Medellin has not so far instituted any such system. But the rules change all the time. We have one supermarket in Medellin and the other in Envigado - both within 10 minutes walking from home.
Interesting to watch developments, but we feel very much for those who have lost their businesses and/or their jobs.
This will be the biggest conundrum of this whole ghastly business and it will become more acute as time passes. How many countries have the resources to fund their whole populations while jobs and business income dries up?
More reason than ever to hold the evil CCP to account, but no amount of money can ever compensate for the scourge that they have unleashed on the world. It's quite easy to see the endgame - bankrupt the world and then take it all over for a song. These bastards have to be STOPPED!!!
America cannot do it on their own; it also depends on all independent nations who espouse similar ideals.
We must all pull together to defeat the evil Communist Party of China.
Lotsaluv from us in Medellin
Jim and Jean
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From: James Donald <tiare.taporo3@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 at 19:22
Subject: COVID-19
To: <comments@whitehouse.com>
From: James Donald <tiare.taporo3@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 at 19:22
Subject: COVID-19
To: <comments@whitehouse.com>
Dear Mr. President,
We have written to you before; we are big fans of yours. We are NZ nationals living permanently in Medellin, Colombia.
We are sure that you are aware of all the issues concerning what we are about to discuss, but we nevertheless felt that it was important to share our opinions.
We have no facts or scientific evidence, but we have made some intelligent assumptions - we hope!
We refer to the start of the C-Virus infection in China. We have never subscribed to the theory that it started as a transfer of infection from some type of wild animal to humans, despite all the false theories and claims. We believe that it was deliberately manufactured and then released into the general population of Wuhan to try and give credibility to this crackpot theory of wild animal transfer. Perhaps it was partly experimental to see how quickly it could spread within a close population. And the other part of the experiment was to see how long it would take to be transmitted to other countries - along with deliberate lies and misinformation. Following on from that we have just read on Newsmax that of a consignment of C-virus test kits sent by China to Czechoslovakia just recently, a large proportion was faulty. We wonder whether this was deliberate in an effort to slow any recovery in that country, and possibly some others.
Apart from the scientific interest in the above, we also believe that the whole rotten business is aimed at destabilising all countries' economies, but particularly that of the USA in an effort to prevent your re-election in November. But due to your prescience and acumen, you recognised the danger early on and banned all flights from China to the US. This action, while no doubt saving untold numbers of American lives, also earned you serious criticism at the time of being racist and xenophobic! All lies of course and mostly from the usual suspects - the Democrats. That disgusting narrative has now all but disappeared.
And as regards the Democrats, their absolutely treasonous attempt to blackmail you and the Administration into inserting their socialist agenda into your 2 trillion USD rescue package for the American people is unforgivable. They have no scruples whatsoever and in this case they are prepared to delay the receipt of much needed aid to the American people in order to advance their nefarious and destructive agenda. Recent examples of similar deceitful and illegal behaviour include the Kavanaugh Hearings and of course the attempt to impeach you. They must never be let anywhere near the White House, the Congress or the Senate after November. They may reincarnate in the future into a credible opposition, but right now they are extremely dangerous.
And we remind you of the very recent disgusting and outright hostile comments from the official newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party - Xinhua News Agency. They stated that "they would see America in a deep Coronavirus sea". Maybe not the exact wording, but near enough. The meaning is unmistakable and constitutes war. China of course is reacting in this way with outrageous actions and propaganda because they see your re-election as a great danger to them as you are the only US President to have seriously resisted China's blatant attempts to destroy the US and dominate the world.
We also refer to the Chinese assurances in late December that they had the outbreak under control and that there was no community transfer of infection between humans. Lies again of course. As a result the World Health Organisation, which is largely in the pocket of China, on January 14th. issued a tweet with no attempt at any independent verification re-affirming these lies - a move they now bitterly regret apparently. Too late because of course it lulled the world into a false sense of security, with all the predictable results we are now seeing.
In view of all this, we believe that China has been guilty of a monstrous assault on humanity and the economies that support that humanity. To those who would say - "they would never perpetrate anything like this on their own population" - we say absolute rubbish. The Chinese Communist Party has never been concerned in the slightest about the welfare of their own people, except maybe as a labour force for their exports in order to take over the world economy by stealth. We cite the massive loss of life of the Chinese people that occurred during the brutal regime of Mao Tse-tung who directly and indirectly caused 70 million Chinese people to lose their lives. He starved much of the population to death because he exported as much food as he possibly could to the then Soviet Union in return for nuclear weapon technology. During the Korean War, in an effort to look better equipped militarily than he actually was, he forcibly recruited thousands of young Chinese and sent them into battle with absolutely no arms at all. Of course they were massacred, but possibly he achieved his aim of appearing to be stronger militarily than he was - no doubt with the specious aim of appearing stronger at any future peace negotiations.
In view of the above we consider that it is imperative that you at least consider some of the following recommendations as regards future action. We fully understand that some of these will be either politically or financially unacceptable, but we urge you to at least give them serious consideration - having regard to the massive damage directly caused by China to all of our countries. At best this is Chinese intransigence and misinformation and at worst a deliberate attempt to fundamentally attack countries such as the USA, who espouse democracy and freedom - both anathema to the Communist philosophy.
1) Maintain the current ban on flights from China indefinitely and a total ban on ALL Chinese nationals from entering the US - also indefinitely.
2) Require all US registered companies to forthwith repatriate their commercial activities from China to the US, or such other countries as may be approved from time to time. Any US companies currently operating outside the US would not be entitled to any US Federal aid as is currently proposed.
3) Chinese owned US debt - as at December 2019 this stood at 1.07 trillion USD. This debt should be immediately 100% repudiated and all other countries who may also owe Communist China monies in respect of loans should be encouraged to also repudiate that debt.
4) All Chinese assets in the US either owned by the Chinese Government or individual Chinese companies or individuals, including shares in listed US companies, should immediately be seized and nationalised. This would in all probability produce far more than 3 above. And all possible future sales of US assets to Chinese or their surrogates should be prohibited indefinitely.
5) Chinese sourced goods should either be 100% banned from import into the US or else be subjected to a punitive tariff of at least 500%.
These moves would cripple China which, considering the economic damage and loss of life that they will have caused, are entirely justified and still do not come close to a just reparation of the losses they have caused. The danger of course is that whenever a country is pushed hard against the wall, they could react in violent ways. Japan in the early 1940's which was denied access to raw materials, is a case in point. They invaded Manchuria for coal and Indonesia for oil. And of course there was much collateral damage caused in the process.
Such actions would also cause economic hardship for a time for the US and indeed the rest of the world, including our own country, NZ. But in time these consequences would be alleviated by new trading relationships - excluding China.
These risks can be managed and are worth taking in order to stop China from its malign intentions, which it has no intention of stopping.
Finally, we admire everything you have achieved - in many cases far more than the 3-4 presidents who have preceded you. We wish you all the very best for November 2020 and also for your fight against Covid-19 and the economic recovery to come.
With very best regards,
Jim Donald and Jean Tallentire