Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Re: A red letter day

HI Jim and Jean!
As Americans, we're always amazed at the attention and insight others have in the world to the political situation in the US. It's not uncommon to have a more intelligent conversation about US politics with a taxi driver in Malaysia than I can with most people in the US.
I too think the our country, and the world, dodged a bullet with the election of Trump, but not primarily from your perspective. Those of us in the US of the liberal point of of view, myself included, who know Clinton the best, feared her warmongering as the number one issue. The woman has never seen a war or US military intervention that she didn't approve of. She's openly pushed for a no fly zone in Syria putting us on a collision course with Russia interests. She has openly talked about using nuclear weapons against Iran. Frankly, she terrifies me. She may have led the world into WWIII.
Second was her criminality and being able to tell one lie after another is astonishing. I'm in utter amazement that anyone could actually support her based on the valid accusations of her negligent handling of classified information and her non-stop flip-flopping on political issues based on which way the wind happened to be blowing that day. She has been on both sides of every single issue important to the public in this election and in some cases flip flopped repeatedly depending on which type of group she happened to be speaking to at the time.
Third, her ties to big banks, the military industry and the rest of the 1% who control our country would be devastating to what's left of the middle class in our country. Her concerns are only with her friends who wish to take every last penny from hard working Americans. It's not that her taxation positions are the problems, it's the positions of wanting to allow banks to charge exorbitant fees, waste taxpayer dollars on non-essential wars and American interventionist missions abroad. Although she flipped on the TPP trade agreement during the election, the same agreement she regularly referred to as the "gold standard" of trade agreements, all of us knew if elected she would flip back and do anything possible to get that trade agreement passed. Yes, her loss saved NZ and many other countries from the sucking sound of jobs leaving their countries and heading to China.
Now don't get me wrong! I am no Trump fan! Trump has made helped make racism in the US a very serious problem. His victory sends a signal to all of his supporters that violence against minorities is approved. I'm sure many of his supporters now think it is encouraged. The US is different than NZ in that there are large numbers of blacks, Latinos, Muslims and many other minority groups who probably feel their lives are in danger right now. I understand their concern. I truly expect attacks against minorities to increase dramatically with a Trump victory.
I fully agree with you that every country has a right to protect it's borders from illegal immigration. It's relatively easy for NZ. You are an island! I've travelled there and had to clear customs. It's not like you have to worry about illegal emigrants paddling a canoe or jumping a fence to get into your country. The fact of the matter is that undocumented workers from Mexico are essential to the US economy. Without those low cost workers, most of our agricultural crops would never be harvested. Americans simply won't do those jobs for the amount being paid. The US could have taken care of the immigration problem decades ago has they just enforced existing laws and fined the living hell out of companies and corporations they hire undocumented workers, But no one in government will ever do anything to stand in the way of corporate profits.
Sheri and I started our day today with coffee and a quick breakfast and then I made a big batch of Bloody Mary's as we settled in to watch the election results. We both were pretty resign to the fact that Hillary was going to win. As the results came in we were stunned. We're still stunned! We were full on supporters of the "socialist" Bernie Sanders. After Hillary and the DNC cheated him we really didn't care much who won. Trying to pick the lesser of two evils and fully support them is something we simply can't do. Although many are saying that Trump won because his supporters are racists, misogynists and xenophobes, we really don't believe that. The message voters sent to both the republican and democratic parties is that they are sick and tired of the status quo. They are sick and tired of politicians catering to the needs of the wealthy and well connected and completely ignoring those not in their financial bracket. They want there their overseas jobs sent back, they want a secure retirement and like people all over the world, they want a better future for their children than they had themselves.
Interesting times indeed! I'm not sure what is really in store with a Trump presidency but I was fully aware of what of what a Clinton presidency would bring. War, a continuation of benefits to the 1% and more pain and suffering of everyday, hard working Americans. I expect that Trumps rhetoric on deporting Muslims and building walls on our border will ease some and who knows, he may actually turn out to be the populist president people are hoping. Time will tell. But we are relieved that the the criminal, warmonger Hillary Clinton will not be leading our country.
And just so I understand your post fully, by PC I assume you mean politically correct? I have to ask just to make sure I understand. You Kiwi's talk kind of funny! You have sayings like "Put some tinnys in the chilly bin". No one in the US, that hasn't been to NZ, has any idea what that means! LOL!
Feel free to share my thoughts with those on your email distribution list. Some of them might find it interesting!
We'll be headed back up to Thailand at the end of the month and probably be there for 3 months. Hope to see you two soon!
Hugs to both of you!!
From: James Donald
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2016 8:08 PM
Subject: A red letter day
Hi to all,
Couldn't resist sending this email to commemorate what is probably the end of PC and excessive government meddling together with extortionate taxes in all our lives.
We feel as apprehensive about a Trump presidency as anyone, but we feel that the potential benefits outweigh the risks of having a crooked narcissistic person such as Hillary Clinton in the White House.
There is obviously a huge groundswell of extreme dissatisfaction with the political status quo in the world and the first manifestation of that was Brexit. All governments, including the Key government in NZ should take note, or otherwise at their peril.
All countries are entitled to their national identities, which includes judicious control of immigration. Trump is going to deal with that to protect his country from being swamped with opportunistic economic refugees.
The other major issue for most "western" countries is that of JOBS EXPORT. NZ and America and many other naïve countries have over the past few years exported our jobs to low cost economies. As a result our own economies have suffered, even though you might be able to buy a T-shirt for less than $10.
Trump's plan to place tariffs on imported goods (particularly from China) and to judiciously tear up disadvantageous so-called free trade agreements (including the one-sided TPPA) is inspirational. A lucky escape for NZ.
The Trump victory feels like a breath of fresh air. There is a huge feeling of relief that PC and all the negative propagandist rubbish that surrounds it is on the skids.
Trump's slogan is "America First". We have our own equivalent party in NZ - NZ First. It would be wonderful if NZF and its leader, Winston Peters at least occupied a position of real power after the 2017 election. Then NZ would be once again be for New Zealanders. New Zealand needs to URGENTLY follow Vancouver's lead and impose an at least 15% property tax on all property transactions involving non NZ residents or citizens.
Sorry for this political rant but this is a watershed event and hopefully people all over the world will be awakened.
Much love from us.............
Jim and Jean
s.v. Tiare Taporo III

A red letter day

Hi to all,
Couldn't resist sending this email to commemorate what is probably the end of PC and excessive government meddling together with extortionate taxes in all our lives.
We feel as apprehensive about a Trump presidency as anyone, but we feel that the potential benefits outweigh the risks of having a crooked narcissistic person such as Hillary Clinton in the White House.
There is obviously a huge groundswell of extreme dissatisfaction with the political status quo in the world and the first manifestation of that was Brexit. All governments, including the Key government in NZ should take note, or otherwise at their peril.
All countries are entitled to their national identities, which includes judicious control of immigration. Trump is going to deal with that to protect his country from being swamped with opportunistic economic refugees.
The other major issue for most "western" countries is that of JOBS EXPORT. NZ and America and many other naïve countries have over the past few years exported our jobs to low cost economies. As a result our own economies have suffered, even though you might be able to buy a T-shirt for less than $10.
Trump's plan to place tariffs on imported goods (particularly from China) and to judiciously tear up disadvantageous so-called free trade agreements (including the one-sided TPPA) is inspirational. A lucky escape for NZ.
The Trump victory feels like a breath of fresh air. There is a huge feeling of relief that PC and all the negative propagandist rubbish that surrounds it is on the skids.
Trump's slogan is "America First". We have our own equivalent party in NZ - NZ First. It would be wonderful if NZF and its leader, Winston Peters at least occupied a position of real power after the 2017 election. Then NZ would be once again be for New Zealanders. New Zealand needs to URGENTLY follow Vancouver's lead and impose an at least 15% property tax on all property transactions involving non NZ residents or citizens.
Sorry for this political rant but this is a watershed event and hopefully people all over the world will be awakened.
Much love from us.............
Jim and Jean
s.v. Tiare Taporo III